Dear Parent/Guardian,


The second edition of our Ontario Secondary School Literacy test will be taking place on Wednesday, April 10, 2024.  All grade 10 and 11 students who are yet to satisfy the literacy requirement will be required to write the test on this day from 8:00 am – 11:30am.

For students who are bussed, transportation will be provided in the morning as per usual.  Buses will return to school at 11:30 to pick up students.  If your child requires extra time, alternate transportation arrangements should be made.

For all students not participating in the test administration, they will be working from home ASYNCHRONOUSLY.  Lessons and work will be posted for your child by 8:00am.  Students will be required to log into their D2L to access their work.

Good Luck to all our students who will be participating in the testing on April 10th.