Wednesday, November 1, 2023 - Volume 16, Issue 6
Did you know...
With this issue of the BENN newsletter, we have surpassed another major milestone!
If you were able to stack that much paper in a pile (without it falling over, of course), your stack would be over half a kilometer tall!
Thank you to all our subscribers who--like us--want to do a part in saving the environment.
Chaplain's Chatter
November is a month of transition. Sometime in November autumn decides to transition to winter.
During November the St Benedict community remembers those we know and love who have transitioned from this life to the next.
Each day during our morning prayer we remember those who have passed on. We pray for them and ask that they pray for us.
Admin Team
Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!
Looking for a quick way to navigate all things WCDSB for parents?
Check out the Board website for information and information pertaining to Aspen Portal, Brightspace, School Cash Online, Transportation updates, and other resources
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Counsellor’s Name
Last names
Dh – Ho, International students
Administrative Assistant: Ms. McIntosh, ext. 5631
For additional information throughout the year, please visit the Guidance D2L page.
College and University visits
Colleges and universities have begun! Students are reminded to sign up only for those they are most interested in. Being in class should be their priority. They should not be missing a summative assignment or test to attend a session.
Students who sign up 24 hours before the presentation will be signed out through attendance. Only those signed up ahead of time will be allowed to attend.
An updated list is maintained on the calendar on the school website. To see the complete list go to Student Services, Guidance, Post-Secondary planning, and then click on the Post-secondary Visits tab.
Please speak with your guidance counsellor if you have any questions.
Regional Fairs Various locations and dates, the next event is November 16, 2023
Can’t make the OUF? Ontario’s universities are coming to you this fall!
The Regional Fairs travel across the province, offering fair-style events that allow you to gather information about Ontario’s universities. Learn about programs, campus life and anything else that may help you decide which Ontario university to choose.
Locations, dates and times are available on the OUF website
November 22 from 5 to 7pm
Join us for any (or all!) of your virtual information sessions.
UW Computer contest opportunities
Grade 9 and 10 problem solvers! If you want to write the Beaver Contest in November, you must see Mr. Milardovic in room 216 at lunch this Thursday or Friday. While you're at it, pick up a copy of past contests, or check your answers with Mr. M! This coming Monday we will look at the 2017 contest.
Are you an experienced coder? Looking to show off your skills? Would you like the opportunity to write the prestigious UW Canadian Computing Challenge in February? See Mr. Milardovic at lunch in room 216. Be prepared to solve some problems on the Project Euler website.
Senior Footballers eyeing D8 Championship
The Senior Football team looks to bring home a District 8 Football Championship on Friday night at the University of Waterloo! Kick off is 5:30 pm. Come out and cheer on the Saints as they take on the Resurrection Phoenix and look to win their second title in 3 years!
Junior Boys Volleyball is perfect!
A big congratulations to the junior boys volleyball team on finishing their regular season with a perfect record of eight wins and zero losses! The team has had an amazing season so far, but the work is not over yet. Come on out to support the team in the District 8 quarter-finals on Thursday at 3:00 in our gym.
Cross Country at CWOSSA
Congratulations to the St. Benedict Cross Country team who competed in CWOSSA last Thursday! All team members posted personal records despite a very challenging course. A special congratulations to the girls' novice team made up of Orla H., Sophia I., Gracie M., Emily V., Taylor V., and Simone E. who fought hard to secure their second-place finish. These girls will be competing in OFFSA next week. In addition, Mya H. placed 16th overall in the Senior Girls race at CWOSSA! Great job Saints!
Calling all skiers!
If you would like to join the Alpine Ski Team, please see Mrs. Spitzig or Ms. Krueger for forms. We will have our next meeting on Thursday, November 2nd in room 308 at the start of lunch. Hope to see you there!
Sr. Girls Volleyball start-up
Attention girls interested in playing Sr. Girls' Volleyball! There will be a meeting tomorrow, Friday November 3rd at the start of lunch in room 312. Please meet Ms. Flemington and Ms. Zebrowski on Friday for more information regarding tryouts for the team.
Sports Results
St. Benedict CSS 38, Monsignor Doyle CSS 31
St. Benedict CSS 37, Woodland Christian HS 31
St. Benedict CSS 27, St. David CSS 23
Woodland Christian HS 52, St. Benedict CSS 18
St. Mary's HS 41, St. Benedict CSS 36
St. Benedict CSS 3, Resurrection CSS 1
St. Mary's HS 4, St. Benedict CSS 1
JUNIOR BOYS VOLLEYBALL St. Benedict CSS 3, Woodland Christian HS 1
St. Benedict CSS 3, St. Mary's HS 0
Woodland Christian HS 3, St. Benedict CSS 2
St. Benedict CSS 3, St. Mary's HS 0
St. Benedict CSS 28, St. David CSS 7
St. Benedict CSS 21, St. Mary's HS 14
St. Benedict CSS 35, St. Mary's HS 6
Wrestling start-up
Attention St. Benedict Wrestlers: Wrestling practices will begin next week on Monday (November 6), right after school in the cafeteria. Your permission form must be signed and returned to Mr. Jagas before you are able to attend practice.
Novice Girls Volleyball
There is a mandatory meeting for any grade 9 or 10 girls interested in trying out for Junior or Novice girls volleyball. Please come to Room 319 at the start of lunch on Friday, November 3. Please see Mrs. Kirk-Elleker and Ms. Whalen if you have questions.
Good luck to all our teams as they enter the playoff rounds!
From Imagination to Reality!
Our Racing Saints E-Car Team has gone from drawings to 3D models and a fully refined new chassis. Production has now started with this being the one and only 'leaked' photo of the RS3.
Students will be busy all winter completing this car and fitting new powerplants and suspension systems to the RS1 and RS2 cars.Your hard work will pay off!
From the librarian’s desk
Resource Spotlight
These resources are free, do not need a password when accessed at school, and offer information that is both relevant and authoritative.
Featured Idea Exchange Programs
Note: The following events are hosted by Idea Exchange and are not affiliated with St. Benedict or the WCDSB.
Teen Lounge: Students are invited to visit the lounge after school from 2PM to 3PM, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Snacks, video and board games are provided.
Thursday, November 2 Photo retake day 10:35am: Friendship Club 10:35am: HOSA Club 10:35am: GSA Club 10:35am: Seams Sew Easy Club 10:35am: Coding Club 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Percussion Ensemble 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 2:15pm: E-car Club 2:15pm: Concert Band 2:15pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Games Club 4:00pm: Jazz Band
Friday, November 3 10:35am: Star Trek Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who club
Sunday, November 5 Daylight Savings Time ends: Turn your clocks back!
Monday, November 6 10:35am: Coding Club 10:35am: SEEC Club 10:35am: Choir
Tuesday, November 7 10:35am: Arts Council 10:35am: Girls Garage club 10:35am: GSA Club 10:35am: DECA Business Club 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 11:00am: Rosary Club
Wednesday, November 8 Semester 1 - Term 2 Begins 9:20am: Univ/Coll visit: Sault College 10:35am: Guitar Club 10:35am: Cosmo Club 2:15pm: E-car Club
Thursday, November 9 10:35am: Friendship Club 10:35am: HOSA Club 10:35am: GSA Club 10:35am: Seams Sew Easy Club 10:35am: Coding Club 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Percussion Ensemble 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 2:15pm: E-car Club 2:15pm: Concert Band 2:15pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Games Club 4:00pm: Jazz Band
Friday, November 10 10:35am: Star Trek Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who club
Saturday, November 11 Remembrance Day
Monday, November 13 PA Day
Tuesday, November 14 10:35am: Arts Council 10:35am: Girls Garage club 10:35am: GSA Club 10:35am: DECA Business Club 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 11:00am: Rosary Club
Wednesday, November 15 BENN Newsletter release 10:35am: Guitar Club 10:35am: Cosmo Club 2:15pm: E-car Club
Thursday, November 16 10:35am: Friendship Club 10:35am: HOSA Club 10:35am: GSA Club 10:35am: Seams Sew Easy Club 10:35am: Coding Club 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Percussion Ensemble 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 2:15pm: E-car Club 2:15pm: Concert Band 2:15pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Games Club 4:00pm: Jazz Band
Friday, November 17 10:35am: Star Trek Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who club
Monday, November 20 10:35am: Coding Club 10:35am: SEEC Club 10:35am: Choir
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!