Wednesday, September 6, 2023 - Volume 16, Issue 2
Message from Administration
On behalf of the administration team, we are excited to welcome you back for the 2023/24 school year!
St. Benedict has long been a place that is “A Celebration of People” and we will continue to embrace that tradition.
We are pleased to welcome Vice-Principal Leisha Craftchick and Vice-Principal Matt Anderton to the admin team, both of which are returning to the St. Benedict community in new roles. We know that their unique gifts will contribute to the fantastic learning culture at St. Benedict.
As an admin team we look forward to working with you as partners in Catholic Education.
We greatly value the home as the first teacher of a child and believe firmly in developing positive school to home connections.
Wishing you the best as we embark on a new academic year!
School Photo Day
Our school photo day is fast approaching! Please remember to mark Monday, September 11th, 2023 on your calendar, as Edge Imaging will be in the school that day capturing everyone’s smiles. Please note that having a photo taken is mandatory for student ID's and yearbook purposes. Edge provides a variety of photo options! For more information on photo day, please visit www.edgeimaging.ca for answers to frequently asked questions.
Admin Team
Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!
2023 Important School Start Up Information
School Cash Online
Mandatory consent forms and fees are accessible through School Cash Online beginning in September. Forms are to be completed by the end of September.
Instructions, a detailed checklist, and information documents by grade level can be found on our school website. Click here to be redirected.
SCOL notes for students over the age of 18:
- If a parent has an account and has the student attached, then yes, they will still receive notifications regardless of the student’s age. SCOL doesn’t remove students from a parent’s account when they turn 18.
- If the student wants to complete the forms themselves, they will have to create an account and add themselves as a student. However, the parent will still have an account and receive the same notifications and be able to complete the forms as a student can be picked up in SCOL by more than one person.
Catholic School Advisory Council
St. Benedict C.S.S. sees family involvement as one of its main priorities; our CSAC council is a group of parents, teacher, and administors that are dedicated to making St. Benedict a great place for all students to learn and grow. On behalf of our school community, we would like to thank the many members who contributed to the success of the 2022-2023 school year. We look forward to welcoming all returning members, as well as individuals who are new to our school community and are intersted in joining this dynamic group. Our first CSAC meeting for the 2023-2024 school year is schedule for Thursday, September 28th from 6:00PM-8:00PM. Meetings are held in room 111.
If you wish to nominate yourself or another parent/guardian, please complete the nomination form on School Cash Online or visit our school website for further information and instructions.
If you have questions or require further information, please feel free to contact the school or Jordan Figueirdo at Jordan.Figueirdo@wcdsb.ca.
PARENTS! Important Registration Information
All parents need to ensure their students are registered for School Cash Online. When registering, please be sure to use legal names and correct birth date format shown on the registration page. Once registered, please complete all St. Benedict Start up Fees for all students in your home attending St. Benedict CSS by September 30, 2023.
Bennie's Buddies are Back!
Bennie’s Buddies is a student-to-student program created to help Grade 9s in their transition to high school. The program is designed to help create an environment where Grade 9 students learn that people at the school care about them and their future by providing support, connections, and a sense of comfort and belonging.
Transition to high school can be a major event in the life of a teen. Bennie’s Buddies eases the stress of the transition by having older students guide the Grade 9s in their discovery of what it takes to be successful in high school. It begins with Head Start and the first day of school where the leaders will welcome students into the building, help with lockers and finding their classes, and continues once a month during their homeroom class with academic and social follow-ups throughout the year! Look for the Blue and White "B a Buddy" Tee-Shirts! If you have any questions about this program, please contact Sarah Spitzig at sarah.spitzig@wcdsb.ca.
Hey Grade 9's look for these shirts during the first week of school for help with lockers, schedules or any questions you may have!
Looking to unsubscribe from the BENN?
Has your son or daughter has left the St. Benedict community? Follow the link at the bottom of the newsletter or send an email to the Editor and we will take care of that for you.
Looking for a quick way to navigate all things WCDSB for parents?
Check out the Board website for information and information pertaining to Aspen Portal, Brightspace, School Cash Online, Transportation updates, and other resources
Locker and Aspen information
Students who do not have a locker will receive one in the near future. Please check your Aspen account within the next few weeks to see your locker location and combination. To access your Aspen account, see the following directions:
ACCESSING LOGIN PAGE: The Aspen Student Portal can be accessed from your ‘My Apps’ page (wcdsb.myontarioedu.ca)
LOGGING INTO STUDENT PORTAL: To login, click on the button circled in GREEN.
NOTE: If you are logging in from a WCDSB Board computer or Chromebook, you will not be prompted for a login and password. However, if prompted in a different window, enter your student WCDSB login and password.
USING A CELL PHONE? Click on View Full Site to view your schedule correctly.
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Counsellor’s Name
Last names
Dh – Ho, International students
2023 Start Up Course Change Requests
The last day to submit course change requests for Semester 1 is Monday, September 11th by 3:00pm.
Course Change Requests
Students and families need to recognize it is not always possible to make changes to existing student schedules. Some courses are already full or conflict with another course making it impossible to take them this school year. Students requesting a possible course change must fill out the form located in the link below.
- Complete an online request form for your guidance counsellor (assigned based on your last name) on the school's Guidance page. To access and complete the form, simply click the plus sign beside your counsellor’s name.
- Have your parent/guardian email your Guidance Counsellor that they approve of the request for course change (this is not a guarantee the course change can be made).
- Guidance will then contact students via phone, email or call into their existing classes once the form has been filled out and we have heard from a parent/guardian.
Please be aware that guidance will be prioritizing “Essential Changes” according to the criteria below:
- In grade 9, 10 or 11 and do not have 8 courses on their timetable.
- Failed a course last year or last semester and no longer have the prerequisite for a course on their timetable.
- In grade 12 or year 5 and do not have enough courses on their schedule to reach 30 credits/graduate by the end of this year.
- Level changes (for example moving from academic to applied).
- Missing a prerequisite course for entry into a post-secondary institution.
- Have a course in their schedule in which a credit was already earned.
Please understand that we cannot accommodate teacher requests or requests to be in classes with friends.
We want to thank you for following the course request change process and for your understanding and patience while we work together to support students and families in a successful school year.
Junior Boys football
Attention any grade 9 or 10 students interested in playing junior football, it's not too late. If you missed the Wednesday meeting, come see Mr. Reitzel at the beginning of lunch in room 314 to get a permission form.
Score a hole in one!
FORE!!! Heads up Saints. Golf season is fast approaching, and if you're interested in a bit of golf competition then come out to a brief meeting at the start of lunch this Thursday September 7th for the varsity boys and girls golf team. The meeting is in room 203 or see Mr. Krzysztofik for more details.
Getting back into the swing row of things
Do you crave time outdoors? Do you want to try a new sport? Do you love catching the sunrise? Then Rowing might be for you! You'll never know if you don't come out and try it. See Ms Pittens in room 204, or Ms Currie in the math office for more information about rowing opportunities this year!
Do you like going on adventures in nature?
Are you interested in canoeing, camping, and hiking!?
Come join St. Benedict's Outer's Club! This is a club for grade 9 - 12 students and all experience levels are welcome. Outer's Club is hosting its first event this fall; a canoe trip in Algonquin Park from September 28 to 30. Participants will be required to pass a swim test. If you would like to go on the Algonquin canoe trip there is a meeting at lunch in room 310 on Thursday September 7th.
See Mrs. Novakovich, Mr. Lehan or Ms. Whalen.
Bring your best strategy!
If you are interested in strategy board games and card games such as Magic the Gathering or Risk, come to the Games Club every Thursday after school in room 227 starting next week. See Mr. Riso in room 227 for details.
MARVELous movies...
Are you a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Do you enjoy eating lunch in a safe and entertaining environment? Well, the MCU Club is the club for you. Watch MCU movies and T.V. shows in the comfort of room 227 at lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting next week. See Mr. Riso in room 227 for details. Excelsior!
Make it so!
Hello Star Trek and Science Fiction Fans! Star Trek Club is back on Fridays in Room 123. Please bring your lunch with you and be ready to enjoy an episode from one of our beloved series. This Friday is extra special as it is STAR TREK DAY - the original series started on Sept. 8th in 1966! New members always welcome! As Jean Luc Picard would say, "Make it so!".
Doctor Who Club is Back...and it's about TIME!
DOCTOR WHO CLUB returns on FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 8th after school in room 226. Join us every week for pizza, companionship, and the joy of watching both new & classic episodes of the world's longest running science fiction series. There will be a welcome back prize raffle to celebrate the new year, and all new members are welcome.
We will be preparing for this November's 60th anniversary, featuring the return of David Tennant and the imminent arrival of the new Doctor, Ncuti Gatwa. The Doctor stole his TARDIS and ran away from his people to adventure in time and space...come to DOCTOR WHO CLUB and experience those adventures first hand.
Welcome back to all St. Bennies staff and students. Library staff had a busy summer with programs and the Summer Reading club but we are eager to welcome back St. Bennies students!
Here are a few tips for students who would like to use their school library:
- Bennie's school library is also Clemens Mill public library. You will need an Idea Exchange library card to sign out materials or book study rooms. If you are not sure you have a library card, drop by the Membership desk and we will help you!
- NO FOOD is permitted in the library during school hours. Please use the cafeteria or some other space in the school to eat your lunch. At lunch hour, if there are no more seats, we have reached our capacity and you will need to find another place to spend lunch hour.
- Please be respectful of our space and our staff. We encourage students to visit the library, enjoy time with friends (quietly), work on assignments, sign out books and other materials. Please do not move chairs or tables.
Upcoming Idea Exchange Library Events
Note: The following events are hosted by Idea Exchange and are not affiliated with St. Benedict or the WCDSB.
Teen Lounge: returns Monday September 18th in the Library’s CreativeHub classroom after school, from 2PM to 3PM. Snacks, video and board games are supplied.
Teen Chess Club: Returns Tuesday, September 19th from 3PM to 4PM. All are welcome. Boards and pieces are provided. This is a drop-in program.
Thursday, September 7 10:40am: Outers Club Algonquin Trip info meeting 10:40am: Girls golf info meeting 10:40am: Boys golf info meeting 2:15pm: Cross-country meeting 3:45pm: Jr. Girls basketball tryouts
Friday, September 8 10:35am: Start Trek Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who club
Tuesday, September 12 10:35am: MCU Club
Thursday, September 14 10:35am: MCU Club 2:15pm: Games Club
Friday, September 15 10:35am: Start Trek Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who club
Tuesday, September 19 10:35am: MCU Club
Wednesday, September 20 BENN Newsletter release
Thursday, September 21 10:35am: MCU Club 2:15pm: Games Club
Friday, September 22 10:35am: Start Trek Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who club
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!