Wednesday, September 5, 2018 - Volume 11, Issue 2
Garage Sale to Support Service Learning Course was a Success
The students and staff who organized the garage sale in support of our service learning course would like to thank everyone who donated or bought items! We raised $2000 that will go towards offsetting the cost of our trip to Kenya in May. The students will be staying at a WE Charity location where they will learn first hand about social justice issues as they participate in a school build and water walk and interact with the local community.
We raised $2000 that will go towards offsetting the cost of our trip to Kenya in May.
When they return from their trip, they will be encouraged to put their faith into action and to make a difference in their local and global world! Thanks again for all of the support and stay tuned for another garage sale coming soon!
St. Benedict Learning Commons/Clemens Mill Library
Summer Greetings to all St. Benedict students and staff!
As most of you know, your school library/Clemens Mill Library has been closed over the summer for renovations. Those renovations are now completed and the library reopens on Tuesday, September 4 at 8:00am.
New Library Features! Fall 2018
The library has many new and exciting offerings this fall for students including:
Mini-Makerspace: this creative space is just starting out with basic supplies and equipment including a Cricut machine, wire jig, button maker and basic tools and crafting supplies. Drop in during lunch hour or after school to enjoy our weekly Makerspace challenges beginning in October.
Virtual Reality (VR) Lab: contains the HTC Vive. Open during lunch hour and after school for individual student use. We have a selection of online realities and games to choose from.
Meeting Rooms: we now have two meeting rooms that can be booked for up to 2 hours for quiet study/collaboration by students and teachers.
Library Cards
All students should have a library card. It’s easy to sign up for one or get a replacement card. Just come to the service desk and ask one of our friendly staff to help you. A library card allows you to sign out books, movies, CDs, video games, access library databases and many other online resources, use our Active Living sports equipment, play the piano, and book the meeting rooms.
No Food In The Library
Students are reminded that in order to keep our library space clean for both students and members of the public, absolutely NO food is allowed in the Learning Commons. Please eat your lunch PRIOR to coming into the library.
Bring your own device or borrow a Chromebook for use at the quiet study tables or the laptop bar. Chromebooks may be borrowed for 2 hours with your library. A valid library card and a 2018-2019 St. Benedict Student I.D. card are required.
Library Hours
We are open during school hours and on the evenings and weekends. The Clemens Mill Library is
open to the pubic during weekdays at 10:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday*
8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Friday*
9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Saturday
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sunday**
* Students please use public library entrance after 2:00 p.m. on weekdays and on weekends.
** Open Sundays between Labour Day weekend and Victoria Day weekend
Communication Guidelines for Parents & Staff
As partners with parents and guardians in the education of our students, the WCDSB’s school staffs, the senior team and the Board of Trustees are always interested in receiving information and feedback from the community.
It keeps us in touch with day-to-day life in our schools, and helps us anticipate and deal quickly and effectively with any questions or concerns you may have concerning your child’s education.
Since 1999, the school board has operated using a very straightforward, transparent and extremely successful set of Communication Guidelines for Parents & Staff. These easy-to-follow steps are in place to help parents / guardians resolve questions or concerns quickly, right there at school, where the overwhelming majority of issues are resolved.
The guidelines are very simple:
A) If you have a question or concern involving your child, you should always first speak directly to the child’s teacher.
B) If the issue remains unresolved, you should next speak to the school Principal.
C) If the issue continues to be unresolved, you should speak to the Superintendent of Learning for that school. Click here for Contact Information.
Our schools are already off and running to a fantastic start!
We’re looking forward to a #WCDSBAwesome 2018-19 school year — and we thank you sincerely for your ongoing support and cooperation as we continue being #HeartOfTheCommunity and #PeopleOfFaith!!
News from Guidance
Ontario Universities' Fair
The Ontario Universities' Fair (OUF) takes place September 28-30, 2018, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Don't let your students miss it!
The OUF is the only event where you can see all 21 Ontario universities in one place. It's a once-a-year, free event where attendees can talk directly with senior university faculty and representatives.
OUF Passport By registering for an OUF Passport at www.ouf.ca/passport, students receive a barcode that they take to the OUF and get scanned at university booths and presentation rooms of their choice. Its the easiest way for them to share their contact information to receive more info about the universities they are interested in. Without an OUF Passport, students must manually enter their contact details at each individual university booth where they request further information. Encourage students to register for their OUF Passport in advance for a chance to win 1 of 3 prizes of a $500 prepaid credit card.
OUF Passport Guidance Counsellor Tool Kit As you may recall, weve compiled a tool kit to assist you with promoting the OUF Passport to your students. It includes key messages, sample school announcements, social media posts and ways to follow the OUF on social media. Click Tools to Promote the OUF and OUF Passport on the Guidance website at www.ouac.on.ca/guidance.
Visit: www.ouf.ca Follow the OUF on Twitter: @OntarioUniFair, #OUF2018 Like the OUF on Facebook: OntarioUFair Follow the OUF on Instagram: @ontariounifair
University Information Program (UIP) After the OUF, Ontario's universities are visiting a school near you! Check out the UIP schedule: http://www.ouf.ca/uip.
Experience your Future with SHSM!
The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Program allows grade 11 & 12 students to experience their future career while in high school! Students complete certifications and training, a Co-op placement and take a bundle of courses related to their major. By completing these 3 components, students will earn a special designation on their diploma proving they have knowledge, experience and skills in their future employment sector.
Arts & Culture, Business, Construction, Energy, Health, ICT, Justice, Sports and Transportation are just some of the 13 majors offered at our Secondary Schools.
Participating in SHSM gives students the opportunity to gain important skills on the job with actual employers, at skills training centres and at school, while earning valuable industry certifications including first aid and CPR qualifications.
Grade 11 & 12 Students
Be sure to sign up before the deadline of October 12!
Grade 9 & 10 Students
You are welcome to sign up at anytime, as you will receive further support with course selection in grade 10 going into your senior years. However, the program will begin Grade 11.
Spirit wear sale
Don’t own any, or want new Bennie's spirit wear for Wednesdays? Now is your chance!!! New St. Benedict Spirit wear items are available for sale through the following website: https://sbcss.itemorder.com/sale BUT only until September 16th. Check out the online store and get your orders in!
Drug Free Kids Canada Resource
This is an excellent resource for all families. There is a link below for you to sign up to receive the kit which will be emailed to you in segments, 1 a week for 4 weeks beginning in September.
Support Catholic Education
Enriching the Lives of Students
There many opportunities for students to enhance their learning experience: Enrichment courses, LEAP, OYAP, UCEP, Co-op, Home Build, SHSM, and Skills Canada. Visit the Enrichment blog for information on all these opportunities. The Blogroll contains a plethora of learning enhancements. To learn more about what we offer, click on Enrichment@St.Benedict.
English Corner
To receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) each student must obtain four credits in English (one credit per grade). Visit the English blog to read the course offerings provided by the Saint Benedict English Department. The Blogroll has great resources for both students and parents. Enjoy! English@St.Benedict blog.
Advanced Placement at St. Benedict
Advanced Placement (AP) is an internationally recognized program that allows students to enrich the Ontario Curriculum with the goal of achieving university accreditation.
What does the research say about AP students?
Research shows that the best predictor of whether or not a student completes a university degree is not their high school grades or standardized tests. Rather, the best predictor is how many challenging courses a student has taken in high school. Students who challenge themselves with AP courses and exams are much more likely to complete a university degree in four years or less.
Math Club
Math club starting Thursday, September 13. The "club" is open to grade 9, 10, 11, 12 students who want to:
* be able to answer those tough questions from class
* preview up-coming math contests
* prepare for tests, assignments or final exams
* have all your questions answered
* get ready for college or university
Meet with Dr. Chernysh Thursdays after school in room 309… See you there!!!!!
Tennis is open to students from all grades. If you are interested in trying out for the tennis team please attend a brief meeting in the lecture at the start of lunch on Monday September 10. Students will need to be able to get to the Hespeler tennis club on Mondays and Wednesdays for practices. See you Mon day at lunch in the lecture hall. Please see Mr Jankura or Mrs Crowell if you have any questions.
Cross Country
All students from grades 9 to 12 are invited to join the cross country team this year. The team trains every day after school from 2:15 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The first practice is this Wednesday after school (rain or shine). Please meet the coaches, Mrs. Gonzalez-Day and Ms. Stang in the gym hallway dressed to run. Everyone is welcome!
Junior Boys Soccer
All grade 9 and 10 boys interested in trying out for the junior boys soccer team please come to an important meeting in the lecture hall on Thursday September 6th at 2:05, followed by a tryout on the back field. Tryouts will continue on Friday September 7th at 2:15 on the back field. Don’t forget your cleats and water bottles. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. Dufresne in the PHE office, Mr. Briere or Mr. Chaves
Junior Girls Basketball
For grade 9/10 girls interested in trying out for the team tryouts will be begin Wednesday September 5th in the gym at 2:15pm. Please see Miss. Edwards for a permission form to tryout.
Junior Boys Volleyball
Jr Boys volleyball will be holding an information meeting Thursday at Lunch in room 106. If you are interested in playing please attend.
Girls Golf
Girls interested in joining the Girls golf team this year should see Mrs. Stefan in the science office for permission forms and information.
Games Club
Games club will run every Wednesday after school in room 227. Join us for Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons and other great strategy board games, no sign up necessary just show up and play. See Mr. Riso in room 227 for details.
Champions for Change
If you are interested or passionate about making a positive change in the world, and championing the rights of others here at home and internationally consider joining our club. The Champions for change promote awareness about various issues including gender equality, access to education, fair trade, access to clean water, etc. If you want to be a part of helping to make the world a better place, then join Mrs. Kot on Thursdays at lunch in room 123 every week. Bring your lunch and get ready to be a positive change in the world! Hope to see you there.
Finance Club
________ makes the world go 'round "Show me the ________!!!"
If you said MONEY, you are right! Finance Club starts up on Monday. Come test your stock picking skills and talk about all things money related with Mr. Milardovic. Monday at lunch, room 216. Be there!
DECA Business Club
Do you mean business? Come join the DECA business competition! The DECA business club is gearing up for another fantastic season of fun and competition! Last year we took nearly fifty students to the Provincial competition in Toronto in February.
If you have a keen sense for business, marketing, advertising, or promotions of any sort of product, this club is the one for you! There are group categories for competition, as well as individual ones.
There is something for everyone, so consider joining us!
An information meeting will be held in the Lecture Hall on Thursday, September 13 at the beginning of lunch.
Doctor Who Club
Join us after school in room 226 on Friday, September 7th as we resume adventuring through time and space with the longest running sci-fi/fantasy series in history. We’re also preparing for a monumental event: the arrival of the 13 Doctor. As played by Jodie Whittaker, she is the first female Doctor since the show began in 1963. Everyone is welcome weekly to enjoy pizza as we watch classic episodes and hold monthly prize raffles. Our corner of the school website will be updated soon…visit our page to keep up to date on our viewing schedule.
Anime Club
The Anime club runs Wednesday at lunch in Rm 217. See Mrs. McGhee for more info.
Lost Club
Lost club will run every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at lunch in room 227. Join us and get "Lost" in the greatest show of the 21 century, no sign up necessary, just bring your lunch and expect the unexpected. See Mr. Riso in room 227 for details.
Star Trek Club
Calling all Sci-Fi fans! If you want to have a relaxing lunch on Fridays and indulge your love of science fiction, then come out to the Star Trek Club taking place in room 123 every Friday at lunch to watch an episode of Star Trek Voyager. Imagine living in the future where space travel is possible and that you are captain of star ship. Now imagine that while attempting to capture the crew of a renegade vessel, both ships are pulled into a distant part of the galaxy by powerful alien technology. Unfortunately, there is no “express” route to take to get home again. You are stranded with your crew and a group of renegades 70,000 light-years from Earth. Join us on Fridays at lunch to see how they manage and what they learn about themselves and others during the long voyage back to Federation space. Bring your lunch and hope to see you there!
E-Car Racing Team
The E-car racing team will have a short but important meeting on September 10 at lunch in room A4.
Please see Mr. Castela for any information.
Model UN Club
The first meeting of the year for the St. Benedict Model UN Club will be Wednesday, September 12. New members are welcome. Please meet in Room 225 at the beginning of lunch.
HOSA Club (Health Occupations Students of Canada)
Meeting Dates: Once a week at lunch time Meeting Location: Room 315 Start Date: TBA - look for more information at the end of September End Date: the HOSA conference and competition at the end of March
HOSA is a club for those interested in gaining knowledge and skills in healthcare related occupations. Students are provided with opportunities to prepare for and compete in one of 30 competitive events. Some events focus on core technical procedures unique to a particular profession while others are more generalized and develop teamwork, communication and leadership skills. The club meets once a week to practice skills and students participate in a competition in Toronto in March.
Join us after school in room 226 on Friday, September 7th as we resume adventuring through time and space with the longest running sci-fi/fantasy series in history. We’re also preparing for a monumental event: the arrival of the 13 Doctor. As played by Jodie Whittaker, she is the first female Doctor since the show began in 1963. Everyone is welcome weekly to enjoy pizza as we watch classic episodes and hold monthly prize raffles. Our corner of the school website will be updated soon…visit our page to keep up to date on our viewing schedule.
Student Activities
Your Student Activities Council for 2018-2019
Arts Curtis Hall (Executive)
Karina Gugliemi Shay Herold
Athletics Kyanna Vi (Executive)
Communications Samantha MacDonald (Executive) Emma Biffi (Yearbook Rep.) Savannah Danayan (Secretary) Nickolas Martins (Member)
Social Justice Jasmine Hersh (Executive) Alyssa Simpson
Special Events Shayna DeHaan (Executive) Tolu Ackinyemi Ashley Isaacs Bethany Lewis
Spirit Jeremy Fuellos (Executive) Emma Braga Bailey King Alexia Lewis
Synergy Kate Bain (Executive) Jenna Elises
Congratulations to those who have been selected, and a heartfelt thank you to all students who applied.
The Arts
Are you interested in auditioning for plays? Joining bands or choir? Being a part of tech crew? Getting involved in arts battles? Performing at coffee house? Promoting arts at Bennie's? There will be an information meeting at the beginning of lunch on Thursday, Sept 6 in room 104. See Mr. Renner for more details.
Other News
St. Mary of the Visitation Parish
As so many have traveled this summer they have told me upon their return “how good it is to be home.” Returning home is such a fulfilling thing. When we are home we feel secure, satisfied and comfortably at peace. As we open the doors of our parish each Sunday, we are aware that some are also searching for a spiritual home.
St Mary of the Visitation Parish exists to be a light on the hill and offer every person in our community a life-changing encounter with Jesus so that we can grow as His intentional disciples and become an ever more credible witness to the difference that Jesus alone can make in each of our lives. We are here to be home for all - truly with something for everyone. Not only do we invite you to join us on Sunday, but our parish offers many opportunities and service opportunities for youth – check them out there is a spot for you.
As Pastor, I would simply encourage you to take the next step, get connected and become involved. Know that there is a place for you here - in other words - “Welcome Home.”. Check out our website – drop in and visit on Sunday. Know that no matter your age – we have something for you. May Our Lady of the Visitation continue to be our inspiration, model and guide.
Together in the Lord’s Service,
Father F. Freitas, Pastor
Calendar of Events
Be sure to visit our school website for an updated calendar with detailed information links for most calendar entries.
Thursday, September 6 10:35am: Champions for Change club 10:35am: Jr. Boys Volleyball info meeting 10:40am: Arts Council information meeting 2:00pm: Jr. Boys soccer meeting and tryouts Friday, September 7 10:35am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club 2:00pm: Jr. Boys soccer tryouts Monday, September 10 10:35am: Finance Club 10:35am: E-Car racing team meeting 10:35am: Tennis information meeting Tuesday, September 11 10:35am: Lost Club 2:00pm: Course Change Deadline for Semester 1 Wednesday, September 12 BENN Newsletter release 10:35am: Anime Club 10:35am: Model UN Club meeting 10:35am: Lost Club 2:00pm: Games Club Thursday, September 13 10:35am: DECA Business Club info meeting 10:35am: Champions for Change club 2:00pm: Math Club
Friday, September 14 10:35am: Star Trek Club 10:35am: Lost Club 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club Monday, September 17 10:35am: Finance Club Tuesday, September 18 10:35am: Lost Club Wednesday, September 19 10:35am: Anime Club 10:35am: Lost Club 2:00pm: Games Club Thursday, September 20 SHSM Event - Design Thinking Workshop Opening Assembly Photo Day 10:35am: Champions for Change club 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club 2:00pm: Math Club 7:00pm: Grade 9 LINK Dance 7:00pm: Gr. 9 Meet the Teacher Night Friday, September 21 Professional Activity Day