Wednesday, May 29, 2024 - Volume 16, Issue 20
The Countdown is On
Convocation Ceremony: Monday June 10 at 7:00 p.m.
Students received a GRAD INFORMATION LETTER with their gown/cap/guest tickets. Please read the letter carefully and entirely, there have been updates made to the letter. Important changes to note:
- Student’s must arrive to Centre in the Square at 5:45pm (not 5:15pm as indicated previously)
- Students will receive the TASSEL for their cap when they arrive at the venue
- NO BALLOON arrangements are permitted on June 10th, flowers and small gifts are permitted.
- Please take advantage of our fundraiser for flowers and gifts.
Looking for Flowers for your Graduate? Look no further!
Pre-order or buy on site before the ceremony. A portion of sales will be donated back to Bennie's Saints Fund! Thank you for your support.
- Respect each other and always treat others with dignity. Talk to staff and other students in a calm, appropriate, and respectful manner. Positively communicate and follow directions of staff in the hallways.
- 5 minutes out of the classroom should be all the time needed to use the washroom.
- Same Floor means that students should be using the closest washroom to their classroom.
- Washroom Expectations –all students have the right to a washroom experience that is free from disruption, video recording, image capture, bullying, violence, vaping, smoking, etc. Students are expected keep this a safe place.
Yearbook Update
Hello St. Benedict Students and Parents! Our 2023-2024 Yearbooks are now available for purchase through School Cash Online. There are a limited number available, so make sure to get yours today. They will be available for September 2024 distribution.
Class of 2024!
Looking for Convocation updates?
Looking for a quick way to navigate all things WCDSB for parents?
Check out the Board website for information and information pertaining to Aspen Portal, Brightspace, School Cash Online, Transportation updates, and other resources
Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Counsellor’s Name
Last names
Dh – Ho, International students
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. McAulay-Arruda, ext. 5631
For additional information throughout the year, please visit the Guidance D2L page.
Community Service Hours
It is a requirement of graduation that each student complete 40 hours of community service. There are many opportunities to fulfill this requirement. Please visit the school website for links to community opportunities and a fillable form to submit their hours.
Want to be better informed?
Welcome to Guidance D2L!
The Guidance Team would like to communicate regularly with students and parents about:
college and university visits - and bursary and scholarship opportunities
volunteer and exchange opportunities
available academic supports including homework club
We have now moved to D2L and would like to make sure all students are able to access this important information.
When students sign in to D2L (through My Apps), they should land on the Bennies D2L page (see logo in yellow).
If, when students log in, they land on the WCDSB D2L page (see logo in yellow), scroll down the page until you see My Schools on the left and choose St. Benedict.
Next, are you taking an elearning course from another board? Please be sure to scroll down to My Courses In Other Orgs on the left - as this is where your elearning course(s) will be found.
Lastly, please be sure to turn your notifications on so you do not miss any announcements!
Track & Field
Congratulations to all track and field athletes for all of the incredible performances at CWOSSA in Brantford last Wednesday and Thursday. Bennies was extremely well represented and we scored a total of 113 points. We had 14 athletes (in 19 individual events and 1 relay) qualify to OFSAA West at the University of Windsor on Friday, May 31, and Saturday, June 1.
Special congratulations goes out to Victoria Riordon (Discus), Sophia Idzik (Pole Vault), and Austin Gordon (100 m) who won their individual events!!
Qualifiers were: Sophia Idzik, Nyle Crawford, Max Leudy, Kenyan Channer, Genesis Naluyima, Driana Espinoza, Drew Harris, Darko Senc, Tori Riordon (in 2 events), Liam Reis (in 2 events), Maddie Porto (in 3 events), Myron Day (in 3 events), Johnny Lalonde-Nguyen (3 events), and Austin Gordon (3 events).
Sports Results
Monsignor Doyle CSS 10, St. Benedict CSS 7 St. David CSS 16, St. Benedict CSS 15
Racing Saints power through to third
After a year-long wait, our Racing Saints EV Team returned to the podium last weekend at the University of Waterloo's EV Challenge! The team braved over 5 hours of rain and multiple delays but remained positive and earned a 3rd place finish. Congratulations Racing Saints!
From the librarian’s desk
Hey Bennies – Need to find a book for a rainy day? Idea Exchange’s online catalogue has tonnes of great tools you can use to find your new favourite book. Check out our staff lists to find curated selections on all sorts of subjects - everything from “Indigenous Speculative Fiction” to “Daring Heists”. Want a more personal suggestion? Fill out this form and our amazing staff will prepare a list just for you. Of course, you can also swing by the service desk any time to chat books!
Research Help
Need help with your research papers? Email me at rorr@ideaexchange.org to book a time to chat about your project! I can help you navigate our amazing selection of databases, find the perfect source, and cite everything perfectly.
Therapy Dogs!
Need a break from studying? Visit the library at lunchtime on 3 June to relax with our St John’s Ambulance therapy dogs, Phoebe and Darby!
For your virtual library needs, visit the St Benedict Library Learning Commons site here or the Idea Exchange site here.
Thursday, May 30 6:15am: Rowing Club 10:35am: IRIS Club (GSA) 10:35am: French club 10:35am: Reach for the Top Trivia club 10:35am: Seams Sew Easy Club 10:35am: Coding Club 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Percussion Ensemble 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 2:15pm: Robotics Club 2:15pm: E-car Club 2:15pm: Concert Band 2:15pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Games Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who club 4:00pm: Jazz Band
Friday, May 31 PA Day
Monday, June 3 10:35am: Coding Club 10:35am: SEEC Club 10:35am: Choir 2:15pm: Robotics Club
Tuesday, June 4 10:35am: IRIS Club (GSA) 10:35am: Mario Kart Club 10:35am: Arts Council 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 11:00am: Rosary Club 2:15pm: Robotics Club
Wednesday, June 5 6:15am: Rowing Club 10:35am: Guitar Club 10:35am: Cosmo Club 2:15pm: Robotics Club 2:15pm: Rock Climbing club 2:15pm: E-car Club
Thursday, June 6 6:15am: Rowing Club 10:35am: IRIS Club (GSA) 10:35am: French club 10:35am: Reach for the Top Trivia club 10:35am: Seams Sew Easy Club 10:35am: Coding Club 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Percussion Ensemble 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 2:15pm: Robotics Club 2:15pm: E-car Club 2:15pm: Concert Band 2:15pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Games Club 4:00pm: Jazz Band
Friday, June 7 6:15am: Rowing Club 10:35am: Indigenous Student Group meeting 10:35am: Girls Garage club 10:35am: Choir 10:35am: Star Trek Club 2:15pm: Ping Pong club 2:15pm: Doctor Who club
Monday, June 10 10:35am: Coding Club 10:35am: SEEC Club 10:35am: Choir 2:15pm: Robotics Club
Tuesday, June 11 10:35am: IRIS Club (GSA) 10:35am: Mario Kart Club 10:35am: Arts Council 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 11:00am: Rosary Club 2:15pm: Robotics Club
Wednesday, June 12 BENN Newsletter release 6:15am: Rowing Club 10:35am: Guitar Club 10:35am: Cosmo Club 2:15pm: Robotics Club 2:15pm: Rock Climbing club 2:15pm: E-car Club
Thursday, June 13 6:15am: Rowing Club 10:35am: IRIS Club (GSA) 10:35am: French club 10:35am: Reach for the Top Trivia club 10:35am: Seams Sew Easy Club 10:35am: Coding Club 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Percussion Ensemble 10:35am: Chess Club 10:35am: MCU Club 2:15pm: Robotics Club 2:15pm: E-car Club 2:15pm: Concert Band 2:15pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Games Club 4:00pm: Jazz Band
Friday, June 14 6:15am: Rowing Club 10:35am: Indigenous Student Group meeting 10:35am: Girls Garage club 10:35am: Choir 10:35am: Star Trek Club 2:15pm: Ping Pong club 2:15pm: Doctor Who club
Monday, June 17 10:35am: Coding Club 10:35am: SEEC Club 10:35am: Choir 2:15pm: Robotics Club
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!