Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - Volume 17, Issue 3
Message from Administration
We are off to a great start to the school year! Our fall activities are well underway, and our students have adapted well to all the changes in ministry policy. Our Pastoral Theme for this school year is to “Thrive”, and we are witnessing that in our school community right now! Fall sports, our school musical, SAC activities, and clubs are in full swing. We are grateful for the parent/guardian support in helping reinforce our school and province wide changes to the student code of conduct. Thank you again for being a fantastic partner in Catholic Education.
The Spirit Wear Store is now open!
Spirit wear will be available for purchase until Sunday, September 30th. It takes approximately 3-4 weeks to process our orders, so we can anticipate to receive our orders late October/early November.
There will be more opportunities to purchase spirit wear in the winter and grad wear in the spring.
Admin Team
Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!
Year Start-Up: Recap
New Policies and Procedures
As you may have heard there were several key Ministry of Education announcements shared in June 2024 that pertain to the upcoming school year. Changes are being made to help support the physical and mental well-being of our students.
Cellphones are no longer permitted to be used in classrooms, unless for educational purposes as directed by the teachers. Students unable to comply with the new policy may have their device taken away for the day. In addition, a range of consequences may be utilized to enforce this policy, including suspension for repeated infractions. This key change is designed to protect the intellectual, and social development of our students and your support in re-enforcing this expectation is much appreciated.
To improve the physical health of students we will continue to regulate smoking/vaping in and on school property. Smoking/vaping is prohibited by law (Smoke Free Ontario) on public property. Students will be asked to turn over any vaping/smoke product if caught with it, and a range of consequences may be utilized to enforce the “Smoke Free Ontario Act” mandate, including suspension.
Two Lunch Schedule
Due to a significant increase in student enrollment, we will have two separate lunch periods this school year. This means some students will have three classes, then lunch, followed by one class while others will have two classes, lunch, then another two classes.
All students are expected to be in full uniform during their classes. Spirit wear days will continue as in the past (spirit tops with uniform bottoms on Wednesdays). Civvies days will be communicated via the School Calendar and morning announcements.
Catholic School Advisory Council
St. Benedict C.S.S. sees family involvement as one of its main priorities; our CSAC council is a group of parents, teacher, and administrators that are dedicated to making St. Benedict a great place for all students to learn and grow. On behalf of our school community, we would like to thank the many members who contributed to the success of the 2024-2025 school year. We look forward to welcoming all returning members, as well as individuals who are new to our school community and are interested in joining this dynamic group.
Our first CSAC meeting for the 2024-2025 school year is scheduled for Tuesday, September 24th from 6:00PM-8:00PM. Meetings are held in room 111.
If you wish to nominate yourself or another parent/guardian for Co-chair, please complete the nomination form on School Cash Online or visit our school website for further information and instructions.
Need Spirit Wear for Spirit Wear Wednesdays?
The Spirit Wear Store is now open!
Spirit wear will be available for purchase until Sunday, September 30th. It takes approximately 3-4 weeks to process our orders, so we can anticipate to receive our orders late October/early November.
Looking for a quick way to navigate all things WCDSB for parents?
Check out the Board website for information and information pertaining to Aspen Portal, Brightspace, School Cash Online, Transportation updates, and other resources
This is a reminder that St. Benedict is now using the SafeArrival absence reporting system. Parents are encouraged to inform the school in advance if students will be absent.
Please use the toll-free number, the website, or the SchoolMessenger mobile app to report your child’s absence in advance.
The toll-free number is: 1-833-251-3283.
The SchoolMessenger app is available for Android and Apple phones
Did you order a yearbook last year?
Didn't get it yet?
For those who have yet to pick up their 2023-2024 Yearbook, they will be distributed tomorrow--THURSDAY--in Rm.111 during Lunch B.
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Counsellor’s Name
Last names
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. McAulay-Arruda, ext. 5631
Are you interested in learning more about the ARMY or NAVY?
This THURSDAY - during both lunches - representatives will be in the atrium discuss co-operative education opportunities with both the ARMY and NAVY.
Invitations to award recipients will be sent out by email to parents and students. Students will be required to complete the google form to RSVP to the event. Please RSVP by Tuesday October 1st.
For additional information throughout the year, please visit the Guidance D2L page. Instructions are in the article below.
Ontario Universities Fair
Ontario's universities are excited to host a collection of in-person and virtual events in the fall of 2024.
This event is fair style with booths from Ontario universities, and it allows you to gather information and chat with representatives one on one.
Regional Fairs Various locations and dates, events run from September 16 to October 17, 2024
Can’t make the OUF? Ontario’s universities are coming to you this fall!
The Regional Fairs travel across the province, offering fair-style events that allow you to gather information about Ontario’s universities. Learn about programs, campus life and anything else that may help you decide which Ontario university to choose.
Locations, dates and times are available on the OUF website
Join us for any (or all!) of your virtual information sessions.
The one-stop event for all your college information needs!
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 5 pm - 9 pm
Thursday, October 17, 2024 9 am - 2 pm
This free event is being held at Exhibition Place, Toronto.
The College Information Program (CIP) will make 30+ stops across Ontario.
Grade 12s! College and university representatives are coming to Bennies to provide info for you as you decide on where you want to go to school next year. Check out the calendar on the website (Student Services > Post-secondary planning) and sign up in guidance.
Guidance is looking for student volunteers to assist with Academic Awards night, October 10th. We will have 2 shifts immediately after school and during the event 6pm – 8:30pm (approximately).
Sign up sheets are available in Guidance.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Varriano Lane or anyone in Guidance.
Want to be better informed?
Welcome to Guidance D2L!
The Guidance Team would like to communicate regularly with students and parents about:
college and university visits - and bursary and scholarship opportunities
volunteer and exchange opportunities
available academic supports including homework club
We have now moved to D2L and would like to make sure all students are able to access this important information.
When students sign in to D2L (through My Apps), they should land on the Bennies D2L page (see logo in yellow).
If, when students log in, they land on the WCDSB D2L page (see logo in yellow), scroll down the page until you see My Schools on the left and choose St. Benedict.
Next, are you taking an elearning course from another board? Please be sure to scroll down to My Courses In Other Orgs on the left - as this is where your elearning course(s) will be found.
Lastly, please be sure to turn your notifications on so you do not miss any announcements!
See the calendar on the school website for complete sport schedule listings!
Sports Results
St. David CSS 5, St. Benedict CSS 1
Senior Saints Football Travelled to Paris to Kick Off Season
The St. Benedict Senior Football team traveled to Paris District High School on Friday, September 13th for a controlled scrimmage to cap off their 9 day training camp. The afternoon of competition was another step in development for this group who are looking to return to the District 8 Finals for the 5th straight year.
This year's squad will be led on offensive by offensive tackle Jordan Lacroix, quarterback Stephen Macdonald, running back Quintin Douglas and slot Noah Hofstetter. The defense should be strong with the likes of linebacker Hunter McAllister, safety Ethan Ryan and defensive back Faraz Latif leading the way.
The Saints begin the regular season on Wednesday, September 25th at Resurrection. Roll Saints!
Cross Country running tomorrow!
Good luck tmorrow to the St. Benedict Cross-Country team. Our athletes will be competing in our first fun run today at the Wilmot Centre.
If you were thinking of joining the team this year and still want to join, please get a form from room 308 and get it signed as soon as possible. We meet every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school in the gym hallway.We are especially in need of more grade 9 boys and grade 10 boys of ANY SKILL LEVEL to come join us so that we are not disqualified as a team. Come join the fun!
Try Rowing!
We will have two special "TRY ROWING" Events at the Cambridge Rowing Club at Riverbluffs Park on Saturday, September 21st (1-3 pm), and Tuesday, September 24th (5:30-7:30), 2024. Everyone is welcome! No experience required! Come give rowing a try and see if it's for you! Prior to participating, students must complete a swim test (or provide proof of Bronze Star certification or higher). The Swim to Survive program and/or swim test takes place on Monday, September 16th. Please see Ms Currie or Ms Vorsteveld for forms and more information.
Also, look out for Indoor Rowing Club workouts in the mornings before school through the winter months. As well, we will run additional swim test programs in the spring, and a LEARN TO ROW program in the spring as well! For students interested in competing, there are also opportunities to race in regattas around Ontario! There is something for every level of interest in rowing. Email Rosanna Currie to be added to the Rowing D2L page for more information and see the poster below.
ACE Robotics to start up
Are you interested in learning more about coding, designing and a building a robot? Consider joining the ACE Robotics team. For more information, or to sign up, see Ms. D'Aversa during lunch A in room 314 or Mr. Chaves during lunch B in the tech hub this Thursday.
Doctor Who Club
Attention Doctor Who Club members: all your questions will be answered this week as we watch the season finale, EMPIRE OF DEATH. Join us this Friday, after school in room 226. New members are always welcome.
DECA Returns
DECA IS BACK! Canada’s largest youth business club is up and running again this school year. DECA is a club open to seasoned competitors or beginners. Through DECA you will expand your business knowledge, compete against, and network with thousands of students from across Ontario. Pick an oral or written event that interests you, practice and perfect your event, and then try your skills against other students from Ontario. Impress local businesspeople who assist in DECA competitions by judging events.
St. Benedict’s first DECA meeting was held last week - an information session where students could get to learn more about the club and meet the executives face-to-face.
DECA meetings are held every week after school. This week we will be starting registration and category selection as well as sharing important information. Come to Room 214 at 2:10 on Thursday, September 19, 2024 to get involved. Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind opportunity!
Oh, Say can you.... Sing?
Attention singers! Auditions for CHOIR close this Friday. For information please use the QR code found on the Arts bulletin board OR see Mrs. O'Brien-McKinnon in Rm 101 during lunch B. Rehearsals will take place Tuesdays after school.
The Rosary Club
Come join us in the Chapel every Tuesday during the second half of lunch B (that's 12:20 pm) to pray the rosary with us. Hope to see you there.
Star Trek Club
Are you a fan of Science Fiction? Then join us for Sci-FRIDAYS and join the Star Trek Club! We meet every Friday at lunch to watch various episodes of the Star Trek Universe Series. Bring your lunch and a friend!
Period 3 Lunch (A) Room 326 with Mr. McGaughey Period 4 Lunch (B) Room 123 with Mrs. Kot We are starting this week, on Friday, Sept. 20th
Make it a full day of Sci-Fi and check out the Dr. Who Club after school on Fridays with Mr. Kukwa in Room 226.
Model UN
Do you love to follow world events and politics? Love to think about how we can change the world? Just can’t keep yourself from answering questions in class? Come out for Model UN next Friday, September 20th after school in the Lecture Hall.
See Mr. Healey for more information.
Cosmo Club is back!
Just in time for Halloween!! This club is open to all grades and all experience levels beginners to advanced. Learn how to create the most realistic, burns, cuts and zombie bites to get ready for Bennies Haunted House! If spooky is not your vibe, we will also be learning day and evening makeup hints and tips and all things hair!
Join us Friday first lunch in the Cosmo Space, Room 124.
Second lunch join us in Room 126.
We are a safe and inclusive space. See you there!!!
From the librarian’s desk
Hey Bennies! I hope the first few weeks of the term have been treating you well. We have tonnes of fun stuff coming up – read on for more! Library questions? Reach me at rorr@ideaexchange.org.
After-school Fun
Looking for something fun and free to do after school? Join us on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays to play Switch on the big screen, play board games, or even play ping pong. Test your knowledge and compete against your friends at Trivia Tuesdays. Did I mention there are snacks?
Monday the 23rd we’ll have music bingo and Monday the 30th we’ll be trying a cool new art project with Nicole from the Cambridge Art Gallery.
Join us at 2pm every day!
YAC and Maker to Market
Do you want to help shape the direction of Cambridge Public Library? Join the Youth Advisory Committee to earn volunteer hours and have your say!
If you’re a creator looking to learn more about entrepreneurship, Teen Makers to Market is for you. Turn your talents into a business in this six-week program, develop your skills, and sell your wares in our craft market.
Note: These Cambridge Public Library events and not affiliated with the WCDSB.
For your virtual library needs, visit the St Benedict Library Learning Commons site here or the Cambridge Public Library site here.
2024 Terry Fox School Event
St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School is getting ready for the 2024 Terry Fox School Event on Thursday September 26th! We’re super excited to take part in this annual tradition that supports cancer research while building school spirit.
Thursday, September 19 Cross Country: Schmidtty Run 10:40am: IRIS Club 12:00pm: IRIS Club 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: DECA Business Club
Friday, September 20 10:40am: Cosmo Club 10:40am: Star Trek Club 12:00pm: Cosmo Club 12:00pm: Star Trek Club 2:15pm: Model UN Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who Club 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Soccer vs Monsignor Doyle CSS
Saturday, September 21 1:00pm: Rowing Club: Try Rowing Day
Monday, September 23 9:20am: Univ/Coll visit: Carleton University (Ottawa) 3:00pm: Jr. Girls Basketball vs St. Mary's HS 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Soccer @ Resurrection CSS 4:30pm: Sr. Girls Basketball vs St. Mary's HS
Tuesday, September 24 10:40am: IRIS Club 11:00am: Boys Golf: CWOSSA Qualifier 12:00pm: IRIS Club 12:00pm: Girls Golf: CWOSSA Qualifier 12:00pm: Girls Golf: tournament 12:15pm: Rosary Club 2:15pm: Choir 5:30pm: Rowing Club: Try Rowing Day 6:00pm: Catholic School Advisory Council
Wednesday, September 25 1:00pm: Jr. Boys Football @ Resurrection CSS 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Soccer vs St. Mary's HS 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Football @ Resurrection CSS 3:00pm: Sr. Girls Basketball vs Monsignor Doyle CSS 3:30pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball @ St. Mary's HS 3:30pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball @ St. Mary's HS
Thursday, September 26
Terry Fox School Event 10:40am: IRIS Club 12:00pm: IRIS Club 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: DECA Business Club
Friday, September 27 Cross Country: Preston Fun Run 10:40am: Cosmo Club 10:40am: Star Trek Club 12:00pm: Cosmo Club 12:00pm: Star Trek Club 2:15pm: Model UN Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who Club
Monday, September 30 9:20am: Univ/Coll visit: University of Guelph (Guelph) 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball @ Our Lady of Mount Carmel 3:00pm: Jr. Girls Basketball vs Resurrection CSS 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Soccer @ St. David CSS 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball @ Our Lady of Mount Carmel 4:30pm: Sr. Girls Basketball vs Resurrection CSS
Tuesday, October 1 10:40am: IRIS Club 12:00pm: IRIS Club 12:15pm: Rosary Club 2:15pm: Choir
Wednesday, October 2 BENN Newsletter release
Thursday, October 3 10:40am: IRIS Club 12:00pm: IRIS Club 1:00pm: Sr. Boys Football vs St. Mary's HS 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: DECA Business Club 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball @ Resurrection CSS 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball @ Resurrection CSS 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Football vs St. Mary's HS 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Soccer @ Monsignor Doyle CSS 3:30pm: Sr. Girls Basketball @ Woodland Christian HS 5:00pm: Jr. Girls Basketball @ Woodland Christian HS
Friday, October 4 Cross Country: Shades Mill 10:40am: Cosmo Club 10:40am: Star Trek Club 12:00pm: Cosmo Club 12:00pm: Star Trek Club 2:15pm: Model UN Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who Club
Saturday, October 5 World Teachers' Day
Monday, October 7 9:20am: Univ/Coll visit: Nippising University (North Bay) 3:00pm: Jr. Girls Basketball @ St. David CSS 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Soccer vs Resurrection CSS 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball vs Monsignor Doyle CSS 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball vs Monsignor Doyle CSS 4:30pm: Sr. Girls Basketball @ St. David CSS
Tuesday, October 8 9:00am: Boys Golf: District 8 Championship 9:00am: Girls Golf: District 8 Championship 9:20am: Univ/Coll visit: Georgian College (Barrie) 10:40am: IRIS Club 12:00pm: IRIS Club 12:15pm: Rosary Club 2:15pm: Choir
Wednesday, October 9 1:00pm: Jr. Boys Football vs St. David CSS 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Football vs St. David CSS 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball @ ES Père-René-de-Galinée 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball @ ES Père-René-de-Galinée 3:00pm: Sr. Girls Basketball vs ES Père-René-de-Galinée 3:30pm: Jr. Boys Soccer @ St. Mary's HS 4:30pm: Jr. Girls Basketball vs ES Père-René-de-Galinée
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!