Registration Information & Timetables
Student timetables and locker information are accessible through the Aspen Student Portal. Students and families will be notified of the publication of schedules to the Aspen portal via School Messenger/Newswire. Please visit our website at St. Benedict Start Up Procedures & Information for more information and instructions.
If students are experiencing difficulty accessing their timetables through the Aspen Portal, they are welcomed to come to the main office for assistance on the first day of school.
Locker information has been uploaded into Aspen and should be available in the student portal. Students can log into their Aspen account. Once in the portal, the information is located on the “My Info” tab.
Uniform policy will be in effect starting the first day of school. Spirit wear days will continue as in the past (spirit tops with uniform bottoms on Wednesdays). Civvies days will be communicated via the St. Benedict School Year Calendar and morning announcements.
New uniforms can be purchased through McCarthy Uniforms.
A previously owned uniform distribution event will take place on Thursday, August 31st in the school cafeteria. The shop will also run the first few weeks of school for students that cannot make the August sale.
School Cash Online
Mandatory consent forms and fees are accessible through School Cash Online beginning in September. Forms are to be completed by the end of September.
Instructions, a detailed checklist, and information documents by grade level can be found on our school website. Click here to be redirected.
SCOL notes for students over the age of 18:
- If a parent has an account and has the student attached, then yes, they will still receive notifications regardless of the student’s age. SCOL doesn’t remove students from a parent’s account when they turn 18.
- If the student wants to complete the forms themselves, they will have to create an account and add themselves as a student. However, the parent will still have an account and receive the same notifications and be able to complete the forms as a student can be picked up in SCOL by more than one person.
Bus Route Information 2023-2024
Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region (STSWR) has announced that bus route information for the 2023-2024 school year is available as of Monday, August 21, 2023, on their website.
STSWR website login instructions:
Student Login Instructions (Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region) (
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
A – De Lesley O’Toole
Dh – Ho + International Laura Varriano Lane
Hu – L Melissa Novakovich
M – Ri Nicholas Betik
RO – Z Laura O’Neill
Catholic School Advisory Council
St. Benedict C.S.S. sees family involvement as one of its main priorities; our CSAC council is a group of parents, teacher, and administers that are dedicated to making St. Benedict a great place for all students to learn and grow. On behalf of our school community, we would like to thank the many members who contributed to the success of the 2022-2023 school year. We look forward to welcoming all returning members, as well as individuals who are new to our school community and are interested in joining this dynamic group. Our first CSAC meeting for the 2023-2024 school year is schedule for Thursday, September 28th from 6:00PM-8:00PM. Meetings are held in room 111.
If you wish to nominate yourself or another parent/guardian, please complete the nomination form on School Cash Online or visit our school website for further information and instructions.
If you have questions or require further information, please feel free to contact the school or Jordan Figueirdo at