Monthly Archives: May 2024

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming June 7th

The Doctor & Ruby arrive on the rugged coast of North Wales.  The Doctor accidentally steps into a strange string circle...resulting in his disappearance and the start of a 60 year nightmare for Ruby Sunday, as her life unravels.  Join us for the most terrifying episode since the introduction of the Weeping Angels, as [more...]

By |2024-05-30T18:49:00-04:00May 30th, 2024|Announcements, Doctor Who|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming May 30th

Responding to a scream for help, the Doctor runs out of the TARDIS without thinking...and ends up standing on the deadliest land mine of all time.  Detonation could wipe out tens of thousands of people...but how does he get out this one?  Join us for this week's episode: BOOM.  Please note that, due to [more...]

By |2024-05-24T15:56:24-04:00May 24th, 2024|Announcements, Doctor Who|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming May 24th

Ruby asks the Doctor to visit the Abbey Road Studios in 1963 and watch the Beatles record their first album...but it seems that everything has changed for the worse, thanks to the all-powerful Maestro.  Join us and watch the Doctor battle an enemy that terrifies even him...and uses music as a weapon.  It's THE DEVIL'S [more...]

By |2024-05-17T16:27:12-04:00May 17th, 2024|Announcements, Doctor Who|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming May 17th

THIS IS IT!  The 15th Doctor & Ruby, in brand-new adventures through time & space.  The new time travel team starts off in space, surrounded by talking babies...but is that the Bogeyman hiding around the corner?  Find out this week as we inaugurate a new era with SPACE BABIES.  Join us as we welcome Ncuti [more...]

By |2024-05-10T17:14:44-04:00May 10th, 2024|Announcements, Doctor Who|

Are you a grade 12 or 5th year returning student in Sept 2024?

Are you interested in a career in the construction sector? If so, then maybe the Semester 1 Accelerated OYAP Level 1 Construction Craft Worker Program offered through LIUNA is right for you. This program provides students with a unique opportunity to gain valuable skills and experience in the construction industry. It is designed to accelerate the [more...]

By |2024-05-21T14:50:21-04:00May 7th, 2024|NewsWire|

DOCTOR WHO CLUB: Coming May 10th

It's 1983:  on board a Soviet nuclear submarine, scientists have unearthed an alien warrior that could ignite nuclear war...whether the world wants it or not.  At this point, the 11th Doctor & Clara arrive...and the Doctor realizes he's facing an Ice Warrior.  Join us this week as a Martian sticks his pincers into worldwide conflict [more...]

By |2024-05-03T17:46:18-04:00May 3rd, 2024|Announcements, Doctor Who|
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