When we meet
Every Friday after school in the Auto Shop (room 110).
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Conestoga Skilled Trades Information Session
Are you a grade 12 or 11 student interested in the trades? If so, please consider attending a presentation from the Trades Rep at Conestoga College. Ms. Brandes (Conestoga) will be joined by WCDSB’s, Mr. Bumbacco, who is a CO-OP, OYAP and tech consultant.
Conestoga College Trades and Experiential Learning Presentation
When: Wednesday, December 13th
Time: period 4 (12:40 pm- 2:00pm)
Location: Lecture Hall
If you are not in a senior tech class during p. 4, then you MUST sign- up by Tuesday December 12th. The Sign-up sheet will be in the GUIDANCE OFFICE. Please see Mr. Betik or Mrs. Aguiar. You can only attend the presentation if you do not have a summative in your p. 4 class that day.
Period 4 senior tech students in manufacturing and construction are automatically registered for the presentation and therefore do not need to sign-up in Guidance.