Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - Volume 15, Issue 22

Message from Administration

Last night the St. Benedict community celebrated the graduating class of 2023. During the event, we got to witness students receive recognition through community awards, awards of honour, and subject awards. Nearly four hundred of our grads crossed the floor to receive their scrolls with much joy and enthusiasm. We want to extend our congratulations to the Graduates, their families and the staff who have tirelessly supported the students throughout their journey. Each and every day our students continue to achieve amazing accomplishments.

Many thanks to the Graduation committee for a wonderfully organized event. Congratulations graduates! God bless you all on your journeys, and remember that wherever you go, you will forever be a Saint!

Admin Team

Mrs. M. Ingoldsby

Mr. J. Figueiredo
Vice Principal
Bo-G, International

Mrs. C. Kamta
Vice Principal

Mr. R. Roque
Vice Principal

Stay Connected with
St. Benedict's!



Community Supports

Support Phone Numbers:
Here 24 Seven (Crisis Line): 1-844-437-3247
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 OR Text CONNECT to 686868
Front Door: Access to Child and Youth Mental Health Services: 519-749-2932

Langs Youth Wellness Hub – counselling and recreation activities for teens
For more information on current programs and services call the Youth Wellness Hub Coordinator at 519-653-1470 x357.
For intake to Youth Mental Health services call 519-653-1470 x361.

Brief Walk In Counselling Supports
Walk-in Counselling is offered in on the following days at the following locations:
Porchlight (519) 621-5090 For Walk In’s call Wednesday after 9 am. Camino (519) 743-6333, (519) 884-0000
Tuesdays, 12 – 6 p.m. 400 Queen St S Kitchener Thursdays, 2 – 6 p.m. 480 Charles St East Kitchener

Substance Use
Are you concerned about your teen’s substance use but aren’t sure how to share your concerns or what to do to help? Call Ray of Hope for more information (519) 743-2311.

Looking for resources and services for your family? Family Outreach Workers can connect you to the support your family needs!
The Family Outreach Program is a neighbourhood-based program funded by the Region of Waterloo that works with families with children aged 17 and under to prevent and reduce the effects of poverty.
Family Outreach Workers walk with families to help meet basic needs by problem-solving solutions together, connecting them with services in their community and providing direct support when necessary.

Hespeler – Serving North Cambridge and Hespeler
Site locations: Hespeler Community (Grow) Contact: Samantha at, 519-742-7327 x 250, or 519-498-7560 (cell)
Preston & Area – Serving Central Preston/Preston Heights, Langs/Industrial, Blair
Site locations: Preston Heights Community Group, Langs Hub Contact: Natanya at, 519-742-8327 x 255, or 519-498-7813 (cell)
North Galt & Area – Serving North Galt/Elgin Park; Shades Mills
Site locations: Greenway Chaplin Community Centre, Fiddlesticks Community Centre Contact: Patti at, 519-742-8327 x 252, or 519-498-7638 (cell)
South Cambridge – Serving Southwood/Southwest Galt, Galt City Centre/South Galt, South East Galt
Site locations: Kinbridge Southwood Site, Kinbridge Christopher Champlain Community Centre, Cambridge Early Years Centre, Cambridge Self-Help Food Bank, Alison Neighbourhood Association Contact: Marjorie (for Kinbridge & Early Years) at, 519-742-8327 x 251, or 519-498-7633 (cell) Contact: Eric (Cambridge Food Bank, Alison CC & Early Years) at 519 -742-8327 x 245, or 519-404-1478 (cell)
North Dumfries – Serving North Dumfries/Beverley and Ayr
Site locations: North Dumfries Community Health Centre, Family Counselling Centre of Cambridge & North Dumfries Contact: Patti at, 519-742-8327 x 252, or 519-498-7638 (cell)

Hospice Waterloo Region provides support to teens and children who have experienced the death of a loved one. Irena at (519) 743-4114;

The Coping Centre offers a peaceful place for support, understanding, compassion and encouragement in the uniqueness of one's grief journey. (519) 650-0852;

OK2BME offers a no cost, confidential counselling program in Waterloo Region for LGBTQ2+ individuals and couples aged 5-29. They also offer counselling at no cost to families with LGBTQ2+ children or youth under age 18. OK2BME also runs youth groups to LGBTQ+ identified children, teens and their families.
Individuals interested in supports can email or call 519.884.0000 x222. You can also complete an online intake form at
For more information on OK2BME please visit their website at or contact them at 519-884-0000.

480 Charles Street East
Kitchener, ON N2G 4K5

Support Websites: (crisis services) (24/7 online counselling service) (info & tools to help manage stress, crisis and mental health concerns) (info & tools to help manage anxiety) (mental health services for children and youth)

WCDSB Mental Health and Wellbeing Page

Leaving Bennie's?

Still have a Chromebook?

If you are leaving our school due to graduation or transferring elsewhere, please return your Chromebook to the main office as soon as possible. Don't forget the charger!
Thank you for your cooperation!

Looking to unsubscribe from the BENN?

Follow the link at the bottom of the newsletter or send an email to the Editor and we will take care of that for you.

Final Report Card Distribution

Final reports will be placed in the mail the week of July 10th. Grade 12s will receive their transcripts in the same envelope.

If you do not receive these documents by the end of July, please contact the main office at 519-621-4050 X 5601.

Diploma Pick Up

Diploma pick up will be held on Wednesday, July 19th and Thursday, July 20th, between 8AM-2PM.

A PHOTO ID is REQUIRED upon arrival. For students 18+, if someone is picking up on your behalf, they must bring a signed note of permission or call the school ahead of time. Student cards are an acceptable form of identification.

If you are unavailable on these days, please email to arrange an alternative pick up date.

Looking for a quick way to navigate all things WCDSB for parents?

Check out the Board website for information and information pertaining to Aspen Portal, Brightspace, School Cash Online, Transportation updates, and other resources

News from Guidance

Who is your Guidance Counsellor?

Counsellor’s Name


Last names

Mrs. O’Toole
A – Dl
Ms. Arkell
Do – Ke
Mr. Betik
Kh – Pa
Ms. Varriano Lane
Pe – Q, International students
Mrs. O’Neill
R – Z


Once again, the Guidance department will have google classrooms available to share information with our students.
Please consider joining the classrooms:
Grade 9 and 10 -
Grade 11 and 12 -


Specialist High Skills Major - year end update

Congratulations to all of the students who completed the SHSM program.

Over 75 students completed their red seal in all 10 of the sectors offered at St. Benedict.

If you would like more information about SHSM please go to Also, feel free to reach out to Mrs. Crowell in September.
This year's SHSM Award of Excellence recipient Syed Hashmi.

Religion Students Plant God’s Words

The religion students in Mrs. Rocha’s grade 9 and 10 Religion classes were encouraged to find a verse in the Bible that was meaningful to them. After studying key Old and New Testament characters and stories, the students realized how much they could relate to and learn from them. Their verse was artistically expressed on a pot in which they planted a baby coleus of their choice. The students loved to see their baby plant grow bigger and stronger each day, nourished by sunlight, water AND God’s words!
At the end of the semester, the students brought their plant home in hopes that they would continue to be inspired by the Biblical verse they chose that had special meaning to them. Their religion teacher prays that they continue to “grow in their faith” as their coleus plant grows in their care!


A celebration of the Arts!

Congratulations to the Arts Students and Staff of St. Benedict on a wonderful year of creativity and performance! This year included a variety of special events and shows that featured beautiful works of art, talented performances with detailed make up and costuming. Thank you to the Arts Council, the Cosmo Club, the school Concert Band and last but not least our Music Ministry. To all students who took part in our 3 Coffee Houses, the Musical Production of "Elf" as well as the Drama Production of "A Simpler Time", your hard work and dedication made all of this happen and we are so proud of you! Best of luck to all graduates and we look forward to working with those students returning in the Fall. Have a safe and happy summer holiday!

Bennie's garden flourishes with Food Bank

Over the past 3 years, the Hospitality department has fostered an ongoing relationship with the Cambridge Self Help Food Bank where they donate a portion of their sales to the community in need. These funds are raised by producing food for take home meals as well as providing a service to students and staff at lunch.

This year we are happy to announce that we have donated $1000 each semester totalling $2000! In addition to this, through the collaborative efforts of the Science department, Hospitality and Construction, we have brought the vision of the school garden to life and are proud to say that we have the largest working garden plot in the WCDSB.

With partnerships with the Food Bank as well as Seeds of Diversity and the Region of Waterloo, we are able to sustain the gardens throughout the growing season and donate produce to the community and back into the Hospitality program so students can be a part of the "Farm to Fork" movement and learn about sustainable horticulture. We also have a thriving composting program that utilizes all of the compostable waste created in the Hospitality program which, in turn, feeds the gardens in the spring.

Outers Club

Coyotes and eagles, oh my!!

It has been a GREAT year for the Outer’s Club - a canoe trip in Algonquin Park, cross country skiing in Shades Mill, hiking and camping in Bruce Peninsula National Park and canoeing the Grand River. What a fun time! We can’t wait to see what next year will bring :) Speaking of next year…Do you like going on adventures in nature? Are you interested in canoeing, camping, and hiking!? Come join the Outer's Club! This is a club for grade 9 - 12 students and all experience levels are welcome. Happy trails this summer and can't wait to see you next year :)

Eco Club achieves Gold Certification for school

Mrs. Kirk-Elleker with students Abdullah Mir and Matthew Kapuscinski.
The St. Benedict Eco Club was successful in achieving GOLD certification from EcoSchools Canada this year! Some of our achievements include planting a pollinator garden, the Great Gulp challenge during Bennies Water Week, conducting school energy audits, re-introducing the G.O.O.S. paper bins around the building, electronic waste recycling, and several waste reduction campaigns. With the hard work of Matthew Kapuscinski and Abdullah Mir we were able to spread awareness around the school in an attempt to direct our student body to become more environmentally conscious citizens. This year is a prime example of 'one person CAN make a difference'!

Other News

News from the Library

idea exchange logo

From the Librarian's Desk

Wishing all St. Bennies students a successful end-of-the school year.

Congratulations to the class of 2023! You did it! Clemens Mill Library staff wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

Featured Idea Exchange Programs

Note: The following events are hosted by Idea Exchange and are not affiliated with St. Benedict or the WCDSB. Please visit for more activities in June and during the summer months!

Friday June 30th: Kick-Off To Summer
Kick off the summer with water games, relay races, beach bowling, and more! Outside Clemens Mill Library: 10AM to 2PM Summer treats will be provided.

Calendar of Events

Have a safe and enjoyable summer!

We will see you in September!

Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!

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