All courses (except those listed below) will have a 75 minute Final Evaluation taking place on January 25, 28, 29, or 30.
Students who meet the following criteria will not be required to attend school in the afternoon on these days:
a) have achieved a passing grade;
b) have submitted all summative activities and
c) have completed all components of their final culminating activity
Students who do not meet the above criteria will be required to attend Credit Rescue in the afternoon on these days with the possibility of attending an additional 2 hour Credit Recovery class on February 1 in an attempt to be successful in obtaining their credit.
The following courses will have a 2 hour Final Evaluation taking place on January 26, 29, 30 or 31:
Business: Introduction to Financial Accounting BAF3M, Analyzing Current Economic Issues CIA4U, Principals of Financial Accounting BAT4M
Communications – English/French: Grade 11 University English ENG3U; Grade 11 College English ENG3C; Grade 11 University Core French FSF3U, Grade 12 University English ENG4U; Grade 12 College English ENG4C; Grade 12 University Writer’s Craft EWC4U; Grade 12 University English Literature Studies ETS4U; Grade 12 University Core French FSF4U
Geography: Physical Geography CGF3M, The Environment & Resource Management CGR4M, Canadian & World Issues CGW4U
History: American History CHA3U, World History CHW3M, Understanding Canadian Law CLU3M, Canadian History CHI4U, World History CHY4U & CHY4C, Canadian and International Law CLN4U, Global Indigenous NDW4M
Math: All Grade 10 Academic 2D; All Grade 11 University 3U; Grade 11 University/College 3M, Grade 12 University 4U; Grade 12 College Technology MCT4C
Religion: Grade 11 University/College World Religions HRT3M, Grade 12 University/College Church & Culture HRE4M
Science: All Grade 9 & 10 Academic 1D, 2D; All Grade 11 College 3C; Grade 11 University/College 3M; Grade 11 University 3U, Grade 12 College 4C; Grade 12 University 4U
Social Sciences: Introduction to Anthropology HSP3M, Individuals & Families in a Diverse Society HHS4C & HHS4U, Challenge & Change in Society HSB4M
Technology: All grade 11 and 12 Health Care TPJ3M, TPJ4C, TPJ4M
Physical Education: Grade 12 University Exercise Science PSK4U
8:10 – 10:10 am
75 minute exam for Period 1 class
2 hour exam for Period 1 class
Note: All students will remain in their exam room for the full 2 hours.
Bus Pickup 10:30 AM
Teachers will offer Credit Rescue on a needs basis in the afternoon.
8:10 – 10:10 am
75 minute exam for Period 2 class
2 hour exam for Period 2 class
Note: All students will remain in their exam room for the full 2 hours.
Bus Pickup 10:30 AM
Teachers will offer Credit Rescue on a needs basis in the afternoon.
8:10 – 10:10 am
75 minute exam for Period 3 class
2 hour exam for Period 3 class
Note: All students will remain in their exam room for the full 2 hours.
Bus Pickup 10:30 AM
Teachers will offer Credit Rescue on a needs basis in the afternoon.
8:10 – 10:10 am
75 minute exam for Period 4 class
2 hour exam for Period 4 class
Note: All students will remain in their exam room for the full 2 hours.
Bus Pickup 10:30 AM
Teachers will offer Credit Rescue on a needs basis in the afternoon.
8:30 – 10:30 am
Credit Rescue time as arranged by the teacher and student.
No buses today.