Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - Volume 16, Issue 3
Message from Administration
We want to express gratitude for our phenomenal SAINTS community on a wonderful start to the school year!
There was a palpable feeling of joy as students and staff entered the building to kick off the 2023/24 school year.
The focus of the 2023 WCDSB pastoral plan is “STENGTHEN” meaning, “we can do all things through the one who strengthens us.”
As we end the month of September, we are ready to support the Terry Fox School Run for cancer research taking place on Thursday, September 28. Please consider donating using this link here https://schools.terryfox.ca/37789 to help us reach our donation goal!
Lastly, Friday, September 29 is Orange Shirt Day. As we continue the path towards Truth and Reconciliation, students are encouraged to wear orange tops to bring awareness to the individual, family, and community inter-generational impacts of residential schools.
Thanks again for a great start to the school year!
Admin Team
Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!
2023 Important School Start Up Information
School Cash Online
Mandatory consent forms and fees are accessible through School Cash Online beginning in September. Forms are to be completed by the end of September.
Instructions, a detailed checklist, and information documents by grade level can be found on our school website. Click here to be redirected.
SCOL notes for students over the age of 18:
- If a parent has an account and has the student attached, then yes, they will still receive notifications regardless of the student’s age. SCOL doesn’t remove students from a parent’s account when they turn 18.
- If the student wants to complete the forms themselves, they will have to create an account and add themselves as a student. However, the parent will still have an account and receive the same notifications and be able to complete the forms as a student can be picked up in SCOL by more than one person.
Greetings from the Chaplain
My name is Bob Rempel. I am the chaplain at Bennies. People regularly ask what a chaplain does. I begin the day with O Canada and a prayer. I write prayers. I plan religious services. And many more things. In my estimation, one of the most important things I do is connect with students. I say hi to those I meet. I hold doors open during period change overs. I do these things (as well as giving out Hershey hugs and kisses) as a tangible way of reminding students that they have a basic worth and value. I want each student to feel noticed and valued and so I am pretty relentless in connecting with them.
Catholic School Advisory Council
St. Benedict C.S.S. sees family involvement as one of its main priorities; our CSAC council is a group of parents, teacher, and administors that are dedicated to making St. Benedict a great place for all students to learn and grow. On behalf of our school community, we would like to thank the many members who contributed to the success of the 2022-2023 school year. We look forward to welcoming all returning members, as well as individuals who are new to our school community and are intersted in joining this dynamic group. Our first CSAC meeting for the 2023-2024 school year is schedule for Thursday, September 28th from 6:00PM-8:00PM. Meetings are held in room 111.
If you wish to nominate yourself or another parent/guardian, please complete the nomination form on School Cash Online or visit our school website for further information and instructions.
If you have questions or require further information, please feel free to contact the school or Jordan Figueirdo at Jordan.Figueirdo@wcdsb.ca.
PARENTS! Important Registration Information
All parents need to ensure their students are registered for School Cash Online. When registering, please be sure to use legal names and correct birth date format shown on the registration page. Once registered, please complete all St. Benedict Start up Fees for all students in your home attending St. Benedict CSS by September 30, 2023.
Looking to unsubscribe from the BENN?
Has your son or daughter has left the St. Benedict community? Follow the link at the bottom of the newsletter or send an email to the Editor and we will take care of that for you.
Looking for a quick way to navigate all things WCDSB for parents?
Check out the Board website for information and information pertaining to Aspen Portal, Brightspace, School Cash Online, Transportation updates, and other resources
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Counsellor’s Name
Last names
Dh – Ho, International students
Administrative Assistant: Ms. McIntosh, ext. 5631
Welcome back to all our students, we look forward to seeing you again or meeting you for the first time! We hope you had a safe and restful summer and are ready for a new school year.
We are excited to welcome Mrs. Novakovich to our team. She comes to Guidance from the Science department and has been at St. Benedict for close to twenty years. Mrs. Novakovich is currently teaching an eLearning course and is also involved with the Outers Club, rowing and is looking forward to teaching an outdoor education class next semester.
ACADEMIC AWARDS NIGHT – October 5th, 6:30pm
Invitations to award recipients will be sent out by email to parents and students. Students will be required to complete the google form to RSVP to the event. Please RSVP by Thursday September 28th.
For additional information throughout the year, please visit the Guidance D2L page.
College and University visits
Colleges and universities will begin information sessions as early as next week. Students are asked students to sign up only for those they are most interested in. Being in class should be their priority. They should not be missing a summative assignment or test to attend a session.
Students who sign up 24 hours before the presentation will be signed out through attendance. Only those signed up ahead of time will be allowed to attend.
An updated list is maintained on the calendar on the school website. To see the complete list go to Student Services, Guidance, Post-Secondary planning, and then click on the Post-secondary Visits tab.
Please speak with your guidance counsellor if you have any questions.
Ontario Universities Virtual Fair
Ontario's universities are excited to host a collection of in-person and virtual events in the fall of 2023.
Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF) October 21-22, 2022, from 10 am to 5 pm (ET), daily Metro Toronto Convention Centre
This event is fair style with booths from Ontario universities, and it allows you to gather information and chat with representatives one on one.
Note: There are no university presentations at OUF 2022. If you are looking for a similar experience, we encourage you to attend the virtual Information Sessions.
Regional Fairs Various locations and dates, events run from September 25 and November 16, 2023
Can’t make the OUF? Ontario’s universities are coming to you this fall!
The Regional Fairs travel across the province, offering fair-style events that allow you to gather information about Ontario’s universities. Learn about programs, campus life and anything else that may help you decide which Ontario university to choose.
Locations, dates and times are available on the OUF website
Join us for any (or all!) of your virtual information sessions.
The one-stop event for all your college information needs!
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 5 pm - 9 pm
Thursday, October 19, 20232 9 am - 2 pm
This free event is being held at Exhibition Place, Toronto.
The College Information Program (CIP) will make 30+ stops across Ontario.
Guidance is looking for student volunteers to assist with Academic Awards night, October 5th. We will have 2 shifts immediately after school and during the event 6pm – 8:30pm (approximately).
Sign up sheets are available in Guidance.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Varriano Lane or anyone in Guidance.
Soccer Saints beat Rez
The boys played a classy game Monday against the Resurrection Phoenix on the front soccer pitch. The first half nearly went scoreless when Jayden Arujo scored a scrappy goal inside the 6 yard box in the 44th minute of play. The team let their guard down for only a second after scoring only to see the Phoenix score the equalizer in the 45th minute of play.
At half-time, the team regrouped and took the field with fierce determination in their eyes. Midway through the second half the phonix got sloppy and committed a foul inside the penalty area only to see Jaden Arujo score a cheeky PK, his second goal of the match. Ten minutes later the Saints forged an attack that started in their own end of the pitch resulting in a spectacular cross-field pass from Xavier DeSimas which landed on the foot of none other than Marime Gomes who rippled the net with a blistering shot to put the lead too far out of reach for their opponents.
Congratulations to the whole team for a great start to the season. We hope to see more fans at our next game this Friday against our cross-town rivals the Mustangs at Riverside park.
Sports Results
JUNIOR GIRLS BASKETBALL St. Benedict CSS 46, Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 21
SENIOR GIRLS BASKETBALL St. Benedict CSS 35, Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 19
JUNIOR BOYS SOCCER St. Benedict CSS 3, Resurrection CSS 1
JUNIOR GIRLS BASKETBALL St. Benedict CSS 46, Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 21
SENIOR GIRLS BASKETBALL St. Benedict CSS 35, Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 19
JUNIOR BOYS SOCCER St. Benedict CSS 3, Resurrection CSS 1
Coding Club resumes next Monday at lunch in 216. If you have a keen interest in coding and solving problems, then this is the place for you!
Until mid-November, the focus will be on preparing grade 9 and 10 students for the UW's Beaver Computing Challenge. No coding knowledge is required, just a keen interest in solving logic puzzles!
Students with coding experience who want to do the UW's Canadian Computing Competition in February are strongly encouraged to attend for some self-directed learning using Project Euler. For more information, see Mr. Milardovic in 216.
Chess Club is back!
Whether you are a brand new player or a grand master come to Chess Club every Tuesday and Thursday at lunch in room 125. All skill levels welcomed. Please see Mr. Sanders or Mr. Mathé if you would like more information.
Model UN Club
Have you been following the news from the War in Ukraine? Are you interested in how countries work to solve international problems? Do you love to debate, discuss, and argue with your friends about anything and everything? If you said yes to any of these questions then Model UN is for you! Come out to our first meeting this Thursday, September 21st in Portable 10 at lunch! Please find Mr. Healey if you have any questions!
Want to do DECA?
Want to learn more about business in a fun and competitive environment? DECA is back! DECA is the biggest business club in Ontario and provides opportunities to meet students from across the province. Come see what DECA is all about. We meet every Tuesday at lunch in room 214.
For more information, please see Mrs. Ratz, Mr. Szpiech, or Mr. Lussier.
Friendship Club
Are you new to St Bennie's or to the community and want an opportunity to make a new friend, or do you and your friend want to meet some new people this year? Come to Friendship Club Thursdays during lunch in portable 8 to hang out, do various activities and meet amazing people. See you there!
Rock Climbing Club is back
That's right! Get your friends together and come join the fun! There are rocks to climb for all ability levels. If you missed our meeting, please find Mr. Porto sometime to pick up forms and get details.
Not taking phys.ed because you don’t have room in your schedule? Want to be active but don’t want to commit to a gym membership? Well the St. Benedict phys.ed department can help. Any student wishing to be active on their lunch can join the weight room club from Monday to Friday.
Students MUST complete a permission form and submit it to Mrs. Reis prior to arrival. Permission forms can be picked up in the PE office.
The return of Cosmo Club
Cosmo Club is back just in time for Halloween!!
This club is open to all grades and all experience levels beginners to advanced.
Learn how to create the most realistic, burns, cuts and zombie bites to celebrate this spooky season!
Join us Wednesdays during lunch in the Cosmo Space, Room 124.
If spooky is not your vibe, we will also be learning day and evening makeup hints and tips and all things hair!
We are a safe and inclusive space.
Bring your best strategy!
If you are interested in strategy board games and card games such as Magic the Gathering or Risk, come to the Games Club every Thursday after school in room 227. See Mr. Riso for details.
MARVELous movies...
Are you a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Do you enjoy eating lunch in a safe and entertaining environment? Come watch MCU movies and T.V. shows in the comfort of room 227 at lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays. See Mr. Riso in room 227 for details. Excelsior!
Make it so!
Hello Star Trek and Science Fiction Fans! Star Trek Club is back on Fridays in Room 123. Please bring your lunch with you and be ready to enjoy an episode from one of our beloved series. New members always welcome! As Jean Luc Picard would say, "Make it so!".
Doctor Who Club
Join us every Friday after school in room 226 for pizza, companionship, and the joy of watching both new & classic episodes of the world's longest running science fiction series.
Welcome back to all St. Bennies staff and students. Library staff had a busy summer with programs and the Summer Reading club but we are eager to welcome back St. Bennies students!
Here are a few tips for students who would like to use their school library:
- Bennie's school library is also Clemens Mill public library. You will need an Idea Exchange library card to sign out materials or book study rooms. If you are not sure you have a library card, drop by the Membership desk and we will help you!
- NO FOOD is permitted in the library during school hours. Please use the cafeteria or some other space in the school to eat your lunch. At lunch hour, if there are no more seats, we have reached our capacity and you will need to find another place to spend lunch hour.
- Please be respectful of our space and our staff. We encourage students to visit the library, enjoy time with friends (quietly), work on assignments, sign out books and other materials. Please do not move chairs or tables.
Upcoming Idea Exchange Library Events
Note: The following events are hosted by Idea Exchange and are not affiliated with St. Benedict or the WCDSB.
Teen Lounge: returned Monday September 18th in the Library’s CreativeHub classroom after school, from 2PM to 3PM. Snacks, video and board games are supplied.
Teen Chess Club: Returned Tuesday, September 19th from 3PM to 4PM. All are welcome. Boards and pieces are provided. This is a drop-in program.
Thursday, September 21 10:35am: Percussion Ensemble 10:35am: Friendship Club 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 2:15pm: Concert Band 2:15pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Games Club 4:00pm: Jazz Band
Friday, September 22 10:35am: Star Trek Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who club
Monday, September 25 10:35am: Coders Club 10:35am: Choir 11:30am: Univ/Coll visit: Lakehead University 12:45pm: Univ/Coll visit: Humber College
Tuesday, September 26 8:15am: Univ/Coll visit: Metroplitain (Ryerson) University 10:35am: DECA Business Club 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club
Wednesday, September 27 10:35am: Guitar Club 10:35am: Cosmo Club
Thursday, September 28 10:35am: Percussion Ensemble 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 2:15pm: Concert Band 2:15pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Games Club 4:00pm: Jazz Band 6:00pm: Catholic School Advisory Council Meeting
Friday, September 29 9:20am: Univ/Coll visit: Ontario Tech University 10:35am: Coders Club 10:35am: Star Trek Club 11:45am: Univ/Coll visit: Sheridan College 2:15pm: Doctor Who club
Saturday, September 30 Orange Shirt day
Monday, October 2 10:35am: Coders Club 10:35am: Choir 12:45pm: Univ/Coll visit: Brescia University
Tuesday, October 3 8:15am: Univ/Coll visit: Guelph University 10:35am: DECA Business Club 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 11:25pm: Univ/Coll visit: Queen's University
Wednesday, October 4 BENN Newsletter release 9:20am: Univ/Coll visit: Fleming College 10:35am: Guitar Club 10:35am: Cosmo Club
Thursday, October 5 World Teachers' Day 10:35am: Percussion Ensemble 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 2:15pm: Concert Band 2:15pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Games Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who club 4:00pm: Jazz Band 6:30pm: Academic Awards Night
Friday, October 6 PA Day
Monday, October 9 Thanksgiving Day
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!