Wednesday, June 12, 2024 - Volume 16, Issue 21

Congratulations St. Benedict's Convocation Class of 2024!

On Monday evening, we celebrated our grade 12s with a memorable Convocation ceremony at the Centre in the Square in Kitchener.

Students got the opportunity to cross the floor and be recognized for their accomplishments. It was truly a celebration of people.

Grade 12 Used Uniform Donation Civvies Guidelines

Grade 12 Civvies occur every June when grade 12 students donate their gently worn used uniform for repurposing. Student can then wear civvies for the remainder of their grade 12 school year for the days leading up to (and including) exams.

Used uniform donation dates:
Monday, June 17 in the Caf, 7:30am- 9:00am
Tuesday, June 18 Seminar 2.1 (across from the fitness room) – starting at 8:10

Students are permitted to wear civvies from Monday, June 17, 2024, until the end of the school year.

Also, students will return their chromebook to the main office when donating their uniform, unless they still need it.

Civvies clothing should be neat, tidy and in good taste, making for a positive learning environment. Students will be asked to change or cover shirts with slogans or images inappropriate for a Catholic school learning environment.

School administration reserves the right to send students home whose choice of dress is not in keeping with the above guidelines.

Admin Team

Mr. J. Figueiredo
A & International

Mr. M. Anderton
Vice Principal

Mrs. L. Craftchick
Vice Principal

Mr. R. Roque
Vice Principal

Locker Clean Up!

This is a reminder to all students that they are required to clean out their lockers, leaving them completely empty by noon on June 26th. All textbooks must be returned to teachers, personal belongings taken home, and all garbage and writing in the lockers is to be removed. The door should be left open, and your lock should be locked on the latch. Anything left behind will be thrown away or donated where appropriate.

Are you leaving Bennie's? Do you want to take your files with you?

If you want to take your files from the school network, you need to do the following:
  • For Google Drive use Go to the site, select what you want you want to download, and select download
  • For OneDrive, students should go to and select the items you want do download, and then select Download.
Depending on the number and size of your files, the process may take from a few minutes to a few hours; make sure you have sufficient space on whatever device you are downloading your content to.

Looking for a quick way to navigate all things WCDSB for parents?

Check out the Board website for information and information pertaining to Aspen Portal, Brightspace, School Cash Online, Transportation updates, and other resources

Stay Connected with
St. Benedict's!



News from Guidance

Who is your Guidance Counsellor?

Counsellor’s Name


Last names

Mrs. O’Toole
A – De
Ms. Varriano Lane
Dh – Ho, International students
Mrs. Novakovich
Hu - L
Mr Betik
M - Ri
Mrs. O’Neill
Ro – Z
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. McAulay-Arruda, ext. 5631


For additional information throughout the year, please visit the Guidance D2L page.

Community Service Hours

It is a requirement of graduation that each student complete 40 hours of community service. There are many opportunities to fulfill this requirement. Please visit the school website for links to community opportunities and a fillable form to submit their hours.

Want to be better informed?

Welcome to Guidance D2L!

The Guidance Team would like to communicate regularly with students and parents about:
  • college and university visits - and bursary and scholarship opportunities
  • volunteer and exchange opportunities
  • available academic supports including homework club
  • convocation etc.
We have now moved to D2L and would like to make sure all students are able to access this important information.
When students sign in to D2L (through My Apps), they should land on the Bennies D2L page (see logo in yellow).
If, when students log in, they land on the WCDSB D2L page (see logo in yellow), scroll down the page until you see My Schools on the left and choose St. Benedict.
Next, are you taking an elearning course from another board? Please be sure to scroll down to My Courses In Other Orgs on the left - as this is where your elearning course(s) will be found.
Lastly, please be sure to turn your notifications on so you do not miss any announcements!



Track & Field

Congratulations to Sophia Idzik, Madeleine Porto, Austin Gordon, and Johnny Lalonde-Nguyen! All four athletes competed at OFSAA in track and field and they all set a new school record! Austin Gordon took home an OFSAA bronze medal.

Yes, we also have Pickleball!

Congratulations to Benny's inaugural Pickleball team who played hard at their tournament yesterday. Special Congratulations to Sienna and Khalil for placing 2nd in their division and shout outs to our spirit award winners, Orla & Clark.


Attention Doctor Who Club members

The FINAL meeting of the year is this Friday, after school in room 226. We will also be holding the end-of-the-year prize giveaway. See you this Friday for one last trip through time & space.

Attention Star Trek Club members!

We will be having our final meeting of this school year this Friday, June 14th at lunch in Room 123 so make sure to be there! Make it so!

St. Benedict's Competes at WCDSB's First Rocket League Championship

In a thrilling showcase of skill and teamwork, St. Benedict’s two teams secured second and third place at the first-ever WCDSB Rocket League Championship, hosted at Conestoga College.

The event pitted St. Benedict’s esports teams against competitors from St. Mary’s and St. David’s, as they vied for supremacy in Rocket League—a soccer inspired video game where players play as rocket powered cars.

WCDSB’s commitment to support student interests and mental well-being led to the inclusion of esports in its schools. Being on an Esports team provides students with a fun and positive social outlet for students to learn and develop healthy habits. Conestoga College, a partner in this groundbreaking event, also showcased career opportunities connected to esports, including roles in audio/visual tech and event planning.
Please congratulate all of the competitors who made it an unforgettable experience.

Anyone interested in joining the Rocket League team next year should keep an eye out for announcements or speak with Mr. Chaves about further information.

Other News

News from the Library

From the librarian’s desk

Hey Bennies – As we near the end of the 2023/24 school year, myself and the whole library team here want to send you a HUGE congratulations and wish you the best of luck in your exams!

Research Help Need help with your research papers? Email librarian Ryan at to book a time to chat about your project! I can help you navigate our amazing selection of databases, find the perfect source, and cite everything perfectly.

Retro Gaming!
Need a break from studying? Visit the library after school on 18 June from 2-4pm to play a wide selection of retro games. Anyone for Duck Hunt? Learn more here:

Nerf Nights! Get your summer started on the right foot with our after-hours Nerf Nights at the library, on 28 June and 19 July. We’re turning the library into a battlefield for Nerf-novices and seasoned pros alike. Reserve your spot online or visit the library service desk today.
Note: These are Idea Exchange events and not affiliated with the WCDSB.
For your virtual library needs, visit the St Benedict Library Learning Commons site here or the Idea Exchange site here.

Calendar of Events

Thursday, June 13
6:15am: Rowing Club
10:35am: IRIS Club (GSA)
10:35am: French club
10:35am: Reach for the Top Trivia club
10:35am: Seams Sew Easy Club
10:35am: Coding Club
10:35am: Model UN Club
10:35am: Percussion Ensemble
10:35am: Chess Club
10:35am: MCU Club
2:15pm: Robotics Club
2:15pm: E-car Club
2:15pm: Concert Band
2:15pm: Math Club
2:15pm: Games Club
4:00pm: Jazz Band

Friday, June 14
6:15am: Rowing Club
10:35am: Indigenous Student Group meeting
10:35am: Girls Garage club
10:35am: Choir
10:35am: Star Trek Club
2:15pm: Ping Pong club
2:15pm: Doctor Who club

Monday, June 17
10:35am: Coding Club
10:35am: SEEC Club
10:35am: Choir
2:15pm: Robotics Club

Tuesday, June 18
10:35am: IRIS Club (GSA)
10:35am: Mario Kart Club
10:35am: Arts Council
10:35am: Chess Club
10:35am: MCU Club
11:00am: Rosary Club
2:15pm: Robotics Club

Wednesday, June 19
10:35am: Guitar Club
10:35am: Cosmo Club
2:15pm: Robotics Club
2:15pm: Rock Climbing club
2:15pm: E-car Club
Thursday, June 20
Grade 9 Math EQAO
10:35am: IRIS Club (GSA)
10:35am: French club
10:35am: Reach for the Top Trivia club
10:35am: Seams Sew Easy Club
10:35am: Coding Club
10:35am: Model UN Club
10:35am: Percussion Ensemble
10:35am: Chess Club
10:35am: MCU Club
2:15pm: Robotics Club
2:15pm: E-car Club
2:15pm: Math Club
2:15pm: Games Club
4:00pm: Jazz Band

Friday, June 21
Exam Day (attendance mandatory)
Summer Solstice

Monday, June 24
Exam Day (attendance mandatory)

Tuesday, June 25
Exam Day (attendance mandatory)

Wednesday, June 26
BENN Newsletter release
Exam Day (attendance mandatory)

Thursday, June 27
Last Day of the School Year for Students
Exam Day (credit rescue, as needed)

Friday, June 28
PA Day

Monday, July 1
Canada Day

Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!

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