Wednesday, November 18, 2020 - Volume 13, Issue 7
Message From the School Administration
We hope that you and your families are keeping well and staying safe as we continue to follow the public health recommendations. During our first quadmester, we noticed much resilience in our Saints community, and we continue to be amazed at how our students and staff have managed their new learning environment.
As we enter our 2nd quadmester, we are grateful to our amazing staff who have provided creative and engaging learning opportunities either Face to Face, asynchronously and online. Additionally, a huge shout out to our students who continue to engage in their learning. It was definitely hard to get used to for everyone.
As we continue to navigate this new way of operating, please remember that supports are available: your Guidance Counselor, Student Success/Special Education team, and ESL monitors are committed to helping you and will be available virtually to support you. These services are still available, to support your learning needs during this new method of learning.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our community as we continue to work through this time of uncertainty.
Margaret Ingoldsby, Erin Riley, Remberto Roque, Rich Stehlik
School Schedule and Calendar
Our calendar (with Cohort info and key dates) can be accessed through our school website - https://stbenedict.wcdsb.ca/. You can then access the calendar by going to ABOUT US > School Year Calendar
New Store Hours
Tuesday: 10am – 6pm Thursday: 10am – 6pm Saturday: 10am – 6pm
Attention St. Isidore Students
Masks provided by the school board have been distributed to all students at St. Benedict. Please contact the school to arrange to come in and pick up your masks.
Graduation celebration is a go!
We have some exciting news and updates for the St. Benedict grad class of 2020. The virtual graduation video is ready and will be made live on Friday November 20 at 2pm. It will be a YouTube video that will be accessible on the school website on a web page shared only with and made specially for the graduating class of 2020. Phone calls have been made to the 2020 grad class with specific instructions on how the grads can access this page. If you haven't received the call or need any help working through the instructions on how to access the special grad web page, please call the attendance office at 519-621-4001 during school hours.
Aside from hosting the Grad Video, the web page will also be a key source of information pertaining to the upcoming diploma and award distribution. We are in the final stages of getting that sorted out and planned. Grads will be able to pick up all their items (diploma, composite photo, and applicable certificates, awards, scholarships and yearbooks) within the next few weeks. We will set up times where the grads will be able to come to the school (back of the cafeteria - in one door and out another) to get a large envelope with all the items packaged up together. If the grads are unable to pick the envelopes up during those selected times and days, a parent (with ID) may pick the items up for the grad. Stay tuned to the website, special web page and social media!!
Congratulations to all the Bennies Grads of 2020!!! We are looking forward to celebrating you!!!
Graduation requirement changes for the 2020-2021 school year
There are two recent updates regarding graduation requirements for the 2020-2021 school year:
Community Service Hours: Graduates for 2020-2021 have a reduced requirement for 20 hours rather than the usual 40. This is in recognition that gathering CSH is a challenge for students during the ongoing pandemic. These hours can be generated in typical ways, also at the principal’s discretion students can use hours:
- earned during the school day
- earned by performing household or community-based tasks
- no max hours for duties performed at home, but this is at the principal’s discretion
- 10 hours paid employment at principal’s discretion
- flexibility and principal’s discretion can be applied to international students
- co-op experience, either paid or unpaid, could also be considered at the principal’s discretion
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT): The requirement for the successful completion of the OSSLT has been removed for students graduating in 2020-2021. This mirrors what happened last year during the school closure period. Most of the current Gr. 12 cohort would have successfully written the OSSLT last time it was offered in Spring 2019; however, there are students who are currently registered in OSSLC this year that may no longer require it if they have their 4th English.
Year 2 of the 3-year WCDSB Pastoral Plan - Gathered to Become
Covid has affected so many things. Yet another item that was impacted by this is the timing of the 3 year WCDSB Pastoral Plan. We were to have a launch of the 2nd year (Gathered to Become) just as the school shutdown hit in late winter/early spring. Which brings us to now. Below is an excerpt from a message from John Murphy (Board Religion and Family Life Consultant).
"Last year, when we launched Called to Belong, we could not have foreseen what the future held. Yet the Spirit was with us, guiding our theme and moving us to create a deep sense of BELONGING and connection during such a difficult journey. We feel the same about the second year of our three-year Pastoral Plan, entitled Gathered to Become.
In John 6:35, Jesus proclaims “I am the bread of life.”
Let this year of Becoming truly be a year of Transformation. As the Eucharist transforms us, so let us be the “Bread of Life” to all we encounter. May we experience transformation this year – from the challenges of new learning situations, platforms and teaching environments - to allow us to emerge from our chrysalis healthy and strong and to successfully be able to spread our wings and soar."
Link to the Introduction of "Gathered to Become" by Fr. Joseph de Viveiros, C.R. which includes the Gathered to Become Song (written and performed by WCDSB Staff found at 3:24 of the video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBQFPsoeE9Q
Frequently Asked Question
Is there a cohort-specific schedule?
COVID Test/Screening and Outbreak Protocol
All students (or guardians on their behalf) will be asked to engage in a daily self-assessment before reporting to school and anyone feeling unwell or identifying a concern based on their self-assessment should not report to school. COVID-19 self-assessment (Ontario.ca)
Once at the school, all students will be required to wear mask at all times. Students are to sanitize their hands upon entering and leaving the classroom.
What to do when my child isn't feeling well?
Message from Guidance
Course Request Changes
Course Changes for Quad 2 will be limited (only for reasons of pathway changes or incomplete schedules).
The final date to request a change for Quad 2 is Friday November 20th.
Students can request changes through booking a guidance appointment with their guidance counsellor (located on the school website) and completing the google form.
Thank you for following the process.
Attention Grade 12s!
The following email was sent to all grade 12 students on Monday. Please be sure to join our Google Classroom for all important updates and complete the graduation survey via the link below:
We have 4 very important things to share with you.
For those applying to University, your PIN’s are in the mail. Please contact Guidance if you do not receive your PIN by Friday, November 20th (please do not contact us before then).
For those applying to College, you can go directly to the website, set up your account and start your application (no PIN needed).
Please join the grade 11/12 Guidance Google Classroom (code- iftswz7) if you have not already done so. Under Classwork - Postsecondary Information there are many resources that will help you with your application. Please review these resources and ensure you have all the necessary courses to apply to Postsecondary.
There is a very important Grade 12 Graduation Survey that we need ALL students to answer. Please follow this link and complete the survey ASAP - https://forms.gle/bo1ZHZdq6cFHPxLF9
If you have any questions, please contact your Guidance Counsellor directly.
Anti-Bullying Awareness Week
November. 16-20th is traditionally recognized as Anti-Bullying Awareness Week in Canada. This year, anti-bullying week will be a time to not only discuss bullying but to focus on connectedness, resiliency, advocacy and on the transformational ways we are Called to Become a stronger WCDSB community. We have had several unique prayers, announcements, events (such as the Bennies community artwork pictured - covid protocols followed obviously) and links to the Gathered to Become theme here at St. Benedict.
We will also have various other Board and school led initiatives throughout the rest of the school year. We look forward to celebrating Gathered to Become with the entire student body and wider St. Benedict CSS community. More news to follow in the coming weeks and months!
The Umbrella Project at St. Benedict
Bennies UP is at it again! This time, we NEED your input!
We would like to know your thoughts about MINDSET. Students, please take some time to complete the survey at https://forms.gle/o28qc3VwBRjVXnqQ7. We have managed to put together a very small survey (10 questions, multiple choice) to see where we are. If you complete the survey by Friday, you will be entered into a raffle for a Timmy's gift card. Stay tuned, stay safe and take care!!
Saints Garage looking for old bikes
The Saints Garage is looking for old BMX or kids' bikes. Our Transportation Tech students are exploring electric vehicles with the hopes to convert these old bicycles into 3-wheeled electric trikes!
Working in conjunction with the Manufacturing program, our Transportation students are looking to hone their skills and apply them to our Racing Saints EV Race Team.
If anyone has an old BMX or similar styled kids' bicycle they would like to donate, they can contact me directly at gabe.dutto@wcdsb.ca
Guess who's back?
Jesse’s back!
Jesse Ventura graduated as a Saint and is here as a Teacher Candidate from Queen’s University working with Madame Hodgson. I had the pleasure of attending the National Skills competition in Saskatoon in 2015 where Jesse won National Gold in the Job Search Competition.
It is great to see his smiling face and boundless energy here in the building. We look forward to seeing him back for another practicum soon and wish him all the best in his journey to become a secondary teacher.
Happy Virtual Spirit Week!
It’s our first virtual spirit week and SAC is super excited for the student body to participate! And the best part is, students get to wear their spirit wear every day this week, so from Monday to Friday we’re able to wear a spirit top with uniform pants.
Each day there is a new event planned with more fun-filled activities. So to start, on Monday the Among Us game was introduced with a new set of hints for everyone to read, and then the student body was given the chance to vote based on who they think the imposter is. Along with this, a school spirit challenge was also introduced and everyone has a chance to think about their idea up until Friday. The challenge is deciding on a school chant for Bennies to use at sporting events, clubs, and essentially anything school-related.
On Tuesday SAC kicked off TikTok Tuesday! This event consisted of the student body creating a TikTok to the High School Musical song, “We’re All in This Together”. And with this, they had the option of recreating the original dance in the movie or coming up with a new dance, project, etc, as long as the students keep it PG. On this day, SAC also updated the Among Us hints and is giving students the chance to vote for who they think the imposter is according to today’s results.
Today, the Student Council introduced Cozy Day; an event which encourages the student body to wear your pyjamas and drink a hot beverage during their online classes. To add on, cohort A will also have the opportunity to head to the atrium with their class to draw on our collaborative artboard, while still wearing masks and following social distancing rules. Meanwhile, the Among Us game will continue following the same events as Tuesday.
On Thursday, it will be cohort B’s chance to draw on the artboard located in the atrium, according to the classes signed up, while still maintaining the rules of social distancing and masks. And with this, the Among Us game will be updated once again and the students will be given a new set of hints with a new set of choices for who they think the imposter is.
Finally, on Friday the Among Us game will be concluded as it will be the final day for students to vote for who they think is the imposter. If they get it right then bragging rights will be called for, and if they get it wrong the imposter will stay among us forever.
Overall, we are super excited for Spirit Week and know it will be a week to remember!
Other News
Are you in need of support?
Christmas Hampers and Supports
WCDSB Mental Health and Wellness
Langs Youth Wellness Hub offers a variety of programs and services for youth and teens including free counselling and groups for teens.
Tech Centre & Study Space: Need a quiet space to study with a friend or two? Text or call to reserve your space at 519.807.1855 open Mon & Wed 3-8p and Tue, Thu, Fri 10-4p
Hoops: Work on your basketball skills on Mon & Wed 6-8p and Thu from 2:30-3:30p
STEAM at Home & Kitchen Kreations
Call Darcy at 519.653.1470 ext. 357 for more information about virtual and face to face programs. Email is darcye@langs.org
BEACON Digital Therapy is now available free of charge to support individuals through stress and well-being concerns – funded by the Government of Canada. This is a personalized digital course/intervention guided by a therapist. Click here to find out more
Thursday, November 19 8:00am: Period 3 Cohort B Face to Face 11:15am: DECA meeting 12:25pm: Period 4 All students Distance learning
Friday, November 20 8:00am: Period 3 Cohort B Face to Face 12:25pm: Period 4 All students Distance learning
Monday, November 23 Professional Activity Day 8:00am: Period 3 Cohort B Face to Face 12:25pm: Period 4 All students Distance learning
Tuesday, November 24 8:00am: Period 3 Cohort B Face to Face 12:25pm: Period 4 All students Distance learning
Wednesday, November 25 Civvies Day 8:00am: Period 3 Cohort B Face to Face 12:25pm: Period 4 All students Distance learning
Thursday, November 26 8:00am: Period 4 Cohort A Face to Face 11:15am: DECA meeting 12:25pm: Period 3 All students Distance learning
Friday, November 27 8:00am: Period 4 Cohort A Face to Face 12:25pm: Period 3 All students Distance learning
Sunday, November 29 First Sunday of Advent
Monday, November 30 8:00am: Period 4 Cohort A Face to Face 12:25pm: Period 3 All students Distance learning
Tuesday, December 1 8:00am: Period 4 Cohort A Face to Face 12:25pm: Period 3 All students Distance learning
Wednesday, December 2 Civvies Day BENN Newsletter release 8:00am: Period 4 Cohort A Face to Face 12:25pm: Period 3 All students Distance learning
Thursday, December 3 8:00am: Period 4 Cohort B Face to Face 11:15am: DECA meeting 12:25pm: Period 3 All students Distance learning
Friday, December 4 8:00am: Period 4 Cohort B Face to Face 12:25pm: Period 3 All students Distance learning
Sunday, December 6 Second Sunday of Advent
Monday, December 7 8:00am: Period 4 Cohort B Face to Face 12:25pm: Period 3 All students Distance learning
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates and changes!