Computer Science / Programming

Course content

All course content is delivered through PowerPoint presentations in class and handouts and assignments in our OneNote classroom. Files in our OneNote classroom can be accessed on any computer, smartphone, or tablet using the OneNote app which can is either included in Windows or can be downloaded for free from your app store or from

Course outline

Unit 1: Introduction

  • Iterative model
  • Getting into Java using Eclipse
  • Java documentation (JAVADOC)
  • How Java programs run
  • Primitive data types
  • Naming conventions
  • Mathematical operations
  • Output to the screen
  • Field sizing
  • Getting input from the user

Unit 2: Control Constructs

  • Boolean expressions
  • if structure
  • while loop
  • error trapping
  • for loop

Unit 3: String manipulation

  • String reference data type
  • String methods
  • Converting Strings to other data types

Unit 4: Methods

  • parameter passing
  • returning values
  • overloading methods

Unit 5: Arrays & File IO

  • passing arrays into methods
  • returning arrays from methods
  • reading data from a file
  • writing data to a file
  • reading data in CSV format and splitting into an array

Sorting Investigation

  • explaining different methods
  • implementing found code
  • speed and efficiency differences

Unit 6: Objects

  • defining and creating
  • getters, setters and modifiers
  • instantiating individual and arrays of objects
  • reading and writing objects to a file
  • extending classes (inheritance)

Unit 7: GUI Components

  • layouts
  • common GUI elements
  • action listeners

Final project

Final exam

Ministry Course description

This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills in computer science. Students will use modular design principles to create complex and fully documented programs, according to industry standards. Student teams will manage a large software development project, from planning through to project review. Students will also analyse algorithms for effectiveness. They will investigate ethical issues in computing and further explore environmental issues, emerging technologies, areas of research in computer science, and careers in the field.

This course further develops students’ computer programming skills. Students will learn object-oriented programming concepts, create object-oriented software solutions, and design graphical user interfaces. Student teams will plan and carry out a software development project using industry-standard programming tools and proper project management techniques. Students will also investigate ethical issues in computing and expand their understanding of environmental issues, emerging technologies, and computer-related careers.

Course requirements

Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, access to a computer (Windows, Linux or Mac) to install Eclipse (free)
Suggested materials: highlighter, memory stick


Our school network is currently running Java 8. See the documentation for this version on Oracle’s website.

Other good sites for Java resources:

Course Readings

In these Java coding environments you can simply code and run:

In these Java coding environments you can create an account and save your work:

  • the tutorial section walks you through Java one concept at a time (although not in the same order as the course)
  • has a ton of tests and quizzes to help you prepare for tests and the exam