Wednesday, October 23, 2019 - Volume 12, Issue 6
Parent-Student-Teacher Conferencing tomorrow
Tomorrow we are on a modified schedule to accommodate parent-student-teacher conferencing. If you need to book a time with a teacher, please visit the school website and click on the large box on the front page. From there you can select individual teachers and book an appointment if they have times available.
What if a teacher has no time to see me?
Email the teacher (their email address is on their personal page) and indicate how you would like to be contacted, and when would be the best time to reach you.
Schedule for Thursday, October 24
Period 1 8:00am – 9:00am Period 2 9:05am – 10:05am Lunch 10:05am – 10:45am Period 3 10:50am – 11:50am Period 4 11:55am – 12:55pm Buses will depart from the school at 1pm.
Interviews 1:30pm – 4:30pm Dinner Break 4:30pm – 5:30pm Interviews 5:30pm – 8:00pm
Food Bank Collection
Every October the St. Benedict school community collects food donations for the Cambridge Self Help Food Bank. This year is no exception. Each home room class has a box to fill with food. Students are encouraged to bring in food regularly during the month. At the end of the month, we combine all the food donated and send it off to the Food Bank. This year we are focusing on special dietary options as well as infant items.
Take our Kids to Work Day coming soon!
Take our Kids to Work Day is a national program involving more than 250,000 grade 9 students annually, and 2019 is the 25th year of this event! It will be held this year on Wednesday, November 6th, and is an excellent opportunity for students to obtain an appreciation for their parents or family member's jobs. It also allows students an opportunity to start thinking about career options for their future.
Paperwork and information will be handed out this week by period 1 teachers to all grade 9 students. Signed permission forms are due back on Friday, November 1st.
ATTENTION Grade 12 students who signed up to attend the University of Ottawa presentation Thursday, October 24
The presentation will still take place at 1:00pm in Room 111.
Due to parent/teacher conferencing this will take place at the end of the school day.
Hey Grade 9's!
Your Take our Kids to Work Day permission forms are due back next Friday!
Make sure they are handed into your period 1 teacher by this date so that you can take advantage of this fantastic opportunity!
News from Guidance
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Mrs. Lesley O’Toole A-Di & International Students ext. 5190
Mrs. Karla Arkell Dj - Ki ext. 5636
Mr. Nick Betik Kl - Pl ext. 5633
Mrs. Laura O’Neill Po - Z ext. 5634
Mrs. O’Connor Administrative Assistant ext. 5631
College and University Presentations
We have been fortunate in arranging visits to our school with liaison officers from several Ontario universities and colleges who will be making presentations to interested grade 12 students. The presentations will get started at the end of September and provide an excellent way for students to ask questions about specific schools that they are interested in. Students must sign up to attend the presentations that they are interested in attending, by the end of lunch the day prior to the visit. While we do not limit the number of visits that students may attend, we do encourage students to be selective about the visits that they attend as many of them take place during class time. Students are responsible for any schoolwork that they miss if they choose to attend a presentation. Please refer to the complete list of presentations that is posted on our school website.
Please visit the Guidance office to pick up your OUAC application number.
Volunteers needed
Fiddlesticks Community Centre has many volunteer Opportunities. Please contact Bernadete at 519-621-4040 ext.222 or email volunteer.services@on.aibn.com
On behalf of Build a Dream and Waterloo Catholic District School Board, we invite you to our FREE Build a Dream Young Woman and Parent/Guardian Career Discovery Expo for grades 7-12.
5:30 PM – 9:00 PM (Doors open at 5:00 PM)
425 Bingemans Centre Dr, Kitchener
We are thrilled to welcome #DreamMakers from around the community to speak about their career journey’s and successes in a high-powered 30-minute workshop!
We know you will enjoy all that Build a Dream has to offer, including:
* EMPLOYER CAREER FAIR! Meet 50 employers and explore careers in Skilled Trades, STEM, Emergency Response, and Entrepreneurship.
* Conestoga College’s DREAMZONE! This interactive space is the perfect opportunity to get your hands dirty, build something and have fun!
* FEMALE MENTORS who will chat one-on-one with you and answer your questions.
* Prizes, Swag, Scholarships, a light evening meal, and MORE!
We will be highlighting opportunities in a number of careers to better assist you in making career informed career choices. As a community, we recognize the critical role parents/guardians play in the development and education of their child, which is why we are providing this opportunity for you to come with your daughter and learn more about careers in these growing sectors!
P.S. Space is limited - 3 per household. Register today to secure your tickets to this FREE event! REGISTER HERE: https://buildadreamkw2019.eventbrite.ca
WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE! For additional information, please contact: info@webuildadream.com.
Nutrition for Learning back at St. Benedict
Hot breakfast has started up again and is available in room 107 at 7:30am until the first bell at 7:55am. Hot breakfast will again this year be offered on Wednesdays for "Waffle Wednesday" and on Fridays for "Bagel Friday". Look forward in seeing you there!
Are you considering volunteering at St. Benedict?
Volunteers are a welcome resource at St. Benedict C.S.S. The school is in a position of trust with regards to students and must strive to protect their intellectual, physical, mental, and emotional well-being. As such, the WCDSB administrative procedure (APO 001) mandates that all volunteers be screened, references checked, and Criminal Background Check (CBC) done. School administration reserves the right to oppose or rescind any volunteer placement.
If you would like to volunteer at St. Benedict, please contact Ms. Fondacaro or visit our Volunteering page on the school website.
Support Catholic Education
Updates to the GRT fare card promotion
Fare Cards processed after September 1 are now preloaded with $25
Students currently attending a Cambridge high school and who have not previously taken part in this promotion are eligible to receive GRT’s EasyGO fare card pre-loaded with $25 in stored value (increased from last year to still be equivalent to 10 rides at the new 2019 high school reduced fare rate).
Students have until December 31, 2019 to take advantage of this promotion. More information can be found here: www.grt.ca/cambridgehs
New! Online Request Option for Parents and Students
In an effort to make getting the card easier, parents and students can now request a card by completing the online consent form available here: www.grt.ca/cambridgehs
The card, loaded with $25, will be sent directly to your high school for student pick up.
Enriching the Lives of Students
There many opportunities for students to enhance their learning experience: Enrichment courses, LEAP, OYAP, UCEP, Co-op, Home Build, SHSM, and Skills Canada. Visit the Enrichment blog for information on all these opportunities. The Blogroll contains a plethora of learning enhancements. To learn more about what we offer, click on Enrichment@St.Benedict.
English Corner
To receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) each student must obtain four credits in English (one credit per grade). Visit the English blog to read the course offerings provided by the Saint Benedict English Department. The Blogroll has great resources for both students and parents. Enjoy! English@St.Benedict blog.
Advanced Placement at St. Benedict
Advanced Placement (AP) is an internationally recognized program that allows students to enrich the Ontario Curriculum with the goal of achieving university accreditation.
What does the research say about AP students?
Research shows that the best predictor of whether or not a student completes a university degree is not their high school grades or standardized tests. Rather, the best predictor is how many challenging courses a student has taken in high school. Students who challenge themselves with AP courses and exams are much more likely to complete a university degree in four years or less.
Visit the Advanced Placement blog:
Are you signed up for SHSM?
Training opportunities are happening! Check your school email account for messages about upcoming certifications.
You can also go to highskills.ca and go under trips and trainings for your school and sector to see what is coming up.
Still want to become a Specialist High Skills Major student?
Grade 10’s and 11’s can still get registered for the program–forms are in guidance and the coop office (2nd floor).
Grade 11 SHSM students watch for an information meeting to be happening in a few weeks.
See your guidance counsellor or Mrs. Crowell in the co-op office.
Arts & Culture
Health & Wellness
Hospitality & Tourism
Info & Communications Tech
Justice, Emergency Services & Community Safety
St. Benedict Library Learning Commons
All St. Benedict students should have an Idea Exchange library card.
This card allows you to access your school’s library databases and eBooks, and to sign out books and other materials from your Library Learning Commons. Printing is available from the library computers for a cost of 25 cents per side. Your school print credits cannot be used in the library. If you aren’t sure if you have a library card or you have lost your card, please come to the member services desk.
Cross Country Champs!
Congratulations to the St. Benedict Cross Country team for their gutsy performances that earned them a 6th straight District 8 Championship and the Women's Overall Championship!
Eight Bennies runners placed in the top ten overall:
Ciara Pavao - (Novice Girls)
Colin Carriere - (Novice Boys)
Emily Taborek, Cassie Wilkie, and Jacenia Pahal (Junior Girls)
Nathan Pedro and Issay Tieu (Junior Boys)
Weldon Hovey (Senior Boys)
Good luck on Thursday when the team will be representing St. Benedict at the CWOSSA championships in Kincardine.
Junior girls second in Guelph B-ball tournament
Congratulate the Junior Girls on a 2nd place finish at their tournament in Guelph this past weekend. After winning their first 2 games the girls met a very tough GCVI team in the championship game where they fell just short. It was a great weekend for all the girls! They followed this performance up with a 34-31 win last night against Pere Renee. Nicole Karpinski led the way with 12 points.
Sports results
St. David CSS 40, St. Benedict CSS 18
St. Benedict CSS 28, Rockway MC 17 St. Benedict CSS 39, Resurrection CSS 11 St. Benedict CSS 34, Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 31
St. Benedict CSS 48, St. David CSS 24
St. Benedict CSS 74, Rockway MC 25
St. Benedict CSS 29, Monsignor Doyle CSS 27 St. Benedict CSS 47, Resurrection CSS 26
Monsignor Doyle CSS 3, St. Benedict CSS 2
Resurrection CSS 2, St. Benedict CSS 1
St. David CSS 3, St. Benedict CSS 1
St. Benedict CSS 3, Monsignor Doyle CSS 2 Resurrection CSS 3, St. Benedict CSS 1
Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 3, St. Benedict CSS 1
St. Benedict CSS 3, St. David CSS 0
St. Benedict CSS 3, Our Lady of Mount Carmel 2
St. Benedict CSS 3, Resurrection CSS 1
St. Benedict CSS 3, Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 0
JUNIOR BOYS FOOTBALL St. Benedict CSS 13, St. David CSS 8
Resurrection CSS 21, St. Benedict CSS 0
St. David CSS 29, St. Benedict CSS 11
St. Benedict CSS 10, Resurrection CSS 9
Saints Golfers take top spot
Please congratulate the following members of the varsity boys golf team for winning the District 8 championship: Graem Costigan, Andreas Diogenous, Matthew Whitehead, Brayden Moore, Zach Schneider, Sam Mascarenhas, and Aidan Boone.
We also had the top three scores in all of D8 so we won the team and all the individual awards! St. Benedict's cleaned up! Andreas Diogenous won 1st overall with a 3 under 68, Graem Costigan 2nd overall with a 1 under 70 and Matthew Whitehead won 3rd overall with a 4 over 75.
Are you interested in computers, and want to test your puzzle solving skills?
Are you in grade 9 or 10 and thinking of a career that involves computers? Are you a problem solver? Want to test those skills in a competitive environment? See Mr. Milardovic to write the UW Beaver Computing Contest. No programming experience is necessary, just a good sense of logic and simple mathematical operations. For more information, see Mr. Milardovic at Coders Club Fridays at lunch in room 216 (this week we meet Thursday), or Google "UW Beaver contest" to see what it's all about. This Thursday--tomorrow--is your last opportunity to let him know you are interested in participating in the UW Beaver Computing Contest.
Rock Climbing Club soaring to new heights
Attention Rock Climbers! We will be having our first meeting on Thursday October 24th at the beginning of lunch in room 224. Hope to see you there
Eco Club, Hallowe'en and You!
As we approach Halloween, as part of our Eco initiative we would like to remind you that homemade Halloween costumes are a great way to re-purpose used clothing and materials without having to invest in new costumes. This Halloween, the Eco Club is hosting a Costume Drive. If you have any old costumes that you would like to donate to the school to be re purposed please bring them in to Room 300. We are collecting from now until next Tuesday, October 29th. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Kirk-Elleker or Ms. Weiditch.
Calendar of Events
Be sure to visit our school website for an updated calendar with detailed information links for most calendar entries.
Wednesday, October 23 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball vs Woodland CHS 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball vs Woodland CHS 3:30pm: Sr. Girls Basketball @ Woodland CHS 5:00pm: Jr Boys Football vs St. Mary's HS 5:00pm: Jr. Girls Basketball @ Woodland CHS 7:00pm: Sr Boys Football vs St. Mary's HS Thursday, October 24 8:00am: Photo Retake Day 8:30am: SHSM Training: Infection Control 10:10am: Rock Climbing Club meeting 10:40am: MCU Club 10:40am: Coders Club 10:40am: DECA Business Club 10:40am: Chess Club 10:40am: Racing Saints E-Car Team 1:00pm: Univ/Coll visit: University of Ottawa 1:30pm: Parent/Student/Teacher Conferencing 2:15pm: Band 7:00pm: Post-Secondary Parent info Night Friday, October 25 Professional Activity Day Monday, October 28 Halloween Week 8:00am: Univ/Coll visit: Ryerson University 9:30am: Univ/Coll visit: Lakehead University 10:40am: MCU Club 10:40am: Finance Club 1:00pm: Univ/Coll visit: McMaster University 2:15pm: Choir 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball @ Msgr. Doyle CSS 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball @ Our Lady of Mount Carmel 3:00pm: Sr. Girls Basketball vs Msgr Doyle CSS Tuesday, October 29 8:00am: Univ/Coll visit: Guelph University 10:40am: Arts Council 10:40am: DECA Business Club 10:40am: Champions for Change Club 10:40am: Racing Saints E-Car Team Wednesday, October 30 10:40am: Eco Club 10:40am: Model UN Club 10:40am: Cosmo Club 10:40am: Spoken Word Club 10:40am: MarioKart Club 10:40am: Racing Saints E-Car Team 2:15pm: Magic the Gathering club 3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball vs Rockway MC 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball vs Rockway MC 3:30pm: Sr. Girls Basketball @ Rockway MC 5:00pm: Jr. Girls Basketball @ Rockway MC
Thursday, October 31 Halloween 9:30am: Univ/Coll visit: Conestoga (Degree Programs) 10:40am: MCU Club 10:40am: DECA Business Club 10:40am: Chess Club 10:40am: Racing Saints E-Car Team 2:15pm: Band Friday, November 1 All Saints' Day 10:40am: MCU Club 10:40am: Coders Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who Video Club Saturday, November 2 All Souls' Day 8:00am: Cross Country: OFSAA in Sudbury Sunday, November 3 Daylight Saving Time ends Monday, November 4 10:40am: MCU Club 10:40am: Finance Club 2:15pm: Choir Tuesday, November 5 10:40am: Arts Council 10:40am: DECA Business Club 10:40am: Champions for Change Club 10:40am: Racing Saints E-Car Team Wednesday, November 6 Take Our Kids to Work Day, Grade 9 BENN Newsletter release 8:30am: SHSM Training: Standard First Aid & CPR-C day 1 10:40am: Eco Club 10:40am: Model UN Club 10:40am: Cosmo Club 10:40am: Spoken Word Club 10:40am: MarioKart Club 10:40am: Racing Saints E-Car Team 2:15pm: Magic the Gathering club Thursday, November 7 Career/Civics turnaround day 8:30am: SHSM Training: Standard First Aid & CPR-C day 2 10:40am: MCU Club 10:40am: DECA Business Club 10:40am: Chess Club 10:40am: Racing Saints E-Car Team 2:15pm: Band Friday, November 8 9:30am: Univ/Coll visit: Nipissing University 10:40am: MCU Club 10:40am: Coders Club 2:15pm: Doctor Who Video Club
See the calendar on the school website for the most up-to-date information!