SHSM Calendar
Nothing from February 6, 2025 to July 6, 2025.
SHSM Announcements
Conestoga Skilled Trades Information Session
Are you a grade 12 or 11 student interested in the trades? If so, please consider attending a presentation from the Trades Rep at Conestoga College. Ms. Brandes (Conestoga) will be joined by WCDSB’s, Mr. Bumbacco, who is a CO-OP, OYAP and tech consultant.
Conestoga College Trades and Experiential Learning Presentation
When: Wednesday, December 13th
Time: period 4 (12:40 pm- 2:00pm)
Location: Lecture Hall
If you are not in a senior tech class during p. 4, then you MUST sign- up by Tuesday December 12th. The Sign-up sheet will be in the GUIDANCE OFFICE. Please see Mr. Betik or Mrs. Aguiar. You can only attend the presentation if you do not have a summative in your p. 4 class that day.
Period 4 senior tech students in manufacturing and construction are automatically registered for the presentation and therefore do not need to sign-up in Guidance.
What is it?
The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a Ministry approved award you can earn during grade eleven and twelve. It is valuable because it shows that you have focused your education toward a particular employment sector (major). Check out for more information.
Speak to your Guidance counsellor about registering for the program!
Did you know?
- 50% of gr. 11 and gr. 12 students at St. Benedict are registered in the Specialist High Skills Major program.
- St. Benedict offers 11 different majors including:
- Arts and Culture
- Business
- Construction
- Environment
- Health and Wellness
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Information Communication Technology
- Justice & Community Service
- Manufacturing
- Transportation
- SHSM is available for students in all pathways
- Apprenticeship
- College
- University
- Workplace
Why get involved?
Students who successfully complete all components of the program earn a Specialist High Skills Major (Red Seal) designation on their Diploma.
Some secondary institutions offer scholarships. For example, the University of Guelph-Humber offers a $500 Entrance Award for students in these majors: Arts & Culture, Business, Health & Wellness, Information & Communications Technology, and Justice & Community Services. Read more about it on their website.
Are you in grade 9 or 10?
Start thinking about and planning on taking your Specialist High Skills Major.
Students participate in:
COURSES – Specific grade 11 and 12 courses
CERTIFICATIONS – Earn Industry recognized Certifications (organized by the school)
COOP – complete 2 credits in COOP
To get started…
- Visit to choose your major.
- Complete the participation form and submit it to the guidance office.
- During grade 10 course Selections (February) choose required gr. 11 courses listed on
- Consider taking a COOP in Grade 11 OR Grade 12 OR during summer school OR during night school
- Stay tuned for certificate training session, invitations will be given to you in your period 1 class.
Already registered as an SHSM student?
Get ready for a great year of certifications and training sessions that will allow you to explore and learn more about your future career.
For Grade 11 Course Selection: Choose grade 12 required courses found at
Have you taken your CO-OP yet? If not, now is the time to choose CO-OP.
Do you want to see if a course can be used for SHSM?
Use our SHSM Course Finder.
Contact your guidance counsellor or Mrs. Crowell in the Co-Op Office.