Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - Volume 13, Issue 17

Welcome to Quadmester 4!


Class times

Until April 30--please check website calendar for details beyond that date

Period 3

8:00am: All students Synchronous
9:52am: All students Asynchronous

Period 4

11:10am: All students Synchronous
1:02pm: All students Asynchronous

Attention Graduates!

The graduation cap and gown may be purchased as a memento for the 2021 graduates. Although we will not be having an in-person graduation this year, this keepsake can be used for photos at home with family to commemorate this milestone. Orders are due on May 1st, 2021. The price for the cap and gown is $13.28. Please contact Sarah Spitzig ( if you have any questions.

New Store Hours

Tuesday: 10am – 6pm
Thursday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 10am – 6pm

School Schedule and Calendar

Quick Link to Our Calendar -

Our calendar (with Cohort info and key dates) can be accessed through our school website

You can then access the calendar by going to ABOUT US > School Year Calendar

Updating Contact Information

Please find attached the instructions to verify your child's mailing address in the Aspen student portal.
If your address is incorrect, please email: with your child's name, proper mailing address along with the postal code. As well, please contact us if you do not have an email address on file or any additional information is incorrect in Aspen.
Thank you for your time, and attention to this matter as we prepare to mail Quad 3 report cards..
Instructions for Verifying Your Address Resend Nov 20 2.pdf

Family Winter Participation

Free April Activities

The WCDSB Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (CPIC) & Ministry of Ontario PRO Grants is offering Free activities for families. Sign up here or scan the QR code below.

Key Dates for Quadmester 4

Quad 4: April 21 to June 25, 2021

April 21
Quad 4 begins virtually for all students
May 5
Quad 3 Report Card Distribution Date & BENN Newsletter Release
May 9
Mother’s Day
May 19
BENN Newsletter Release
May 20
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
May 21
Turn Around Date for Careers/Civics
May 24
Victoria Day
June 2
BENN Newsletter Release
June 4
PA Day
June 9
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
June 16
BENN Newsletter Release
June 20
Father’s Day
June 24
Quad 4 Period 3 Final Evaluation, 8:00 am
June 25
Quad 4 Period 4 Final Evaluation, 8:00 am
June 28
Assessment and Evaluation/Credit Recovery
June 30
BENN Newsletter Release
July 12
Quad 4 Report Card Distribution Date (Mailed)

Mental Health & Wellness

WCDSB Mental Health and Well Being Page

As we pivot to remote learning it is important to keep tabs on how we are all coping. Take a look at the Board’s Mental Health and Wellbeing webpage. This is a “one stop shop” where you can find links to targeted resources to promote wellbeing during Covid, examples of meditations/calming strategies to share with students, resources specific to various roles (i.e. leadership, educators, students, families), links to services in our community, and general mental health information. Please help raise awareness about this resource! A short intro video is here:
As well if you feel that Social Work Support could be helpful to navigate community resources, please talk with Guidance, Vice Principals and/or our Principal.

Community Supports

There are also resources in our community that can assist families with navigating mental health supports for themselves and their children.
HERE24/7 is a telephone crisis service that can assist students and adults in need 1-844-437-3247 (always encourage people to Press the #1 option so that it can be answered by a live person).
Front Door is a “walk-in” Service for kids/parents with kids under 18 where they can speak to a counselor. They can be reached at 519-749-2932
The Counselling Collaborative of Waterloo Region ( is a partnership of 6 local counselling agencies working together to make counselling services more accessible to individuals with a limited income. Fees may be fully or partially subsidized depending on individual circumstances and the service requested. Visit their website or call (519) 804-1097 to book a phone/video appt.

Frequently Asked Question

Is there a cohort-specific schedule?


Cohort A Cohort B

COVID Test/Screening and Outbreak Protocol

All students (or guardians on their behalf) will be asked to engage in a daily self-assessment before reporting to school and anyone feeling unwell or identifying a concern based on their self-assessment should not report to school. COVID-19 School Screening

Once at the school, all students will be required to wear mask at all times. Students are to sanitize their hands upon entering and leaving the classroom.

Operational guidance: COVID-19 management in schools (

What to do when my child isn't feeling well?

Read the memo for parents and guardians from the Region of Waterloo Public Health Unit. The document provides direction for parents and caregivers regarding the role of families, Public Health and schools.

Message from Guidance

Grade 12 Students

Completion of your Community Service Hours (minimum for this year - 20 hours) is required if you are planning to graduate this year. All Grade 12 students who have not yet completed and handed in their hours are reminded to do so as soon as possible. Grade 12 students are expected to submit their Community Service Hour forms by May 1, 2021. Please complete the form available on the school website:

Although some students who have applied to either college or university have started to receive admission offers, students need to be aware that many colleges and universities do not send out offers of admission until quadmester 3 final marks have been received and processed. (Check your marks in OUAC and OCAS after April 23).
While it would be easier and far less stressful if all post-secondary institutions followed the same timelines with regard to admission offers, this is not the case. Students also need to be reminded that all offers of admission are conditional – meaning that the offer can be removed if graduation requirements are not completed by June. Pay close attention to all the details contained in emails and correspondence from the various universities and colleges so that deadlines do not get missed.

Summer School

Is available this year as online learning courses through our board at St. Louis Adult Learning and Continuing Education. More information can be found on their website:
These courses will run from July 5 – July 29. (Half credit courses Careers and Civics Term 1 July 5-15. Term 2 July 16 – July 29).

What is Online Learning?

Online Learning means courses are specifically designed to be taught in a fully online format (formerly referred to as “e-learning”). Online learning relies on communication between pupils and teachers through the internet or any other digital platform and does not require pupils and teachers to be face to-face with each other or with their teacher. Students must be online and working on their course for a minimum of 6 hours a day.
Students may only take one online course or both Civics and Careers half courses.

If you choose to register for summer school, please inform your Guidance counsellor.
Lesley O’Toole A - Di
Karla Arkell Dj - Ki
Nicholas Betik Kl – Pl
Laura O’Neill Po - Z


Co-op Works!

Although 2020-2021 has been a different school year with many new challenges, St. Benedict students are still gaining valuable, real-life experiences through Co-operative Education. During Quad 3, 23 students were able engage in Experiential Learning opportunities thanks to placements provided within our community. Students were placed in various industries including Manufacturing, Transportation, Teaching, Website Development, and Pharmaceuticals – just to name a few! After 6 weeks of placement, many students were granted additional work opportunities through their placements. These include:
  • 1 Full-time Apprenticeship offer
  • 1 OYAP Registration to attend Level 1 Trade School
  • 4 Summer Job offers
  • Multiple positive reference letters provided
These numbers show that even during tough times, St. Benedict students truly benefit from participating in Experiential Learning opportunities.

Congratulations to all 23 co-op students from Quad 3 on your successful placement experiences!

Every Wednesday, join Mrs. Borba (Literacy) or Mr. Chaves (Numeracy) ONLINE from 1:45-3:00pm!

JOIN the Google Classroom
or simply CLICK on the Teams Links!!

Click here for: Borba Literacy Meet
Click here for: Chaves Numeracy Meet

Can't WAIT to see you SAINTS online!

News from the Library

Welcome to the final quadmester of the school year. It seems every month brings more changes and more of the same! Library staff wish all students a successful final quadmester!

Please note the following changes (again) to the St. Bennies Library Learning Commons hours:

As of Thursday, April 8, 2021 the Ontario Government has placed all of Ontario in a province wide shutdown. To keep our staff and members safe, Idea Exchange is closing our buildings and offering holds pick ups and online services only. Online resources remain available to teachers and students on the St. Bennies Library website.

Virtual Student Support:

Mon. Wed. Fri. 10am to 2pm
Tues. Thurs 8am to 2pm

Pickup Service:

Monday to Saturday, 10am to 6pm for curbside pickup only.

To learn more about the library's current services, visit the Idea Exchange website.

New Print Resources

We have some new print resources that are now available in the library. These resources which can now be placed on hold and picked up at the Clemens Mill Library front doors include the following:
AP Calculus AB Prep
Solaro wkbooks for Math and History

Time to Destress:

In the middle of this "third wave" here are a few ideas to help you manage your stress and enjoy some down time!

Murder Mystery!
Try Idea Exchange's Interactive Murder Mystery: A Garden Party Murder which runs until May 31.
This is a text-based, interactive murder mystery which runs like a “choose your own adventure” type of story. You will have the chance to interview guests and see evidence as you attempt to discover the criminal among you. It should take about 1-2 hours to complete.
DIY Kit: May the 4th Star Wars
And of course, we wouldn't want to forget May the 4th! We have put together a goodie bag sure to make any Star Wars fan smile. And really, who wouldn't want a 3D printed "Baby Yoda"? This DIY kit can be picked up at the Clemens Mill front doors beginning May 3, 2021.

if you need help finding a good book or resources for assignments, please contact your school library, Ms. Pilon at



News from the Social Justice Council

The social justice council got off to a bit of a late start this year, but we are doing some AMAZING things and wanted to share some of our accomplishments with the St. Benedict community!

Support for Sunbeam

Our first group project was to spread a little cheer and show our appreciation for local front-line workers and the special residents they serve at the various locations for the Sunbeam Home. This amazing group of 74 students is currently sending virtual cards to residents and staff at a wide variety of Sunbeam satellite locations.

Laurie, the volunteer coordinator at Sunbeam shared the following with us: “I want to tell you how happy I am about the messages pouring into Sunbeam. There are 32 so far. The messages are sweet and thoughtful and kind. They make a difference. Thank you soooo much for presenting this at your school.”

We are now up to 164 letters sent to some very deserving people! Thanks to those who took the time to share their thoughts and kind words.... and keep up the amazing work.

If you want to consider volunteering with Sunbeam Home, take a look at their volunteer page at

Earth Day 2021

Earth Day is on April 22nd, and the Social Justice Council is asking for help cleaning up the school yard at Bennie's. Appropriate PPE will be provided and social distancing will be maintained – homerooms will need to sign up in advance. This is a long-standing tradition at our school, and the day after Earth day is always a proud moment for our staff and students, because our school grounds look FANTASTIC. Students will also be able to participate on their own time by picking up trash on their own and submitting pictures of them doing so to a google form on social media.

The Social Justice Council will also be sharing a fun sustainable calendar through social media which shows people little changes they can make in their lives to live greener. The calendar will also feature DIY activities people can do to give old items a new life.

Lastly, we recognize that climate change is one of the biggest threats facing the world today. This is why the Council will be writing letters to our local politicians to let them know how important it is to take action in order to protect the Earth for future generations.

Student Activities

Other News

Calendar of Events

Thursday, April 22
8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous
9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous
11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous
1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous

Friday, April 23
8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous
9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous
11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous
1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous

Monday, April 26
8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous
9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous
11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous
1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous

Tuesday, April 27
8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous
9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous
11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous
1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous
Wednesday, April 28
8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous
9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous
11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous
1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous
2:00pm: Debate Club

Thursday, April 29
8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous
9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous
11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous
1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous

Friday, April 30
8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous
9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous
11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous
1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous

Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!

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