Introduction to Computer Science
Teacher: Mr. A. Milardovic
ICS 3U is taught using the Python programming language. Students are strongly encouraged to download and install Python on their home computer or laptop. While Python is not simple to install on a Chromebook, there are online tutorials which can walk you through the process. Alternatively, there are several online compilers students can use instead; links are at the right.
Course content
All course content is delivered through PowerPoint presentations in class and handouts and assignments in our OneNote classroom. Files in our OneNote classroom can be accessed on any computer, smartphone, or tablet using the OneNote app which can is either included in Windows or can be downloaded for free from your app store or from
Course outline
Unit 1: Introduction
- What are computers?
- What is programming?
- Can you give instructions?
- Getting started with Python
- Commenting
- Field sizing
- Variables
- Getting input from the user
- Program development process
Unit 2: Control Constructs
- If structure
- If/else structure
- If/else if/else structure
- Cascading if structures
- Boolean expressions
- Compound Boolean expressions
- Loops
- Error trapping
- Counted loops
- Nested structures
- Tracing program execution
Unit 3: String Manipulation
- Strings
- Substrings
- Length command
- Index command
- Other string commands
Unit 4: Functions
- Functions
Unit 5: File I/O
- Writing data to a file
- Reading data from a file
- Reading and writing at the same time
Unit 6: Lists
- Creating a list
- Searching and sorting lists
- lists and file I/O
Final Project
Ministry Course description
This course introduces students to computer science. Students will design software independently and as part of a team, using industry-standard programming tools and applying the software development life-cycle model. They will also write and use subprograms within computer programs. Students will develop creative solutions for various types of problems as their understanding of the computing environment grows. They will also explore environmental and ergonomic issues, emerging research in computer science, and global career trends in computer-related fields.
Course requirements
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, highlighter, access to a computer (Windows, Linux or Mac) to install Python (free)
Suggested materials: memory stick
If you find any neat resources that you would like to share, please email them to Mr. Milardovic for inclusion on the website.