Doctor Who Club WILL RETURN ON JANUARY 10th.
Doctor Who Club WILL RETURN ON JANUARY 10th.
This past week, St. Benedict's held 3 amazing shows of this year's musical production: Footloose! Everyone involved did a fantastic job, from the actors and dancers, to the orchestra and tech crew behind the scenes. These talented students all used their skills in unison to create the most groundbreaking, show stopping, blues-losing performances across [more...]
It's Doctor Who Club at CHRISTMAS! That means a viewing of the 11th Doctor's epic holiday final adventure: THE TIME OF THE DOCTOR. It also means we hold the annual Christmas Prize Giveaway...and a special raffle for a brand new SONIC SCREWDRIVER! Join us for all the happy holiday fun this Friday, December 20th [more...]
KW Legacy Scholarship Program: Leadership, Citizenship, and Community Service, Financial need, and Academic success Due date to Guidance - Feb. 6th, 2025 Various Scholarships available Five General scholarships worth $5000, WLU Faculty of Science Scholarship MGC manufacturing Sholarship Heffner Cabinetry Scholarship Heffner Automotive Scholarship 2 Bishops University Scholarships – worth $12,000 1 Saint Mary’s University [more...]
It's Charles Dickens, ghosts, and Victorian England...at Christmas! What more do you need? How about Rose Tyler's first trip back in time, and aliens masquerading as ghosts? Throw it all into the mix and you get 2005's THE UNQUIET DEAD. Join us as we begin our Christmas celebrations this Friday December 13th, after school [more...]
It's down time for the 13th Doctor & her companions...but strange dreams and hallucinations begin to haunt their waking moments...and some deadly creatures intend to use this to escape their imprisonment. Join us this week for CAN YOU HEAR ME. The adventure begins this Friday December 6th, after school in room 226.
Hey Saints! The extra spooky second episode of SBTV is available to watch now! Take a peek at the terrifying events we held at our school through the month of October!
The insectoid Wirrn are ready to literally consume the survivors of the human race...and all that is standing in their way is the 4th Doctor, Sarah & Harry...but will there ingenuity be sufficient to save a civilization? We will find out this week as we watch parts 3 & 4 of THE ARK IN SPACE. [more...]
You are invited to attend a parent & student information night on December 5th. Click on the link below for details. Grade 8 Night 2024
Thousands of years in the future, the in-stasis survivors of a human catastrophe have over-slept...because something large and multi-legged has sabotaged their alarm clock. When the 4th Doctor, Sarah & Harry arrive on the scene, it spells 3 more potential victims for the monstrous invader. Join us this week for parts 1 & 2 of [more...]