Doctor Who

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming February 21st

Clara Oswald is distraught after the death of her boyfriend Danny Pink in a traffic accident.  But the Doctor suspects there is more going on here than just death...especially when Danny Pink is certain he's alive, but trapped in some terrible version of an afterlife no one suspects even exists.  Join us this week for [more...]

By |2025-02-14T17:45:32-05:00February 14th, 2025|Announcements, Doctor Who|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming January 10th

A futuristic weapons manufacturer...a hotel where each room is a window into the past...and a girl named Joy, on her own at Christmas.  What do all these things have in common?  Join us as the Doctor investigates when Doctor Who Club returns with the 2024 Christmas special:  JOY TO THE WORLD.  The adventure resumes this [more...]

By |2025-01-03T08:09:48-05:00January 3rd, 2025|Announcements, Doctor Who|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming Dec. 13th

It's Charles Dickens, ghosts, and Victorian Christmas!  What more do you need?  How about Rose Tyler's first trip back in time, and aliens masquerading as ghosts?  Throw it all into the mix and you get 2005's THE UNQUIET DEAD.  Join us as we begin our Christmas celebrations this Friday December 13th, after school [more...]

By |2024-12-06T16:21:13-05:00December 6th, 2024|Announcements, Doctor Who|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming Dec. 6th

It's down time for the 13th Doctor & her companions...but strange dreams and hallucinations begin to haunt their waking moments...and some deadly creatures intend to use this to escape their imprisonment.  Join us this week for CAN YOU HEAR ME.  The adventure begins this Friday December 6th, after school in room 226.

By |2024-11-29T17:57:49-05:00November 29th, 2024|Announcements, Doctor Who|
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