Wednesday, June 17, 2020 - Volume 12, Issue 19
Locker Clean-out information
With the announcement that students will not return to the school building for the remainder of the year, we have developed a plan for students and staff to access the building to clear out lockers and return school materials (text books, supplies, instruments and team uniforms). Access will be limited and students will need to follow strict guidelines with regards to social distancing under the guidance of public health.
More details for locker clean-out today, tomorrow and Friday can be found in this PDF on the school website.
Important Information Re: Availability of COVID-19 Testing
Dear Parents / Caregivers:
The well-being of all members of our WCDSB community — including students, families, and staff — is a top priority for our school board. We are writing to let you know that COVID-19 testing is now available to any Ontarian who needs it.
- have at least one of the symptoms of COVID-19
- do not have symptoms but are concerned you might have been exposed
- do not have symptoms but think you are at risk through your employment (for example, if you are an essential or health care worker)
- would like to be tested
If you do choose to get tested, here are a few important notes:
- Testing is voluntary.
- You do not need an OHIP card to be tested. It is a free service.
- Some assessment centres may require you to book an appointment first or have certain restrictions (for example, some are unable to test young children).
- You can also take an online self-assessment to help determine if you should get tested.
- If you are free of symptoms and have not had contact with anyone confirmed to have COVID-19 when presenting for testing, you will not be required to self-isolate. However, you should self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days regardless of your test result. If you begin to develop symptoms, self-isolate and contact your local public health unit for further advice.
Chaplain's Chat
Folks, I trust you are keeping well
Here we are. The end of another semester has arrived. Through it all the students have been the focus of attention.
We have supported our students during these unusual times. We have encouraged connection and engagement. We have accepted them as they are. We wish the best for them as summer approaches.
God, we thank you for our students. There have been challenging moments. They have shaped our school community. They have opened our eyes to possibilities. We pray that they would be healthy and safe. May they find purpose and strength as these unusual times continue. Help them bring light and hope to the world around them. Amen
Community Resources and Supports
If you or someone you know is currently in crisis, please call Here 24/7 at 1 (844) 437-3247 24/7 or dial 911.
COVID-19 has and will impact the mental well-being of people everywhere. School Mental Health Ontario has some tips and resources to help support student mental health– along with a youth-focused Mental Health hub.
As well, many of our community organizations and resources have adjusted their services to be social-distancing friendly. Here is a list of services supports and initiatives.
Opportunity for Parent Input to the Ministry
Our CPIC Chair and WCDSB wish to bring to your attention an opportunity to provide feedback to the Ministry of Education. On the final page of the Ontario’s Framework for Continued Learning document the Ministry provides an email for receiving this feedback and a few guidelines. You can provide a written submission with your input, ideas or data by sending an email to EDU.consultation@ontario.ca.
- include your name and the name of your organization (this might mean school board)
- use “Ontario’s Plan to Reopen Schools” in the subject line
- attach your submission as a PDF or Word document
A (Virtual) Celebration of People!
St. Benedict C.S.S. has always lived up to the motto of A Celebration of People, and--despite the fact that we are not in the building due to COVID-19--this year is no different! Check out these video celebrations of our school's accomplishments:
Do you still have uniform pieces to donate? Feel free to drop them off when you come for locker clean-out. Thank you for your generosity and support of students in need.
Summer School
UPGRADING Full Credit Courses - Online
This is an opportunity for students to review and strengthen key learning in a course they PASSED during the school closure period in the 2019-2020 school year. This will allow students to improve their marks and consolidate their learning in an accelerated format that allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
This will be offered in a 55 hour eLearning format which means that students will be expected to be working on the course for 6 hours a day for each day of the course. There will be two different sets of course offerings in two week blocks in July. For students who complete this course both the mark from the school closure period and this 55 hour course mark will show on a student’s transcript.
For a listing of Courses and registration information please see the link below
NEW Full Credit Courses - Online
This is an opportunity for students to take a NEW course they have never taken before. The course will be offered in a 110 hour eLearning format which means that students can expect that their online course will require a minimum of 6 hours of schooling each day. The course will be 4 weeks long starting Monday July 6th with an exam on Thursday July 30th. All course content, assignments and exams will be online.
For a listing of Courses and registration information please see the link below
Grade 12 Students
Any current Grade 12 student wishing to return, and do not have an active college or university application, should contact their guidance counsellor as soon as possible for next steps.
Course Change information
Any student wishing to make a course change for 2020/2021, please email your guidance counsellor. Be sure to include your parents/guardians email on the course change request. Please consider graduation requirements and post-secondary plans when making your course decisions.
To review your course selections and the course calendar, please log into My Blue Print (link on school website) to view your choices. The school course calendar can also be found on the school website.
Important Message from OUAC!
The Admission Information Service (AIS) will open on June 5, 2020.
The AIS allows Ontario high school students to determine which universities have places remaining in specific programs.
The new AIS flyer [PDF] is available on the Guidance website. Please share it with your students.
School support contacts
Parents, if you need to contact your son's or daughter's Guidance Counsellor or Student Success teacher, please contact them via email below:
Grade 12 SHSM News
Grade 12 SHSM students are asked to check their school email accounts for opportunities to complete online certifications to complete their red seal SHSM graduation requirements. Please email Mrs. Crowell if you have any questions.
St Benedict Summer Basketball Camp 2020 CANCELLED
Hello former campers and those who have emailed for information about the camp. Hope all is well and safe in this new world we live in.
We have hung on long enough trying to see if we could run this year's camp. We have had to come to a hard decision. Due to the uncertainty with COVID-19, this year's St Benedict Basketball Camp has been cancelled.
We look forward to seeing you all in the Summer of 2021. Mark July 12-16, 2021 into your calendars.
Please stay safe and healthy this summer. Make sure to keep practicing wherever and whenever you can.
Are you interested in Marketing, Finance, Sports, or running your own business?
DECA is an international organization focused on networking, career exploration, fun, competition and business. Through participation in DECA you will develop your business knowledge and presentation skills and meet students from across Ontario. You will also have the chance to connect with potential employers. DECA involvement stands out on a resume and university or college supplemental information form. Now, is the time to start thinking DECA. We are looking for new and veteran members to join the St. Benedict team. DECA is open to all students from grades 9 - 12. The earlier you become involved in DECA, the more it will benefit you.
If you like working on your own and developing your own ideas, sign up for an individual event. If you prefer working with a friend, get your friend to join with you and sign up for a team event. DECA has something of interest to everyone with many categories and business sectors on which to focus. Take a look at the link below to learn a little about the various competitions in DECA and to sign up for a category that interests you. There are some restrictions on the number of competitors that can be involved in the same category, so we are asking for your top three choices.
For more information, visit deca.ca or email one of the St. Benedict DECA advisors:
From the school librarian's desk
Online Library Membership
If you don't yet have a library card, you can get an online membership that gives you free access to eBooks, e-magazines, audio books, movies and much more.
Looking for something to read? You can find the latest YA fiction at download library. All you need is a library card!
Take care and stay well Saints!
Idea Exchange will be offering a Teen Summer Reading program June 29 to August 29.
Go to http://ideaexchange.readsquared.com/. Simply create an account (no library card needed!) and start reading and participating. Reading your first book, earns you a Domino's Pizza coupon!
There are prize draws for $50 gift cards every other week and a draw for the Grand Prize.
Idea Exchange is also offering free pick-up service of materials as part of our phased re-opening. This service along with the re-opening of our drop boxes will begin on Tuesday, June 16 at all Idea Exchange locations. You can learn more about this free service from our website. Don't let Covid-19 stop you from enjoying all that your public library has to offer!
For further information about summer programs check out Idea Exchange.org
Finally, I wish all Bennie's students a healthy and happy summer. Congratulations to the 2020 St. Benedict graduates! You did it! Onto the next exciting chapter in your lives. May you be blessed in all that you do!
Be sure to check the WCDSB's
page for more information and updates