Friday, September 11, 2020 - Volume 13, Issue 2
Message From the School Administration
This is unlike any other start up that we have experienced as a school community for several reasons. We look forward to his positive energy and insight. Second, our re-opening plan is very different from previous years. We have been working diligently to welcome back students, parents/guardians and our SBCSS community. In light of all that has transpired over the past 6 months, we recognize that each of us has had a different COVID-19 experience.
The summer has been filled with worry and wonder as to how we are going to come back together in a safe and caring environment. For many community members, and for our parents and guardians, we recognize that it has been a challenging and stressful time as we are all wondering what the future holds.
Please rest assured that we understand, and share your anxious feelings, and cannot stress enough that we are in this together. We have had many conversations with staff and our first priority is to do all that we can to ensure the health, safety and well-being of your children. In this regard, we have implemented ministry and public health-approved measures within our schools including physical distancing, cleaning, wearing of masks, delayed start to the year, specific entry and exit to buildings and much more. In conjunction with our local public health units and in alignment with the Ministry of Health’s COVID Management Guide, we have established protocols for reporting positive cases of COVID-19 in our school and will be sharing this information in this newsletter.
Like you, we are experiencing a steep learning curve. We will do our best to react to this ever-changing landscape. It is now more than ever that we have to work together - nothing is impossible when we embrace our faith and stay connected with each other.
Welcome back! Let us begin this new journey together with patience, positivity and care.
Mrs. M. Ingoldsby (Principal) - A to Bl
Ms. E. Riley (Vice Principal) - Bo to G (and all International students)
Mr. R. Stehlik (Vice Principal) - H to O
Mr. D. Borba (Vice Principal) - P to Z
Welcome Back Message from the Director
Please visit the following link for a special message for WCDSB staff from our Director of Education, Loretta Notten: https://youtu.be/elBN33juJ2w
Parent Question and Answer Video
Please click here to view a Parent Question and Answer Video provided by our Director of Education.
School Schedule and Calendar
Our calendar (with Cohort info and key dates) can be accessed through our school website - https://stbenedict.wcdsb.ca/. You can then access the calendar by going to ABOUT US > School Year Calendar
Frequently Asked Question
Is there a place where we can see just the cohort A or cohort B schedule?
Uniforms and Spirit Wear
Full uniforms will be worn on Day 1 and for all Face to Face classes. Uniforms are not necessary for Remote Learning, but respectful clothing is expected any time that you join a class with Synchronous (Remote) Learning. Spirit wear days will continue as in the past (spirit tops with uniform bottoms on Wednesdays).
Provided Learning Supplies
Each student will be provided with a learning kit/bag from the WCDSB. This bag will contain basic school supplies. Contents will be standardized for all secondary students. Further messaging will be provided (by teachers) to students/families (once classes begin) on items that each student should bring (if needed) with a goal to minimize student sharing.
Text Book Returns
For students who have text books or supplies (borrowed from St. Benedict last school year), you are asked to bring those items to school in the first week. Boxes will be set out by the entrances/stairwells where students can drop these items off. Please clearly label your books/items with your name on a piece of masking tape (or similar).
COVID Test/Screening and Outbreak Protocol
All students (or guardians on their behalf) will be asked to engage in a daily self-assessment before reporting to school and anyone feeling unwell or identifying a concern based on their self-assessment should not report to school. COVID-19 self-assessment (Ontario.ca)
Once at the school, all students will be required to wear mask at all times. Students are to sanitize their hands upon entering and leaving the classroom.
Students may log into their WCDSB student email cloud account for information to access your with cohort and schedule information.
Due to planning and logistics required with cohorts, student timetable changes will only be made in rare instances to support student pathway. Elective changes cannot be made at this time. Students must remain in assigned classes and cohorts. Guidance appointments will be virtual and more information will be available on the school website once the process is finalized.
Your Guidance Team
Mrs. L. O’Toole - A to Di
Mrs. K. Arkell - Dj to Ki
Mrs. L. O’Neill - Po to Z
Frequently Asked Question
Do students need to wear their uniform on Monday?
YES! Monday is a regular school day, and students are expected to be in full uniform for the duration of the time that they are in school.
Accessing Student Schedules
(as well as Google Classroom and D2L)
Students are expected to engage and participate in the learning daily. In doing so, students will need to login daily into their Google Class or D2L accounts to participate in and complete a variety of learning tasks (synchronous and asynchronous) assigned by the classroom teacher.
Please continue to check the WCDSB student email account for schedule as that is where your key information will be sent. Students who are having difficulty getting into their Board email should read the Instructions to Access Student Board Email.
Your 2020-2021 student timetable is accessible through the new Aspen Student Portal. You are scheduled into either COHORT A, B, C or VIRTUAL (Virtual schedules will be sent separately). The students were emailed the following Aspen Student Portal Information.
Only students in cohort B will be starting face to face in the school on Monday, September 14. Students in cohort A will start their learning from home on the 14th and will be starting face to face in the school on Thursday, September 17.
If you are new to our school board and do not have access to our student email system, more information regarding schedules and cohorts will be provided to you in another way.
Bus seating plan
For those that are eligible for busing and have selected this as their mode for transportation during this COVID scenario, the following is in place. School buses will be confined to 1 student per seat, unless the additional student is a family member. This will lead to 24 students (plus any family members) being the maximum number on a bus. Cohorts have been developed by STSWR and they are based on geographic location to facilitate optimization of routes.
Moving around the building
Upon entering the school students are required to wear a mask and sanitize their hands, while maintaining a social distance.
Students are not to congregate in groups and are asked to promptly move to their morning class upon arrival. Go directly to zone/hallway/class. Each day will begin with Prayers and announcements while in Face to Face classes.
Should a student need to use the washroom, they are to use the facility within their assigned zone.
When traveling within the school, all signage and directions must be observed and followed.
At the end of the day please leave immediately using the closest exit (then doors will be locked).
~ Wear a mask ~
~ Sanitize ~
~ Social distance ~
Frequently Asked Question
What if I forgot my password for the school network or GAFE account?
Go to https://www.wcdsb.ca/students/ and click on the change password link. Keep in mind that once you change it you may have to login to all your WCDSB-related accounts again on all your devices.
PPE Expectations
All students will be required to wear a mask at all times.
Students are to sanitize their hands upon entering and leaving the classroom.
No Lockers
Lockers will not be available for students. The expectation is that students will take everything they need for their one face to face class to that room and then take it all with them when they leave.
No Cafeteria
To avoid people (cohorts) meeting up and for minimizing potential cross contamination, the cafeteria is not to be used as a meeting place or a location to eat/gather. It will be off limits for the general student body.
Water Bottles
The school drinking fountains will not be in operation.
Water bottle filling stations will be operational and students can refill personal water bottles.
Parent/Visitor Access
Parents are valued members of school communities but given the many increased steps that are being taken to minimize contacts in our school buildings, parents should refrain from entering the school unless they have prior approval to do so. All parents/visitors must have approval from the Administrator prior to entering the site.
Visitors granted access are required to wear a face covering to enter the school and sanitize hands upon entry. If a visitor does not have access to a face covering, one will be provided by the Administrator/Office staff. Where possible visitors are asked to call the main office to notify them of their arrival and wait outside away from the entrance, or in their vehicle until the office is ready to receive them.
All visitors must sign in. Please ensure appropriate entry and exit protocols are followed. All visitors who enter a school building must have completed the self-assessment checklist before entering the school building.
CSAC, CPIC and SEAC meetings will continue to occur but in many cases those meetings will be virtual for the time being, unless otherwise stated. Details can be found at Parent Council Information.
Significant days and dates
Christmas Break - December 21 (last day is December 18) to January 1 (classes resume January 4)
March Break - March 15 to 19
Based on the current Covid situation, the following dates may change or be adjusted:
Quad 1 - September 8 to November 12
Quad 2 - November 13 to February 2
Quad 3 - February 4 to April 20
Quad 4 - April 21 to June 29
Frequently Asked Question
We are new to St. Benedict and have never been in the building...?
We've all been there. When your son or daughter arrives for the first time, please come straight to the Main Office to pick up a school map.
Students can access their GAFE (Google Account for Education) email by going to gmail.com and logging in with their school login ID @wcdsb.ca (ie. 12345abc@wcdsb.ca) and their network password.
Please check your WCDSB student email account for schedule as that is where your key information will be sent. When classes begin teachers will email students to that email account.
Checking Google and D2L
Students are expected to engage and participate in instruction and learning every day. In doing so, students will need to login daily into their Google Class or D2L accounts to participate in and complete a variety of learning tasks (synchronous and asynchronous) assigned by the classroom teacher.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program
Students are encouraged to bring their own personal technology (Chromebook, Laptop, Tablet) to support their virtual and distance learning. Please visit the WCDSB website to learn more about the BYOD Program.
Guardians who have indicated a need for a device in the WCDSB Return to Learning Survey will be contacted to pick up the device at the school as devices are ready for deployment.
Do you still need to buy school supplies?
Click here to find out
for your classes!
Mental Health and Community Supports
If you are in need of immediate assistance, please call 911 or go to the Emergency Room at Cambridge Memorial Hospital
Crisis Supports
COVID-19 Coping Supports
COVID-19 has and will impact the mental well-being of people everywhere. School Mental Health Ontario has some tips and resources to help support student mental health– along with a youth-focused Mental Health hub.
Counselling Supports
Is your family struggling with conflict or parenting challenges? If so, the walk-in counselling
program at Front Door can help.
Family Counselling Centre of Cambridge and North Dumfries (FCCCND) at (519) 621-5090. FCCCND offers a sliding scale for fee payment, can work with some EAP programs, OW and ODSP benefits.
Addiction/Substance Use
Are you concerned about your teen’s substance use or gaming but aren’t sure how to share your concerns or what to do to help? Call Ray of Hope at (519) 743-2311. https://www.rayofhope.net/
Family Outreach Program
Looking for resources and services for your family? Family Outreach Workers can connect you to the support your family needs!
The Family Outreach Program is a neighbourhood-based program funded by the Region of Waterloo that works with families with children aged 17 and under to prevent and reduce the effects of poverty.
Family Outreach Workers walk with families to help meet basic needs by problem-solving solutions together, connecting them with services in their community and providing direct support when necessary.
Believing that we are stronger together, Family Outreach Workers work with other community partners (faith communities, local food banks, social service agencies) to find innovative solutions to support families living on low income.
The Coping Centre offers a peaceful place for support, understanding, compassion and encouragement in the uniqueness of one’s grief journey. (519) 650- 0852. http://www.copingcentre.com.
Are you interested in Marketing, Finance, Sports, or running your own business?
DECA is an international organization focused on networking, career exploration, fun, competition and business. Through participation in DECA you will develop your business knowledge and presentation skills and meet students from across Ontario. You will also have the chance to connect with potential employers. DECA involvement stands out on a resume and university or college supplemental information form. Now, is the time to start thinking DECA. We are looking for new and veteran members to join the St. Benedict team. DECA is open to all students from grades 9 - 12. The earlier you become involved in DECA, the more it will benefit you.
If you like working on your own and developing your own ideas, sign up for an individual event. If you prefer working with a friend, get your friend to join with you and sign up for a team event. DECA has something of interest to everyone with many categories and business sectors on which to focus. Take a look at the link below to learn a little about the various competitions in DECA and to sign up for a category that interests you. There are some restrictions on the number of competitors that can be involved in the same category, so we are asking for your top three choices.
For more information, visit deca.ca or email one of the St. Benedict DECA advisors:
Be sure to check the WCDSB's
page for more information and updates