Wednesday, June 3, 2020 - Volume 12, Issue 18
A Message from Administration
The month of June usually signals the beginning of the wind down to the school year – the last push, the wrap up, celebrations, awards assemblies, graduation celebrations and so much more. We are all in agreement that these are not usual times. However, I encourage you to take the time to celebrate and be proud of all your efforts as you finish this very unique semester.
We continue to be blessed to work alongside a wonderful staff and an energetic student body. We are proud of the determination exhibited throughout the school year, but especially during the distance learning experience. We want to extend our congratulations to the number of students who will receive awards in the areas of Arts, Athletics, and Leadership. Each and every day our students continue to achieve amazing accomplishments. Although we are not able to gather at this time, we send our virtual applause and cheers your way. Continue to look for the opportunities to stay connected to your teachers, peers and your community to share your many gifts.
... in terms of academics, it is important to continue learning, finish strong ...
In terms of academics, it is important to continue learning and finish strong. WCDSB is offering as directed by the ministry a number of summer learning opportunities for students, Please check the board website or contact a guidance counsellor if you have any further questions.
Media reports this week remind us of our call to stand against the injustices we see in our world today. We continue to strive towards a community that lives out our pastoral plan to be: People of Love, People of Hope and People of Faith
Please continue to hold close in your thoughts and prayers all in our community who are suffering during this time. Let us be sources of peace, comfort and healing to one another as we work together to create a world that is free from all forms of racism, discrimination and hatred. Be Kind to yourself and one another Saints!
Director's Letter to WCDSB Students
Dear Students of Waterloo Catholic –
This is a June unlike any other and I am quite certain that for you this has been a school year unlike any other. Students, I am writing to you today because I think there have been some significant issues of importance to you – and to all of us – and I wanted to openly address you on these events. I have had other opportunities to address staff on these topics, but now wish to speak directly to you. June is typically a month characterized by celebrations and many of those are tied to end of year or graduation celebrations. Those special moments have been taken from you and I want to acknowledge that there may be some disappointment in that, but I also know that our amazing staff have been going to great lengths to ensure that your end of year is still a memorable one. I congratulate all students for how you have adapted to our new mode of learning. You have been absolutely fabulous.
With that said – I also want to acknowledge that a number of you may be feeling hurt or upset and there could be a few different reasons for that. It could be COVID and its implications for you or your family. Just missing your daily interaction with your friends might have you feeling sad or lonely, or your concerns about next year might have you experiencing an elevated level of anxiety. We have supports for you and again our staff want to be here to support you, and I hope we have been. But I also want to acknowledge another topic which has been in the media a fair bit this past week.
I would like to address with you our attempt to fly a different flag to acknowledge Pride month. This gesture was a genuine response to student voices which were raised in protest last year, articulating a desire to see our Catholic schools fly the Pride flag. The flag was developed in collaboration with our other partners in Catholic education, not just here in Waterloo Catholic. However, the chosen image did provide a beautiful echo back to our Pastoral Plan image for “Called To Belong”, as well as the colours of the rainbow flag. It drew some inspiration from a student design from our Safe Spaces groups – although they did not have direct input into the flag itself. It was work and an initiative begun with great optimism, in the sure belief that we could communicate to all our staff, students and broader community our commitment to be inclusive and to nurture our students in the love of Christ. As your Director of Education, I have the rare privilege of visiting all of our elementary and secondary schools, and there is not one doubt in my mind that our schools are places of inclusion where all students are welcomed. I am very proud of our schools and the work we do to foster inclusion each and every day of the year.
The Pride flag has its origin in 1979 and each of the colours carries significance. As members of our Catholic school system you have been introduced to the love of Christ and his message of acceptance, peace and tolerance. Jesus always reached out to those whom society was rejecting. The message on the proposed flag read: We love because He loved us first. While the image on the proposed flag is consistent with our faith and gospel values, and most certainly was intended to send a message of welcome, some found it problematic that it was not the actual Pride flag. For that I apologize. It was a lesson for us on intent versus impact. We wished to send a positive and inclusive message, but it was not received that way by some. The ensuing debate last week was painful to many and hurt many of you. For that I sincerely apologize, as that is the opposite of what we had hoped for. I hope that you know that your teachers and all the staff at WCDSB are here for you if you need us.
Christ taught us the power of peace and of love, and His message and His model is one we should lean into at this time. Again – I hope that any student who is LGBQT2+ has always found a place of welcome in our schools, but we also commit to continue the dialogue and the work, as we can always be better. We love because He loved us first.
Dear students – I am writing because I am sorry if any of you have been hurt. Please know we celebrate you and all that you are. You are the reason we are here and we hope that as you think about your schools, about the activities that happen day in and day out, as you think about your teachers, your clubs and your school life, that you can reflect in your heart that Waterloo Catholic is a board where inclusion is fostered and where every day you are truly #CalledToBelong
Loretta Notten Director of Education
ATTENTION ALL GRADUATING GRADE 12's! We want to Celebrate you!
St. Benedict C.S.S is honouring their graduates by providing each grad with a lawn sign to showcase their achievements. Grade 12 students can drive through to pick up grad gowns and signs at St. Benedict C.S.S on the following days:
11:00 - 1:00 on Wednesday, June 10
1:00 - 3:00 on Wednesday, June 10 Alpha L - P
11:00 - 1:00 on Thursday, June 11 Alpha Q - Z
1:00 - 3:00 on Thursday, June 11
In honouring social distancing, students and their families must stay in their car for the pick up. Only one vehicle per graduate. Students are welcome to decorate their vehicles as there will be music, signs and a photographer capturing various moments. We hope you enjoy this small gesture acknowledging your achievement until we can celebrate with a formal graduation.
Please take notice of the painted field to commemorate our graduates as you drive through!
Graduates who no longer need their school uniforms can bring their gently used items to drop off and donate to our Used Uniform program during their scheduled gown and sign pick up time.
Your generosity will help support other members of our community during these challenging times.
P.S. Don't worry if you were not able to pay your fee on time, we still have a sign for you and may arrange for a gown!
More from your Grad Committee..
The graduation committee has been working hard to figure out ways to celebrate our 2020 graduates this June in these most unprecedented times. Even though we cannot celebrate as usual, we know it is important to recognize the hard work of our grade 12 students.
As you may have read above, we are planning a "Grad Drive By" on Wednesday and Thursday (June 10 and 11) where students will pick up a lawn sign and their gown and be able to see the field painted with a huge B! In addition, we are making a video filled with messages from community leaders and staff to celebrate these grads!
The painted B will be captured by drone and the video will announce a very special project that we have been working on "Convocation in Cambridge, Glows On" where the pedestrian bridge and various other sites in Cambridge will be lit up with our board's colors, to celebrate all graduates in Cambridge. During June 22nd through June 26th, we are asking that residents leave a porch light on, businesses illuminate and message to ALL graduates. We are hoping to have the City of Cambridge a GLOW, as we together shine light and message, congratulations to senior kindergarteners, grade 8's and our very own grade 12's.
Locker Clean-out information
With the announcement that students will not return to the school building for the remainder of the year, we are currently developing plans for students and staff to access the building to clear out lockers and return school materials (text books, supplies, instruments and team uniforms). Access will be limited and students will need to follow strict guidelines with regards to social distancing under the guidance of public health.
More information will be shared once details have been finalized. Please continue to monitor our website and social media outlets for more details.
Community Resources and Supports
If you or someone you know is currently in crisis, please call Here 24/7 at 1 (844) 437-3247 24/7 or dial 911.
COVID-19 has and will impact the mental well-being of people everywhere. School Mental Health Ontario has some tips and resources to help support student mental health– along with a youth-focused Mental Health hub.
As well, many of our community organizations and resources have adjusted their services to be social-distancing friendly. Here is a list of services supports and initiatives.
June is PRIDE Month
OK2BME is a specialized service offered through KW Counselling Services, providing counselling supports and youth groups to LGBTQ+ identified children, teens and their families. For more information on OK2BME please visit their website at www.ok2bme.ca or contact them at 519-884-0000.
Chaplain's Chat
I trust you are all staying well.
Sunday was Pentecost. Pentecost is when the Holy Spirit came to the early followers of Jesus in wind and flame. The followers needed something. They were overwhelmed by a situation they had not anticipated. They felt overmatched by the circumstances. They needed some help. God gave them more than help. God gave them the power of his Love to be part of them always. And so it is for us. The Spirit of God, the Love of God, is part of our human DNA. The Spirit unites and empowers all humans when we feel overmatched and overwhelmed. We can do all things!
God, you have given us life.
You don't just call us to life, your Spirit empowers us for life.
Whatever challenges we face, we are not alone.
As we once again confront racism in our world, you Spirit unites all humans.
You create all humans as equal and require us to do justice and eliminate racism.
May we all raise our voices for justice.
By the Spirit we all share, may we change the structures of power and influence so that all people are treated equally, with the dignity and respect our common humanity demands. Amen
Opportunity for Parent Input to the Ministry
Our CPIC Chair and WCDSB wish to bring to your attention an opportunity to provide feedback to the Ministry of Education. On the final page of the Ontario’s Framework for Continued Learning document the Ministry provides an email for receiving this feedback and a few guidelines. You can provide a written submission with your input, ideas or data by sending an email to EDU.consultation@ontario.ca.
- include your name and the name of your organization (this might mean school board)
- use “Ontario’s Plan to Reopen Schools” in the subject line
- attach your submission as a PDF or Word document
Summer School
UPGRADING Full Credit Courses - Online
This is an opportunity for students to review and strengthen key learning in a course they PASSED during the school closure period in the 2019-2020 school year. This will allow students to improve their marks and consolidate their learning in an accelerated format that allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
This will be offered in a 55 hour eLearning format which means that students will be expected to be working on the course for 6 hours a day for each day of the course. There will be two different sets of course offerings in two week blocks in July. For students who complete this course both the mark from the school closure period and this 55 hour course mark will show on a student’s transcript.
For a listing of Courses and registration information please see the link below
NEW Full Credit Courses - Online
This is an opportunity for students to take a NEW course they have never taken before. The course will be offered in a 110 hour eLearning format which means that students can expect that their online course will require a minimum of 6 hours of schooling each day. The course will be 4 weeks long starting Monday July 6th with an exam on Thursday July 30th. All course content, assignments and exams will be online.
For a listing of Courses and registration information please see the link below
Grade 12 Students
Any current Grade 12 student wishing to return, and do not have an active college or university application, should contact their guidance counsellor as soon as possible for next steps.
Course Change information
Any student wishing to make a course change for 2020/2021, please email your guidance counsellor. Be sure to include your parents/guardians email on the course change request. Please consider graduation requirements and post-secondary plans when making your course decisions.
To review your course selections and the course calendar, please log into My Blue Print (link on school website) to view your choices. The school course calendar can also be found on the school website.
Important Message from OUAC!
The Admission Information Service (AIS) will open on June 5, 2020.
The AIS allows Ontario high school students to determine which universities have places remaining in specific programs.
The new AIS flyer [PDF] is available on the Guidance website. Please share it with your students.
School support contacts
Parents, if you need to contact your son's or daughter's Guidance Counsellor or Student Success teacher, please contact them via email below:
Grade 12 SHSM News
Grade 12 SHSM students are asked to check their school email accounts for opportunities to complete online certifications to complete their red seal SHSM graduation requirements . Please email Mrs. Crowell if you have any questions.
St Benedict Summer Basketball Camp 2020 CANCELLED
Hello former campers and those who have emailed for information about the camp. Hope all is well and safe in this new world we live in.
We have hung on long enough trying to see if we could run this year's camp. We have had to come to a hard decision. Due to the uncertainty with COVID-19, this year's St Benedict Basketball Camp has been cancelled.
We look forward to seeing you all in the Summer of 2021. Mark July 12-16, 2021 into your calendars.
Please stay safe and healthy this summer. Make sure to keep practicing wherever and whenever you can.
From the school librarian's desk
Idea Exchange will be offering contact-free pick-up service!
Contact free pick-up service will begin on Tuesday, June 16 at all Idea Exchange locations. Pick-up hours will be offered from 10:15am to 5:45pm, Tuesdays through Saturdays.
At this time Idea Exchange will also begin accepting return of materials through exterior drop boxes at their Clemens Mill, Hespeler, Preston, and Queen’s Square locations. Drop boxes will be available 24/7.However, please note: any items that were borrowed before the closure can be kept, fine-free, until July 21.
Additional details related to the services’ process, and safety measures for staff and the community are currently being finalized. Information will be posted on the Idea Exchange website (ideaexchange.org) and on our social media when it is available.
Online Library Membership
If you don't yet have a library card, you can get an online membership that gives you free access to eBooks, e-magazines, audio books, movies and much more.
Looking for something to read? You can find the latest YA fiction at download library. All you need is a library card!
Take care and stay well Saints!
Be sure to check the WCDSB's
page for more information and updates