Wednesday, September 21, 2022 - Volume 15, Issue 3
Message from Administration
The BENN editorial team took one look at this issue of the BENN Newsletter and said to themselves, "there's enough stuff in here for people to read." So, we gave our admin team a break.
Enjoy this issue of the BENN, and the last days of summer!
School Cash Online reminder
Mandatory consent forms and fees are accessible through School Cash Online. Forms are to be completed by the end of September.
Instructions, a detailed checklist, and information documents by grade level can be found on our school website. Click here to be redirected.
SCOL notes for students over the age of 18:
- If a parent has an account and has the student attached then yes they will still receive notifications regardless of the student’s age. SCO doesn’t remove students from a parent’s account when they turn 18.
- If the student wants to complete the forms themselves, they will have to create an account and add themselves as a student. However the parent will still have an account and receive the same notifications and be able to complete the forms as a student can be picked up in SCO by more than one person.
Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!
2022-2023 School Year Bell Times
7:55 Warning Bell 8:00 - 9:15 Period 1 9:20 - 10:35 Period 2 10:40 Lunch 11:20 Warning Bell 11:25 - 12:40 Period 3 12:45 - 2:00 Period 4
Student Handbook 2022-2023
We are going green! In an effort to be more eco-friendly, the student handbook is available online following the link below. Students and parents are encouraged to read through it to familiarize themselves with the school’s policies, procedures and expectations.
Catholic School Advisory Council
St Benedict’s Catholic School Advisory Council (formerly School Council) is a group of parents, guardians, community members, teachers and administrators committed to making our high school a great place to learn and grow! The council sees family involvement as one of its main priorities and is committed to welcoming parents into the St. Benedict community by increasing communication, removing barriers, and creating opportunities to get involved!
Our first meeting is on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM and will be held in Room 111 with an option for a virtual link if requested.
If you would like to be a regularly participating member of the advisory council and receive agendas in advance of the meetings, please complete the CSAC Member form electronically and email to Melanie.Baker@wcdsb.ca
The Catholic School Advisory Council is in need of Bingo volunteers, if you have had some experience working with the Cambridge Gaming Association or have interest in serving on council in this capacity, please email Melanie.Baker@wcdsb.ca.
Catholic Parent Involvement Committee - Parent Information Hub
Access our Catholic Parent Involvement Committee - Parent Information Hub to listen to various community organizations speak directly to questions such as: How do I support my anxious child? How do I help my child build social skills? Where do I learn more about LGBT2S+ identities? How do I keep my child safe on the internet? Interested in additional services to support your child? Follow the links to access more information on services offered by each organization.
As I was speaking with students this morning, we agreed that the end of the semester seemed so very far away. We knew, however, that when we arrived at the end of January, we would be talking about how the semester had flown by.
Time flies when each day is full of classes and clubs and musicals and sports. We have been busy with other things as well. We have held a memorial for Queen Elizabeth and prayed for the repose of her soul. We continue to pray for peace in our world, especially in Ukraine. Much more will happen in our school and in our world, and the semester will be over in a flash.
Important Message from Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region
We want to share an important update about school buses. Due to the ongoing bus driver shortage and lingering impacts of the public board’s cyber attack on our shared bus planning software, some routes will need to be temporarily cancelled.
Most bus routes are operating normally. However, some routes are experiencing more frequent and prolonged delays (30 minutes or greater).
This temporary measure will be effective Monday, September 19, 2022 and will continue until Christmas, at which time our need for cancellations will be reviewed.
We understand the significant impact this decision will have on our students and their families and caregivers. Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region (STSWR) does this only as a last resort. We hope that this proactive message will allow families and caregivers to better prepare for and react to the cancellation of bus routes.
Please note that delays have not been caused by our current bus drivers. When they are late, it is because they are trying to support students on bus routes that have no driver, with the best of intentions. They do not have to do this. They are trying to help. Please be kind to them!
What Happens If A School Bus Route is Cancelled?
Effective September 19, 2022
A school bus route will be cancelled when the driver shortage causes a route to be late by more than 30 minutes consistently. Affected students and families will be informed immediately of the cancellation period. Cancellations are done on a week to week basis.
Supporting Student Learning
If a school bus route is cancelled, families are responsible for transporting their children to and from school each day.
Where this is not possible, students should access asynchronous learning materials posted by their classroom teacher on their Learning Management System (LMS), either D2L or Google Classroom. Additional activities can be found here: https://bit.ly/WCDSBIW.
Families should contact their school to let them know if they are unable to get to school. The school can also help families to sign out a Chromebook if necessary.
Stay Informed
Families will be informed the day prior to any cancellation. Cancellations will be posted on the STSWR website with an expected return date.
- Register for notifications on the STSWR parent portal
- Check the Bus Delays page on the STSWR website
The Bus Delays page will be updated with cancellation information each afternoon by 4:30 PM.
St. Benedict Spirit Wear Store is open!
Spirit wear and grad wear stores are open once again. Get your orders in by Monday, September 26! Links can be found on the school website and sac instagram. Grad wear and a student design contest is coming for the next store opening in early November.
Student pick-up and drop-off
Last year, we created a new Drop-Off and Pick-Up process here at St. Benedict. In the Spring, we had new signs installed and we will start the 2022/23 school year with the same, "new" system in place. By adjusting our Drop-Off and Pick-Up system, we were able to increase safety and school transportation efficiency. We will continue to ask that parents adhere to the information below.
All students that are dropped off or picked up by car will need to do so in the parking area just off Green Vista Drive before and after school. The green arrows on the "School Traffic Flow" Map indicates the entrance and direction of traffic flow. We ask parents to come in off Green Vista into our back entrance, follow the signs in the parking lot and leave out the other exit back onto Green Vista. We need all the cars to drive right through the drop-off area, however. If students get dropped off at the start of that parking lot, it just jams up the traffic as other cars try to pull in. On the Pick-up, please pull into that lot also to take some traffic away from the actual street on Green Vista.
The second map shows community streets which could be used as a "Drive to 5" location - a spot where students may be dropped off giving a short walk to/from the school. This will allow a drop-off/pick-up off-site to avoid and further help with vehicular congestion.
Thank you to all of you for assisting in this! All your effort makes a difference, and it is very much appreciated!! Thank you so much for working with us in our attempt to keep our students (and your kids) safe!!!
Wear an orange shirt with uniform bottoms on Friday, September 30th to recognize National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.
Every Child Matters T-shirts are available for $20 through school cash online.
Limited sizes are available.
News from Guidance
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Counsellor’s Name
Last names
Ms. Varriano Lane |
Pe – Q, International students
Once again, the Guidance department will have google classrooms available to share information with our students.
Please consider joining the classrooms:
Ontario Universities Virtual Fair
Ontario's universities are excited to host a collection of in-person and virtual events in the fall of 2022.
Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF)
October 1-2, 2022, from 9:30 am to 5 pm (ET), daily
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
This event is fair style with booths from Ontario universities, and it allows you to gather information and chat with representatives one on one.
Note: There are no university presentations at OUF 2022. If you are looking for a similar experience, we encourage you to attend the virtual Information Sessions.
Regional Fairs Various locations and dates throughout September and October (TBD)
Can’t make the OUF? Ontario’s universities are coming to you this fall!
The Regional Fairs travel across the province, offering fair-style events that allow you to gather information about Ontario’s universities. Learn about programs, campus life and anything else that may help you decide which Ontario university to choose.
Locations, dates and times TBD.
Join us for any (or all!) of your virtual information sessions.
Each event is divided into 6 time slots where students can learn about the universities of their choice and ask questions.
Ontario College Virtual Fair
This year's information fair will be an in-person event. Please visit the OCF website for more information.
Wednesday, October 19, 2022 5 pm - 9 pm
Thursday, October 20, 2022 9 am - 2 pm
Are you interested in being a TEACHER in the future?
Wilfrid Laurier's Faculty of Education's Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigenization (EDI&I) Coalition is looking for FIVE students from Bennies (grades 9-12) for a full-day event being held on their campus on October 18, 2022.
Please check out the information on the Guidance Google Classroom or see Ms. Varriano Lane.
Are You Eligible to Vote for Catholic School Trustees in the 2022 Municipal Elections?
Municipal Election Day is Monday, October 24.
Make sure your school support designation is “English Separate” (Catholic). It’s a powerful message in support of Waterloo Region’s Catholic schools & Catholic education.
Many people assume they are registered Catholic school supporters when, in fact, they are not.
Only Roman Catholic school supporters may vote for Catholic School Trustees.
All Catholics are eligible to support Catholic education – not just those with children in school!
You don’t have to have children in school to direct your school support to Catholic education. In Waterloo Region there are more people who DO NOT have children in school than DO have children in school. Your support is vital to the continuation of our Catholic education system. It is an investment in our future -- and all Catholic ratepayers are partners with Catholic educators in this investment.
Have you moved?
Even if you have been a Catholic school supporter in the past, the designation DOES NOT follow you when you relocate. You are automatically designated a public school board supporter.
Every time you move, it is essential that you re-declare yourself as a Catholic school supporter.
- Check the assessment section of your Tax Bill or Property Assessment Notice
- Check your Voter Information Card received during a municipal election year.
What to do if you are NOT registered as a Catholic school supporter, but want to designate your support to Catholic Education:
If you are NOT registered as a Catholic school supporter -- but want to designate your support to Catholic Education -- you need to fill out the Application for Direction of School Support.
When a Roman Catholic and a Non-Catholic are jointly responsible for the payment of property taxes -- either directly through ownership or indirectly through the payment of rent -- a Catholic School Support Lease is required. This is simply a technical tool designed to give the Roman Catholic the sole right to determine the school support of her or his residence.
Please visit this website for the forms and more information:
When you have updated your forms, you have two options:
- Return the forms to your child’s school.
- If you do not have children attending school, drop your forms at your nearest WCDSB school – or drop them at (or mail them to) the WCDSB head office: 35 Weber St. W., Kitchener, ON, N2G 4G2.
At the Polling Station on Election Day:
Verify that you are registered as a separate school supporter. If your support status is incorrect, ask for an ‘Application to Amend Voters’ List’. This form may be completed and submitted at the polling station.
Ensure the ballot you are given is a separate school ballot.
If you have any questions, please contact the Waterloo Catholic District School Board at 519-578-3660 Ext. 2355.
Boys Volleyball victories against Doyle
Congratulations to the Junior Boys Volleyball team on their first stellar win of the season, beating Monsignor Doyle in three straight sets!
Come out to support our Saints next Monday in Gym 1 at 3pm, for our first home game of the season, playing Pere Rene.
In other volleyball activity, the senior boys volleyball team also started their season off with a 3-set win against Doyle!
Come cheer on the team next Monday for our first home game at 3pm!
Check out the calendar on the bottom of the newsletter and on the school website for up-to-date information about game times for all your St. Benedict teams!
Sports Results
St. Benedict CSS 3, Msgr. Doyle CSS 0
St. Benedict CSS 3, Msgr. Doyle CSS 0
St. Benedict CSS 63, Elmira DSS 49
Senior Girls Basketball tournament win
Congratulations to the Senior Girls' Basketball team who won the Eastwood Invitational on the weekend with a convincing 63-49 win over Elmira.
Lily Vrugteman had 32 points in the final, and Katie Leudy provided strong leadership throughout the tournament.
Come out to support the Saints at 3pm this Wednesday in their second regular game vs St Mary's.
Weight Room Club
Weight Room Club is back and starts Monday Sept 26. It will run every day after school from 2-3pm. Pick up your permission forms from Mr. Malnerich, Mr. Jolag or the Phys. Ed Office.
Doctor Who Club
DOCTOR WHO CLUB continues, every Friday after school in room 226. As we head into the 60th anniversary of the world's longest running scifi-fantasy series, join us each week for pizza, goodies, raffle prizes, and journeys through time and space in the company of your fellow Whovians. New members are always welcome...just show up and prepare to be whisked away through time and space.
Coding Club
Coding Club will resume its activity next Monday at lunch in 216. If you have a keen interest in entering computer contests, this is the pace for you! Until mid-November, the focus will be on preparing grade 9 and 10 students for the writing of the UW's Beaver Computing Challenge. Students with coding experience who want to do the UW contest in February are strongly encouraged to attend for some self-directed learning using Project Euler. For more information, see Mr. Milardovic in 216.
Games Club
Games Club will start up next week and run every Thursday after school in room 227. Come out and play some strategy board games and card games focusing on Magic the Gathering.
Eco Club
Do you have an interest in environmental issues? Do you enjoy spending time in nature? Are you looking to make a difference in our local community? Get involved with EcoClub every Monday at the start of lunch in Room 300! Next meeting will be held on Monday, Sept.26. Bring your lunch and come and make some new friends!
Chess Club
Chess Club now meets every Thursday at lunch in room 125. Beginner or Master, all are welcome. See Mr. Mathe or Mr. Sanders for more info.
Graphic Novels club
Are you a superhero expert? Are you interested in getting into Marvel or DC comics and graphic novels? Do you want to learn about the stories that inspired your favourite superhero movies? Join the Bennies Graphic Novels club. Each week we'll look at a different superhero and their most important comic books.
The Bennies Graphic Novels Club will meet every Wednesday after school in room 327 with Mr. McGaughey, starting this week. All are welcome!
The GSA is back!
Our school's Gender-Sexuality Alliance will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at LUNCH in room 323. We offer a safe space for all, and we are looking forward to welcoming new members!
Student Equity and Engagement Council
The Student Equity and Engagement Council meets Thursdays after school in room 107. If you are interested in changing the culture of our school environment in a meaningful way that focuses on equity for all, then you should be there.
Racing Saints
EV Race Team
CONCEPT The Racing Saints Electric Vehicle Race Team encompasses students to engage themselves into a work environment similar to the engineering industry. Students are challenged to incorporate their various classroom knowledge into effective designs related to the automotive industry.
WHAT IS OUR MISSION? As a student run, multidisciplinary racing team, we allow students from a range of backgrounds to further their understanding of the automotive industry by applying their academic knowledge towards creative problem solving. By creating an efficient and high-performance vehicle, we gain exposure to teamwork, leadership, and logistical skills that empower our young students to seek careers within this industry.
WHAT HAVE WE ACCOMPLISHED? We first competed in the annual University of Waterloo EV Challenge in May of 2014. In 2015, the team earned a 2nd and 3rd in their respective 12V and 24V categories. Last year, the team enjoyed a return to the podium with a well-earned 3rd place finish in the 12V category!
WHERE ARE WE HEADING? We are continuing to build upon our success by improving the vehicle’s designs and performance. The team is experimenting with new composites, electronics, and processes to create a 3rd generation vehicle that challenges students to be innovative and think creatively.
In the end, the experience and opportunity young students gain from such an engineering project produces engineers not found in classrooms alone. Our Team meets every Wednesday and Thursday after school in our Manufacturing Lab.
New members are always welcomed.
For more information please contact Victor.Castela@wcdsb.ca or Gabe.Dutto@wcdsb.ca
Are you a Science Fiction Fan?
Then join the Star Trek Club!
Mrs. Kot is hosting and we meet every Friday at lunch in Room 123 to watch an episode of various Star Trek Series and films. Bring your lunch with you. Former club members are welcome back and new members always welcome.
Do you like going on adventures in nature?
Are you interested in canoeing, camping, and hiking?
Come join St. Benedict's Outer's Club! This is a club for grade 9 - 12 students and all experience levels are welcome.
Outer's Club is inviting you to join us for our Canoe Trip in Algonquin this September 28th - October 1st. Participants will be required to pass a swim test.
If you are interested in joining the club, participating in the upcoming canoe trip or being a part of other Outer's Club excursions this year there will be a meeting in the first week of school. More details to follow in our morning announcements!
Can't wait to see you there!
BoulderDash Club
Hey Saints! Did you know that there's a rock-climbing gym just a few kilometres away from our school? Join the BoulderDash club and you can come climbing after school every Thursday. There are plenty of walls to climb for athletes of all ability levels. It's a great way to build muscle without ever having to lift weights and it's so much fun to climb with your friends.
To learn more, meet Mr. Porto, Ms. Novakovich and Mr. Sanders in the gym hallway September 6, at 2:10, right after school. If you can't make the meeting, find Mr. Porto, Ms. Novakovich or Mr. Sanders sometime throughout the day to get the details.
Student Leadership opportunity
Do you want to participate in a full day student leadership event at Martin Luther University College? Do you have a passion to change the world?
We are looking for 8 grade 10 or 11 students to participate in this event. It will be held on October 14th and cost $35. Join Ms. Kamta at lunch this Thursday in Rm. 224 for an information session. If you cannot make it, email carrie.kamta@wcdsb.ca for more details.
Check out the Teen Lounge after school!
Teen Lounge is back at the library starting this week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2-3pm. Drop-in and bring your friends for games, crafts, snacks and more! See you there!
From the librarian’s desk
Please note if you need a chrome book or need to exchange your chrome book because there is an issue with it, you can come to the St. Bennies Library on Mondays and Thursdays, from 7:30am to 11:30am.
With the coming of cooler weather, we ask that students avoid standing in clusters or within the aisles. If you cannot find a seat, this means we have reached our capacity and that you should find somewhere else to spend the lunch hour.
A friendly reminder that food is NOT allowed in the library during school hours including lunch hour. Food is also NOT allowed in the Meeting Rooms during school hours.
A reminder to St. Bennies students that your school library is also a public library which means that at 10am members of the public are able to visit the library. You represent your school, so please show them the respectful, caring community that St. Bennies is!
Resource Spotlight
The Library Learning Commons offers many online resources for students and teachers. You can access these resources from the school library website, by selecting the Online Resources webpage.
One new resource we can offer students this year is Source Reference which is billed as an “academic alternative to Wikipedia”.
Source Reference offers a large number of research topics as well as videos on how to do research. This resource can be accessed through the Online Resources page.
Use this QR code to access your school’s Online Resources (databases and eBooks!)
Featured Idea Exchange Programs
Note: The following events are hosted by Idea Exchange and are not affiliated with St. Benedict or the WCDSB. Please visit ideaexchange.org to register.
Stranger Things Escape Room
The Vecna Chapter: Do you have what it takes to beat Vecna’s Curse? Saturday October 22: 10am to 6pm
Please call Clemens Mill to secure a timeslot at 519-740-6294. We recommend groups of 3 to 5 participants.
Thursday, September 22 10:45am: GSA Club 10:45am: MCU Movies club 2:15pm: Math Club 2:15pm: BoulderDash Club 2:15pm: Student Equity and Engagement Council
Friday, September 23 10:45am: Star Trek Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who Club 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Soccer vs Resurrection CSS
Monday, September 26 10:45am: Coding Club 10:45am: EcoClub 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 3:00pm: Sr. Girls Basketball @ ES Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Soccer @ St. David CSS 4:30pm: Jr. Girls Basketball @ ES Pere-Rene-de-Galinee
Tuesday, September 27 10:45am: GSA Club 10:45am: MCU Movies club 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 6:00pm: Catholic School Advisory Council Meeting
Wednesday, September 28 Rowan's Law Day Civvies Day 10:45am: Coding Club 1:00pm: Jr. Boys Football @ St. David CSS 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Graphic Novels Club 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Football @ St. David CSS 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Soccer vs St. Mary's HS 3:00pm: Jr. Girls Basketball @ Resurrection CSS
Thursday, September 29 10:45am: GSA Club 10:45am: MCU Movies club 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Games Club 2:15pm: BoulderDash Club 2:15pm: Student Equity and Engagement Council
Friday, September 30 Orange Shirt Day 10:45am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who Club
Sunday, October 2 National Custodial Workers' Recognition Day
Monday, October 3 10:45am: Coding Club 10:45am: EcoClub 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 3:00pm: Sr. Girls Basketball @ Monsignor Doyle CSS 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Soccer vs St. David CSS 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball vs Monsignor Doyle CSS 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball vs Monsignor Doyle CSS 3:30pm: Jr. Girls Basketball @ Rockway MC
Tuesday, October 4 10:45am: GSA Club 10:45am: MCU Movies club 2:00pm: Weight Room Club
Wednesday, October 5 BENN Newsletter Release World Teachers' Day 10:45am: Coding Club 1:00pm: Jr. Boys Football vs St. Mary's HS 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Graphic Novels Club 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Football vs St. Mary's HS 3:00pm: Jr. Girls Basketball vs Rockway MC 3:30pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball @ Rockway MC 3:30pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball @ Rockway MC 4:30pm: Sr. Girls Basketball vs Rockway MC
Thursday, October 6 10:45am: GSA Club 10:45am: MCU Movies club 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Games Club 2:15pm: BoulderDash Club 2:15pm: Student Equity and Engagement Council
Friday, October 7 10:45am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who Club
Monday, October 10 Thanksgiving 10:45am: Coding Club 2:00pm: Weight Room Club
Tuesday, October 11 10:45am: GSA Club 10:45am: MCU Movies club 2:00pm: Weight Room Club
Wednesday, October 12 10:45am: Coding Club 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Graphic Novels Club 3:00pm: Sr. Girls Basketball vs ES Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball @ ES Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball @ ES Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 3:30pm: Jr. Boys Soccer @ St. Mary's HS 4:30pm: Jr. Girls Basketball vs ES Pere-Rene-de-Galinee
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!