Garden Club

Garden Club2024-10-03T10:01:58-04:00

When we meet

Every Wednesday – 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Club facilitator

Useful links

Latest news…

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming February 21st

Clara Oswald is distraught after the death of her boyfriend Danny Pink in a traffic accident.  But the Doctor suspects there is more going on here than just death…especially when Danny Pink is certain he’s alive, but trapped in some terrible version of an afterlife no one suspects even exists.  Join us this week for the first part of the 12th Doctor’s epic season finale from the 2014 series:  DARK WATER.  The battle against the darkness begins this Friday February 21st, after school in room 226,

By |February 14th, 2025|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming February 14th

This week, the Doctor must decide if he is going to commit genocide or allow the Daleks to be unleashed on the universe…what is the lesser evil?  Join us for the concluding episodes of the 1975 4th Doctor classic GENESIS OF THE DALEKS, this Friday February 14th after school in room 226.  New members are always welcome.

By |February 7th, 2025|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming February 7th

As Semester 2 begins, Doctor Who Club continues with the saga of the creation of the Daleks…and the beginning of the Doctor’s rivalry with the Dalek creator:  the insane genius Davros.  Join us as we watch Parts 3 & 4 of GENESIS OF THE DALEKS when Doctor Who Club returns Friday February 7th, after school in room 226.  We’ll also be holding our February Prize Raffle!

By |January 30th, 2025|


Doctor Who Club returns on FEBRUARY 7th — the first Friday of semester 2.

By |January 17th, 2025|
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