The Saints Weight Room Club will be back in action after the Thanksgiving weekend. The club will run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays after school in our very own weight room. There is no cost to participate if you have paid your student registration fees. All club members must first sign up and submit a signed waiver (links found below).
Let’s get lifting, Saints!
When we meet
Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays after school
Club facilitator
Useful links
NOTE: You must complete both of the above to participate!
Latest news…
DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming Oct. 4th
The Doctor’s arch-enemy, the Master, is causing chaos with his Nestene partners & Auton servants. The entire world’s stock of plastic is now a threat to humanity…can the Doctor stop the threat before the Nestenes invade Earth? Join us this week to find out as the Doctor & UNIT battle the forces of evil in Parts 3 & 4 of TERROR OF THE AUTONS. The battle begins this Friday Oct. 4th, after school in room 226. We will also be hosting our October Prize Raffle. All new members welcome.
DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming Sept. 27th
It’s 1971. The 3rd Doctor is in exile on Earth, working as UNIT’s Scientific Advisor. In the span of a single day, he will meet his new assistant, prepare to fight a returning alien menace…and come face to face with his one-time best friend & now deadly enemy: The Master. Join us this week as we watch Parts 1 & 2 of TERROR OF THE AUTONS — Friday Sept. 27th after school in room 226. All new members are welcome.
DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming Sept. 20th
Sutekh, the God of Death, has destroyed all life…so why & how are the Doctor, Ruby and Mel still alive? Can the Doctor save the entire universe with a TARDIS made from his memories? How will a spoon spell the end of Sutekh? And who is Ruby’s biological mother? All of these questions will be answered in the 15th Doctor’s first season finale: EMPIRE OF DEATH. Join us this Friday, Sept. 20th after school in room 226 to discover the answers to all these questions.
DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming Sept. 13th
At last…the mystery of Ruby Sunday is revealed…or is it? Is it part of something bigger? Has someone anticipated the Doctor’s investigation with their own universal plans…and who is the woman whose face the Doctor & Ruby have encountered on all their previous voyages? Find out this week as we watch THE LEGEND OF RUBY SUNDAY. Join us Friday Sept. 13th after school in room 226 for the answers to season-spanning questions…