RE: Upcoming EQAO Assessment 2024-2025

Dear Parent/Guardian:

The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) measures whether students are meeting the minimum standard for literacy across all subjects up to the end of Grade 9.

This year, the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) will be offering the online OSSLT to students in Grade 10 and our previously eligible students, including those who are learning remotely. Successful completion of this literacy test is one of the requirements to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

Between November 7th and December 2nd 2024, our eligible students will be taking part in the OSSLT.

Students will complete the test with their period 2 classes and continue into period 3. There are two booklets to complete (Session A and Session B) which are comprised of reading and writing and are designed to be completed between 65-75 minutes per booklet. Students will complete each session in one sitting.

Further information regarding the OSSLT:

  • This test is fully online and must be completed onsite using a school computer
  • Students need to be in the testing room (206 or 207) and ready to begin writing the test at 9:25 am.
  • The OSSLT is divided into two sessions and all students will be provided with reasonable extra time to complete the test with confidence.
  • Cellphones are not permitted in the testing room during the administration of the test.
  • OSSLT results do not count toward students’ grades, but successful completion of the test is a requirement for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
  • If a student is unable to attend school on the assigned day, or for whatever reason is not able to complete the test, they will have another opportunity in the Spring.

For all students on an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) most accommodations are provided through the online testing tools however, if your child requires to use speech to text or a scribe these accommodations will be made available to them on the day of the testing.

For more information regarding online practice test, and other Literacy Test information, please go to the St. Benedict Website at Click on “Student Services”, and then click “OSSLT Literacy Test Preparation” or students can visit the EQAO website at

Please see or contact Andreia Borba at for further clarification.