Wednesday, June 26, 2024 - Volume 16, Issue 22

Message from Administration

Dear Saints Families,

As we approach a well-deserved summer break we want to thank you for a wonderful school year at St. Benedict. Our students demonstrated exceptional commitment to academics and extracurriculars while living out our gospel values. Through fundraising efforts, the Tiny Homes campaign, connections with the local food bank, and various other initiatives we showed our commitment to the Catholic Graduate Expectations as we all strived to reach our God-given potential.

The new school year will bring with it many changes, including moving to a two-lunch schedule, and ministry updates to our cellphone and vaping policies. While these will be new practices in September, we will approach them with optimism and the hope that all the changes will positively impact the schooling experience for our students going forward.

On behalf of the staff at St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School, we wish you a wonderful summer break!

God Bless you Saints!
Jordan Figueiredo, Principal

Admin Team

Mr. J. Figueiredo
A & International

Mr. M. Anderton
Vice Principal

Mrs. L. Craftchick
Vice Principal

Mr. R. Roque
Vice Principal

The BENN in review... by the numbers...


The estimated number of sheets of paper that we have saved since the inception of our electronic newsletter. This year alone we saved nearly 285,000 sheets of paper--that's 57 boxes of paper.


Total number of reams (packs of 500 sheets) of paper saved in the last sixteen years.

4,241 lbs

Weight of all that paper saved. That's more than the weight of 2024 Ford Taurus or a large male white Rhino.

Are you leaving Bennie's? Do you want to take your files with you?

If you want to take your files from the school network, you need to do the following:
  • For Google Drive use Go to the site, select what you want you want to download, and select download
  • For OneDrive, students should go to and select the items you want do download, and then select Download.
Depending on the number and size of your files, the process may take from a few minutes to a few hours; make sure you have sufficient space on whatever device you are downloading your content to.

Looking for a quick way to navigate all things WCDSB for parents?

Check out the Board website for information and information pertaining to Aspen Portal, Brightspace, School Cash Online, Transportation updates, and other resources

Stay Connected with
St. Benedict's!



Two St. Benedict teachers among recipients of the Pope Francis Award

We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Pope Francis Award for Ecological Leadership to teachers from our school. This prestigious recognition honours the outstanding commitment of WCDSB staff to ecological stewardship and leadership within their schools and communities.

Their dedication to environmental sustainability, innovative projects, and inspiring others to take action for the planet is truly commendable. Their efforts not only embody the values of Pope Francis' encyclical "Laudato Si” (On Care for our Common Home), but also set a shining example for students, staff, and the broader community.
The award recipients are Mr. Ken Hodgins and Mr. Neil Calhoun. Their achievements are a testament to the positive impact that dedicated individuals can have in promoting ecological awareness and action.

Thank you for your exemplary leadership and for being champions of our environment. We look forward to celebrating your accomplishments and continuing to support your efforts in making a positive ecological impact on our world.

Warmest congratulations once again!

Mr. Calhoun and Mr. Hodgins were too busy working in the garden to pose for a pic...

News from Guidance

Who is your Guidance Counsellor?

Counsellor’s Name


Last names

Mrs. O’Toole
A – De
Ms. Varriano Lane
Dh – Ho, International students
Mrs. Novakovich
Hu - L
Mr Betik
M - Ri
Mrs. O’Neill
Ro – Z
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. McAulay-Arruda, ext. 5631

Community Service Hours

It is a requirement of graduation that each student complete 40 hours of community service. There are many opportunities to fulfill this requirement. Please visit the school website for links to community opportunities and a fillable form to submit their hours.

Want to be better informed?

Welcome to Guidance D2L!

The Guidance Team would like to communicate regularly with students and parents about:
  • college and university visits - and bursary and scholarship opportunities
  • volunteer and exchange opportunities
  • available academic supports including homework club
  • convocation etc.
We have now moved to D2L and would like to make sure all students are able to access this important information.
When students sign in to D2L (through My Apps), they should land on the Bennies D2L page (see logo in yellow).
If, when students log in, they land on the WCDSB D2L page (see logo in yellow), scroll down the page until you see My Schools on the left and choose St. Benedict.
Next, are you taking an elearning course from another board? Please be sure to scroll down to My Courses In Other Orgs on the left - as this is where your elearning course(s) will be found.
Lastly, please be sure to turn your notifications on so you do not miss any announcements!

Bus information for September 2024

Eligible students are automatically assigned transportation for September 2024 on August 19, 2024, using the home address on the students’ school records when registered at school, and therefore you do not need to register them for the bus. If the address on the student’s record is incorrect, contact the students’ school directly to update it.

No transportation information for September 2024 is available prior to August 19, 2024.

Learn more here:

Bennies Buddies

What is it? A program for incoming grade 9 students to help them integrate into the St. Benedict community.
How does it work? Older students apply to become a Bennies Buddies leader. These students will be present at Head Start and on the first day of school to help grade 9 students find their lockers and classes. Look for the yellow shirts!
What happens throughout the school year? Bennies Buddies will visit the Grade 9 homeroom classes once a month to engage with them through activities and information about our school such as teams, clubs, course planning, etc. They will be available to answer any questions grade 9 students might have!
What did the Bennies Buddies say on their application for the why?
  • As a previous Grade 9 student, the Bennies Buddies program helped me adjust to St. Benedict with ease and inclusivity. As my Bennies Buddies helped me through those early challenges, I hope to assist upcoming Grade 9 kids in the same way. I want to help others make the transition as easy and fulfilling as mine was by sharing my personal experiences and wisdom, so they can take advantage of all the amazing opportunities that St. Benedict has to offer. The change from eighth to ninth grade was accompanied by a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. As a student entered the strange world of high school, worries about being accepted and making new friends were significant. But those fears were quickly allayed when we visited the homeroom and received a warm welcome from the Bennies Buddies. Their comforting presence served as a reminder that I was part of a welcoming community that was prepared to stand by me while I underwent this big transition. The Bennies Buddies understood the difficulties of adjusting to a new setting, so they were more than just mentors—they were guiding lights. I knew that with their help, I could boldly go forward and get past any challenges that might come my way.
Bennies Buddies Mission Statement: Why We Matter!
Our mission is to empower and guide grade 9 students on their journey through high school. We are committed to being positive role models, sharing our knowledge of the school, and fostering a sense of community. By actively engaging with grade 9 students, we aim to enhance their awareness of school activities, provide valuable information, and create a welcoming environment. Through answering questions and offering support, we strive to make grade 9 students feel comfortable, included, and inspired to thrive in our school community. Bennies Buddies is dedicated to fostering connections, building confidence, and ensuring every grade 9 student feels a sense of belonging within our school family.


Multilingual Learners at Bennies

By Mrs. Whalen-O'Connor

Our school is blessed with a rich diversity of cultures.

A celebration of people to be sure.

Not only are our Multilingual learners working hard to improve their English speaking, reading, and writing skills, but they are also learning about what it means to be a Saint. Learning a new language while simultaneously learning a subject, while learning about a new culture, and a new city is no small task, but our Multilingual learners show bravery and curiosity by doing just that!

Our ML’s had a great year. So many are becoming involved in school teams, clubs, the arts, and thriving in their classes. We had the opportunity to travel to Toronto and Niagara Falls and break bread on several occasions throughout the school year and really enjoyed our time together and time learning about our community. Our school year was well spent learning and making lasting friendships. As one student so eloquently said on her final reflection: “language differences are not a hindrance to forming bonds.”

Some will be returning home next week, while others are staying to return to Bennies in the fall or to pursue postsecondary education in Canada. To all our Multilingual learners, we wish you safe travels and a wonderful summer and are so thankful for your contribution to the St.Benedict community just by being you.

These young people are so very dear to me. They embody everything that is good, and funny, and tenacious, and hopeful about young people.

Happy Summer!

SHSM Update

Congratulations to the almost 100 students who have completed their Specialist High Skills Major requirements and will graduate with their red seal.

Special congratulations to Liam McAllister who was the recipient of the SHSM Award of Excellence this year.

Want ot learn more about the Specialist High Skills Major program?

Watch the short video in the link below.

Athletics & Clubs

Water Sport Opportunities for 2024-2025 School Year!

Opportunités de sports nautiques pour l’année scolaire 2024-2025!

Students at St Benedict have the opportunity to engage in many activities outdoors and on the water! These are open to students in all grades 9-12, and include:

Rowing Club/Team

  • Learn a new sport rowing on the Grand River!
  • No experience required!
  • You can try this out THIS FALL (late September) in “Try Rowing” days. Look out for more information coming soon!
  • And, if you have a competitive spirit, you can choose to compete in races across Ontario in the Spring, and even indoor rowing machine competitions in the Winter months!

Outers Club

  • Hike trails in Ontario, canoe on the Grand River, and sign up for overnight camping trips throughout the year!

Swim Team

  • Represent our school at D8 and at other swim meets in our region and across the province!

Before you can engage in any of the above water-related activities, you must complete a swim test first. However, we know that not everyone has the same level of comfort in the water, so we’ve created an opportunity for you to improve your swimming confidence, too!

Skills you’ll need to demonstrate on the swim test:

Students must successfully complete the following swim test in its entirety, in sequence and without any aids or stops:
  • rolling entry (backwards or forward) into deep water at 2.75m (9’) minimum depth
  • tread water for 1 minute
  • swim 50m (164’) continuously any stroke
  • demonstrate the ability to put on a personal flotation device (P.F.D.) while in the water
Students confident in the above skills should MARK THEIR CALENDARS and plan to attend:
Swim Test for Confident Swimmers:
Students who are unsure about their ability to complete the swim test successfully are invited to read on about the “SWIM TO SURVIVE” program!

Improve Your Swimming Confidence and Learn to “Swim to Survive!”

Do you wish you felt more comfortable in the water?
Do you hope to try rowing or get involved with the outers club, but worry that you might not be able to pass the swim test that’s required?
Then this opportunity is for you!

On Thursday, September 12th, 2024 and Monday, September 16th, 2024, we are offering a “Swim to Survive” program through the City of Cambridge at John Dolson Pool after school (from 2:30 - 3:30 on each date). Lifeguards from John Dolson will run the program and teach you to be more comfortable in the water, and help you develop the skills you would need in order to survive in the water if you fell in unexpectedly.

At the end of the program (at the end of the Monday session), you will attempt the swim test described above. If you pass, you can participate in water-related activities with St Benedict in the 2024-2025 school year! For example, you can join the Rowing Team! Or you can go on Outers Club trips!

Complete this form to let us know you plan to attend!

This opportunity and the Rowing Club and related rowing activities are partially supported by a Community Support for All Initiative grant. It’s important to acknowledge these sponsors at every opportunity – they truly make these programs possible!
Les étudiants de St Benedict ont la possibilité de participer à de nombreuses activités en plein air et sur l'eau ! Ceux-ci sont ouvert aux élèves de toutes les années, de la 9e à la 12e année, et comprend :

Club/équipe d'aviron

  • Apprenez un nouveau sport d'aviron sur la rivière Grand!
  • Pas d'expérience requise!
  • Et si vous avez un esprit de compétition, vous pouvez choisir de participer à des courses partout en Ontario au printemps, et même à des compétitions de rameur en salle pendant les mois d'hiver !

Club des extérieurs

  • Parcourez les sentiers de randonnée en Ontario, faites du canoë sur la rivière Grand et inscrivez-vous à des séjours de camping d'une nuit tout au long de l'année !

Équipe de natation

  • Représentez notre école au D8 et à d'autres compétitions de natation dans notre région et à travers la province !

Avant de pouvoir participer à l’une des activités nautiques ci-dessus, vous devez d’abord passer un test de natation. Cependant, nous savons que tout le monde n’a pas le même niveau de confort dans l’eau, c’est pourquoi nous avons créé pour vous une opportunité d’améliorer également votre confiance en vous en natation !

Compétences que vous devrez démontrer lors du test de natation :

Les élèves doivent réussir le test de natation suivant dans son intégralité, en séquence et sans aucune aide ni arrêt :
  • entrée roulante (en arrière ou en avant) dans les eaux profondes à une profondeur minimale de 2,75 m (9 pi)
  • faire du surplace pendant 1 minute
  • nager 50 m (164’) en continu, n’importe quelle nage
  • démontrer la capacité d’enfiler un vêtement de flottaison individuel (VFI) dans l’eau
Les étudiants confiants dans les compétences ci-dessus doivent MARQUER LEURS CALENDRIERS et prévoir d'assister à :
Test de natation pour les nageurs confiants :
  • Piscine John Dolson
  • mercredi 11 septembre 2024
  • 14h30 - 15h30
  • Remplissez ce formulaire pour nous faire savoir votre intention d'y assister !
Les étudiants qui ne sont pas sûrs de leur capacité à réussir le test de natation sont invités à poursuivre leur lecture sur le programme « NAGER POUR SURVIVRE » !

Améliorez votre confiance en vous en matière de natation et apprenez à « nager pour survivre ! »

Est-ce que tu j'aimerais que tu te sentes plus à l'aise dans l'eau?
Vous espérez essayer l’aviron ou vous impliquer dans le club des extérieurs, mais vous craignez de ne pas réussir le test de natation requis ?
Alors cette opportunité est pour toi!

Le jeudi 12 septembre 2024 et le lundi 16 septembre 2024, nous proposons un programme « Nager pour survivre » dans la ville de Cambridge à la piscine John Dolson après l'école (de 14h30 à 15h30 à chaque date). Les sauveteurs de John Dolson dirigeront le programme et vous enseigner être plus à l'aise dans l'eau, et vous aider à développer les compétences vous auriez besoin pour survivre dans l'eau si vous tombiez de manière inattendue.

À la fin du programme (à la fin de la séance du lundi), vous tenterez le test de natation décrit ci-dessus. En cas de réussite, vous pourrez participer à des activités nautiques avec Saint Benoît pour l'année scolaire 2024-2025 ! Vous pouvez par exemple rejoindre la Team Rowing ! Ou vous pouvez participer à des voyages Outers Club !

Remplissez ce formulaire pour nous faire savoir votre intention d'y assister !

Cette opportunité est partiellement soutenue par une subvention de l’Initiative de soutien communautaire pour tous.

Other News

News from the Library

From the librarian’s desk

Hey Bennies – As we reach the end of the 2023/24 school year, myself and the whole library team here want to send you a HUGE congratulations to all students on the successful completion of the school year!

Nerf Night! Get your summer started on the right foot with our after-hours Nerf Nights at the library, on 19 July. We’re turning the library into a battlefield for Nerf-novices and seasoned pros alike. Reserve your spot online or visit the library service desk today.
Note: These are Idea Exchange events and not affiliated with the WCDSB.
For your virtual library needs, visit the St Benedict Library Learning Commons site here or the Idea Exchange site here.

Calendar of Events

Thursday, June 27
Last Day of the School Year for Students
Credit Rescue (as needed)

Friday, June 28
PA Day

Monday, July 1
Canada Day

Wednesday, July 10
Final Reports Distribution

Monday, August 19
STSWR Bus information available

Monday, September 2
Labour Day

Tuesday, September 3
PA Day

Wednesday, September 4
First day of school for students

Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!

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