Thursday, March 7, 2019 - Volume 11, Special Issue 2
Literacy Test March 27
Modified Schedule
As you are aware, the grade 10 OSSLT will be held the morning of Wednesday, March 27. For the rest of the day, we will be on a modified schedule.
There will be no grade 11 or 12 classes on Wednesday, March 27. Teachers have been asked to give grade 11 and 12 students advanced assignments and/or instructions and to work with students virtually. The expectations will be clearly communicated by teachers to students in the days prior to the Literacy Test. Students in grade 11 and 12 who wish to come to school for the day will be provided with a supervised Study Hall space in the cafeteria and lecture hall if needed, with chromebooks made available, as well as teacher support.
Grades 9s and 10s will have period 3 and 4 classes in the afternoon:
Period 3 – 11:55 to 12:55
Buses will depart the school at the end of day at normal time.
Progress Reports out March 28
Be prepared to book teacher conferences online only
After a successful pilot run in the fall, the decision has been made to go fully online for interview booking for the April 4 conferencing day.
The pilot project--in which approximately a quarter of the teaching staff participated--was met with favourable results by parents who used the online booking system and completed the survey.
The only complaint was that "not all teachers are using the system". As it was only a pilot, it was not the intention to have the whole staff use it. "Our intention was to test it out, work out the kinks, and then based on feedback decide how to proceed", says Mr. Milardovic, the initiator of the project. "As a result of some of the feedback, part of the booking process has been modified, and we will be ready to go live the day interim reports go out."
Over sixty different online booking systems were tested before finally deciding to go with Outlook Bookings, which is integrated with our Board's email and calendar system.
Look for interview booking information in the March 20th issue of the BENN, as well as follow-up tweets and Facebook posts in the days leading to the opening of the interview booking process.
School Council looking for help with Bingo
We are looking for parents, or anyone over the age of 18, to help support us in our fundraising efforts.
Our Parent Council is looking to secure us a spot on Tuesday evenings to run a Bingo in Cambridge.
We could earn $800 to $1000 for one event. INCREDIBLE!!!
The money would support initiatives at the school that we would otherwise not have funds for.
Thanks for considering. If we get enough volunteers, it may only mean volunteering 1 or 2 nights for the year.
Let’s rock the bingos and make some money for our St. Benedict School Community.
The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test
Date: Wednesday, March 27
Semester 2 marks the beginning of PHASE 2 in St. Benedict’s OSSLT preparation for all Gr. 10 and Previously Eligible students. In Semester 1, all Gr. 10 students were invited to participate in a Mini-Mock and Mock Literacy Test to help guide them through the process of practicing writing sections of the OSSLT. Results were shared with students and parents/legal guardians through letters delivered to Period 2 classes.
What’s Up Next?
Students have many opportunities to find extra support to help prepare them for a successful test:
- Lunch 'n’ Learn in Room 207 every Wednesday
- After school Literacy Lab homework club in Room 212 every Wednesday and Thursday 2:15-3:30 *Bus tickets available if needed*
Good resource websites
www.eqao.com *Test information, Practice Booklets with Answers in Student & Parent Resource Sections*
In the next regular edition of the BENN
Wednesday, March 20
- St. Benedict C.S.S. has 10,000 more reasons to smile as we strive to continue building on our Healthy Schools initiatives
- Swimming success at CWOSSA
- The WCDSB is on the move
Calendar of Events
Be sure to visit our school website for an updated calendar with detailed information links for most calendar entries.
Thursday, March 7 2:00pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Literacy Lab homework club 2:15pm: OSSLT Literacy Test Prep 2:15pm: Homework Club Friday, March 8 10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club 10:35am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club
Monday, March 11 March Break week begins
Tuesday, March 19 9:30am: SHSM Event: Nutrition and Dietary Considerations 10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club 10:35am: Arts Council 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Reach for the Top club 10:35am: Champions for Change club Wednesday, March 20 Paid Civvies Day - $2 min. Spring Equinox 9:30am: SHSM Event: Electrical Safety and Confined Space Awareness Training 10:35am: OSSLT Lunch 'n' Learn 10:35am: Guitar Club 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Anime Club 2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice 2:00pm: Games Club 2:15pm: Literacy Lab homework club 2:15pm: OSSLT Literacy Test Prep 2:15pm: Homework Club
Thursday, March 21 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Giving Back Club 10:35am: Mario Kart club 10:35am: Praise Choir 2:00pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Literacy Lab homework club 2:15pm: OSSLT Literacy Test Prep 2:15pm: Homework Club
Friday, March 22 Overnight Fast 10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club 10:35am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club Monday, March 25 10:35am: Eco Club 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Finance Club Tuesday, March 26 9:00am: SHSM Event: Conflict Resolution & Lifting Techniques Training 10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club 10:35am: Arts Council 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Reach for the Top club 10:35am: Champions for Change club Wednesday, March 27 BENN Newsletter release OSSLT Literacy Test Grade 10 10:35am: Guitar Club 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Model UN Club 10:35am: Anime Club 2:00pm: Rock Orchestra practice 2:00pm: Games Club 2:15pm: Homework Club Thursday, March 28 8:00am: Progress Reports Distributed 10:35am: E-car meeting 10:35am: Mario Kart club 10:35am: Praise Choir 2:00pm: Math Club 2:15pm: Homework Club Friday, March 29 10:35am: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Club 10:35am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club