Wednesday, April 3, 2019 - Volume 11, Issue 16
Parent-Student-Teacher conferencing tomorrow!
Schedule for Conferencing Day
Thursday, April 4
Classes have been shortened to 60 minutes on the conferencing day. Buses for the afternoon run will leave the school at 1:10.
Some teachers still have times available! Book an appointment with your son's or daughter's teachers by going to the staff page on the school website.
Period 1: 8:00 - 9:00 Period 2: 9:05 - 10:05 Lunch: 10:05 - 10:45 Period 3: 10:50 - 11:50 Period 4: 11:55 - 12:55 Interviews: 1:30 - 4:30 Dinner break: 4:30 - 5:30 Interviews: 5:30 - 8:00
WCDSB 2019-2020 Budget Survey
The purpose of this budget survey is to gain feedback from stakeholders within areas of the budget where flexibility exists. The following pages provide a brief outline of our budget development process and priorities for the upcoming budget.
Please note that at the time the budget survey was developed, complete information about funding was not known. The intention of the survey is to incorporate stakeholder responses into the budget where possible. Given the potential for changes in funding, legislation, or Ministry of Education direction, there is a possibility that budget priorities may need to change.
Saints celebrated as Beacons of Hope
Each year the WCDSB welcomes all schools to consider nominating a student/students from their communities who are beacons of hope; shining lights; unsung heroes.
This year I, along with Mr. Rempel, Ms. Kot and Ms. Whalen, had the honour to celebrate Ethan Hilker and Ryleigh McDermid.
They both are wonderful students, always smiling, always wanting to make things better and more joyful.
We are very proud of these two young people and were excited and honoured to celebrate and congratulate them on this wonderful achievement.
Two incredible Saints being Beacons of Hope.
Catholic Education Centre Moved Until September
In 2005, the Waterloo Catholic District School Board relocated its head office from the former Sacred Heart Catholic Elementary on Moore Avenue in Kitchener to the retrofitted former St. Mary’s High School on Weber Street. The oldest portion of the St. Mary’s building dates from 1928, with other portions dating from the early 1960s and late 1970s.
After 14 years in the Weber Street building, significant renovations are needed to ensure our staff are able to maintain the highest possible level of service for our schools.
To accommodate the construction process, our headquarters staff have relocated to several different locations across Waterloo Region. Staff are expected to be returning to Weber Street in September, 2019.
Until then, staff are now located at the former St. Francis CES in Cambridge, the former St. Agatha CES in St. Agatha, St. Luke CES in Waterloo, and several other locations.
St. Benedict to hold The Inside Ride fundraiser
The Inside Ride, presented by the Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation is Canada’s first indoor cycling challenge and fundraising event dedicated to raising money in support of children with cancer and their families.
This ‘party with a purpose’ is a fun and meaningful way to engage the community whether it be your student body, your colleagues or the larger community and raise money for children and families as they move through and beyond their cancer journey.
St. Benedict CSS is excited to bring this FUNdraising opportunity to YOU on Thursday, April 25th, 2019! Get your team of six together today and start fundraising for this amazing cause. For more information, check out our school’s site http://StBenedict.theinsideride.com
Student protest statement
Dear Parents and Guardians,
It has come to our attention that some students at St. Benedict are planning a student walkout on Thursday, April 4, 2019 protesting the provincial government’s recent changes to education. This walkout is occurring at some schools across the region, and indeed across many boards. Information and messages are being circulated on social media, email and web sites. These planned student walkouts are not Board or School sanctioned events.
The Waterloo Catholic District School Board values the students’ voice, and a vision of the learner that includes what it means to be a responsible citizen, a reflective thinker, and a discerning believer. Our school administration and office staff will follow regular attendance/safe arrival procedures and report the missed classes to the parent/guardian as soon as possible. Our school staff will not be supervising students who participate in the protest as it remains a regular school day.
We sincerely appreciate your partnership in the education of your children. Our priority is to support the learning and well-being of students while maintaining a safe environment.
Please direct any questions/concerns to the main office.
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,
We are inviting secondary school students from across the Region of Waterloo to participate in our inaugural ‘Secondary School Student Survey of the Waterloo Regional Police Service School Resource Officer Program’.
For well over 20 years, uniform members of the Waterloo Regional Police Service (WRPS) have been assigned to visit and support local schools to build positive relations with youth and to be available as a resource for crime prevention and safety initiatives. These specifically trained officers are known as School Resource Officers (SROs). Presently six dedicated Secondary SROs are responsible for visiting 40 secondary schools (Public, Catholic, Alternative and Private) in the Region of Waterloo.
Over the last three (3) years, the Waterloo Regional Police Service (School Support Services Branch) has surveyed local School Administrators and WRPS School Resource Officers. Survey results and written comments have helped develop the School Resource Officer Program to what it is today. We feel one component of our annual research is missing, namely, the voice of the student.
We have created an entirely voluntary, short and anonymous online survey to provide students with the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions regarding our School Resource Officer Program. The survey should only take students approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Sample questions to be included in this survey:
- Do you know if your school has a School Resource Officer?
- Would you approach a School Resource Officer for assistance or to report a crime?
- What social media platforms would you use share crime prevention and safety
The findings of this survey will be used to help develop recommendations on how to:
- Effectively utilize the presence of SROs within the school community,
- Improve the visibility of our SROs, and
- Develop and sustain collaborative relationships with students.
Participation of your child(ren) is entirely voluntary and only with your consent. By providing your student with the survey link, www.surveymonkey.com/r/SRO2, you are consenting to them completing the survey. If your child will permit, we encourage you to sit with them while they complete the survey.
Students may skip any question(s) they do not wish to answer or withdraw from taking part in this research at any time before they have submitted their responses by closing the survey. The decision not to take part in this research will not impact your child’s standing at their school.
Computer IP addresses or cellular devices (user information) used to complete the survey will not be collected. WRPS are only interested in the anonymous survey responses (data), which will be stored on a password protected computer only accessible to staff involved with the project. Survey responses with be retained for 5 – 7 years for trending and SRO program developmental purposes.
Please offer your child(ren) any support they may need when completing the survey. If you have questions please contact, School Support Services Branch by email at schoolsupportservices@wrps.on.ca
We thank you for considering your child’s/children’s participation in this anonymous survey. Their input and perspective is important to help inform best practices and to further enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of our School Resource Officer Program.
Respectfully, Peter Scandlan Constable #937 School Support Services Branch
School Council looking for help with Bingo
We are looking for parents, or anyone over the age of 18, to help support us in our fundraising efforts. Our Parent Council is looking to secure us a spot on Tuesday evenings to run a Bingo in Cambridge. We could earn $800 to $1000 for one event. INCREDIBLE!!! The money would support initiatives at the school that we would otherwise not have funds for. Thanks for considering. If we get enough volunteers, it may only mean volunteering 1 or 2 nights for the year. If you are interested, please email Mrs. Temple at lorrie.temple@wcdsb.ca. Let’s rock the bingos and make some money for our St. Benedict School Community.
Bring Your Own Device and Purchase Program
Partnership with STAPLES Canada for Chromebooks and Windows 10 Cloudbooks
WCDSB has made significant investments to ensure our students and staff have access to a variety current technologies. The use of technology to support learning remains a key priority to ensure that students are equipped with the skills to flourish in an increasingly digital world. Chromebooks and Windows 10 Cloudbooks have proven to be versatile, reliable, and affordable digital tool in the classroom.
As students have engaged more with the technology that is available in their classrooms, many families have expressed interest in purchasing a device for their child to use at school and at home. Many parents have reached out, seeking advice about which technology would best support their child’s learning, is reasonably priced, yet durable enough to withstand the wear and tear of daily use as it’s transported back and forth to school each day.
Welcome to the Umbrella Project! The Umbrella Project program is designed to help you and your family proactively build wellbeing and prepare for life's challenges. This can be done through practicing a set of skills that are known to improve our children's happiness and success. Much like an umbrella protects us from the rain, each of these skills forms a piece of an umbrella that protects us from life's rainy days and helps us learn and succeed.
What will autonomy do for my child?
When we have autonomy, we feel empowered to make decisions that can improve our lives instead of feeling that our lives are outside of our control. Having autonomy increases our motivation and ability to do things for ourselves. It can make tasks feel less like work and more enjoyable.
Research on autonomy in more than 80 countries has shown a positive connection to our wellbeing. The feeling that our life is self-directed instead of controlled by others has wide-reaching implications on almost every aspect of our well-being from our engagement in school to our honesty at home. It forms the foundation of our independence.
Autonomy Tip #4
Teach your child to reflect on their progress and take responsibility for themselves.
Self-reflection is a very helpful tool when it comes to autonomy and making good decisions. It’s important that our children do not get stuck doing things that don’t help or serve them, just because they want to feel independent.
Taking responsibility for and reflecting on our own progress or learning is a great way to build confidence. It can help us recognize the choices we have along the way to improve. At the end of the day we want our children to feel responsible for their learning.
News from the Guidance Department
April 11, 2018 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Bingemnas Conference Centre - 425 Bingemans Centre Drive, Kitchener
Learn about careers, community resources and education/training options to help you plan your career path! Check out exhibitors from: Business/industry, community organizations, education.
Who should Attend? Youth in grades 7 – 12 (and their parents!) who are making decisions about courses, careers and education pathways. For more information or to register to attend: bus-edpartnership.org or info@bus-edpartnership.org
Are you considering attending College or University in the United States? Hoping to play in the NCAA?
The U.S. College Expo is Canada’s only American college admissions recruiting event where you can engage with numerous U.S. College and University admissions representatives and meet prestigious guest speakers. Saturday April 13, 2019 at Roy Thompson Hall 10am – 2pm. Pre-registration is required. Please visit their website to register. www.uscollegeexpo.com
The main purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance to our graduating secondary students who are continuing in their education. All students completing their studies at any Catholic Secondary School in Waterloo Region may be eligible to submit an application. All awards will be made based on the expressed financial needs of the students and within the financial limitations of our Waterloo Unit. Applications are available in Guidance and are due by MAY 24th, 2019.
It is a requirement of graduation that each student complete 40 hours of community service. There are many opportunities to fulfill this requirement. If you have already registered for Hour Republic check out the guidelines on the website www.hourrepublic.com. This website can also be used to track your hours and see volunteer opportunities.
Heart Healthy day is taking place May 4, 2019. They are looking for volunteers to assist with setup, decorating, directing guests, distributing flyers and cleanup. On April 4th from 6:30am – 2pm at Forward Church SS Franklin Blvd. If you are interested please email Mrs. O’Neill (laura.oneill@wcdsb.ca) or stop by Guidance to see her.
Interested in being around furry and feathery friends? There are many ways you can volunteer with us for this community event. We are always looking for people with various backgrounds, talents and skill levels. Volunteers will have a unique opportunity to participate in an exciting environment with two and four legged friends alike.
May 4 and May 5 10am – 5pm.
The Cambridge Rotary Ribfest 2019
Ribfest will be held August 9-11 at Riverside Park. Please register online and include St. Benedict in your registration. www.cambridgeribfest.com/volulnteers/
They are looking for about 300 volunteers over the weekend. If you have questions please email volunteer@cambridgeribfest.com
2019 St. John Ambulance Waterloo Marathon
Be an important part of our 21st Annual Marathon. It’s a fun and easy way to make a difference in YOUR community. We need volunteers to assist runners from the start to the finish line. Sunday April 28, 2019. Bechtel Park, Waterloo Please email waterloomarathon@kwsja.com or visit their website www.waterloomarathon.com
Community Service Hours
It is a requirement of graduation that each student complete 40 hours of community service. There are
many opportunities to fulfill this requirement. If you have already registered for Hour Republic check out the
guidelines on the website www.hourrepublic.com. This website can also be used to track your hours and
see volunteer opportunities.
Support Catholic Education
Enriching the Lives of Students
There many opportunities for students to enhance their learning experience: Enrichment courses, LEAP, OYAP, UCEP, Co-op, Home Build, SHSM, and Skills Canada. Visit the Enrichment blog for information on all these opportunities. The Blogroll contains a plethora of learning enhancements. To learn more about what we offer, click on Enrichment@St.Benedict.
English Corner
To receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) each student must obtain four credits in English (one credit per grade). Visit the English blog to read the course offerings provided by the Saint Benedict English Department. The Blogroll has great resources for both students and parents. Enjoy! English@St.Benedict blog.
Advanced Placement at St. Benedict
Advanced Placement (AP) is an internationally recognized program that allows students to enrich the Ontario Curriculum with the goal of achieving university accreditation.
What does the research say about AP students?
Research shows that the best predictor of whether or not a student completes a university degree is not their high school grades or standardized tests. Rather, the best predictor is how many challenging courses a student has taken in high school. Students who challenge themselves with AP courses and exams are much more likely to complete a university degree in four years or less.
Sisters teach about vocations
This Tuesday, grade 12 religion students got to attend a presentation by the School Sisters of Notre Dame on vocations. Often times when we mention vocations the thought is of following a religious call in life towards priesthood or becoming a nun. Following your vocation is--in fact--finding your path in life.
The sisters reminded us that God loves us and trusts us--he messages that to us every day! Finding joy in life is the key to knowing where we will find our fulfillment. This is done by following a discernment process, which they illustrated using "The 5 L's": Look, Listen, Learn, Lean and Love.
Grade 12 students who are on track to receive their SHSM red seal at graduation are still required to complete one ministry added component.
It is called the Sector Partner Contextualized Component (in ICE, coding or mathematical literacy) which is designed to give them a better connection to the world of work in their major.
Some students have completed this requirement with clubs, competitions and previous I.C.E. challenge training (Innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship).
Those who still require the training will receive an invitation to attend a session with Inksmith here on April 17th or 18th.
Please see Mrs. Crowell in the coop office if you have questions.
Saint Second in Skills Canada Job Interview competition
By Mrs. M. Crowell
Last week Kaitlyn Fagan competed with other students from our board in the Regional Skills Job Interview competition. She worked very hard completing a cover letter and resume specific to a job posting. She also interviewed two people in different careers and did further research to complete the assignment.
She was then interviewed by a panel of three judges. We are very proud of Kaitlyn’s hard work and excellent effort. She finished a close second in our board’s competition.
Skills Regional Hairstyling Competition
Keirstyn Racine represented Bennies at our Regional Skills Competition at Artline Salon in Kitchener.
Students competed in 3 areas: men's hair cutting, women’s haircut and long hair up-style. It was a seven hour competition culminating in a final job interview. She performed her best work yet as her journey as a hair artist begins and I couldn’t be more proud. She earned a second place score with only a point separating her with the winner of the competition.
After this experience she has plans to continue competing and growing as an artist!! Her next competition will be at the Toronto ABA, Canada’s largest industry beauty show!!
Sports Results
We are between seasons! Look for results to start up in a few weeks.
Robotics Team reaches semi-finals
Last weekend he robotics team represented St.Benedict's at the University of Waterloo annual robotics competition. Competing against 32 teams, the Saints team made it to the semifinals.
Congratulations to the Robotics team on a tremendous effort and good luck in two weeks at the next competition.
An article in The Record highlights two members of our team,
Aariana Singh and Alaina Hansen.
New club starts up next week!
After a great information meeting this past Tuesday, we have a group of students interested in starting a Dungeons and Dragons club. The club will be meeting every Monday to play from from 2 to 4.
New members are always welcome, whether you have played before or are interested in learning about D&D.
Other News
Having "The Talk"...
Talking with your teen about cannabis may seem hard, but what you say does have an impact. To ensure you’re prepared, practice live with our kids before speaking with yours.
An expert will also be on hand to provide advice and help guide you through the discussion. See you soon!
Facebook Live Event Dates April 16 at 7:30 pm Dimitri + Dr. William Barakett May 14 at 7:30 pm Ethan + Dr. Richard Bélanger June 11 at 7:30 pm Dimitri + Dr. Richard Bélanger July 16 at 7:30 pm Talyssa + Dr. William Barakett
Participating experts
Anne Élizabeth Lapointe Executive Director of the Centre québécois de lutte aux dépendances et de la Maison Jean Lapointe, Anne Élizabeth has implemented several prevention programs, in addition to publishing many articles and studies.
Dr. William Barakett A family doctor, researcher and President the Quebec Cannabis Registry, Dr. Barakett is a respected expert in the field of addiction treatment.
Dr. Richard Bélanger Pediatrician Dr. Bélanger is, among other things, an assistant professor in the Pediatric Department of the Université de Laval. His main research area is the use of psychoactive substances among youth.
Healthy Heart Day 15 - Fit for Life
NEW DATE May 4, 2019, 7:30 am - 1:00 pm
NEW PLACE: Forward Church, 55 Franklin Boulevard, Cambridge, ON
Youth Volunteer Opportunity EPYC2019: Transforming Spaces
What is EPYC?
During the first session, teens will re-imagine space and belonging through a variety of hands-on activities, meaningful discussions and informative speakers.
In between the two sessions, youth have an opportunity to complete online and in-person tasks to earn points and community involvement hours - the top ranking individual and group will win a multitude of prizes! By the second session, youth will have the tools and resources to tackle a real case study for a real charitable organization or grassroots group - with guidance from an engaging young professional or post-secondary student volunteer. The top voted idea from each cohort will win $100 to donate directly to the case study submitter.
Email Sydney at project@volunteerWR.ca if you have any questions!
Calendar of Events
Be sure to visit our school website for an updated calendar with detailed information links for most calendar entries.
Wednesday, April 3 2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice 2:00pm: Games Club 2:15pm: Homework Club Thursday, April 4 10:35am: AP Lit practice session 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Giving Back Club 10:35am: Mario Kart club 10:35am: Praise Choir 1:30pm: Parent/Student/Teacher Conference Friday, April 5 10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club 10:35am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club Monday, April 8 10:35am: Eco Club 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Finance Club Tuesday, April 9 Math Contest:Canadian Team 9:30am: SHSM Event: Fitness Training 10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club 10:35am: Arts Council 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Reach for the Top club 10:35am: Champions for Change club 11:30am: Reconciliation Wednesday, April 10 Math Contests: Fryer, Galois, Hypatia 9:00am: SHSM Event: Standard First Aid and CPR-C Training 10:35am: Guitar Club 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Anime Club 2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice 2:00pm: Games Club 2:15pm: Homework Club 6:30pm: Navigating the Teen Years Workshop Thursday, April 11 10:35am: AP Lit practice session 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Mario Kart club 10:35am: Praise Choir 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club 2:00pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Homework Club 7:00pm: School Council Meeting
Friday, April 12 Professional Activity Day Sunday, April 14 Palm Sunday Monday, April 15 8:00am: Civics/Careers Turnaround Day 10:35am: Eco Club 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Finance Club Tuesday, April 16 9:30am: SHSM Event: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention and Conflict Resolution Training 10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club 10:35am: Arts Council 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Reach for the Top club 10:35am: Champions for Change club Wednesday, April 17 BENN Newsletter release 9:00am: SHSM Event: Intro to Chiropractics: Ethics, Terminology, & Specialized Care Training 10:35am: Guitar Club 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Anime Club 2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice 2:00pm: Games Club 2:15pm: Homework Club Thursday, April 18 Holy Thursday 10:35am: AP Lit practice session 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Giving Back Club 10:35am: Mario Kart club 10:35am: Praise Choir 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club 2:00pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Homework Club Friday, April 19 Good Friday Saturday, April 20 Holy Saturday Sunday, April 21 Easter Sunday Monday, April 22 Easter Monday