Rowing Club

Rowing Club2024-09-12T09:50:08-04:00

When we meet

We will have two special “TRY ROWING” Events at the Cambridge Rowing Club at Riverbluffs Park on Saturday, September 21st (1-3 pm), and Tuesday, September 24th (5:30-7:30), 2024. Everyone is welcome! No experience required! Come give rowing a try and see if it’s for you! Prior to participating, students must complete a swim test, which takes place on Monday, September 16th.

Please see Ms. Currie or Ms. Vorsteveld for forms and more information. 

Otherwise, look out for Indoor Rowing Club workouts in the mornings before school through the winter months. As well, we will run additional swim test programs in the spring, and a LEARN TO ROW program in the spring as well! For students interested in competing, there are also opportunities to race in regattas around Ontario! There is something for every level of interest in rowing. 

Club facilitators

Useful links

Email Rosanna Currie to be added to the Rowing D2L page for more information.

Latest news…

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming February 14th

This week, the Doctor must decide if he is going to commit genocide or allow the Daleks to be unleashed on the universe…what is the lesser evil?  Join us for the concluding episodes of the 1975 4th Doctor classic GENESIS OF THE DALEKS, this Friday February 14th after school in room 226.  New members are always welcome.

By |February 7th, 2025|

Valentines Day Carnations

Hey Saints!

Do you have a special someone you want to give a Valentine’s this year? Well, this Valentine’s Day, we are doing a carnation sale! Carnation sales will be held February 11th, 12th, and 13th during both Lunch A and Lunch B at the SAC office window. These wonderful flowers will be sent to the student’s homeroom on Friday, February 14th. Be sure you know their homeroom number! Carnations are being sold for 2$ each.

Happy Valentine’s Day Saints!

By |February 6th, 2025|


Hey Saints!

Get ready for the annual Semi-Formal Dance at St. Benedict’s! This year’s theme is “Night Under The City Lights” and it is on February 20th located at The Museum in Kitchener. For the price of $30 a student, you gain access to amazing catering, a photo booth to take pictures with friends, a live DJ, and the chance to explore all FOUR floors that the museum has to offer! Tickets are available for purchase now through School Cash Online, and upfront payment will not be accepted. Act fast before the tickets sell out, because they are limited!
Grab your friends and prepare for a night under the stars and city lights on Thursday, February 20th, 2025!

By |February 5th, 2025|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming February 7th

As Semester 2 begins, Doctor Who Club continues with the saga of the creation of the Daleks…and the beginning of the Doctor’s rivalry with the Dalek creator:  the insane genius Davros.  Join us as we watch Parts 3 & 4 of GENESIS OF THE DALEKS when Doctor Who Club returns Friday February 7th, after school in room 226.  We’ll also be holding our February Prize Raffle!

By |January 30th, 2025|
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