Specialist High Skills Major

Specialist High Skills Major2024-10-01T10:31:15-04:00

SHSM Calendar

Nothing from February 6, 2025 to July 6, 2025.

SHSM Announcements

Conestoga Skilled Trades Information Session


Are you a grade 12 or 11 student interested in the trades? If so, please consider attending a presentation from the Trades Rep at Conestoga College. Ms. Brandes (Conestoga) will be joined by WCDSB’s, Mr. Bumbacco, who is a CO-OP, OYAP and tech consultant.

Conestoga College Trades and Experiential Learning Presentation

When: Wednesday, December 13th

Time: period 4 (12:40 pm- 2:00pm)

Location: Lecture Hall



If you are not in a senior tech class during p. 4, then you MUST sign- up by Tuesday December 12th. The Sign-up sheet will be in the GUIDANCE OFFICE. Please see Mr. Betik or Mrs. Aguiar. You can only attend the presentation if you do not have a summative in your p. 4 class that day.


Period 4 senior tech students in manufacturing and construction are automatically registered for the presentation and therefore do not need to sign-up in Guidance.

By |December 8th, 2023|

What is it?

The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a Ministry approved award you can earn during grade eleven and twelve. It is valuable because it shows that you have focused your education toward a particular employment sector (major). Check out www.highskills.ca for more information.

Speak to your Guidance counsellor about registering for the program!

Did you know?

  • 50% of gr. 11 and gr. 12 students at St. Benedict are registered in the Specialist High Skills Major program.
  • St. Benedict offers 11 different majors including:
    • Arts and Culture
    • Business
    • Construction
    • Environment
    • Health and Wellness
    • Hospitality & Tourism
    • Information Communication Technology
    • Justice & Community Service
    • Manufacturing
    • Transportation
  • SHSM is available for students in all pathways
    • Apprenticeship
    • College
    • University
    • Workplace

Why get involved?

Students who successfully complete all components of the program earn a Specialist High Skills Major (Red Seal) designation on their Diploma.

Some secondary institutions offer scholarships. For example, the University of Guelph-Humber offers a $500 Entrance Award for students in these majors: Arts & Culture, Business, Health & Wellness, Information & Communications Technology, and Justice & Community Services. Read more about it on their website.

Are you in grade 9 or 10?

Start thinking about and planning on taking your Specialist High Skills Major.
Students participate in:
COURSES – Specific grade 11 and 12 courses
CERTIFICATIONS – Earn Industry recognized Certifications (organized by the school)
COOP – complete 2 credits in COOP

To get started…

  1. Visit www.highskills.ca to choose your major.
  2. Complete the participation form and submit it to the guidance office.
  3. During grade 10 course Selections (February) choose required gr. 11 courses listed on www.highskills.ca
  4. Consider taking a COOP in Grade 11 OR Grade 12 OR during summer school OR during night school
  5. Stay tuned for certificate training session, invitations will be given to you in your period 1 class.

Already registered as an SHSM student?

Get ready for a great year of certifications and training sessions that will allow you to explore and learn more about your future career.
For Grade 11 Course Selection: Choose grade 12 required courses found at www.highskills.ca
Have you taken your CO-OP yet? If not, now is the time to choose CO-OP.

Do you want to see if a course can be used for SHSM?


Contact your guidance counsellor or Mrs. Crowell in the Co-Op Office.

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