Manufacturing Technology TMJ2OI
This course introduces students to the manufacturing industry by giving them an opportunity to design and fabricate products using a variety of processes, tools, and equipment. Students will learn about technical drawing, properties and preparation of materials, and manufacturing techniques. Student projects may include a robotic challenge, a design challenge, or a fabrication project involving processes such as machining, welding, vacuum forming, or injection moulding. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to manufacturing, and will learn about secondary and postsecondary pathways leading to careers in the industry.
TYPE: Open
Manufacturing Technology TMJ3CI
This course enables students to develop knowledge and skills through hands-on, project-based learning. Students will acquire design, fabrication, and problem-solving skills while using tools and equipment such as lathes, mills, welders, computer-aided machines, robots, and control systems. Students may have opportunities to obtain industry-standard certification and training. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to manufacturing and will learn about pathways leading to careers in the industry. Recommended: Manufacturing Tech. (TMJ 20)
TYPE: College
Manufacturing Engineering Technology TMJ3MI
This course enables students to develop knowledge and skills related to design, process planning, control systems, and quality assurance. Students will use a broad range of tools and equipment and will combine modern manufacturing techniques and processes with computer-aided manufacturing as they develop critical decision-making, problem-solving, and project-management skills. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to manufacturing and will learn about pathways leading to careers in the industry. Recommended: Manufacturing Tech. (TMJ 20)
TYPE: University/College
Manufacturing Engineering: Robotics and Control Systems TMR3MI
This course examines computer systems and the control of robotic devices. Students will assemble computer and remotely-controlled robots by fabricating, installing and configuring appropriate hardware and software. Students will also develop knowledge and skills in CAD-based manufacturing, metalwork, teamwork, electronics, robotics and programming and will build robots that are controlled by computer programs and interfaces and/or respond to external devices. Students will develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues, and will learn about post-secondary programs leading to careers in robotics. Students will have the opportunity to participate in the annual FIRST Robotics competition.
COURSE NOTE: Please do not also choose TER3MI- it is a similar course!
TYPE: University/College
CREDIT EQUIVALENTS: TER3MI – Computer Engineering: Robotics and Control Systems is a similar course and you will not receive credit for taking both.
Mechanical Engineering TMM3M
This course focuses on design principles and advanced manufacturing processes. Students will solve problems and make critical decisions necessary to design products and develop efficient production systems and processes. They will also study the broad range of career opportunities available in the Engineering sector and their educational requirements, and will research the scope of the Engineering industry. This unique program will provide a solid base for those students planning to enroll in various Engineering programs at university.
TYPE: University/College
Manufacturing Technology – Precision Machining Emphasis TMP3C
This course enables students to develop knowledge and skills through hands-on, project based learning. Students will acquire design, fabrication, and problem solving skills while using tools and equipment such as lathes, mills, welders, computer-aided machines, robots, and control systems. Students may have opportunities to obtain industry standard certification and training. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to manufacturing and will learn about pathways leading to careers in the industry. This Emphasis course will focus on the tools, machines, knowledge and skills specifically related to the area of Precision Machining will be studied with the goal of industry related careers.
TYPE: College
Manufacturing Engineering Technology – CAM Emphasis TMC3C
This course enables students to develop knowledge and skills related to design, process planning, control systems, and quality assurance. Students will use a broad range of tools and equipment and will combine modern manufacturing techniques and processes with computer-aided manufacturing as they develop critical decision-making, problem-solving, and project-management skills. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to manufacturing and will learn about pathways leading to careers in the industry. This emphasis course will provide the student with the basic skills and knowledge of Computer Aided Manufacturing technology. At the end of the course,the student will be able to demonstrate acquired skills and knowledge and apply them in a project based learning environment. This course is a pre-requisite for TMC4C, a CAM college/university level preparation course.
TYPE: College
Manufacturing Engineering Technology TMJ4MI
This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills related to design, process planning, control systems, project management, quality assurance, and business operations. Students will use a broad range of tools and equipment, enhance their skills in computer-aided design, and collaborate in managing a project. Students will critically analyse and solve complex problems involved in manufacturing products. Students will expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues and of career opportunities in the manufacturing industry.
TYPE: University/College
PREREQUISITE: TMJ3MI – U/C – Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Manufacturing Technology TMJ4CI
This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills related to machining, welding, print reading, computer numerical control (CNC), robotics, and design. Students will develop proficiency in using mechanical, pneumatic, electronic, and computer control systems in a project-based learning environment and may have opportunities to obtain industry-standard training and certification. Students will expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues and career opportunities in the manufacturing industry.
TYPE: College
PREREQUISITE: TMJ3CI – College Manufacturing Technology
Mechanical Engineering TMM4MI
Course Description: This course focuses on design principles and advanced manufacturing processes. Students will solve problems and make critical decisions necessary to design products and develop efficient production systems and processes. They will also study the broad range of career opportunities available in the Engineering sector and their educational requirements, and will research the scope of the Engineering industry. This unique program will provide a solid base for those students planning to enroll in various Engineering programs at university.
TYPE: University/College
PREREQUISITE: TMM3M1 – U/C Mechanical Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering: Robotics and Control Systems TMR4MI
This course continues to examine computer systems and the control of robotics devices. Students will explore and refine advanced topics in manufacturing processes, design, electronics, pneumatics, programming, and automation. Skills in metal work, precision machining, welding, etching, solder, wiring, and power control will be emphasized. Students will continue to develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues, and will learn about post-secondary programs leading to careers in robotics. Students will have the opportunity to participate in the annual FIRST Robotics competition.
COURSE NOTE: please do NOT also choose TER4MI – it is a similar course.
TYPE: University/College
PREREQUISITE: TER3MI – Computer Engineering: Robotics and Control Systems or TMR3MI – Manufacturing Engineering: Robotics and Control Systems or TEJ3MI – Computer Engineering or TMJ3MI – U/C – Manufacturing Engineering Technology
CREDIT EQUIVALENTS: TER4MI – Computer Engineering: Robotics and Control Systems is a similar course and you will not receive credit for taking both.
Manufacturing Technology – Precision Machining Emphasis TMP4CI
This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills related to machining, welding, print reading, computer numerical control (CNC), robotics, and design. Students will develop proficiency in using mechanical, pneumatic, electronic, and computer control systems in a project-based learning environment and may have opportunities to obtain industry standard training and certification. Students will expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues and career opportunities in the manufacturing industry. This Emphasis Course focuses on the further development of Precision Machining skills and the tools, skills and knowledge required to position students for careers in the Precision Machining Trade and post-secondary programs in Precision Machining.
TYPE: College
Manufacturing Engineering Technology – CAM Emphasis TMC4CI
This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills related to design, process planning, control systems, project management, quality assurance, and business operations. Students will use a broad range of tools and equipment, enhance their skills in computer-aided design, and collaborate in managing a project. Students will critically analyze and solve complex problems involved in manufacturing products. Students will expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues and of career opportunities in the manufacturing industry. The intention of this emphasis course is to provide the student with the basic skills and knowledge for an entry-level post- secondary program in the area of Computer Aided manufacturing. At the end of the course, the student will be able to apply their knowledge in a project based learning environment.
TYPE: College
OYAP – Manufacturing Technology; Emphasis – Precision Metal Machining TMJ4CT
This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills related to machining, welding, print reading, computer numerical control (CNC), robotics, and design. Students will develop proficiency in using mechanical, pneumatic, electronic, and computer control systems in a project-based learning environment and may have opportunities to obtain industry-standard training and certification. Students will expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues and career opportunities in the manufacturing industry.
COURSE NOTE: Access to OYAP is based on student readiness and program availability.
• Complete the Application Form, Parent Permission & Teacher Reference Forms
• Students will be contacted by a Co-op teacher for an interview
• Health test(s), criminal reference check, specialized application packages may be required depending on placement requests
Students are responsible for all costs (e.g. transportation)
More information at & Guidance & Co-op offices
TYPE: Apprenticeship
PREREQUISITE: TMJ3CI – College Manufacturing Technology or TMJ3MI – U/C – Manufacturing Engineering Technology