Wednesday, March 20, 2024 - Volume 16, Issue 15
A Message from Administration
As we approach the joyous celebration of Easter, we are filled with gratitude for our vibrant and compassionate community. This sacred season of Lent has been a time of reflection, prayer, and growth for each of us. Let us come together to embrace the hope and renewal that Easter brings. There are also many in our community in the midst of Ramadan observance. We wish everyone the best this season, as we grow deeper in our faith.
In the Gospel of Matthew, we encounter the women who, burdened with disappointment and grief after witnessing Jesus’ sacrificial death, approach the tomb. In that moment of fear and uncertainty, they encounter the risen Christ, who lovingly says to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10, NRSV)
We are the Easter people, let us recognize the hidden blessings, graces, and consolations of God in our lives. With eyes of faith, we see our experiences as opportunities to draw closer to Him.
May this Easter be a time of renewed faith, joy, and hope. As we rejoice in the new life Christ bestowed upon us through His death and resurrection, we wish every family a peace-filled Easter and a restful holiday.
Admin Team
Class of 2024!
Looking for Convocation updates?
- Respect each other and always treat others with dignity. Talk to staff and other students in a calm, appropriate, and respectful manner. Positively communicate and follow directions of staff in the hallways.
- 5 minutes out of the classroom should be all the time needed to use the washroom.
- Same Floor means that students should be using the closest washroom to their classroom.
- Washroom Expectations –all students have the right to a washroom experience that is free from disruption, video recording, image capture, bullying, violence, vaping, smoking, etc. Students are expected keep this a safe place.
Convocation 2024 is fast approaching!
Thank you to everyone that has paid their fee on School Cash Online. Please make sure to complete the Convocation Google form with your RSVP.
Did you forget to pay your Convocation Fee? We have extended the deadline to Friday. Anyone born in the year 2006, this is your year- don't miss the chance to celebrate your high school career with your peers! Check out the school website for more details.
OSSLT Spring Date
Our second session of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test will be Wednesday, April 10th. All grade 10 and 11 students who are yet to satisfy the literacy requirement will be required to write and will be the only ones in attendance that day. Students are expected to be in full uniform.
All students in grade 9, 11 and 12 along with all students in grade 10/11 who have satisfied the literacy requirement will be working from home ASYNCHRONOUSLY. Teachers will have worked posted to their LMS on that date by 8:00am.
Schedule for Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Student participating in the OSSLT will follow the schedule below:
Instructions: 8:00 - 8:10 am
Session 1: 8:10 - 9:30 am
Session 2: 9:40 - 11:15 am
**Students who require extra time will be able to do so.
Change in PA Day Schedule & Solar Eclipse Safety Tips
Please be advised that the Professional Activity (PA) Day originally scheduled for April 19, 2024, will now be held on April 8, 2024. This change is being made to ensure the safety and well-being of our students and staff during the Total Solar Eclipse expected on April 8, 2024.
Important Notice: Vaccine Appointments Available at Public Health Clinics
Have you received a letter from Public Health telling you that your child is missing a vaccination?
Appointments are now available for any student who needs to catch up on their routine vaccines, including Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Meningococcal, Pertussis (whooping cough), and Varicella (chickenpox).
Book a catch-up appointment, if your child is missing a vaccine.
Report your child’s vaccinations, if they have gotten the missing vaccines.
You need to report your child’s vaccines to Public Health if they received their vaccines from a health care provider. You can easily report your child’s vaccines online. How to report your child’s vaccines.
The Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) requires all elementary and secondary school students to have proof of vaccination or a valid exemption on file with Public Health.
Vaccinations keep kids and schools healthy by stopping the spread of serious and preventable diseases.
Schedule of Notification and Suspension
Vaccination notices providing six weeks to update vaccine records went out to elementary school families in November and December last year. Notices to secondary school families are being distributed now.
Students whose records have not been brought up to date will receive a second notice in February (elementary) and April (secondary) of pending school suspension. This second notice provides an additional four weeks to get vaccine records up to date before school suspension takes effect.
The elementary school suspension date is March 27, 2024. Secondary school suspension date is May 1, 2024.
Questions? Need help? Call Region of Waterloo Public Health at 519-575-4400.
Looking for a quick way to navigate all things WCDSB for parents?
Check out the Board website for information and information pertaining to Aspen Portal, Brightspace, School Cash Online, Transportation updates, and other resources
Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Counsellor’s Name
Last names
Dh – Ho, International students
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. McAulay-Arruda, ext. 5631
For additional information throughout the year, please visit the Guidance D2L page.
Community Service Hours
It is a requirement of graduation that each student complete 40 hours of community service. There are many opportunities to fulfill this requirement. Please visit the school website for links to community opportunities and a fillable form to submit their hours.
Play Ball!
This is a call out to all girls who have any background in softball or baseball or just love the sport, we need you! There will be a girls softball meeting next Wednesday at lunch in room 227 for all girls who are interested in playing softball this season.
Outers Club to hit the trail...
Attention all Outers Club Members and enthusiasts. There will be a brief, but important meeting on Tuesday April 2 in room 309 at the start of lunch to discuss our next trip! The Outers Club is going to the Bruce Peninsula National Park for a 2 day hiking/ camping trip. New members are always welcome!!! If you have any questions, please see either Ms. Novakovich, Ms. Whalen or Mr. Lehan for more information.
Boys! Get ready to lace up those skates!
Attention all grade 9 and 10 hockey players interested in playing for the junior boys hockey team. There will be a brief meeting on Thursday March 21st at the start of lunch in the lecture hall.
Learn to Row
Hey Saints! It's spring! And that means it's time to Learn to Row! If you like the idea of catching the sunrise on the water, seeing wildlife like eagles and blue herons, and being part of a crew, come out and LEARN TO ROW!
An information session will be in the Skybox across from room 300 AT LUNCH on WEDNESDAY, March 27! EVERYBODY is welcome - no experience required! Or see Ms. Currie for information and permission forms!
Muslim Student Association Start-up
If you are interested in joining a Muslim Student Association club here at St. Benedict's please meet in Room 123 this Thursday at lunch. The mission statement of this club is: To provide a safe and inclusive space for Muslims, as well as people of other faiths, to encourage the development of spiritual, social, and civic growth and well-being, while fostering a deeper sense of identity. All students are welcome.
Hello Bennies! My name is Ryan, and I’m the new Teen Services Librarian here at St Benedicts. My job is to support students and teachers by making sure everyone has the resources and information skills they need to succeed. If you need help navigating a database, searching the web, citing a source, or just finding your next favourite book, come talk to me! I love hearing about what you’re learning in class and chatting about how the library can help you succeed. You can reach me anytime at rorr@ideaexchange.org.
I have open office hours in the library from 2-3pm on Thursdays for drop-in research help, but come in anytime the door is open.
Barbie’s Mini-Escape Room!
Embark on a doll-sized escape room experience and help Barbie locate the lost items before Midge arrives. Explore the Dreamhouse, solve puzzles, and follow clues to unravel the mystery. Will you find the gift in time to make Midge's birthday unforgettable?
To reserve a time-slot, stop by the library service desk or call us at 519.740.6294.
Note: This is an Idea Exchange event and not affiliated with the WCDSB.
For your virtual library needs, visit the St. Benedict Library Learning Commons site here or the Idea Exchange site here.
10:35am: HOSA Club End date: 8 Apr 2024 10:35am: GSA Club 10:35am: Seams Sew Easy Club 10:35am: Coding Club Total # of lines: 123 10:35am: Model UN Club 62 10:35am: Percussion Ensemble 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 2:15pm: Robotics Club 2:15pm: E-car Club 2:15pm: Concert Band 2:15pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Games Club 4:00pm: Jazz Band
Friday, March 22 6:15am: Rowing Club 10:35am: Indigenous Student Group meeting 10:35am: Girls Garage club 10:35am: Choir 10:35am: Star Trek Club 2:15pm: Ping Pong club 2:15pm: Doctor Who club
Sunday, March 31 Palm Sunday
Monday, March 25 IEP Distribution Progress Report Distribution Date 10:35am: Coding Club 10:35am: SEEC Club 10:35am: Choir 2:15pm: Robotics Club
Tuesday, March 26 9:30am: SHSM Workshop: Fasterclass with Digital Sabbath 10:35am: IRIS Club 10:35am: Mario Kart Club 10:35am: Arts Council 10:35am: GSA Club 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 11:00am: Rosary Club 2:15pm: Robotics Club
Wednesday, March 27 6:15am: Rowing Club 9:30am: SHSM Workshop: Negotiation Training 10:35am: Guitar Club 10:35am: Cosmo Club 2:15pm: Robotics Club 2:15pm: Rock Climbing club 2:15pm: E-car Club
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!
Thursday, March 28 6:15am: Rowing Club 9:30am: SHSM Workshop: Child Safety 10:35am: French club 10:35am: IRIS Club 10:35am: Reach for the Top Trivia club 10:35am: HOSA Club 10:35am: GSA Club 10:35am: Seams Sew Easy Club 10:35am: Coding Club 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Percussion Ensemble 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 2:15pm: Robotics Club 2:15pm: E-car Club 2:15pm: Concert Band 2:15pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Games Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who club 4:00pm: Jazz Band
Friday, March 29 Good Friday
Sunday, March 31 Easter Sunday
Monday, April 1 Easter Monday
Tuesday, April 2 9:30am: SHSM Workshop: Animation/Cartoon Creation (ALL) 10:35am: IRIS Club 10:35am: Mario Kart Club 10:35am: Arts Council 10:35am: GSA Club 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 11:00am: Rosary Club 2:15pm: Robotics Club
Wednesday, April 3 BENN Newsletter release 6:15am: Rowing Club 10:35am: Guitar Club 10:35am: Cosmo Club 2:15pm: Robotics Club 2:15pm: Rock Climbing club 2:15pm: E-car Club
Thursday, April 4 6:15am: Rowing Club 10:35am: French club 10:35am: IRIS Club 10:35am: Reach for the Top Trivia club 10:35am: HOSA Club 10:35am: GSA Club 10:35am: Seams Sew Easy Club 10:35am: Coding Club 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Percussion Ensemble 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 2:15pm: Robotics Club 2:15pm: E-car Club 2:30pm: Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:30pm: Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences