School Prayer

God, You have made us and brought us together as a diverse group of people, all reflecting Your image. We pray that we would celebrate and respect one another for who we are and what we do.

Help us create a faithful, safe and compassionate community where each of us can be successful. We pray that our Catholic education would make us wise and loving people. Help us use our knowledge and leadership abilities to transform our world into a community where people act with compassion and kindness. Amen.

Competition Prayer

God, we thank you for the skills, abilities and talents which you have bestowed upon us. Guide us in our competition that we may be faithful to your Word and honour the spirit of competition. Recognising that you have created all things, help us respect those with whom we compete. Console us in defeat, keep us humble in victory, and may we forever do good in all we do, with eternal thanks to you. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen!

Sending Prayer

May the God of consolation bless you in every way and grant you peace in the coming days. May God free you from all anxiety and strengthen your heart in love. May God enrich you with the gifts of faith, hope and love. May almighty God bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.