Wednesday, May 15, 2019 - Volume 11, Issue 19
Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region surveys
We are asking parents and/or guardians to participate in a survey about their student’s journey to school. The purpose of the surveys is to get a better understanding of the thoughts and opinions of the student’s journey to school. We have created surveys for students using the school bus and for students who use other forms of transportation like walking or biking to school. Our goal is to enhance the student’s experience and to improve our services in the future. The survey typically takes 5 minutes to complete and will be open until Friday, June 14th, 2019.
If you have any questions in regards to the surveys please contact the Morgan Potts at (519) 744-7575, extension 229 or at morgan_potts@stswr.ca.
Thank you for providing your feedback. We appreciate the time you have taken and will actively use it to improve our services to you in the future!
Transported Students Survey
Students in the Walk Zone
Bring Your Own Device and Purchase Program
Partnership with STAPLES Canada for Chromebooks and Windows 10 Cloudbooks
WCDSB has made significant investments to ensure our students and staff have access to a variety current technologies. The use of technology to support learning remains a key priority to ensure that students are equipped with the skills to flourish in an increasingly digital world. Chromebooks and Windows 10 Cloudbooks have proven to be versatile, reliable, and affordable digital tool in the classroom.
As students have engaged more with the technology that is available in their classrooms, many families have expressed interest in purchasing a device for their child to use at school and at home. Many parents have reached out, seeking advice about which technology would best support their child’s learning, is reasonably priced, yet durable enough to withstand the wear and tear of daily use as it’s transported back and forth to school each day.
Welcome to the Umbrella Project! The Umbrella Project program is designed to help you and your family proactively build wellbeing and prepare for life's challenges. This can be done through practicing a set of skills that are known to improve our children's happiness and success. Much like an umbrella protects us from the rain, each of these skills forms a piece of an umbrella that protects us from life's rainy days and helps us learn and succeed.
This month, we're building the Integrity piece of your child's umbrella. Integrity is when we have a set of positive values and our actions in life match that set of positive values. If you look up integrity in the dictionary, it also means ‘wholeness’, when the things that we say and do match up with what we value.
What is Integrity?
Integrity is when we have a set of positive values and our actions in life match those values. If you look up integrity in the dictionary, it also means ‘wholeness’. When we say one thing and do another, it can make us feel like we always have something to cover up or hide. Integrity allows us to feel whole and take pride in and accountability for our actions.
Integrity also increases the release of oxytocin in our brain which is our bonding hormone and it makes us more trustworthy to others. Integrity is the number one quality people look for in a leader and will help our children feel proud of who they are.
Umbrella Integrity Tip #1
Help your child find positive role models.
Many studies have shown that humans learn through modeling others. One great way to build integrity in your child is to help them find positive role models. These role models help them believe that it is possible to succeed without compromising our values. Having positive role models helps our children learn strategies for achieving their goals, decide what is socially acceptable and make a difference in the world. That’s why the Umbrella Project is filled with stories and examples of people use all the Umbrella Skills to take on life.
Examples of integrity are everywhere. When you notice them in books, movies and stories be sure to talk about it with your kids. Look for examples of integrity in the people your children already admire and discuss them. Make integrity something that has value in and of itself. For example, there is value in not cheating on a test even though your friends did and got a better mark because of it.
It’s choices like that that can make integrity difficult to use and it’s important that children see those they admire making these difficult decisions. Making choices with integrity is not always the easiest choice and our kids need lots of examples of integrity to understand why it is the better choice.
Umbrella Integrity Tip #2
Ask, 'How did you add value to someone else's life today?'
One of the biggest contributors to low integrity is over-focusing on our own success at all costs. Students will often lie, cheat, put friends down and behave in ways that don’t match their values because they feel the need to compete with peers and win no matter what. Unfortunately, when we look at the research, we see that having integrity and strong relationships is a much better way to cultivate long term success.
If others don’t trust us, they are much less likely to support us and help us to be successful. One way to foster integrity in your child is to challenge them to add value to the lives of others each day. Talk about and celebrate these experiences as a family and add intention to giving back regularly.
By asking your children, "How did you add value to someone else’s life today?", you can remind them to keep perspective on a bigger picture of success and build their integrity.
Umbrella Integrity Tip #3
Create a set of family values.
What are your family values? Can your child discuss and defend them? Having a set of family values has a huge impact on the well-being of our children. It helps them to feel part of something bigger than themselves and identify healthy ways to behave and build their self-esteem. It also creates a set of guidelines that we can align our actions with. This helps to build and sustain integrity of thought and action and create meaning and purpose in our lives. Living with purpose and feeling strong doesn’t have to be about achieving specific goals. How we show up everyday for our friends, colleagues and family can make us feel that we are living purposefully every day.
Start by brainstorming as a family the experiences and values that are most important to you. This exercise should be done as a family so that everyone has a say in creating and sharing what matters most to them. Discuss each point that comes up and why it is important to the person who suggested it and to the larger group. Select the values that define your family and display them somewhere you can see them often.
When your child displays these values, try to notice and point them out to your child.
Here are some of the ideas that came up in my family: generosity, honesty, sharing experiences and travel to broaden our minds, friendship, connecting with nature, giving back, a family that supports each other...
News from the Guidance Department
Community Service Hours
It is a requirement of graduation that each student complete 40 hours of community service. There are
many opportunities to fulfill this requirement. If you have already registered for Hour Republic check out the
guidelines on the website www.hourrepublic.com. This website can also be used to track your hours and
see volunteer opportunities.
Important Graduation Information 2019
The main purpose of the bursary program is to provide financial assistance to graduating secondary students who are continuing their education. All awards will be made based on the expressed financial needs of the students and within the financial limitations of our Waterloo unit.
Please submit a completed application (available in Guidance) by Friday May 24th, 2019.
Yes you may have ‘registered’ to graduate, BUT things can change IF:
- You have not completed your 40 Community Service Hours
- You do not have 30 credits by June 26th
There will be a meeting at the beginning of June for all Graduates to help prepare them for the graduation ceremony – STAY TUNED!
Interested in Police Services?
Students interested in attending the Cops and Youth program run by the Waterloo Region Police Services are asked to pick up an application in Guidance between now and the deadline of May 17.
It’s a great way to learn about all aspects of policing and it will grant more than 40 volunteer hours.
Support Catholic Education
Enriching the Lives of Students
There many opportunities for students to enhance their learning experience: Enrichment courses, LEAP, OYAP, UCEP, Co-op, Home Build, SHSM, and Skills Canada. Visit the Enrichment blog for information on all these opportunities. The Blogroll contains a plethora of learning enhancements. To learn more about what we offer, click on Enrichment@St.Benedict.
English Corner
To receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) each student must obtain four credits in English (one credit per grade). Visit the English blog to read the course offerings provided by the Saint Benedict English Department. The Blogroll has great resources for both students and parents. Enjoy! English@St.Benedict blog.
Advanced Placement at St. Benedict
Advanced Placement (AP) is an internationally recognized program that allows students to enrich the Ontario Curriculum with the goal of achieving university accreditation.
What does the research say about AP students?
Research shows that the best predictor of whether or not a student completes a university degree is not their high school grades or standardized tests. Rather, the best predictor is how many challenging courses a student has taken in high school. Students who challenge themselves with AP courses and exams are much more likely to complete a university degree in four years or less.
Did you take Careers in summer school or online?
Grade 10’s who took careers in summer school or online are being asked to watch for an invitation coming to their period 2 class shortly to invite them to an information session about the Specialist High Skills Major Program on Thursday May 23 during period 2.
If you don’t get an invitation please visit us in the coop office or guidance.
This evening is geared towards families of students in the ACTIVE and Community Living Programs as well as any families interested in the resources offered by Developmental Services Ontario.
Science team at University of Guelph Olympics 2019
On Thursday May 9, 2019 our science team headed to the University of Guelph for the Science Olympics competition (for a list of the team members see below). This is a variety of STEM based competitions set up by the University of Guelph for high school students and includes events like “phurious phowl physics”, “chemical conundrums”, “molecular art”, “the science of the brain” and of course the yearly science scavenger hunt! Our team was 2nd in the senior scavenger hunt and 3rd in the junior scavenger hunt. Our “budding bird biologist” team also placed 2nd overall. In the middle of the day the physics department at the university decided to break the elephant toothpaste world record! This is based on a chemical reaction of the decomposition of concentrated hydrogen peroxide. While at the university a few students also competed in the University of Waterloo chemistry contest (“Chem13”) online. Congratulations to Bianca Angheluta, Curtis Hall, Muna Mohamed, Jacquelyn Ogata-Bean and Dennis Tran for completing this very difficult contest – we are anxiously awaiting results! Our next competition is at the University of Western Ontario on May 23.
The Great Obrax and Pepper from the Guelph Physics department creating elephant toothpaste.
Top: Anna, Muna, Denis and Aariana looking fresh for their competition Bottom: Madeleine, Piper, Ryleigh and Allison
Zoom into the Workforce 2019
What a fantastic trip!! We took 24 students who all represented our school in such an amazing way. They had the opportunity to participate in many trade related careers, everything from Drone Technology to Motorcycle Repair to Hairstyling!! Thanks to the Saints who represented us so well and to Ms. McKellar for being our champion.
Attention all Senior Football Players
If you have not submitted your permission form to Coach Vale or Coach Lowes for the spring camp, please do so as soon as possible. You will not be fitted for equipment next Tuesday without a signed form in prior to that day.
Saints Athletes
Athletic Banquet
Thursday June 6th starting at 4pm
Tickets will be available to be picked up next week in the Phys. Ed. office
Sports Results
SENIOR GIRLS SLO PITCH St. Mary's HS 7, St. Benedict CSS 4 Monsignor Doyle CSS 14, St. Benedict CSS 3
St. David CSS 17, St. Benedict CSS 2 Resurrection CSS 14, St. Benedict CSS 13
SENIOR BOYS SLO PITCH St. Benedict CSS 17, St. Mary's HS 13
Resurrection CSS 1, St. Benedict CSS 0
Woodland Christian HS 1, St. Benedict CSS 1
St. Benedict CSS 1, ES Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 0
St. Benedict CSS 5, Monsignor Doyle CSS 0
St. David CSS 1, St. Benedict CSS 0
SENIOR BOYS SOCCER Resurrection CSS 2, St. Benedict CSS 2
St. Benedict CSS 3, Woodland Christian HS 1
St. Benedict CSS 4, ES Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 0
St. Benedict CSS 2, Monsignor Doyle CSS 0
Monsignor Doyle CSS 4, St. Benedict CSS 3
Varsity Girls at home Thursday
Come out tomorrow afternoon at 3:15 and show your school spirit while supporting the varsity girls lacrosse game and enjoy freezies for $1.00!
Senior Saints soccer season ends in quarter finals
The senior boys soccer team season came to a close yesterday in their quarter final game against Doyle in penalty kicks. Coaches Borba, Jansen and Offak would like to congratulate their team on a great season and hard fought last game, the coaches couldn't be more proud! Thanks for the laughs, competitive spirits and dedication to the team.
Looking to get more involved in life at Bennies? Love to plan, organize and run events? Want to develop leadership skills with an awesome group of peers?
Then Student Activities Council may be for you! Application packages are available this week in the SAC office. Don’t delay, pick one up today!
The Arts
Other News
It is our 30 year reunion from SMH/SJH. Please join us for a night of great music and friends and celebrate our past 30 years...how has it been that long???
We look forward to seeing everyone from far and wide. Get your tickets early. This space has a max capacity of 250. We will be starting the music at 7pm. So get your dancing shoes on and head out to The Tannery Event Centre downtown Kitchener.
Please invite anyone you can remember for this event. We do not want anyone left out.
Having "The Talk"...
Talking with your teen about cannabis may seem hard, but what you say does have an impact. To ensure you’re prepared, practice live with our kids before speaking with yours.
An expert will also be on hand to provide advice and help guide you through the discussion.
Dimitri + Dr. Richard Bélanger July 16 at 7:30 pm
Talyssa + Dr. William Barakett
Participating experts
Anne Élizabeth Lapointe Executive Director of the Centre québécois de lutte aux dépendances et de la Maison Jean Lapointe, Anne Élizabeth has implemented several prevention programs, in addition to publishing many articles and studies.
Dr. William Barakett A family doctor, researcher and President the Quebec Cannabis Registry, Dr. Barakett is a respected expert in the field of addiction treatment.
Dr. Richard Bélanger Pediatrician Dr. Bélanger is, among other things, an assistant professor in the Pediatric Department of the Université de Laval. His main research area is the use of psychoactive substances among youth.
Calendar of Events
Be sure to visit our school website for an updated calendar with detailed information links for most calendar entries.
Wednesday, May 15 BENN Newsletter release 2:00pm: Games Club 2:15pm: Homework Club Thursday, May 16 8:00am: Track & Field: District 8 Championships 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Giving Back Club 10:35am: Mario Kart club 10:35am: Praise Choir 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: Sr. Girls Slo Pitch @ Msgr. Doyle CSS 2:00pm: Sr. Boys Slo Pitch vs ES Père-René-de-Galinée 2:15pm: Homework Club 3:30pm: Sr. Boys Slo Pitch vs St. David CSS 3:30pm: Sr. Girls Slo Pitch vs St. David CSS Friday, May 17 8:00am: Ultimate Frisbee Championships 10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club 10:35am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club Monday, May 20 Victoria Day Tuesday, May 21 10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club 10:35am: Arts Council 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Reach for the Top club 10:35am: Champions for Change club 10:35am: Finance Club 2:00pm: Sr. Boys Slo Pitch @ Msgr. Doyle CSS 2:00pm: Sr. Girls Slo Pitch vs St. Mary's HS 2:15pm: Concert Band 3:30pm: Sr. Girls Slo Pitch vs Resurrection CSS 3:30pm: Sr. Boys Slo Pitch @ Resurrection CSS Wednesday, May 22 Spring Concert 8:00am: Track & Field: CWOSSA Championships 10:35am: Guitar Club 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Anime Club 2:00pm: Games Club 2:15pm: Homework Club Thursday, May 23 Prom 8:00am: Track & Field: CWOSSA Championships 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Mario Kart club 10:35am: Praise Choir 2:00pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Homework Club
Friday, May 24 10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club 10:35am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club Monday, May 27 10:35am: Eco Club 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Finance Club Tuesday, May 28 10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club 10:35am: Arts Council 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Reach for the Top club 10:35am: Champions for Change club 2:15pm: Concert Band Wednesday, May 29 BENN Newsletter release Paid Civvies Day - $2 min. SAC BBQ Blast 10:35am: Guitar Club 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Anime Club 2:00pm: Games Club 2:15pm: Homework Club Thursday, May 30 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Giving Back Club 10:35am: Mario Kart club 10:35am: Praise Choir 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club 2:00pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Homework Club 7:00pm: ROCK OF AGES: High School Edition Friday, May 31 Professional Activity Day 8:00am: Track and Field: OFSAA Regionals 7:00pm: ROCK OF AGES: High School Edition Saturday, June 1 8:00am: Track and Field: OFSAA Regionals 7:00pm: ROCK OF AGES: High School Edition Monday, June 3 8:00am: Tennis: OFSAA Championship 10:35am: Eco Club 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Finance Club
Be sure to visit the calendar on the school website for more updates and detailed information about upcoming events.