Wednesday, January 30, 2019 - Volume 11, Issue 12

Bell Let’s Talk Day: January 30th

By Mrs. L. Temple

Part of our Mental Health involves taking care of ourselves, having some fun, enjoying ourselves and team-building with colleagues at work. This afternoon, some staff took up my invitation to join a Zumba class to relieve some stress and participate in an activity for Bell Let’s Talk.

We certainly had some fun, enjoyed a few too many laughs and looked after our physical and mental health. Many thanks to a wonderful teacher from Doyle, Tania DaCosta, who came to facilitate the session and to those incredible staff members for getting out and involved in an activity to support their mental health and create awareness around mental health in general.

Saints, let’s keep the conversation going to break the stigma around mental health. Let’s also consider the language we use around mental health; being open to listening to those who need a friend; educating ourselves around mental health and the easiest- by being kind. Always.

Welcome to Semester 2

By Mrs. L. Temple

Saints, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Semester 2 and to challenge you to “Dare Greatly”.

“Daring Greatly” means to put yourself out there, jump in, join the learning, and be all in. It means trying something new, challenging yourself to do better, pushing yourself to maybe join a club or a team or participate in school life more fully. I want for all of you to think of one thing you could “Dare Greatly” with; one way that you will be vulnerable or try something new and different to step out of your comfort zone as that is where the learning happens. Go for it!!!

A change in semesters also brings a chance for a fresh start. It is a chance to remind ourselves of the goals and expectations we have agreed to by belonging to the St. Benedict School Community. Being in uniform, being proud to wear it and represent our community; coming to school on time, every day, and being the best student you can be by doing homework, getting assignments in on time, or seeking support when needed. These are what we are called to do as a student at St. Benedict. Our staff are called to help you be that best student by supporting you and challenging you to not only meet, but exceed these expectations. We know you can do it. We believe in you!

We look forward to welcoming you to Semester 2, reviewing these expectations and working hard to help you be successful. Together, we will be challenging ourselves to “Dare Greatly”, work hard and BE amazing at St. Benedict.


Calling All Children & Youth: We Need to Hear Your Voices!!!

Dear Parents / Guardians, Children & Youth…

We need your help!

Last year the Federal Government launched the “Smart Cities Challenge”, a national competition that encourages communities to come up with innovative technology solutions to their most pressing challenge. The top prize is $50 million!!!

Waterloo Region entered the contest with a focus on healthy children and youth. We want to make our community THE BEST in Canada for kids.

And we were chosen one of just five Canadian communities to compete for the award!

To help us win the $50 million, we are asking you (should you choose to participate) to assist your child(ren) in signing a special petition urging the competition judges to recognize the participation and support we have from local young people to win the smart cities challenge.

The petition is open to ALL children and youth up to age 18 and is available for your child(ren) to sign at:

Let’s hear all those #WCDSBAwesome Waterloo Catholic District School Board voices!!!

For more information, please visit

You can follow along @SmartWatRegion on Instagram and Twitter. Use #SmartWR #SmartCitiesCanada and #bestcommunityforkids when chatting on social media.

Here’s What to do When the Weather is Bad…

Winter has finally arrived in Waterloo Region! It’s snow season — and that means it’s time to review the WCDSB’s Inclement Weather Policy.

Winter weather can be very unpredictable. So it’s best to be prepared. Here are some key things to remember – because not every day with snow is a snow day:
  • Bad weather — such as a snow storm, freezing rain or frigid temperatures — is always a possibility during the winter months. It is very important to dress appropriately for the conditions.
  • During bad weather, schools and school board administrative sites may still be open, even if school buses are cancelled.
  • Between 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on mornings when inclement weather has been forecast for Waterloo Region, Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region (STSWR) — the arm’s length body that coordinates and operates student transportation for the school boards — assesses the current weather conditions, in consultation with local bus companies, if necessary. If a recommendation to cancel transportation (including potential closure of schools) is to be made, the local school boards are contacted and a joint decision is made between STSWR and the boards.
  • All reasonable efforts are made to announce any cancellation of buses or school closures by 6:00 a.m. Please note that public announcements will only be made if buses are cancelled and / or schools are closed.
  • It is recommended that parents, guardians, staff and students tune in a local Waterloo Region radio station and also monitor the following online information sources for information about potential closures or cancellations:
STSWR Website:

STSWR Twitter Feed: @STSWR

WCDSB Website:

WCDSB Twitter Feed: @WCDSBNewswire

An Invitation: Called to Belong

By WCDSB News Services
As we launch our new WCDSB Pastoral Plan, school administrators, school council chairs, student representatives, and school pastoral teams are encouraged to attend. School trustees will be in attendance and all staff and clergy are invited as well.
At this celebration we will introduce Called to Belong, the first theme of our new three-year Pastoral Plan.
Following the celebration, during the reception, the System Faith Formation Council will have stations set up throughout the hall to make resources and materials available for all school pastoral team members to take back to their school communities to help guide and animate the pastoral theme.
Pastoral Launch Invite

Bring Your Own Device and Purchase Program

Partnership with STAPLES Canada for Chromebooks and Windows 10 Cloudbooks

WCDSB has made significant investments to ensure our students and staff have access to a variety current technologies. The use of technology to support learning remains a key priority to ensure that students are equipped with the skills to flourish in an increasingly digital world. Chromebooks and Windows 10 Cloudbooks have proven to be versatile, reliable, and affordable digital tool in the classroom.

As students have engaged more with the technology that is available in their classrooms, many families have expressed interest in purchasing a device for their child to use at school and at home. Many parents have reached out, seeking advice about which technology would best support their child’s learning, is reasonably priced, yet durable enough to withstand the wear and tear of daily use as it’s transported back and forth to school each day.

More information can be found on the BYOD information page on the school board website:

If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity, you need to download and print out this document and take it to your nearest Staples store.


Specialist High Skills Major news

SHSM students are reminded to go to the website and look at trips and trainings that are available so far next semester.
Also, check your latest progress report to help you with your course planning for next year.

Umbrella Resilience Tip #3: Reframe the rain of life as important for your child

Imagine you are on stage about to perform for thousands of people. You’re sitting at a beautiful piano, but you have never played it before. The crowd is expecting a brilliant performance and you are not prepared. How do you feel? Fear? Panic?

This example beautifully parallels life. In order to be prepared for something we need to practice. To build resilience we need adversity. Every time we successfully weather a challenge in life, we gain a little bit more confidence in our ability to do that and we become a bit more resilient. Most parents dislike seeing their children upset and stressed, thinking that a bad thing has happened. However, most of the small challenges in life are what prepare you for the bigger ones along the way.

Now imagine you are sitting at that piano in front of thousands of people. Leading up to this point you have taken many lessons. You’ve performed first at your school recitals and with bigger and bigger audiences and bigger and bigger venues. You’ve played this specific piece so many times your body plays the keys without thinking about it. This is the biggest performance of your life so far, but you are ready. Better, right?!
Teach your kids to play at life. The good stuff, the tough stuff…don’t shelter them from all of life’s sprinkles. You can even try to feel a little bit of happiness, mixed in with the normal parent worry, every time they get to practice.

News from the Guidance Department

By Mrs. L. O'Neill

Course Selections for 2019 - 2020

Over the semester break is a great time to continue educational planning and start completing course
selections for next year. We have visited with all student in grade 9, 10 and 11. Grade 12 students
who are interested in returning to St. Benedict for a 5th year will be invited to attend a lunch session at a date to be determined. The decisions that students make now regarding their choices for next year are what drive the scheduling decisions that are made with regard to both the courses and the numbers of sections of each course that we offer at the school next year. The importance of making the right choices should not be underestimated as inappropriate course changes are not always easily corrected once the school year is under way.

As has been the practice for the past number of years, students will be choosing their courses on-line. However, our software has changed and we are now using myBlueprint.

All students should have received detailed instructions regarding the process for choosing
their classes during presentations. The site can be accessed as follows:
  1. Go myBlueprint
  2. Login using your school login or GAFE account login
Please note that course selections must be submitted to the school and signed by a parent, by
Thursday, February 28. Students are encouraged to consult the course calendar on the website, as well as subject specific teachers and guidance counsellors for help making the correct decisions. In addition to before school, after school and during the school day, guidance counsellors will also be available in room 111 during lunch on specific days leading up to the deadline date.

Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) and Course Selection

All students who are registered in one of the Specialist High Skills Major programs will receive a report
which indicates their progress in their sector of choice. Students should use this report to make sure that they choose courses for next year which will allow them to complete the SHSM academic requirements.

K-W Legacy Scholarship

The Legacy Scholarship Program was established to provide exemplary students with meaningful financial assistance for their pursuit of post-secondary education. Recipients of a Legacy scholarship will be leaders who create footprints, citizens who pay tribute to others, and individuals who enjoy fellowship with other members of the community.

Legacy Scholarship requirements
In order to qualify for a Legacy Scholarship, applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Attend a post-secondary institution that is approved by the Ontario Student Assistance Program
  • Have a minimum cumulative average of 70% in their top six 12 M/U courses
  • Demonstrate financial need
Student wishing to apply for the KW Legacy Scholarship should speak to their Guidance counsellor.
Applications should be received in Guidance by February 16th.

University of Waterloo Grade 10 Family Night

The University of Waterloo will be hosting an evening for Grade 10 students and their parents on Thursday February 21 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM. This is a great opportunity for grade 10 students who are thinking about attending any of Ontario’s universities. Information covered will include finding a program that is a good fit, navigating the application process, and financing post-secondary education. Register to attend

Community Service Hours

It is a requirement of graduation that each student complete 40 hours of community service. There are
many opportunities to fulfill this requirement. If you have already registered for Hour Republic check out the
guidelines on the website This website can also be used to track your hours and
see volunteer opportunities.

Grand River Transit: Cambridge high school students EasyGO fare card promotion

As part of the Region's Transit Supportive Strategy for the City of Cambridge, all Grade 9-12 students attending a Cambridge high school in fall 2018 are eligible to receive GRT’s new EasyGO fare card pre-loaded with $24 in stored value (equivalent to 10 rides at the 2018 high school reduced fare rate).
The cards are non-refundable, non-transferable, and are registered to each student. This promotion cannot be applied to the cost of a monthly pass. Cambridge high school students must request this promotion by December 31, 2019.

Who is eligible?

  • Any Grade 9-12 student with a valid student card for a high school in Cambridge
  • Any Cambridge high school student who has a Term Pass provided by Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region.

Bring with you:

  1. A printed and signed consent form. All students 17 years old and younger must present a consent form signed by a parent or legal guardian to get the EasyGO fare card.
  2. A valid Cambridge high school student identification card or timetable with student name.

Where to get your EasyGO Fare Card:

Additional Information:
  • $24 stored value can only be used when a monthly pass or term pass is not active on the fare card.
  • $24 value cannot be applied to the cost of a pass.
  • One $24 promotion per student. If a students EasyGO fare card is lost or stolen, GRT will cancel the card and issue a new card with the remaining value on your account.
  • The EasyGO fare card can be reloaded at GRT’s Ainslie or Charles terminal, and online in future.
As part of the approval of ION light rail transit in 2011, Regional Council approved funding for special projects to improve transit ridership in the City of Cambridge. The Transit Supportive Strategy for the City of Cambridge is to accelerate the implementation of light rail transit in that City.

Support Catholic Education



Enriching the Lives of Students

By Mrs. D. Wittmann
There many opportunities for students to enhance their learning experience: Enrichment courses, LEAP, OYAP, UCEP, Co-op, Home Build, SHSM, and Skills Canada. Visit the Enrichment blog for information on all these opportunities. The Blogroll contains a plethora of learning enhancements. To learn more about what we offer, click on Enrichment@St.Benedict.

English Corner

By Mrs. D. Wittmann
To receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) each student must obtain four credits in English (one credit per grade). Visit the English blog to read the course offerings provided by the Saint Benedict English Department. The Blogroll has great resources for both students and parents. Enjoy! English@St.Benedict blog.

Advanced Placement at St. Benedict

By Mrs. D. Wittmann
Advanced Placement (AP) is an internationally recognized program that allows students to enrich the Ontario Curriculum with the goal of achieving university accreditation.

What does the research say about AP students?
Research shows that the best predictor of whether or not a student completes a university degree is not their high school grades or standardized tests. Rather, the best predictor is how many challenging courses a student has taken in high school. Students who challenge themselves with AP courses and exams are much more likely to complete a university degree in four years or less.

Please visit:

Cooperative Education this semester

By Mrs. M. Crowell
Over 40 students were able to complete a coop placement for 2 credits this semester.
Students worked in a variety of community placements such as schools, kitchens, machine shops, vet clinics, dental clinics, law offices, Police Headquarters and the Safety Village.
Coop is a great way to experience new learning and try out a job in the world of work in grade 11 or 12. It is also a requirement if you are a Specialist High Skills Major student.
To take coop you need to select it in myblueprint and also complete an application and have 2 teachers complete student readiness forms for you (available in myblueprint, guidance or the coop office). You will have an interview in the spring where we are looking for good attendance and job readiness skills.
There will be a meeting in February for students to get more information about the process and the various programs. You can also drop in to the coop office on the second floor.
neison and chief
melcher and chief
Grade 12 Co-op students Faith Nieson and Katlyn Melcher receive a Certificate of Achievement from Police Chief Bryan Larkin for their work with Waterloo Regional Police Services.

Service Learning Program Seeks Your Support

This school year, Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School and St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School will be piloting a new Service Learning Program for the WCDSB. Students will be taking courses and participating in local community learning experiences to better understand social justice and equity issues from a personal level all the way to a global level. As part of the Service Learning Program students will be partnering with the Me to We organization and will be part of a build project in Kenya in May 2019.

The students and staff involved are planning fundraising during the school year leading up to the trip. They are hosting a major fundraiser in March. The event will be a dinner and silent auction to support the cost of the trip and work with WE. We are asking for your help, in the form of a donation, to provide an extensive array of items for the silent auction. We would ask you to include a business card with your donation, which will give your business the exposure it deserves. In addition, we will be acknowledging our supporters during the year in various ways through the schools. We would ask that if possible all donations be received by March 1, 2019.

We thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity, if you are able to make a donation or have a question please contact: or

Arrangements can be made to pick up your donation if you wish donations could be dropped off at:
Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School
185 Myers Road
Cambridge, ON N1R 7H2
St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School
50 Saginaw Parkway
Cambridge, ON N1R 5W1
If your company does not have items to donate but still would like to contribute to the Service Learning Program with a cash donation you may contact Jody Fritz at the Waterloo Region Catholic School Foundation office at 519-578-3660 ex 2373 or email at A charitable donation can be arranged for cash donations. When you contact the WRCSF office please indicate that you would like your donation directed to the Service Learning Program at Msgr. Doyle and St. Benedict.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity.

Marisa Rocha and Anne Denomme (Service Learning Program teachers)
Erin Riley and Lisa Mackay (Vice-Principals)

Pancakes and Bacon Anyone?

By Mrs. M. Rocha

On January 20, the students and staff of the Service Learning Program served up yummy pancakes and tasty bacon at our local Applebee’s to raise money for their WE Charity trip to Kenya. The patrons were super content to sit in a cozy restaurant eating a hearty breakfast with friends and family on a cold winter morning. The Service Learning students would like to thank everyone who supported them by buying breakfast tickets and contributing to the 50/50 draw. We are proud to announce that $1438 was raised!!!


Sports Results

St. Benedict CSS 55, Monsignor Doyle CSS 33

St. Benedict CSS 75, Monsignor Doyle CSS 31

St. Mary's HS 3, St. Benedict CSS 1

St. Benedict CSS 3, St. Mary's HS 0


Student Activities

The Arts

Other News

idea exchange logo

St Benedict Learning Commons Clemens Mill Library

Volunteer Opportunities: On Monday February 4th, Shannon Markle, Volunteer Co-ordinator for Idea Exchange will be at the library during lunch from 10:30am to 11:30am and after school from 2:00pm to 3:00pm to interview those students interested in volunteering for the library Mini-Makerspace and the Virtual Reality Lab.

Teen Lounge at the Library

St. Benedict CSS and the Cambridge Public Library have been working together in offering the students a safe supervised place to hang out called “Teen Lounge”. “Teen Lounge” is located within the library between 2:15 – 3:30pm Monday to Friday. There is a calendar schedule posted outside the “Teen Lounge” of any dates where “Teen Lounge” would be unavailable, an announcement would also be made. The “Teen Lounge” is supervised by two Youth Care Workers and a library staff who drops in on Tuesdays & Thursdays.

Students will have access to activities such as video games, table ping pong, puzzles, board games etc.. – (provided by the public library), healthy snacks (provided by Nutrient for Learning) and the opportunity in making healthy social connections.

A place where all is welcome!

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call St. Benedict CSS: Lorrie Temple, Principal or Melanie Malcolm-Pando, YCW at 519-621-4050.

Calendar of Events

Be sure to visit our school website for an updated calendar with detailed information links for most calendar entries.
Thursday, January 31
Final Evaluation Day, period 4 (Credit rescue/recovery, as needed)

Friday, February 1
Professional Activity Day

Monday, February 4
8:00am: Semester 2 starts
10:35am: Eco Club
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Finance Club
3:00pm: Sr. Girls Volleyball @ Msgr Doyle CSS
3:00pm: Jr. Girls Volleyball @ Msgr Doyle CSS
3:00pm: Jr. Boys Basketball vs St. Mary's HS
4:30pm: Sr. Boys Basketball vs St. Mary's HS

Tuesday, February 5
10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club
10:35am: Arts Council
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: DECA Business Club
10:35am: Reach for the Top club
10:35am: Champions for Change club
12:00pm: SHSM Event: Marlies Career Forum & Game Night
6:30pm: Gr. 8 Pathway Presentation

Wednesday, February 6
10:35am: Guitar Club
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Model UN Club
10:35am: Anime Club
2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice
2:00pm: Games Club
2:00pm: Girls Hockey vs Resurrection CSS
2:15pm: OSSLT Literacy Test Prep
2:15pm: Homework Club

Thursday, February 7
DECA Provincials (Toronto)
8:00am: Wrestling Tournament at Bluevale CI
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Giving Back Club
10:35am: Mario Kart club
10:35am: Praise Choir
2:00pm: Math Club
2:15pm: OSSLT Literacy Test Prep
2:15pm: Homework Club

Friday, February 8
10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club
10:35am: Star Trek Club
2:00pm: Doctor Who Club
Monday, February 11
10:35am: Eco Club
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Finance Club
2:00pm: Course Change Deadline Semester 2
4:00pm: Pastoral Plan launch

Tuesday, February 12
Valentine’s Activities
9:30am: SHSM Event: Portfolio Development Training
10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club
10:35am: Arts Council
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Reach for the Top club
10:35am: Champions for Change club

Wednesday, February 13
BENN Newsletter release
Coffee House
9:30am: SHSM Event: Self Defense Training
10:35am: Guitar Club
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Model UN Club
10:35am: Anime Club
2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice
2:00pm: Games Club
2:15pm: OSSLT Literacy Test Prep
2:15pm: Homework Club

Thursday, February 14
Valentine's Day
8:00am: Semester 1 Report Cards Distributed
8:00am: Wrestling District 8 Championships
9:30am: SHSM Event: Portfolio Development Training
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Mario Kart club
10:35am: Praise Choir
2:00pm: Math Club
2:15pm: OSSLT Literacy Test Prep
2:15pm: Homework Club

Friday, February 15
10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club
10:35am: Star Trek Club
2:00pm: Doctor Who Club

Monday, February 18
Family Day