Friday, September 27, 2019 - Volume 12, Special Issue 1

Important Message re Ongoing Labour Negotiations – CUPE

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As you may be aware from media reports, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), representing education workers across the province, has announced plans to begin a province-wide “Work-to-Rule’ campaign beginning on Monday, September 30, 2019.

We are aware that bargaining between the union and government is planned to continue throughout the weekend. We respect collective bargaining and are hopeful that a freely negotiated agreement will be reached soon.

Regardless of the outcome of this weekend’s bargaining, all of our schools will remain open, and CUPE staff will report to work as usual. Student instruction will continue in our classrooms and, as always, the safety and well-being of students will continue to be our top priority.

As a Catholic school board, we value all of our staff as dedicated, caring professionals, and we respect labour laws that affirm the legal rights of our unionized employee groups to engage in job actions. We know that all sides are working hard to reach agreements, and we are hopeful that a new central agreement will soon be reached with our CUPE education workers.

Where to Find Information Updates

As new information becomes available it will be posted to the WCDSB website at:
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this period of uncertainty.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which WCDSB employees are represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees?

A: The following WCDSB positions are represented by CUPE:
  • Education Assistants
  • Personal Support Workers
  • Child and Youth Care Workers
  • Early Childhood Educators
  • Lunch Hour Supervisors
  • Administrative Assistants
  • Payroll and Accounting Associates
  • Computer Technicians
  • Library Technicians
  • Communicative Disorders Assistants

Q: What does “work to rule” mean?

A: CUPE has indicated that they are planning to withdraw specific services that they would normally perform. Employees represented by CUPE provide many important services within our schools and board, and despite our best efforts the withdrawal of these services will cause some disruption. We will not be able to completely eliminate all impacts. Despite the impact of the withdrawal of services, we know that our schools will remain welcoming Christ centred environments.

Calendar of Events

Be sure to visit our school website for an updated calendar with detailed information links for most calendar entries.
Monday, September 30
8:00am: Orange Shirt Day
10:40am: Finance Club
10:40am: MCU Club
2:15pm: Choir
3:00pm: Jr. Boys Soccer @ St. David CSS
3:00pm: Jr. Girls Basketball vs Woodland CHS
3:30pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball @ Woodland CHS
3:30pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball @ Woodland CHS
4:30pm: Sr. Girls Basketball vs Woodland CHS

Tuesday, October 1
8:00am: Girls Golf: CWOSSA Championship
9:30am: Univ/Coll visit: Ivey Business at Western
10:40am: Arts Council
10:40am: DECA Business Club
10:40am: Champions for Change Club
10:40am: Racing Saints E-Car Team
10:40am: MCU Club

Wednesday, October 2
8:00am: Boys Golf: CWOSSA Championship
10:40am: Cosmo Club
10:40am: Spoken Word Club
10:40am: MarioKart Club
10:40am: Racing Saints E-Car Team
2:15pm: Magic the Gathering club
3:00pm: Jr. Boys Soccer vs St. Mary's HS
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball vs Our Lady of Mount Carmel
3:00pm: Sr. Girls Basketball @ Msgr Doyle CSS
3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball vs Msgr Doyle CSS

Thursday, October 3
8:00am: Univ/Coll visit: U of W & St. Jerome's
10:40am: Model UN Club
10:40am: DECA Business Club
10:40am: Chess Club
10:40am: Racing Saints E-Car Team
10:40am: MCU Club
1:00pm: Jr Boys Football at St. Mary's HS
2:15pm: Band
3:00pm: Sr Boys Football at St. Mary's HS

Friday, October 4
8:00am: Univ/Coll visit: University of W.Ontario
10:40am: Coders Club
2:15pm: Doctor Who Video Club
3:30pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball @ Rockway MC
3:30pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball @ Rockway MC
6:00pm: University Info Program Night at Jacob Hespeler

Saturday, October 5
World Teachers' Day
8:00am: Cross Country: Run for the Toad

Monday, October 7
Mental Health Awareness Week
10:40am: Finance Club
MCU Club
Univ/Coll visit: Mohawk College
Jr. Boys Soccer vs Resurrection CSS
Jr. Girls Basketball vs St. Mary's HS
Jr. Boys Volleyball @ St. Mary's HS
Sr. Boys Volleyball @ St. Mary's HS
Sr. Girls Basketball vs St. Mary's HS
Tuesday, October 8
Mental Health Awareness Week
9:30am: Univ/Coll visit: Huron College (U of Western Ontario)
10:40am: Arts Council
10:40am: DECA Business Club
10:40am: Champions for Change Club
10:40am: Racing Saints E-Car Team
10:40am: MCU Club

Wednesday, October 9
Mental Health Awareness Week
BENN Newsletter release
8:00am: Tennis: District 8 Championship
10:40am: Cosmo Club
10:40am: Spoken Word Club
10:40am: MarioKart Club
10:40am: Racing Saints E-Car Team
1:00pm: Jr Boys Football vs St. David CSS
2:15pm: Magic the Gathering club
3:00pm: Sr Boys Football vs St. David CSS
3:00pm: Jr. Boys Soccer @ Monsignor Doyle CSS
3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball @ St. David CSS
3:00pm: Sr. Girls Basketball vs St. David CSS
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball @ St. David CSS
4:30pm: Jr. Girls Basketball vs St. David CSS

Thursday, October 10
Mental Health Awareness Week
8:00am: Girls Golf: D8 Championship
8:00am: Boys Golf: D8 Championship
10:30am: Cross Country: Waterloo District Invitational
10:40am: Model UN Club
10:40am: DECA Business Club
10:40am: Chess Club
10:40am: Racing Saints E-Car Team
10:40am: MCU Club
2:15pm: Band
3:00pm: Sr. Girls Basketball vs Rockway MC
4:30pm: Jr. Girls Basketball vs Rockway MC
7:00pm: Academic Awards Night

Friday, October 11
Mental Health Awareness Week
8:15am: Univ/Coll visit: Wilfrid Laurier University
10:40am: Coders Club
2:15pm: Doctor Who Video Club

Check out the calendar on the school website for the most up-to-date information and schedules!

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