

A variety of clubs attempt to meet the needs of every student interest. Check out this list of co-curricular activities and choose to get involved!! You won’t be sorry you did. There are also several contests each year, which involve the school in competitions with other schools or regions. These include contests in Math, Science, English and Technology. Look at posters; listen and read announcements; go to meetings; ask the teachers, ask Student Council. Here is some of what St. Benedict has to offer …… now it’s up to you!

If there is a club you don’t see listed and you would be interested in starting, speak to a member of Student Council, or approach one of your teachers!

Club Announcements

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming Nov. 15th

Why is a spaceship from the 51st century stalking a woman from the 18th century?  Why do the droids on this ship have her life laid out along a series of time windows, and why do they wait for her to be “complete“?  Join us this week and find out as we join the 10th Doctor, Rose & Mickey in the acclaimed 2006 story THE GIRL IN THE FIREPLACE.  The adventure begins this Friday November 15th, after school in room 226.

By |November 8th, 2024|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming Nov. 8th

The 10th Doctor is taking Donna Noble on her first trip into the far future…a future where corporate imperialism and greed is just as alive and well as it is in the present day.  Watch as the Doctor & Donna fight against slavery and oppression this week in 2008’s PLANET OF THE OOD.  The battle is joined this week — Friday November 8th — after school in room 226.  We will also be holding our November Prize Raffle.

By |October 31st, 2024|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming Oct. 31st

The Mara, a creature of the dark places of the inside, is loose on the paradise world of Deva Loka.  Between the demon of darkness and the darkness of a madman bent on apocalyptic destruction, stands the Doctor — will he succeed in stopping both threats?  Join us this week for Parts 3 & 4 of KINDADue to the upcoming PD Day, we will be meeting this week on THURSDAY OCT. 31st after school in room 226.

By |October 25th, 2024|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming Oct. 25th

A colonial expedition to an alien planet has been losing people one by one to the jungle…but the danger lies with a creature hiding in the dark places of the inside, and not with the gentle indigenous population.  It’s a danger that the 5th Doctor’s companion Tegan is about discover in terrifying fashion.  Join us this week for Parts 1 & 2 of the 1982 story KINDA.  The adventure begins this Friday, October 25th after school in room 226.  New members are always welcome.

By |October 18th, 2024|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming Oct. 18th

This week, the Doctor & River Song not only have to stop an army of Weeping Angels…they have to stop Amy from being converted into an angel herself!  Join us for the gripping conclusion to our two-part story this week with 2010’s FLESH AND STONE.  The fight for survival begins this Friday, October 18th after school in room 226.  Remember…don’t blink!

By |October 10th, 2024|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming Oct. 10th

Have you ever heard of the Weeping Angels?  Prepare for a crash course if you’re one of the few who haven’t…and prepare to find out what happens when you face an army of these quantum-locked stone assassins from the dawn of time.  Join the 11th Doctor, Amy & River Song as they face such an army this week…and come face to face with all sorts of timey-wimey issues…in THE TIME OF ANGELS.  Join us this Thursday (due to the PD Day) October 10th after school in room 226.  And remember…don’t blink!

By |October 4th, 2024|
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