Wednesday, May 1, 2019 - Volume 11, Issue 18

Celebrating Catholic Education

Catholic Education Week: May 6-10

By Mrs. L. Temple

This year’s Catholic Education Week theme is “Living as Joyful Disciples.”

The 2019 theme was inspired by three sources: Renewing the Promise, The Pastoral Letter on Catholic Education from the Bishops of Ontario; Gaudete et exsultate, the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis on the Call to Holiness; and Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment, the October 2018 Synod of Bishops. Mindful of the Synod on Youth, the theme and sub-themes are very much directed to the young people in our schools, especially in their growth in holiness and their formation as disciples of Christ through the discernment of their vocational pathways. In the section of Renewing the Promise entitled, “A Community that Forms Joyful Disciples,” we read, “Our Catholic schools help to form joyful disciples as hearts and minds are opened to the transforming love of God and to the flame of faith in action. On a daily basis, Catholic schools demonstrate the joy of believing and witness the Good News to the communities that they serve.”

There are five sub-themes for each day of Catholic Education Week. We present them here, along with activities that will be undertaken at the school

Day 1: Rooted in Prayer

  • Take time to “Stop & Breathe” - watch the skit on vlog
  • Greeting music
  • Check out the Speech Bubbles
  • B Kind to your Mind Resource cards
  • Puppies in the Library

Day 2: Living in Community

  • Do something positive that makes you happy
  • VLOG period 2
  • Display/take away resources
  • Rosary at Lunch
  • Innovation evening

Day 3: Doing Justice & Creating Hope

  • Talk to someone
  • VLOG period 2
  • Wear your Mental Wellness T-Shirts
  • Easter Mass
  • SAC celebration BBQ

Day 4: Journeying Together in Faith

  • Taking Care of yourself (Sleep & Exercise)
  • VLOG period 2
  • Soul Cycle at lunch
  • Rosary in Chapel at lunch
  • Family of Schools Mass and School Council meeting 6:30 pm

Day 5: Sharing the Good News

  • Be Kind to yourself - “Kindness Notes” on Lockers
  • VLOG period 2
  • Kahoot activity in the Cafeteria
  • Rock Opera in Library
  • Weekly celebration update by Admin

Ongoing throughout the week:

  • Mental Wellness themed prayer/Catholic Education Week Prayer and music to start the day, over the PA
  • Mental Wellness facts and information about increasing our resilience shared throughout the week over the announcements
  • Strategy of the Day Skits to be played in class (Period 2 - vlog)
  • Social media and outdoor sign with daily motivators and resiliency building tips
  • Bulletin board display outside of room 212 providing Mental Wellness Resources and Resiliency Building Strategies
  • Display by Cross sharing the themes of Catholic Education Week

Next week is Canadian Mental Health week

By Ms. S. Ayerst, School Social Worker

Canadian Mental Health week is May 6-12 2019 ( Mental health is a state of well-being, and we all have it. It is a positive state of mind - the state of being able to feel, think and act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face. We might have a mental illness, and we might not. Either way, we can all feel well. We can all have good mental health. It is about having a sense of purpose, strong relationships, feeling connected to our communities, knowing who we are, coping with stress and enjoying life. And it’s never too early or too late to get there. But it’s not just about what you do for yourself, by yourself—everyone needs healthy and supportive places to work, live and learn. Throughout the week St Benedict will focus on Strategies for Positive Mental Health. Each day will highlight a different Strategy of The Day.

Here are 16 Strategies to Help You Thrive

These sixteen strategies are based on sound science. Try one of these strategies each day and reflect on how they impact your mood and sense of well-being. Keep stock of which strategies make the biggest impact and keep them in your back pocket to boost your mental health on the bad days, and on the good ones too.
Starting the day off fresh
It’s a brand-new day. Take a deep breath. Fill your lungs with cool outdoor air as you start your day. Repeat this at lunch and when you arrive home… keeping in perspective that we can make a conscious choice to slow down and just breathe throughout our day.

Focusing on the positives
Write down 3 things that went well today. What was your role in it? Do this before you go to sleep and reflect on the good things of today. Being grateful can enhance your mental well-being.

Getting outdoors
Play with your kids, your pet, your friends or you family. Take a moment to just play, move unwind. As far as your mental health is concerned, there is no such thing as too much play!

Seeing the bigger picture
What is meaningful to you? Do you want to make a difference in your community? Jot down one thing you can do today to make that difference. Volunteer? Check on your neighbour who lives alone. Get involved in a community organization whose mission you support. Choose something and go for it.

Treating yourself
Enjoy something you usually deny yourself. Really experience the taste, smell and texture. Be mindful of all your senses as you enjoy this treat! Now share some with a colleague or friend with a little note saying, “Enjoy, you deserve it!”

Embracing culture
Reflect on your heritage. What part of your cultural roots do you celebrate? Is it specific traditions or celebrations, foods, faith or spirituality? Embrace your uniqueness and your history as a valuable part of who you are. You may want to do an exchange with someone who celebrates a different culture.

Being active
Head out to a local park or activity centre. Take your friends or meet new ones there. Bring along your frisbee, balls and your favourite snacks. Did you know being active and connecting with others has real health benefits, including for your mental health?

Using your personal resources
What or who has helped you through difficult times in the past? Make a list. Now, add things you do for your yourself! Keep this list for the next time you might need it. We all have difficulties from time to time but knowing what helps us can make a difference in how quickly we get through it.
Go online. You can learn how to do just about anything on Youtube. Or got out in the world and take that course you’ve meant to try.

Finding meaning
Want to get in touch with a sense of your purpose? What excites you? What do you feel passionate about? How can you get more involved in what is important to you? Think about this throughout your day.

Enjoying yourself
Spend ONE hour today doing what YOU want… what was that like? How do you feel now? Taking time to re-energize allows you to continue to be your best in other areas of your life.

Call a friend or someone you like and arrange to meet. Spending time with people can actually boost our immune system and our mental health!

Really? Yes, to stay connected you need to disconnect. Turn away from your screens. Turn off all electronics for one hour today (cell phones, television, computer, video games). Do something that you haven’t done in a while – read a book, write in a journal, play an old-fashioned board game, or visit a friend. Enjoy this time without any interruptions.

A moment just to rest
Give yourself a moment to just close your eyes and let go of your thoughts. This might lead to a few minutes – or more – of mindfulness meditation. (Check online for easy instructions!) This is time for you and only you.

Time out to breathe
Take 3 minutes to focus on your breathing. Get comfortable in your chair (legs uncrossed, arms relaxed by your side). Inhale slowly through your nose (or mouth), count one, two, three; completely fill your lungs. Hold your breath – pause, then exhale through your mouth. Repeat this process for a few minutes and focus on how relaxed you are.

Take a walk in a natural setting and take in the sights and sounds, perhaps the bird songs, the squirrels scurrying, footprints on the ground, or the texture of the tree bark. Re-connect with the natural world around you!
Now that you’ve tried out some of these strategies, how do you feel? Which strategies are your favourites? Which made the biggest impact? Are there other strategies you use that aren’t on this list?
Taken from CMHA Mental Health Week ( and adapted from a list created by the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.

A Student with Passion Takes Action and Brings SMILES to Many!

By Mrs. M. Rocha

Earlier this year, a wonderful young lady in grade 11 named Savannah approached me about possibly helping her to raise funds for Operation Smile. Her enthusiasm for the organization caught my attention from the start. I asked her to put together a presentation to propose her ideas and to educate the students in my Service Learning Program about the organization.

We learned that the organization believes that every child suffering from cleft lip or cleft palate deserves exceptional surgical care. In many developing countries, children who have cleft lip or cleft palate can experience social stigma, hunger and thirst and speech impediment. Every $240 raised for Operation Smile provides a surgery for a child to repair cleft lip or cleft palate.

After her presentation to our class, we decided to help her fundraise through our annual 24 hour Overnight Fast Fundraiser. Savannah started an Operation Smile Club and together with the Service Learning Program students, the work to start bringing our school community awareness of the organization and to start organizing fundraisers began!
I am extremely proud to inform you that the total funds raised for Operation Smile to date is $7145.73.

Savannah was an exceptional leader during this initiative. Her passion was contagious! Her dedication and work ethic was commendable! Savannah is a humble individual who always remained focused on providing as many children as possible with a “smile”.

It was a true pleasure to learn more about Operation Smile and to educate others about it. A big thank you to Lisa Atkinson, a nurse who volunteers with Operation Smile, for taking the time to come out during the Overnight Fast to present to the participants.

A special thank you to all of the participants, leaders and staff members who were involved in the Overnight Fast Fundraiser. WE all worked together to help Savannah and the St. Benedict community make a difference by bringing SMILES to so many children!
Above: Mrs. Rocha and Savannah; below: some of the children who benefited from our community's generosity; left: participants at the Overnight Fast

BENN Newsletter reaches new milestone

BENN saves over 2.5 million sheets of paper

With the publication of this issue of the BENN Newsletter, the number of sheets of paper saved versus doing a bi-weekly paper newspaper has brought us over the 2,500,000 sheets of paper mark.

Pictured here is Mr. Milardovic standing with a stack of 25 reams of paper, which contains 12,500 sheets. The amount of paper saved by going to an electronic newsletter has saved us two hundred times that amount of paper. Not to mention all the ink, electricity, wear and tear on copiers... that is AWESOME!

Catholic Education Centre Moved Until September

By WCDSB Newswire

In 2005, the Waterloo Catholic District School Board relocated its head office from the former Sacred Heart Catholic Elementary on Moore Avenue in Kitchener to the retrofitted former St. Mary’s High School on Weber Street. The oldest portion of the St. Mary’s building dates from 1928, with other portions dating from the early 1960s and late 1970s.

After 14 years in the Weber Street building, significant renovations are needed to ensure our staff are able to maintain the highest possible level of service for our schools.

To accommodate the construction process, our headquarters staff have relocated to several different locations across Waterloo Region. Staff are expected to be returning to Weber Street in September, 2019.
Until then, staff are now located at the former St. Francis CES in Cambridge, the former St. Agatha CES in St. Agatha, St. Luke CES in Waterloo, and several other locations.

A complete list of which departments are located where is available online at:

St. Benedict student elected to Student Trustee position

By Ms. A. Kreuger

On April 24th, at the Waterloo Catholic District School Board, the Student Senate gathered to elect the two student trustees for the 2019-2020 school year. The role of Student Trustee is to act as a representative of the students for the school board and they are present at the board meetings. They offer insights, opinions or perspectives on behalf of all students in the WCDSB.

Student Trustees have three key elements in which they represent the views of students or support student leadership: 1) serving as the Co-Chairs at Student Senate meetings for WCDSB, 2) attending board meetings, and 3) Are a active members of Ontario Student Trustee Association’s (OSTA-AECO) and attend the associations conferences.

The eight eligible candidates did a wonderful job sharing their leadership experiences and presenting ideas to contribute to our board. St. Benedict’s, Meghan Cymbron and Rori Schaefer of St. David’s were elected by the senate to represent the student voice next year. Congratulations!


Seeking Dominican Encounter participants

Are you in grade 10 or 11?
Do you want to experience the Dominican Republic in November?
Do you want an experience of a lifetime?
The Dominican Encounter trip may be for you. The Dominican Encounter focuses on living in solidarity with the people of the Dominican Republic. Students will spend a week living with local families while visiting schools, hospitals, cultural and historical centers and speak with sweat shop workers to provide students with an opportunity to experience faith in action. Interested grade 10 or 11 students are asked to attend an information session at Lunch in room 111 on Thursday, May 2. The link for the application is found on twitter, and the St. Benedict website Homepage. Please see Mr. Betik or Mr. Borba if you have any questions.

Get your immunization records updated or risk suspension

man w transparency

Students who have been notified to update the immunization records are reminded to do so as soon as possible. Please contact Waterloo Region Public Health. The first day of school suspensions is May 1. Do not leave this until the last minute.

Grab on to Link Crew!

Attention all grade 10 and 11 students: Link Crew NEEDS YOU! Applications for 2019-2020 Link Crew are available NOW in Guidance, come pick one up today! Applications are due Friday, May 10. If you have any questions, please see one of the teacher coordinators. Looking forward to having you on our amazing team!!

Bring Your Own Device and Purchase Program

Partnership with STAPLES Canada for Chromebooks and Windows 10 Cloudbooks

WCDSB has made significant investments to ensure our students and staff have access to a variety current technologies. The use of technology to support learning remains a key priority to ensure that students are equipped with the skills to flourish in an increasingly digital world. Chromebooks and Windows 10 Cloudbooks have proven to be versatile, reliable, and affordable digital tool in the classroom.

As students have engaged more with the technology that is available in their classrooms, many families have expressed interest in purchasing a device for their child to use at school and at home. Many parents have reached out, seeking advice about which technology would best support their child’s learning, is reasonably priced, yet durable enough to withstand the wear and tear of daily use as it’s transported back and forth to school each day.

More information can be found on the BYOD information page on the school board website:

If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity, you need to download and print out this document and take it to your nearest Staples store.

Intrinsic Motivation

Welcome to the Umbrella Project! The Umbrella Project program is designed to help you and your family proactively build wellbeing and prepare for life's challenges. This can be done through practicing a set of skills that are known to improve our children's happiness and success. Much like an umbrella protects us from the rain, each of these skills forms a piece of an umbrella that protects us from life's rainy days and helps us learn and succeed.

What is Intrinsic Motivation?

This month at the Umbrella Project, we are focusing our energy on Intrinsic Motivation.
Intrinsic Motivation is motivation that comes from inside you instead of from external rewards like money or grades. It’s the pleasure you get from doing something because it is interesting, challenging and absorbing. When we are intrinsically motivated, we do activities for enjoyment. We do not worry as much about the reward at the end.
Failing to hit the goals, marks or achievements we are hoping for can be tough. This is even more true when the outcome was the only thing we cared about.
When we enjoy the process, it takes some of the stress off the end result and makes us feel happier. In fact, being intrinsically motivated increases our wellbeing and our success at the end of the day.

Umbrella Intrinsic Motivation Tip #4

Limit your use of Extrinsic Motivators.
Extrinsic motivators are the external rewards, pervasive in parenting, that are contingent on a child's task performance or behaviour.
Used regularly because of their effectiveness, there is a dark side to these extrinsic motivators. Studies show that we actually decrease our child's intrinsic motivation over time by offering up these external rewards. This means that our children will want to do things less and less the more we provide them rewards. The task itself becomes less enjoyable without the reward.
When we think about academics, we can see why this causes a problem over time. If we provide rewards for good marks, for example, we slowly start to decrease our children’s enjoyment of the learning process.

Here are a few ideas for reducing extrinsic motivators:
  • Don’t link your child's allowance with their expected tasks. Paying children for making their beds or putting their clothes away can reduce their desire to do these tasks without external reward. Instead have expected tasks that come along with being part of the family and an allowance that helps them learn to manage money or that they earn through extra jobs.
  • Don’t offer dessert as a reward for eating dinner. Instead set a family expectation that we eat small amounts of sweets as a balanced part of a day that also includes lots of fruits, veggies and healthy foods. If the healthy food doesn’t go in on a regular basis, it’s not good for our bodies to put the sweets in.
  • Focus on task-intrinsic practices like encouraging your child’s pleasure and engagement with the learning process.

News from the Guidance Department

By Mrs. L. O'Neill

Community Service Hours

It is a requirement of graduation that each student complete 40 hours of community service. There are
many opportunities to fulfill this requirement. If you have already registered for Hour Republic check out the
guidelines on the website This website can also be used to track your hours and
see volunteer opportunities.

Important Graduation Information 2019

Honouring Catholic secondary school graduates who demonstrated exemplary performance in one or more of the award categories through academic achievement & participation in extra-curricular school activities. For more information and a SELF-NOMINATING FORM please see Guidance or visit
DUE MAY 6th, 2019

This award is a student nominated award. The criteria for the award can be found in the Google form. Please consider nominating someone from your class by Monday May 6th by 2p.m.
The main purpose of the bursary program is to provide financial assistance to graduating secondary students who are continuing their education. All awards will be made based on the expressed financial needs of the students and within the financial limitations of our Waterloo unit.
Please submit a completed application (available in Guidance) by Friday May 24th, 2019.


Yes you may have ‘registered’ to graduate, BUT things can change IF:
  • You have not completed your 40 Community Service Hours
  • You do not have 30 credits by June 26th
There will be a meeting at the beginning of June for all Graduates to help prepare them for the graduation ceremony – STAY TUNED!

Interested in Police Services?

Students interested in attending the Cops and Youth program run by the Waterloo Region Police Services are asked to pick up an application in Guidance between now and the deadline of May 17.
It’s a great way to learn about all aspects of policing and it will grant more than 40 volunteer hours.

Support Catholic Education



Enriching the Lives of Students

By Mrs. D. Wittmann
There many opportunities for students to enhance their learning experience: Enrichment courses, LEAP, OYAP, UCEP, Co-op, Home Build, SHSM, and Skills Canada. Visit the Enrichment blog for information on all these opportunities. The Blogroll contains a plethora of learning enhancements. To learn more about what we offer, click on Enrichment@St.Benedict.

English Corner

By Mrs. D. Wittmann
To receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) each student must obtain four credits in English (one credit per grade). Visit the English blog to read the course offerings provided by the Saint Benedict English Department. The Blogroll has great resources for both students and parents. Enjoy! English@St.Benedict blog.

Advanced Placement at St. Benedict

By Mrs. D. Wittmann
Advanced Placement (AP) is an internationally recognized program that allows students to enrich the Ontario Curriculum with the goal of achieving university accreditation.

What does the research say about AP students?
Research shows that the best predictor of whether or not a student completes a university degree is not their high school grades or standardized tests. Rather, the best predictor is how many challenging courses a student has taken in high school. Students who challenge themselves with AP courses and exams are much more likely to complete a university degree in four years or less.

Please visit:

St. Benedict Learning Commons/Clemens Mill Library

The Learning Commons
This coming week, May 6th to 12th is Mental Health Week. Mental health is as important as physical health. The Canadian Mental Health Association states: “Mental health means striking a balance in all aspects of your life: social, physical, spiritual, economic and mental. Reaching a balance is a learning process. At times, you may tip the balance too much in one direction and have to find your footing again. Your personal balance will be unique, and your challenge will be to stay mentally healthy by keeping that balance.”

Your St. Bennie's Learning Commons will be offering activities to help relax, rejuvenate, and reconnect you. All activities are free.


Learning Commons area: Cambridge Therapy Dogs. Come meet Kathy and her dog Valley, and Rhonda and her dog Lucy during lunch hour.
VR Lab: Experience Discovery VR – travel to Hawaii or Japan, take a short gondola ride in Venice, or take a ride up Mount Everest in a helicopter. Most realities are under 3 mins.
Makerspace: use modelling clay to make your own creation. Return throughout the week to decorate what you’ve made. All materials supplied.


Makerspace: Create your own unique T-shirt using fabric markers or the cricut machine to cut out a short quote using iron-on vinyl. Please note we have a limited supply of t-shirts, so bring your own t-shirt if possible.
VR Lab: Relaxation VR – Breathe the World, Dances with Butterflies very short relaxing VR experiences.


Makerspace: colouring sheets, play doh
VR Lab: Explore the world’s oceans. Try the Undersea Park Reality where you can swim with sharks, whales and rays!


Makerspace: Build a rollercoaster with Gravitrax
VR Lab: Games Day – come try your hand at Beat Saber, Blobby Tennis or the FunHouse Arcade


Learning Commons: Rock Orchestra will perform in the library during lunch hour. Come enjoy some great music made by your fellow students.
Makerspace: Use the cricut to make a special Mother’s Day card for your mom
VR Lab: Create virtual art with the Vive Tiltbrush

Also don’t forget about the Teen Lounge which runs every day after school from 2:15 to 3:30pm. Enjoy free snacks, play X-box, table tennis or just hang out with friends.


Girls’ Softball News

The girls are looking forward to getting the season started . . .if it ever stops raining!
Today’s games have been rescheduled to Thursday May 9 at the Peter Hallman Ballyard.
The girls will then be in action May 14 at the Sport Park, May 16 and 21st at RIM Park.

The girls will practice Tuesday after school at the Sports park. Please return form and money if you have not done so.

Sports Results

St. David CSS 2, St. Benedict CSS 0
St. Mary's HS 5, St. Benedict CSS 0

St. David CSS 5, St. Benedict CSS 2

Student Activities

The Arts

Other News

Let's Talk Poster

Having "The Talk"...

Talking with your teen about cannabis may seem hard, but what you say does have an impact. To ensure you’re prepared, practice live with our kids before speaking with yours.
An expert will also be on hand to provide advice and help guide you through the discussion.
See you soon!

Facebook Live Event Dates
May 14 at 7:30 pm Ethan + Dr. Richard Bélanger
June 11 at 7:30 pm Dimitri + Dr. Richard Bélanger
July 16 at 7:30 pm Talyssa + Dr. William Barakett

Participating experts

Anne Élizabeth Lapointe
Executive Director of the Centre québécois de lutte aux dépendances et de la Maison Jean Lapointe, Anne Élizabeth has implemented several prevention programs, in addition to publishing many articles and studies.
Dr. William Barakett
A family doctor, researcher and President the Quebec Cannabis Registry, Dr. Barakett is a respected expert in the field of addiction treatment.
Dr. Richard Bélanger
Pediatrician Dr. Bélanger is, among other things, an assistant professor in the Pediatric Department of the Université de Laval. His main research area is the use of psychoactive substances among youth.

Healthy Heart Day 15 - Fit for Life

NEW DATE May 4, 2019, 7:30 am - 1:00 pm

NEW PLACE: Forward Church, 55 Franklin Boulevard, Cambridge, ON

519 624 3511 or to register

Calendar of Events

Be sure to visit our school website for an updated calendar with detailed information links for most calendar entries.
Wednesday, May 1
BENN Newsletter release
Coffee House
2:00pm: Games Club
2:00pm: Girls Soccer vs Resurrection CSS
2:00pm: Sr. Girls Slo Pitch vs Msgr Doyle CSS
2:00pm: Sr. Boys Soccer @ Resurrection CSS
2:15pm: Homework Club
3:30pm: Sr. Girls Slo Pitch @ St. Mary's HS

Thursday, May 2
10:35am: AP Lit practice session
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Giving Back Club
10:35am: Mario Kart club
10:35am: Praise Choir
2:00pm: Math Club
2:00pm: Sr. Boys Slo Pitch @ St. Mary's HS
2:15pm: Homework Club
3:30pm: Sr. Boys Slo Pitch @ ES Père-René-de-Galinée

Friday, May 3
8:00am: Track and Field: Track Wars
10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club
10:35am: Star Trek Club
2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice
2:00pm: Doctor Who Club
3:45pm: Girls Soccer @ Woodland Christian HS
3:45pm: Sr. Boys Soccer vs Woodland Christian HS

Monday, May 6
SAC Co-presidents’ Campaign week
Catholic Education Week
10:35am: Eco Club
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Finance Club
3:00pm: Girls Soccer @ ES Père-René-de-Galinée
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Soccer vs ES Père-René-de-Galinée

Tuesday, May 7
10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club
10:35am: Arts Council
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Reach for the Top club
10:35am: Champions for Change club
2:00pm: Sr. Boys Slo Pitch @ St. David CSS
2:15pm: Concert Band
3:30pm: Sr. Boys Slo Pitch vs Msgr Doyle CSS

Wednesday, May 8
Easter Mass
8:00am: Track and Field: Maxi-meet #2
10:35am: Guitar Club
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Model UN Club
10:35am: Anime Club
2:00pm: Games Club
2:15pm: Homework Club
3:00pm: Girls Soccer vs Monsignor Doyle CSS
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Soccer @ Msgr Doyle CSS

Thursday, May 9
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Mario Kart club
10:35am: Praise Choir
2:00pm: Math Club
2:15pm: Homework Club
6:45pm: Family of School Council Mass
Friday, May 10
10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club
10:35am: Star Trek Club
2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice
2:00pm: Doctor Who Club

Sunday, May 12
Mother's Day

Monday, May 13
10:35am: Eco Club
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Finance Club

Tuesday, May 14
National Denim Day for breast cancer
10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club
10:35am: Arts Council
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Reach for the Top club
10:35am: Champions for Change club
2:00pm: Sr. Boys Slo Pitch vs Resurrection CSS
2:00pm: Sr. Girls Slo Pitch @ St. David CSS
2:15pm: Concert Band
3:30pm: Sr. Girls Slo Pitch @ Resurrection CSS
3:30pm: Sr. Boys Slo Pitch vs St. Mary's HS

Wednesday, May 15
BENN Newsletter release
8:00am: Track and Field: District 8 Championships
10:35am: Guitar Club
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Model UN Club
10:35am: Anime Club
2:00pm: Games Club
2:15pm: Homework Club

Thursday, May 16
8:00am: Track and Field: District 8 Championships
10:35am: E-car meeting
10:35am: Giving Back Club
10:35am: Mario Kart club
10:35am: Praise Choir
2:00pm: Math Club
2:00pm: Sr. Girls Slo Pitch @ Msgr Doyle CSS
2:00pm: Sr. Boys Slo Pitch vs ES Père-René-de-Galinée
2:15pm: Homework Club
3:30pm: Sr. Boys Slo Pitch vs St. David CSS
3:30pm: Sr. Girls Slo Pitch vs St. David CSS

Friday, May 17
8:00am: Ultimate Frisbee Championships
10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club
10:35am: Star Trek Club
2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice
2:00pm: Doctor Who Club

Monday, May 20
Victoria Day

Be sure to visit the calendar on the school website for more updates and detailed information about upcoming events.