Wednesday, October 24, 2018 - Volume 11, Issue 6

Parent-Student-Teacher Conference Day Timetable Change

Thursday, October 25th, 2018

Schedule for the day:
Period 1: 8:00 to 9:00
Period 2: 9:05 to 10:05
Lunch: 10:05 to 10:45
Period 3: 10:50 to 11:50
Period 4: 11:55 to 12:55

Interviews will be held from 1:30 to 4:30, and 5:30 to 8:00. Teachers are booking times in 10 minute blocks. Some teachers may have times available for drop-ins, but we highly recommend you book a time slot in advance.

Did you book interviews online?

This semester, twenty-five teachers were involved in a pilot project using an online interview booking system. If you used the system, we would like your feedback!
Please click here to complete a short survey to help us plan as we move forward.


A message from the Student Success Team

If your son or daughter is on an Individual Education Plan (IEP), please know that a copy of their IEP will be sent home with them on Tuesday, October 16. Please review the IEP and have your son or daughter return the signed consultation page to room 208 as soon as possible. You may want to bring it in with you tomorrow when you come for parent-teacher interviews.
Please contact the Student Success Centre at (519) 621-4050, extension 208, if you have any questions or concerns or if you did not receive a copy.

Grand River Transit: Cambridge high school students EasyGO fare card promotion

As part of the Region's Transit Supportive Strategy for the City of Cambridge*, all Grade 9-12 students attending a Cambridge high school in fall 2018 are eligible to receive GRT’s new EasyGO fare card pre-loaded with $24 in stored value (equivalent to 10 rides at the 2018 high school reduced fare rate).
The cards are non-refundable, non-transferable, and are registered to each student. This promotion cannot be applied to the cost of a monthly pass. Cambridge high school students must request this promotion by December 31, 2018.

Who is eligible?

  • Any Grade 9-12 student with a valid student card for a high school in Cambridge
  • Any Cambridge high school student who has a Term Pass provided by Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region.

Bring with you:

  1. A printed and signed consent form. All students 17 years old and younger must present a consent form signed by a parent or legal guardian to get the EasyGO fare card.
  2. A valid Cambridge high school student identification card or timetable with student name.

Where to get your EasyGO Fare Card:

Additional Information:
  • $24 stored value can only be used when a monthly pass or term pass is not active on the fare card.
  • $24 value cannot be applied to the cost of a pass.
  • One $24 promotion per student. If a students EasyGO fare card is lost or stolen, GRT will cancel the card and issue a new card with the remaining value on your account.
  • The EasyGO fare card can be reloaded at GRT’s Ainslie or Charles terminal, and online in future.
*Transit Supportive Strategy for the City of Cambridge
As part of the approval of ION light rail transit in 2011, Regional Council approved funding for special projects to improve transit ridership in the City of Cambridge. The Transit Supportive Strategy for the City of Cambridge is to accelerate the implementation of light rail transit in that City.

News from Guidance

Who is your Guidance Counsellor?

Mrs. Lesley O’Toole: A-Di & International Students, ext. 5190
Mrs. Karla Arkell: Dj - Ki, ext. 5636
Mr. Nick Betik: Kl - Pl, ext. 5633
Mrs. Laura O’Neill: Po - Z, ext. 5634
Mrs. Christine O’Connor: Administrative Assistant, ext. 5631

Are you thinking of Graduating this year?

Students who are considering graduating this year and their parents are invited to sign up for our Graduation information newsletter. Information that will help you as you move towards graduating will be sent to your email address: applying for scholarships, deadlines for college and university applications and more! You can easily unsubscribe at any time.

Post-Secondary Timeline

1. College and University visits that have been held at our school this fall will be coming to a close in November; however, there are still a few opportunities for students to attend a presentation. See the guidance office for more information on how to sign up for, and attend one of these presentations.
2. Grade 12 students should continue to do specific institution research at the E-info site ( for university and site.
3. PIN numbers for student applying to university have arrived in the guidance office. Students planning to apply to university must use this personal PIN number to set up their account. Students planning to apply to college do not need a PIN number in order to set up their application account.
4. Now is a great time to arrange for a campus visit or tour at institutions that are of interest. The value of making a personal visit to a school should not be underestimated. Students who have visited campuses are finding this to be very beneficial in their decision making process. Most colleges and universities typically host these events in the fall, as well as in the spring. Specific dates can be found on the web sites of all university and colleges.
5. Review your semester two timetable to make sure that you have all of the necessary pre-requisite courses for the programs that you are interested in applying for.
6. Complete your Community Service Hours – AND – remember to hand them in!!
7. Be prepared to wait for confirmation of acceptance from schools. Each institution has its own timeline with regard to admission offers. Try not to let anxiety about acceptance interfere with your progress at school.

CONESTOGA COLLEGE – Degree Information Night

Doon and Cambridge Campuses campus
Thursday, November 6, 2018 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Meet with staff and faculty members to learn how degree programs at Conestoga provide you with valuable hands-on learning opportunities.
All degree programs from the School of Engineering & Information Technology (including Architecture - Project & Facility Management and Interior Design) will be housed in the Atrium at the Cambridge campus.
All degree programs from the schools of Business, Health & Life Sciences and Community Service, and Media & Design will be housed in the Welcome Centre at the Doon campus.
Express campus tours will be available at 7:00 p.m.
Parents and supporters are welcome to attend.
To register: Registration is required for this event. For more information, contact the Welcome Centre at 519-748-5220 ext. 3380. Please use the degree program list to aid in selecting the right campus to visit.

Cambridge Front Door Counselling

Walk–In Counselling Available at Cambridge “Front Door” Do you have concerns about your teenager’s behavior, emotional state, or mental health? Are you concerned about possible self-harm or drug use issues? Are these issues creating family conflict for you? The Walk-In Counselling at Front Door helps families with children up to 18 years of age to get started on the road to understanding. Through a single family counselling session, the experienced counsellors there help identify issues and equip families with tools and strategies to address their concerns. The focus of the session is determined by each family’s unique needs. The Cambridge office is located at 35 Dickson Street. Walk-In counselling hours are Tuesdays from 12 Noon to 7:30 PM (last appointment at 6:30 PM). Appointments are available on a first come basis and are free of charge. Family member directly involved in the concern are encouraged to attend.


EAD Course (Ages 12 - 16)
Develop your leadership skills during this 12 module certification program! LEAD (Leadership Excellence Asset Development) training is a great to have if you’re looking to land that perfect part-time job or a spot on student council! LEAD is a requirement for Fiddlesticks Summer Camp Volunteers. This program is run by Fiddlesticks staff.

Volleyball [Recreational] (Ages 14+)
Do you enjoy playing Volleyball? No need to be a professional, everyone is just here to have some fun! The program runs from October to May at Clemens Mill P.S. from 8-10pm for only $115 per person.

Meditation (Ages 14+)
Unplug from the stress of the world for a couple hours with our meditation program. Learn all about “Self Empowerment” and “Self Management”. From our 10 week course, you will achieve an understanding of yourself and your personality, the discovery of your innate qualities, a recognition of your path in life with the ability to focus your efforts, enhancing and enriching relationships in life, and much more! This program runs at the Homestead (71 Cowan Blvd) on Sunday evenings from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Only $25 for 10 sessions.

Take Our Kids To Work Day

This year, Take Our Kids to Work Day falls on Wednesday, November 14th. This nation-wide program is an opportunity for all grade 9 students to experience the world of work by shadowing a family member for the day. Permission forms and further information were distributed last week. The permission form needs to be signed and returned to their homeroom teacher by November 8 in order for the student to have their absence from school approved. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Guidance department.
Please visit for further information.

Community Service Opportunities

In addition to fulfilling an important diploma requirement, volunteering provides students with a way to give back to their community. As opportunities become known to the guidance department, they will be announced on the announcement system, posted on the Guidance bulletin board and listed in the BENN.

It is a requirement of graduation that each student complete 40 hours of community service. There are many opportunities to fulfill this requirement. If you have already registered for Hour Republic check out the guidelines on the website This website can also be used to track your hours and see volunteer opportunities.

Support Catholic Education


Provincial Government Consultations on the Education System

By WCDSB Newswire
On Friday, September 28, 2018, the provincial government launched a Public Consultation on various aspects of Ontario’s education system. The government’s announcement stated:
“We’re consulting with parents across the province to address concerns and get feedback in several areas of the education system.
Feedback from these consultations will help shape decisions in the following areas:
  1. Improving student performance in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
  2. Preparing students with needed job skills, such as skilled trades and coding
  3. Improving provincial standardized testing
  4. Ensuring students graduate with important life skills, including financial literacy
  5. Managing the use of technology in classrooms, such as cell phones
  6. Building a new age-appropriate Health and Physical Education curriculum that includes subjects like mental health, sexual health education and the legalization of cannabis
  7. Developing the first-ever Parents’ Bill of Rights
Consultation closing date: December 15, 2018


Enriching the Lives of Students

By Mrs. D. Wittmann
There many opportunities for students to enhance their learning experience: Enrichment courses, LEAP, OYAP, UCEP, Co-op, Home Build, SHSM, and Skills Canada. Visit the Enrichment blog for information on all these opportunities. The Blogroll contains a plethora of learning enhancements. To learn more about what we offer, click on Enrichment@St.Benedict.

English Corner

By Mrs. D. Wittmann
To receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) each student must obtain four credits in English (one credit per grade). Visit the English blog to read the course offerings provided by the Saint Benedict English Department. The Blogroll has great resources for both students and parents. Enjoy! English@St.Benedict blog.

Advanced Placement at St. Benedict

By Mrs. D. Wittmann
Advanced Placement (AP) is an internationally recognized program that allows students to enrich the Ontario Curriculum with the goal of achieving university accreditation.

What does the research say about AP students?
Research shows that the best predictor of whether or not a student completes a university degree is not their high school grades or standardized tests. Rather, the best predictor is how many challenging courses a student has taken in high school. Students who challenge themselves with AP courses and exams are much more likely to complete a university degree in four years or less.

Please visit:

Math contest registration

By Dr. L. Chernysh
Registration for Canadian Senior and Intermediate Mathematics Contests is OPEN!
On Wednesday, November 21st, the grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 students will be taking part in the Canadian Senior and Intermediate Mathematics Contests. Please register with Dr. C or Mrs. Brennan in the Math Office or in Portable 6. A $2 deposit is required that will be paid back at the day of the contest. This event is open to all students!
The deadline for registration is Friday, November 2nd at 2:00 p.m. Don't miss it!


Senior Girls Basketball team invitational consolation champs

By Ms. C. Buhlman
Congratulations to our Senior Girls Basketball team who won in the consolation final this past weekend, 67-29. This was the first Senior Girls Saints Invitational and our girls did not disappoint. Congrats to Angie Tran who was the leading scorer in the game with 36 points. Way to go Saints!

Latest results

St. Benedict CSS 44, Rockway MC 35
St. Benedict CSS 29, Woodland Christian HS 9

St. Benedict CSS 55, Rockway MC 27
Woodland Christian HS 58, St. Benedict CSS 29
Woodland Christian HS 59, St. Benedict CSS 32

St. Benedict CSS 2, Monsignor Doyle CSS 0
St. David CSS 2, St. Benedict CSS 1
Resurrection CSS 4, St. Benedict CSS 1

Woodland Christian HS 3, St. Benedict CSS 1
Monsignor Doyle CSS 3, St. Benedict CSS 2

St. Benedict CSS 3, Rockway MC 2
St. Benedict CSS 3, Woodland Christian HS 1
St. Benedict CSS 3, Monsignor Doyle CSS 1

Resurrection CSS 19, St. Benedict CSS 0

St. David CSS 36, St. Benedict CSS 7

District 8 Cross Country Championship Recap

By Ms. P. Stang

Congratulations to the members of the 2018 Cross Country Team which came home victorious after a day of racing at the District 8 Championships this past Friday, October 19, 2018 at Bechtel Park.

It has been described as “one of the loudest celebrations heard at a District 8 Cross Country Championship” when the Saints were declared the Overall District 8 Champions, Overall Girls Champions and the Senior Girls Champions.

It was the Saints’ senior girls team of Nikki Soares, Faith Nieson, Charlotte Jones and Abrianna Gonzalez-Day that led the way to win the senior girls title which helped to secure the Overall Girls title for the fifth straight year. On race day, the Saints junior girls team of Zakrewski, Santo, Dottori, Brown and Walsh also moved up the ranks and finished in second place in their division, while the midget girls placed third. Congratulations “Lady Saints”!
Top 10 finishers in their respective divisions included Cassie Wilkie, Issay Tieu, Nathan Pedro, Brianna Zakrewski, Luke Meadus, Nikki Soares, Faith Neison and Charlotte Jones.

Finally, special congratulations to Issay Tieu who placed second with a personal best time of 15:14 min. in the midget boys 4k race and all the members of the midget boys team (Nathan, Evan, Logan, Thomson, Noah, Coll, Aaron, Cole and Clinton) who placed 2nd. in a very competitive division.

Good luck to all 45 team members who will be competing at CWOSSA Championship this week Thursday at Bechtel Park.


Champions for Change Club

The Champions for Change Club needs your help! We are collecting NEW backpacks for students in Tanzania on behalf of the not-for-profit organization "MOM2MOM Africa". Please take some time this week to consider buying and donating a NEW and UNUSED backpack. You can drop the backpacks off in Room 123 with Mrs. Kot at lunch or after school OR in the main office up until the end of the first week of November.

Do you have a sweet tooth? Then bring your extra change to the Champions for Change Bake Sale taking place in the Atrium from Monday, October 22nd to Thursday, October 25th. We will be selling cookies, cupcakes, brownies, rice crispie treats, etc. All proceeds from the sale will go to MOM2MOM Africa to help students in Tanzania go to school with the basic materials they need.

Thanks for your support Saints!!

Guitar Club

Guitar Club meets every Wednesday, during lunch in Room 109. This year, Guitar Club invites keyboard players, bass players, singers and drummers to join in the fun.

Doctor Who club

In light of the PA Day this Friday, and interviews Thursday, Doctor Who Club will be after school today this week.

Student Activities

The Arts

Other News


Vendors Wanted!

Table rental fees will raise funds for our Service Learning Course where students put their faith into action and address local and global social justice issues. Students are preparing for a trip to Kenya in May with WE Charity in which they will learn about local alternative income projects and participate in a school-build, water-walk etc.
If you are interested in renting a table and selling goods and/or services at this event, please email for more details.

Get more information on our event page on Facebook!

idea exchange logo
St. Benedict Learning Commons/Clemens Mill Library

This fall your student library has much to offer you! We not only welcome students who want to study but those who want to experience some of our unique resources.

Besides your Learning Commons area where students can do collaborative work, students are welcome to use the Quiet Study area at the back of the library. We now have three FitDesk bikes for use if you like the idea of getting some exercise while reading or listening to music on your device.

If you need a computer, students can sign out a Chrome book. All that is required is a valid Idea Exchange library card and your current student I.D. card.

Just another reminder that food is not allowed in the library during school hours. Lidded drinks are permitted. After school, small snacks that are not messy or smelly, such as muffins are allowed.

Immersive and Experiential Resources

Have you tried our HTC Vive Virtual Reality Lab? Explore the world, play games, blast off into space or create your own 3D art. The VR Lab is open most weekdays during school lunch hour and after school from 2:00 – 3:00pm.

In the Mini-Makerspace this week, students can make a Halloween mask with duct tape. All materials are supplied. The Makerspace is open most weekdays during school lunch hour and after school from 2:00 to 3:00 pm.

What’s On!!

Do you need somewhere to hang out after school? Check out the Teen Lounge which runs after school, most days from 2:15 to 3:30 pm. Snacks, Xbox, ping pong and board games supplied.

If you love virtual reality, come to Idea Exchange’s Virtual Reality Tournament on Thursday, October 25, 5:30 to 7:30pm. The tournament will be held in the VR Lab. Prizes will be awarded for the top three scores. Registration is preferred.

News from St. Mary of the Visitation parish

St Mary of the Visitation Parish exists to be a light on the hill and offer every person in our community a life-changing encounter with Jesus so that we can grow as His intentional disciples and become an ever more credible witness to the difference that Jesus alone can make in each of our lives. We are here to be home for all - truly with something for everyone. Not only do we invite you to join us on Sunday, but our parish offers many opportunities and service opportunities for youth – check them out there is a spot for you.

As Pastor, I would simply encourage you to take the next step, get connected and become involved. Know that there is a place for you here - in other words - “Welcome Home”. Check out our website – drop in and visit on Sunday. Know that no matter your age – we have something for you. May Our Lady of the Visitation continue to be our inspiration, model and guide.

Together in the Lord’s Service,
Father F. Freitas, Pastor

Getting to Church Just Got So Much Easier! Every Sunday off-site parking is available at St. Gabriel School Parking Lot (Baldwin Drive & Guelph Avenue). It runs from 9:00a.m.-1:00 p.m., picks you right up at your car, and drops you off at the Church front doors.

Welcome to Da Crew! Da Crew is the place for high-schoolers who are members of St. Mary of the Visitation Parish in H-Town, also known as (Hespeler), Cambridge. We are dedicated to having fun, sharing faith and giving back thru service to our community and parish. Come and be a part of Da Crew!

Community Service opportunities at St. Mary of the Visitation

Our Parish has a program called “Special Friends”. It is for children and young people who have special needs. We seek to partner them with “Buddies” who would be with them in their programs (eg. Children’s Liturgy, Visitation Kids, Iwannago or Kids Klub) as one to one support. We have three trained EA’s who are overseeing the program but would like to invite teens to serve as the “Buddies”. You may want to consider this if you are looking for a challenging and rewarding experience!
Also, are you tech savvy? Do you like videography, powerpoint, and running the show? Consider joining our parish Tech Team. Talk to Father Freitas or visit for more information. Training begins soon!

News from St. Clement Parish

The Parish Council of St. Clement’s recently met and the decision was made to change the Sunday morning Masses effective November 4, 2018. One Mass has been eliminated. Our Lord’s Day Mass times will be: Saturday at 5:00 p.m. (unchanged), and Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Calendar of Events

Be sure to visit our school website for an updated calendar with detailed information links for most calendar entries.
Wednesday, October 24
2:00pm: Doctor Who Club
2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice
2:00pm: Games Club
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball vs ES Père-René-de-Galinée
3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball vs ES Père-René-de-Galinée
3:00pm: Jr. Girls Basketball @ St. David CSS
5:00pm: Jr. Boys Football vs St. Mary's HS
7:00pm: Sr. Boys Football vs St. Mary's HS

Thursday, October 25
SHSM Event: Ozone Depletion & CFC Handling Certification
SHSM Event: Finance & Quickbooks Training
Photo Retake Day
8:00am: Univ/Coll visit: University of Waterloo & St. Jerome's
8:00am: Cross Country: CWOSSA Championship
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Mario Kart club
10:35am: DECA Business Club
10:35am: Praise Choir
1:30pm: Parent/Student/Teacher Conference
7:00pm: Post-Secondary Info Parent Night

Friday, October 26
Professional Activity Day

Saturday, October 27
9:00am: St. Benedict Vendors Market

Monday, October 29
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Environmental Club inaugural meeting
10:35am: Finance Club
1:00pm: Univ/Coll visit: McMaster University
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball vs St. Mary's HS
3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball vs St. Mary's HS
3:30pm: Jr. Girls Basketball @ St. Mary's HS
5:00pm: Sr. Girls Basketball @ St. Mary's HS

Tuesday, October 30
SHSM Event: Leadership, Problem Solving & Communication Skills Training
9:15am: Univ/Coll visit: Humber College
10:35am: Arts Council
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: DECA Business Club
10:35am: Reach for the Top club
10:35am: Champions for Change club
10:35am: Lost Club

Wednesday, October 31
SHSM Event: Lighting & Audio Staging for Performance (2 Days)
9:15am: Univ/Coll visit: Conestoga (Degree Programs)
10:35am: Guitar Club
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Model UN Club
10:35am: Anime Club
10:35am: Lost Club
2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice
2:00pm: Games Club
Thursday, November 1
All Saints' Day
“Kindness Matters” Mass
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Giving Back Club
10:35am: Mario Kart club
10:35am: DECA Business Club
10:35am: Praise Choir
2:00pm: Math Club
7:00pm: School Council Meeting

Friday, November 2
All Souls' Day
8:30am: Univ/Coll visit: Wilfrid Laurier University
10:35am: Star Trek Club
10:35am: Lost Club
2:00pm: Doctor Who Club

Saturday, November 3
8:00am: DECA regionals
8:00am: Cross Country: OFSAA Championship

Sunday, November 4
Daylight Savings Time ends

Monday, November 5
9:15am: Univ/Coll visit: University of Toronto
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Finance Club
1:00pm: Univ/Coll visit: Sheridan College

Tuesday, November 6
10:35am: Arts Council
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: DECA Business Club
10:35am: Reach for the Top club
10:35am: Champions for Change club
10:35am: Lost Club

Wednesday, November 7
BENN Newsletter release
10:35am: Guitar Club
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Model UN Club
10:35am: Anime Club
10:35am: Lost Club
2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice
2:00pm: Games Club

Thursday, November 8
8:00am: Civics/Careers Turnaround Day
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Mario Kart club
10:35am: DECA Business Club
10:35am: Praise Choir
2:00pm: Math Club

Friday, November 9
10:35am: Star Trek Club
10:35am: Lost Club
2:00pm: Doctor Who Club

Check out the calendar on the school website for fall sports playoff schedules as we receive them!