Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - Volume 12, Issue 16

Catholic Education Week 2020

WEDNESDAY: The Hope Among Us

A Message from Administration

It's hard to believe that we are in our 5th week of the Learn @ Home. Although, not our preference, many of us have adapted to our new way of operating. As you have heard the Ministry of Education has extended the school closure until at least May 31st as their best way to keep our students, staff, families and community safe from COVID-19. Regrettably, secondary graduation ceremonies and the prom have been cancelled. The class of 2020 will be remembered as the graduates who sacrificed their rites of passage for the safety of their community. Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time, we acknowledge that this is not easy to accept and impacts you deeply. Although this is challenging, we know that you will move forward as a true Saint with strength and spirit.
The St. Benedict Staff miss being at work and having the privilege of working with your children in person daily. We are blessed to have an amazing staff who continue to reach out to every student to engage them in their learning. Please continue to encourage your child to participate fully in the learning that is being provided as this will only assist them in reaching their goals.

Our grade 12 students have received a midterm mark this past week and this mark can continue to improve based on the work they will be involved with over the final two months of the school year. This opportunity to improve on the grade you currently have also applies to all students in grades 9, 10 and 11.

Please continue to encourage your child to participate fully in the learning that is being provided...

The Ministry of Education has also removed all Professional Development days (PD days) and examination days and transferred them all to instructional days. The WCDSB will be providing direction to all schools regarding culminating activities, assessment, grading and reporting. WCDSB has excellent resources through including a ‘Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)’ section and the pray at home resource: Continue to monitor these sites for updates.

As a Catholic community we are celebrating the gift of Catholic Education this week. The theme of Catholic Education week is Igniting Hope.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

Blessings to you and your families,
The Administration at SBCSS

Chaplain's Chat

Happy Catholic Education Week - "Igniting Hope"
The theme for today is "The Hope Among Us"

Check out the Pray@Home portal on the WCDSB website for a lot of great features for people of all ages. There are quotes from Pope Francis, scripture readings, prayers, meditation, videos and music. The elementary sight is especially fun and creative.

The reflection and prayer today come from the portal.


"Christ is alive. He is our hope and in a wonderful way...everything he touches becomes young, new and full of life. Today, amid so much darkness, we need to see the light of hope, and to be the men and women who bring that hope to others." - Pope Francis


You are the light of the world.
You are the hope among us.
You walk with us.

Your hope shines a light in the pandemic shadows.
Your hope shines in the community of people that surround us.
Your hope shines in each of us and through each of us.

May Jesus fill you with joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Bob R.

Join us Friday for Mass with His Excellency Bishop Crosby


School support contacts

Parents, if you need to contact your son's or daughter's Guidance Counsellor or Student Success teacher, please contact them via email below:

Guidance Counsellors

Ms. O'Toole - Alpha A to Di + Int'l students
Ms. Arkell - Alpha Dj to Ki
Mr. Betik - Alpha Kl to Pl
Mrs. O'Neill - Alpha Po to Z

Student Success Teachers

Ms. Romanick - Alpha A to C
Mrs. Borba - Alpha D to H
Mrs. Healy - Alpha I to Me
Mrs. Missio - Alpha Mi to P + Community & Active
Mr. Malnerich - Alpha Q to Z

Course Change information

Any student wishing to make a course change for 2020/2021, please email your guidance counsellor. Be sure to include your parents/guardians email on the course change request. Please consider graduation requirements and post-secondary plans when making your course decisions.

To review your course selections and the course calendar, please log into My Blue Print (link on school website) to view your choices. The school course calendar can also be found on the school website.

St. Benedict's Catholic Schools Advisory Council

Virtual Meeting

Thursday, May 7th, 2020
6:30pm - 7:30pm

For more information, please email
May 4-10 2020 is Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Week 2020

As we experience the realities of COVID-19 we are reminded of the importance of:
a) paying attention to, and taking care of, our own personal wellness; and
b) making sure to take the time to check in with and connect with others

If you or someone you know is currently in crisis, please call Here 24/7 at 1 (844) 437-3247 24/7 or dial 911.

School Mental Health Ontario has some GREAT tips for Self Care and wellness through their youth focused Mental Health Hub.

Other great resources:
School Mental Health Ontario
COVID-19 Youth Mental Health Resource Hub on
Self-Care 101 on
12 Instant Stress Busters on

As well, many of our community organizations and resources have adjusted their services to be physical-distancing friendly. There is a list of services supports and initiatives on the Children and Youth Planning Table of Waterloo Region COVID-19 resources page.
Copy of Slide5

25 Day Well-Being Challenge

During this time it is easy to feel blue because of what is happening around us. Many of us are at home for most of the day and when we go out even the simplest of errands have a new level of complexity. Schools are closed. We are unable to do some of the things that we enjoy. Bennie's UP has a fun and easy challenge that you can do together with your family, friends or on your own. The intention is to take some time to complete one challenge per day. At the end of the 25 days reflect on how you are feeling. Make a team to compete together and have fun doing it!

This week marks the 2020-2021 Campaign & Election Week for St. Benedict’s future Co-Presidents!

Last Friday saw the official candidates' names being shared with the school community, with this year's virtual campaign week officially beginning this past Monday. Information can be found on the school website, our school’s twitter account, and daily updates on candidates official co-prez instagram accounts, as well as Bennies SAC instagram. Be sure to check out all platforms!

Candidate's election speeches will be aired on SAC IG & the school website on Friday May 8th starting at 8am! All students will receive an email to your WCDSB account with instructions as to how to cast your votes. There will be directions on the school website as well. Voting will be open on Friday May 8th between 1pm and 5pm only.
Please follow all candidates on their official Instagram accounts to learn more about their platforms and ideas for the school. Be informed, and exercise your right to vote!

Coming up! Student Council applications will be available on Monday, May 11th! Be sure to follow and check @bennies_sac_updates on Instagram for more information.

SAC Co-President Election Timeline

Friday, May 8

8:00am Campaign speeches

1:00pm-5:00pm Elections
SAC Elections 2020

Technology department connects with industry

In the recent issue of the CTMA View, a publication of the Canadian Tooling & Machining Association, St. Benedict got two mentions. Now you may be wondering, "what does St. Benedict's have to do with Tooling and Machining?" Take a walk through the Annex--the "building behind Bennie's"--and there you will find Mr. Castela amidst a plethora of machinery, and by watching his interactions with his students you will quickly see the passion and dedication he has about providing students with some real-world skills in the machining industry.

In thanks to the CTMA for their support of our Manufacturing Engineering program, Mr. Castela had the opportunity at a recent function to present the CTMA with a sign which was manufactured by one of our students. See photo below.

St. Benedict CSS has also received a membership plaque as a member of the Canadian Tooling & Machining Association. This recognizes our school's Manufacturing Engineering program as an important partner in the growth and maintenance of a strong industrial sector in the region and beyond.

The connection of school to industry is an important one. Through interacting with other industry professionals, Mr. Castela can assure students of a top-notch education in the field. Industry, in turn, will receive students who are trained not only in machine operation, but in safety and other essentials which will help them succeed once they leave high school, regardless of their chosen pathway.

Thank you CTMA, and Mr. Castela!
CTMT pic 1 - Vic 2
Mr. Castela presents a CTMA sign made by one of his Manufacturing Engineering students to CTMA President Chris Hergott. Photo courtesy of CTMA.
CTMT pic 2 - Vic and Marg
Mrs. Ingoldsby and Mr. Castela received
their school’s membership plaque from Robert Cattle, Executive Director of the CTMA. Photo courtesy of CTMA.

Be sure to check the WCDSB's


page for more information and updates

facebook twitter website 