Wednesday, February 8, 2023 - Volume 15, Issue 12
Message from Administration
We have had a successful start to the second semester. As we look back on the first semester, I encourage all to take the time to celebrate your successes (big and small) and review the goals that did not work out the way you imagined. As a staff, we value the partnership with home to ensure that students have the best conditions for their success. We appreciate your support in encouraging your student to be in full uniform, and to be in attendance for class.
If your student is home due to illness, please contact the attendance office to report their absence. Let’s work together as a community – school, parents, teachers – to make attendance a priority and get all students to school on time, every day.
We have much to celebrate as a St. Benedict’s community from sports/clubs to arts to faith to academics. When we connect to our community, we are stronger and more successful. We are looking forward to continuing our journey in second semester and remain hopeful that all can reach their goals.
Attention 2023 Graduates and grade 12s that are planning to attend the 2023 Convocation: We are planning the event for the evening of Tuesday June 27. It will be held at Forward Church. There will be limits to the number of guests, likely 2 guests/grad. More details will be sent out as plans finalize. For now, please mark June 27 on your calendars to avoid conflict with other family events or commitments. We look forward to celebrating our Graduating Class of 2023 as a community!!
Just a reminder that there is no school-sponsored or school-endorsed Prom this year as has been the practice for the last several years.
Grad Photo update
Attention grade 12's! Grad photo sessions are open to book! This is your last chance to have them taken this year. Sign up through sac IG bio, the school website, or your LMS. Use code TBO and double check it's for St. Benedict Cambridge. Photo sessions will be in the skybox Feb.13 to 17. Book your appointment today!
Grad Yearbook Quotes
Attention Grads! Leave your mark on this year's yearbook with a Grad Quote.
Teachers in your grade 12 classes should have the link in their LMS, or you can grab the QR code from the poster outside the Skybox (where grad photos were taken), or room 216.
You have until Monday, February 27 to submit your grad quote.
Inclement weather reminder
Inclement Weather Protocol
As you know, there are sometimes days in the winter when we have to cancel bussing due to the weather and unsafe driving conditions for our buses. In consultation with the public board, with whom we share bussing, when we cancel buses, we will close schools and have a remote learning day. Your teacher will communicate with you in advance so you know where to look for school work for the day and protocols on such days, but in broad terms, the teachers will post work in the morning, no later than 9:30 a.m. and students will work on their own timing in their home. This will allow all students to access learning and we will be continuing to keep one and all safe.
We realize it may not be a perfect solution and learning day, but bus snow days rarely were. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience and hope that we are not in this situation too often.
Positive Parent-Teacher communication
As always, parents/guardians are valuable partners in a child’s education. We invite you to keep the lines of communication open as you can be an effective resource to support the learning your child. As per out WCDSB Administrative Procedures Memorandum #APC001, Communication Guidelines, all public and interpersonal communications must recognize the dignity of the individual and be conducted fairly, honestly, and respectfully.
When a parent, guardian or other board stakeholder has a concern or suggestion, it is expected that the matter will first be taken up with the staff member. The process outlined below should be followed.
2022-2023 School Year Bell Times
7:55 Warning Bell 8:00 - 9:15 Period 1 9:20 - 10:35 Period 2 10:40 Lunch 11:20 Warning Bell 11:25 - 12:40 Period 3 12:45 - 2:00 Period 4
Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!
Did you order a
The 2022-2023 Yearbook is going to be AMAZING!
If you have not purchased a Yearbook for this school year and would still like to, please do so through School Cash Online. They will only be available for purchase until Friday, February 17th - so act now!
See Ms. Weiditch for details.
Copies of last year's yearbook. If you thought it was great, wait until you see this year's!!
It’s Time to Sign Up for School!!
It’s time to sign up for the 2023-24 school year – and registering to attend one of Waterloo Region’s 43 Catholic elementary schools has never been easier. |
- Children born in 2019 are eligible for Year 1 Kindergarten (JK).
- Children born in 2018 are eligible for Year 2 Kindergarten (SK).
News from Guidance
- Course change requests for semester 2 will be accepted until Friday February 10th, 2023.
- Please note: not all change requests are possible due to scheduling limitations.
- To make a course change request, students must complete the google form on the school website for their appropriate counsellor. https://stbenedict.wcdsb.ca/student-services/guidance/
- If a change is possible, guidance will require email consent from parents/guardians.
Course Selections for 2023 - 2024
All students and guardians will be receiving an email with links to the course selection virtual information. It will also be posted in the Guidance google classroom. As we move into semester 2 it is a good time to continue research and have conversations about your choices for the next school year.
Guidance counsellors have visited grade 9 and 10 courses with course selection information in January. We will be visiting the grade 11 classes next week.
Grade 12 students who are interested in returning to St. Benedict for a 5th year are invited to complete their course selection in myBlueprint.
The decisions that students make now regarding their choices for next year are what drive the scheduling decisions that are made about both the courses and the numbers of sections of each course that we offer at the school next year. Course changes are not always easily corrected once the school year is under way.
Need help with course selection?
Guidance counsellors will be available in room 111 during lunch to help!
Grade 9 students: February 16
Grade 10 students: February 17
Grade 11 students: February 21
Grade 12 students: February 27
Students will be choosing their courses on-line through myBlueprint and parents can verify course selection by email.
The site can be accessed as follows:
1. Go www. myBlueprint.ca/waterloocatholic
2. Login using your school login or GAFE account login
Please note that course selections must be submitted to the school and email verification by a parent, by Tuesday February 28th. Students are encouraged to consult the course calendar on the website, as well as subject specific teachers and guidance counsellors for help making the correct decisions.
Guidance counsellors will be available in room 111 during lunch For Grade 9 students on February 16th. For Grade 10 students on February 17. For Grade 11 students on February 21 and for Grade 12 students on February 27th.
If students wish to make an appointment with their Guidance counsellor, please visit the Guidance webpage and complete the google form.
Summer Elearning through St. Louis
Registration for Summer School Elearning courses is now available through the Waterloo Catholic District School board’s St. Louis Adult Learning & Continuing Education Centre. Please visit their website https://stlouis.wcdsb.ca/summer-programs/summer-credit/ for a list of courses and how to register. Registration begins end of February 2022.
Students wishing to take a required course in summer school should include the required course in their myBlueprint planner and the SUMMER placeholder code. They should also include an alternate course. Once registration has been confirmed the Guidance Counsellor will update the planner.
Community Service Hours – for 2023 Graduates
It is a requirement of graduation that each student complete 40 hours of community service. There are many opportunities to fulfill this requirement. Potential graduates should submit their hours to the Guidance office as soon as possible, so it can be recorded for graduation.
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Counsellor’s Name
Last names
Ms. Varriano Lane |
Pe – Q, International students
Once again, the Guidance department will have google classrooms available to share information with our students.
Please consider joining the classrooms:
Financing Post-Secondary: Scholarships, Bursaries, and OSAP
Got a ‘rich uncle’ with a bank full of cash waiting for you to cover your post-secondary costs? Well, I did not either. The reality is that post-secondary education is costly and takes planning, so we hope you’ve begun. Many students supplement their post-secondary savings through scholarships, bursaries, and loans. This article will get you pointed in the right direction to access the necessary resources for information.
Most scholarships for first year students are ‘entrance’ scholarships and are automatically awarded based on marks. Some awards, called bursaries, are based on financial need, but may also include other components such as volunteer service, leadership, or being associated with a service group, employer, or union. These are very individual, and you can search these out using the resources set out below.
The following sites are Canadian websites where you can register and search online for a variety of scholarships, bursaries, and contests to help fund post-secondary education.
The Scholarship Report is a service Guidance subscribes to at Bennies. It is a wonderful resource that you can use to search for scholarship opportunities by the month. It also provides a great deal of post-secondary information for all pathway opportunities. As the Scholarship Report is a proprietary service, access to it must be for the St. Benedict Community. In order, to view the report, go to the Scholarship page on the website and hit the link to the report. You will need a PASSWORD that is for St. Benedict students only. The password can be obtained through guidance.
What can you do now?
- Determine your post- secondary costs including tuition, books, room and board, travel, etc.
- Check parents’ places of employment/ your place of employment or service groups for scholarships or bursaries
- Check with the schools in which you are going to apply
- Check Bennies website, through the Students Services tab, AND the Guidance Google Classroom (code – MXMOHZX)
- Create a scholarship/bursary resume where you collect all of your accomplishments, achievements, involvements, and potential barriers overcame in chronological order; you should line up references from teachers, community members and coaches who can speak to your involvement and character
- Talk seriously, with your family about your plan to fund post-secondary which may include applying for OSAP
OSAP - The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a financial aid program that can help you pay for college or university. Applying, for OSAP is done individually and one may be eligible for grants (free money!) and/or loans. OSAP applications will open in April or May 2023 for the 2023-2024 school year. Check out the OSAP website OSAP for more information. In order to plan, you can use the OSAP Estimator tool for a quick guide to see if you eligible for loans or grants. This can be completed anytime.
Post-secondary education is an investment in yourself. Planning, as best as possible, will help reduce stress and strain, and is certainly more reliable than finding a ‘rich uncle’.
K-W Legacy Scholarship
The Legacy Scholarship Program was established to provide exemplary students with meaningful financial assistance for their pursuit of post-secondary education. Recipients of a Legacy scholarship will be leaders who create footprints, citizens who pay tribute to others, and individuals who enjoy fellowship with other members of the community.
Legacy Scholarship requirements
In order to qualify for a Legacy Scholarship, applicants must meet the following requirements:
*Attend a post-secondary institution that is approved by the Ontario Student Assistance Program
Have a minimum cumulative average of 70% in their top six 12 M/U courses
**Demonstrate financial need
Student wishing to apply for the KW Legacy Scholarship should speak to their Guidance counsellor.
The Carol Shantz Bursary Endowment Fund
This endowment was established to assist a client or an alumnus of KidsAbility Centre for Child Development to further their education at a provincially recognized college, university, or
community or vocational institution in Canada offering a degree or certificate.
The award recognizes an individual who, through effort and perseverance, is seeking to realize their potential by pursuing post-secondary education.
Value of Bursary: One bursary valued at a minimum of $1,000 will be awarded annually.
Deadline: Completed applications and all supporting documents must be received by KidsAbility Foundation no later than 4:30 pm on May 5, 2023. Incomplete applications or applications received after 4:30 pm on May 5, 2023, will not be considered. https://www.kidsability.ca/uploads/Foundation/Carol%20Shantz%20Bursary%20Package.pdf
University of Waterloo Grade 10 Family Night
The University of Waterloo will be hosting a virtual evening for Grade 10 students and their parents on Thursday February 23 from 5:30 – 8:30 PM. This is a great opportunity for grade 10 students who are thinking about attending any of Ontario’s universities. Information covered will include finding a program that is a good fit, navigating the application process, and financing post-secondary education. This is also available as an online event.
The Ministry of Education has recently announced a grant for schools to provide FREE after school tutoring at St. Benedict. This is welcomed news and may provide some additional support to students. We are hopeful that this will be a fun and engaging opportunity for your child to build skills, confidence, and strategies for success.
Tutoring will take place in rooms 206 & 207 after school from 2:20 pm - 3:20 pm every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. All students in Grade 9-12 are welcome to attend. We will run this free program until March 9th.
If you have any questions, please contact the Main Office.
Which computer course is which?
As the time approaches for students to start picking courses for next year, students can often be overwhelmed by the number of choices available to them. Here is some information on courses relating to computer technology.
Computers are a part of our daily lives, and students are so familiar and comfortable using them that they often take for granted all of the skills involved in developing the hardware and software that make them work. St. Benedict offers two sets of courses that allows students to explore computer technology and focus on the types of skills and knowledge that they would like to develop. Computer science and computer engineering are two related but very unique streams of study that students can choose from, and by combining both, can work towards their Specialist High Skills Major certification.
In computer science courses, students will learn to program and design software using industry-standard programming tools and applying the software development life-cycle model. They will develop creative solutions for various types of problems as their understanding of the computing environment grows, and be encouraged to participate in contests and competitions to test their skills.
The grade 10 course focuses on essential computer basics and some coding in Scratch and Python. In the grade 11 course, the focus is on developing strong program development fundamentals using Python. The grade 12 course focuses on object oriented programming in Java. More details about all these courses can be found on the Computer Studies page on the school website.
Click on the image to go to the course catalogue section for Computer Studies on the school website.
By contrast, in computer engineering courses, students will have the opportunity to examine the inner workings of computer technology through the creation of circuits and logic sequences, as well as program physically devices such as Arduino microcontrollers and robots. Skills in problem solving and design are applied in hands on projects geared towards university preparation are at the core of these M level courses.
Click on the image to go to the course catalogue section for Computer Engineering on the school website.
Students also have the opportunity in grades 11 and 12 to take emphasis courses specifically in robotics. When the traditional computer engineering and robotics courses are combined, they lead to our University of Waterloo recognized Engineering Certificate.
There is no shortage of great things to learn when it comes to computers and computer technology and St Benedict is here to support students in exploring their interests. Hopefully this brief overview of these two streams can help making course choices for next year a little clearer. If you would like to talk about computer science please contact Mr. Milardovic or if you would like to talk about computer engineering and robotics please contact Mr. Strassburger; and as always, reach out to your guidance counsellor to discuss all of your course options.
Are you up for adventure?
The Grades 9-12 multi-level Outdoor Education Physical Education Course (PAD) focuses on the development of a healthy lifestyle through participation in a wide variety of outdoor activities such as fire-building, hiking, canoeing, orienteering, first aid and camping. Students will be given opportunities to practice goal-setting, decision-making, interpersonal skills, leadership, planning and organizational skills.
Not your typical classroom
Imagine a classroom that involves spending time outside, building your own shelter, making a fire using flint, canoeing through Algonquin Park, or hiking in one of our beautiful conservation areas.
Sound appealing? If the answer is “yes”, then please email Ms. Novakovich at Melissa.novakovich@wcdsb.ca for more information or to get an application form for the course.
Course code: PAD (open to 9, 10, 11, 12 students)
Fees apply to help pay for our many excursions and opportunities!
(Financial assistance may be provided to support a student due to financial hardship or circumstance. Please speak with your Ms. Novakovich directly or ask your parent or guardian to contact a member of the administrative team.)
Let the adventures begin!
Attention Grade 10 Students!
Do you remember how much you loved Grade 9 Geography, especially the disasters topics? Well, this is your reminder that you can take Geography again in Grade 11!
CGF 3MI Forces of Nature: Physical Processes and Disasters
Select this course for next year if:
- you are interested in learning more about disasters, what cause them and how we react to them;
- you are curious about the impacts of climate change and its connections to disasters
- you want to investigate how to create plans for communities most at risk, etc.
- you like to go on field trips to places like: The ROM, Niagara Falls, The Science Centre, etc.
Other benefits of taking this course:
- you need to select a senior social studies course
- you are working towards a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
- you are interested in natural disasters and how we respond to them
CGG 3OI Travel and Tourism: A Geographic Perspective
Select this course for next year if:
- Do you love travelling,
- Seeing new places,
- Tasting/Making new foods,
- Learning about various cultures,
- Exploring different natural environments, etc.?
- Going on field trips to China Town, Little India, Greek Town, etc.? (Covid Restrictions Permitting!)
Other benefits of taking this course:
- you need to select a senior social studies course
- you are working towards a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
- you are interested in finding a career in the travel and hospitality industry
Attention Grade 11 Students!
- Are you passionate about current events and what is going on in the world?
- Do you wonder why there is such a difference between the wealthy and the poor around the world?
- Do you think some issues in the world are demanding our attention and action?
- Are you interested in learning more about human rights and other social justice issues, climate change issues, political issues, economic issues, Indigenous issues, etc.?
- Do you enjoy meeting people who are actively trying to make the world a better place?
Other benefits of taking this course:
- you need to select a senior social studies course
- you are working towards a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
- you are interested in preparing yourself for University Studies
- you are interested in a degree in Social Science or Social Studies or Political Science
- you are interested in taking a course as an elective where you can learn more about the world we live in
If you thought, "YES" to any of the above points then you should take: CGW 4UI Canadian and World Issues - A Geographic Analysis
If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Kot (Room 123), Mr. Mathe (Room 125) or Mr. Abreu (Room 223). The Geography Department looks forward to seeing in senior Geography classes next year!
Considering a career in health care?
Consider grade 11 health care – TPJ3M and grade 12 health care TPJ4M
These courses offer good background information for anyone interested in entering the health care profession. They provide an overview of the anatomy and function of various body systems, an introduction to the health care system including conventional and complementary methods of disease prevention and treatment, some basic health care skills (such as taking vital signs) and an overview of healthy lifestyle choices.
These course can be taken as part of the Health and Wellness SHSM.
Any student who is in grade 11 or 12, college or university stream is eligible to take the grade 11 course.
For more information, please contact Mrs. Taylor in the Tech. office or make an appointment with your guidance counsellor.
- Choose desired coop program (in myBlueprint)
- Complete online application (link below)
- 2 teacher references (names to be provided in the online coop application)
- Successful interview - attendance, maturity, acceptable courses and marks
- CCEP @Conestoga College
- UCEP @ U of W or WLU
- CAPP @ Conestoga College
- OYAP CONCENTRATED-see your trades teacher
- SUMMER COOP –must be age 15 before Jul 1
- Prepares you for your future
- Allows you to make better decisions; can I see myself doing this?
- Gives you valuable work experience
- Provides you with ‘hands-on’ learning using industry-standard equipment
- Multiple certifications earned (WHMIS, Customer Service and more)
- Part-time/summer job offers possible
- Reference letters
- Meet SHSM requirements
- PRE PLACEMENT FIRST 3 WEEKS – must be successful to be placed
- PLACEMENT – morning or afternoon.
- Must work 3 hours per day for 2 credits that may not follow school day hours
INTEGRATION – 5-6 Mondays at school during semester * based on regular school schedule
- SOME RESTRICTIONS –economy, age, competitive, transportation, hours
- MAY NEED – Police check, TB test, safety equipment (at your expense)
- Some programs require additional application procedures to be completed ahead of time (like military, police and fire)
For specific coop questions email Mrs. Crowell at: michelle.crowell@wcdsb.ca or visit the Coop office ON THE 2ND FLOOR just off the Atrium towards the English wing.
Check out the calendar on the bottom of the newsletter and on the school website for up-to-date information about game times for all your St. Benedict teams!
Sports Results
St. Benedict CSS 58, Resurrection CSS 54
St. Benedict CSS 62, Resurrection CSS 59
Monsignor Doyle CSS 3, St. Benedict CSS 0
St. Benedict CSS 3, Monsignor Doyle CSS 0
St. Benedict CSS 5, St. Mary's HS 1
Doctor Who Club returns!
We’re back…every Friday after school in room 226 (Thursdays when it’s a holiday or PD Day). Join us for pizza, prizes, companionship, and adventures in time & space with the longest running SF/Fantasy series in history. It’s Doctor Who’s 60th birthday this year…and it’s going to be big!! New members are always welcome.
With the start of the new semester, the library would like to remind students that there is absolutely no food allowed during school hours. Students entering with packages of food will be asked to leave. Students caught eating in the library will be asked to leave.
After school the only food allowed are simple snacks such as a granola/protein bar or a cookie. No takeout food is allowed in the library at any time.
During lunch hour, once all the seats are taken in the library, this means we are at capacity. You will be asked to leave and spend lunch elsewhere in the school.
Students on spare are welcome to work in the library. We ask that students work quietly. When the library is very noisy, staff cannot hear members who come to the membership desk and we cannot hear people on the phone.
Our tables seat a maximum of FIVE people. Do not move chairs. Students are reminded not to crowd tables or stand in the aisles. If you have a large group, please consider going to the school cafeteria.
Resource Spotlight
The school library not only offers books and video games but also a wealth of online resources for students. Please become familiar with your school library website and especially the Online Resources webpage which offers students databases and ebooks for their research. These resources are free, authoritative and can be accessed without a password from school. If you need access from home, please contact your teacher or your school librarian, Ms. Pilon at ppilon@ideaexchange.org
Featured Idea Exchange Programs
Note: The following events are hosted by Idea Exchange and are not affiliated with St. Benedict or the WCDSB. Please visit ideaexchange.org to register.
Teen Lounge is Back!
We are once again able to offer Teen Lounge in partnership with Kinbridge Community Association, Fiddlesticks, and Greenway Chaplin. The lounge is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2PM to 3PM Light snacks, video and board games are available. All are welcome.
Teen Writing Circle
Explore creative writing with other teens.
Saturday, February 25, 2023 2:00PM to 3:00PM
Calendar of Events
Thursday, February 9 10:45am: Brain Bee Club 10:45am: HOSA Club 10:45am: Seams Sew Easy 10:45am: Chess Club 10:45am: Writing Skills Society 10:45am: GSA Club 10:45am: MCU Movies club 2:00pm: Concert Band 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: E-car Racing Saints 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Games Club 2:15pm: BoulderDash Club 2:15pm: Student Equity & Engagement Council
Friday, February 10 10:45am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who Club
Monday, February 13 Grad Photos Session this week
School Photo Retake Day 10:45am: Lights Out! Club 10:45am: Coding Club 10:45am: EcoClub 2:00pm: Weight Room Club
Tuesday, February 14 Valentine's Day 10:45am: Model UN 10:45am: GSA Club 10:45am: MCU Movies club 2:00pm: Weight Room Club
Wednesday, February 15
8:00am: UW Canadian Computing Competition 10:45am: Guitar Club 10:45am: Writing Skills Society 10:45am: Coding Club 2:00pm: E-car Racing Saints 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Graphic Novels Club 3:30pm: SHSM Workshop: The Business of Writing
Thursday, February 16 Report Card Distribution 10:45am: Brain Bee Club 10:45am: HOSA Club 10:45am: Seams Sew Easy 10:45am: Chess Club 10:45am: Writing Skills Society 10:45am: GSA Club 10:45am: MCU Movies club 2:00pm: Concert Band 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: E-car Racing Saints 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Games Club 2:15pm: BoulderDash Club 2:15pm: Student Equity & Engagement Council
Friday, February 17 Assembly! 10:45am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who Club
Monday, February 20 Family Day
Tuesday, February 21 Pancake Tuesday 10:45am: Model UN 10:45am: GSA Club 10:45am: MCU Movies club 2:00pm: Weight Room Club
Wednesday, February 22 Ash Wednesday
Civvies day BENN Newsletter Release
8:00am: UW Math contests 10:45am: Guitar Club 10:45am: Writing Skills Society 10:45am: Coding Club 2:00pm: E-car Racing Saints 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Graphic Novels Club
Thursday, February 23 8:30am: SHSM Workshop: Working at Heights 10:45am: Brain Bee Club 10:45am: HOSA Club 10:45am: Seams Sew Easy 10:45am: Chess Club 10:45am: Writing Skills Society 10:45am: GSA Club 10:45am: MCU Movies club 2:00pm: Concert Band 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: E-car Racing Saints 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Games Club 2:15pm: BoulderDash Club 2:15pm: Student Equity & Engagement Council
Friday, February 24 10:45am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Weight Room Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who Club
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!