Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - Volume 17, Issue 10
Semester 1 Final Evaluation Schedule
Please be advised of the following important reminders:
- Uniform: All students are required to attend in full uniform.
- 2-hour Exam/Evaluation Period: Students are required to remain in their class for the full 2 hours. Students are not permitted to sign out during the 2-hour exam period.
- Credit Rescue: Students accessing credit rescue will be notified in advance by their teachers.
Our student transportation schedule is outlined below to reflect the appropriate departure times to align with the evaluation day schedule.
Friday, January 24
Evaluation Day
Monday, January 27
Evaluation Day
Tuesday, January 28
Evaluation Day
Wednesday, January 29
Evaluation Day
All students born in 2007 can start booking their graduation photos!
New dates will be made available shortly.
Go to Bookmygrad.ca with your student number and use the code TBO to book your picture. Check out the school Instagram, messenger or website for more information!
Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!
Looking for a quick way to navigate all things WCDSB for parents?
Check out the Board website for information and information pertaining to Aspen Portal, Brightspace, School Cash Online, Transportation updates, and other resources
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Counsellor’s Name
Last names
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. McAulay-Arruda, ext. 5631
International Certificate Program
The International Certificate Program will recognize and honour students who demonstrate a commitment to being motivated, engaged and active global citizens. Students will benefit by developing cultural competencies through authentic learning experiences. Some of the benefits include:
- Learning or improving another language
- Increasing global awareness
- Immersing yourself in another culture
- Becoming more independent and confident
- Making lifelong friendships
- Exploring opportunities for your future
- Hosting an International student with your family
- Traveling and visiting other countries
- Understanding the similarities and differences between cultures
- Connecting personal experiences with coursework
- Developing leadership skills
- Participating as a global citizen
Interested in learning more about the International Certificate Program?
Please see Mrs. Kot in the Guidance Office on your lunch hour OR after school.
Wrestling silver and bronze
Please congratulate our wrestlers who competed in a tournament at Jacob Hespeler just before Christmas break. Mateo G. took home bronze and Alex A., Abdur R., Phil S., and Nate-Dog C. all took silver. Way to go Saints!
Saints Swimming success
Congratulations to the St. Benedict Swim team who earned a 2nd place overall finish at the District 8 swim meet the week before Christmas break. Many of our swimmers qualified for CWOSSA and we are very proud of their efforts.
Special mentions go to Gracie Murray who was 3rd place overall in junior girls, Aiden D'Oliviera who earned 2nd place overall in the Open boys division and Hailey Murdoch who got 1st place overall in the Open girls division.
See the calendar on the school website for complete sport schedule listings!
Sports Results
St. Benedict CSS 38, St. David CSS 32 St. Benedict CSS 35, Resurrection CSS 28
St. Mary's HS 63, St. Benedict CSS 53
St. Benedict CSS 74, Woodland Christian HS 37
St. Mary's HS 59, St. Benedict CSS 51
St. Benedict CSS 74, Woodland Christian HS 53
St. Benedict CSS 61, Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 40
St. Benedict CSS 3, Woodland Christian HS 0
ES Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 3, St. Benedict CSS 0
Woodland Christian HS 3, St. Benedict CSS 1
ES Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 3, St. Benedict CSS 0
SENIOR GIRLS ICE HOCKEY Monsignor Doyle CSS 4, St. Benedict CSS 2
St. Benedict CSS 6, Monsignor Doyle CSS 0
From the librarian’s desk
Hey Bennies – Welcome back! We hope you had a great holiday break and were able to get some much-needed rest and relaxation. On behalf of the whole Cambridge Public Library team, we wish you all the best in 2025! – Ryan
Therapy Dogs
Upcoming exams got you stressed? Need a break from studying? Come to the library at lunchtime on 16 January to relax with visiting St John’s Ambulance therapy dogs. Dog teams will be available during both lunches.
New Years Resolutions
Did you resolve to read more in 2025? Joining the Bennies book club is a great way to meet your reading goals! Explore a variety of genres and connect with like-minded readers in this monthly meeting. Every month we select a ‘shared read’ to discuss, but we always have time to chat about your other literary loves. We meet Mondays after-school in the library classroom on 3 February, 3 March, 7 April, and 5 May. Contact librarian Ryan at rorr@ideaexchange.org to learn more today!
For your virtual library needs, visit the St Benedict Library Learning Commons site here or the Cambridge Public Library site here.
Wednesday, January 8 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Basketball @ St. David CSS 3:00pm: Sr. Girls Volleyball vs St. David CSS 3:00pm: Jr. Girls Volleyball vs St. David CSS 4:30pm: Jr. Boys Basketball @ St. David CSS
Thursday, January 9 10:40am: IRIS Club 12:00pm: IRIS Club 2:00pm: Boys Hockey vs St. Mary's HS 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: DECA Business Club
Friday, January 10 10:40am: Cosmo Club 12:00pm: Girls Garage Club 12:00pm: Cosmo Club 2:15pm: Girls Garage Club 2:15pm: Ping Pong Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who Club 2:15pm: Model UN Club 2:15pm: Indigenous Student Union
Monday, January 13 2:00pm: Homework Club 2:15pm: Film Club
Tuesday, January 14 10:40am: Arts Council 10:40am: IRIS Club 12:00pm: Arts Council 12:00pm: IRIS Club 12:15pm: Rosary Club 2:00pm: Boys Hockey @ St. David CSS 2:15pm: Choir
Wednesday, January 15 10:40am: Black Excellence Group 12:00pm: Black Excellence Group 2:00pm: Girls Hockey vs Monsignor Doyle CSS 2:00pm: Garden Club 2:00pm: Homework Club 2:30pm: Bouldering Club 3:00pm: Sr. Girls Volleyball @ Resurrection CSS 3:00pm: Jr. Girls Volleyball @ Resurrection CSS 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Basketball vs Resurrection 4:30pm: Jr. Boys Basketball vs Resurrection
Thursday, January 16 10:40am: IRIS Club 12:00pm: IRIS Club 2:00pm: BASA (Asian Student Assoc) 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: DECA Business Club
Friday, January 17 8:00am: Wrestling Tournament #4 10:40am: Cosmo Club 12:00pm: Girls Garage Club 12:00pm: Cosmo Club 2:15pm: Girls Garage Club 2:15pm: Ping Pong Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who Club 2:15pm: Model UN Club
Monday, January 20 2:00pm: Homework Club 2:15pm: Film Club 2:30pm: Girls Hockey @ Resurrection CSS 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Basketball vs Our Lady of Mount Carmel 3:00pm: Jr. Girls Volleyball vs ES David-Saint-Jacques 4:30pm: Sr. Boys Basketball vs Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Tuesday, January 21 10:40am: Arts Council 10:40am: IRIS Club 12:00pm: Arts Council 12:00pm: IRIS Club 12:15pm: Rosary Club 2:15pm: Choir 6:00pm: Catholic Schools Advisory Council Meeting
Wednesday, January 22 BENN Newsletter release 10:40am: Black Excellence Group 12:00pm: Black Excellence Group 2:00pm: Garden Club 2:00pm: Homework Club
Thursday, January 23 Grade 9 EQAO 10:40am: IRIS Club 12:00pm: IRIS Club 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: DECA Business Club
Friday, January 24 8:00am: Period 1 Final Evaluation
Monday, January 27 8:00am: Period 2 Final Evaluation
Tuesday, January 28 Bell Let's Talk Day 8:00am: Period 3 Final Evaluation
Wednesday, January 29 8:00am: Period 4 Final Evaluation
Friday, January 31 PD Day
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!