Wednesday, September 23, 2020 - Volume 13, Issue 3

Message From the School Administration

The school certainly has a different vibe! There is so much to get used to – masks all day; walking down the right side of the hallway; social distancing everywhere; outdoor body breaks; isolation in a community setting; online learning...

Thanks to all for your on-going support and patience as we work together to adjust to our new realities. On behalf of the staff, I want to congratulate the students, they have done a great job following the safety protocols. My opening remarks to the community on the first day of face to face attendance, included the call to:

Be patient with yourselves and others, reach out to staff members to answer your questions – there continues to be many supports to ensure that you have a successful year.

Be Kind, you never know when your words or actions can lift the spirit of another.

Be a person of integrity, Remember the importance of Equity, do the right thing, and see the opportunity each day to make our school and the world a better place.

Be a leader by taking responsibility for keeping yourself, your family and your community healthy.
They are off to a great start as true Saints. Please continue to be diligent with all of our safety protocols.

We are all in this together!

Your admin Team

Mrs. M. Ingoldsby (Principal) - A to Bl
Ms. E. Riley (Vice Principal) - Bo to G (and all International students)
Mr. R. Stehlik (Vice Principal) - H to O
Mr. D. Borba (Vice Principal) - P to Z

School Schedule and Calendar

Quick Link to Our Calendar -

Our calendar (with Cohort info and key dates) can be accessed through our school website - You can then access the calendar by going to ABOUT US > School Year Calendar

Information On How to Change Learning Environments

Dear Parents / Guardians:

When we commenced the school year back in early September, we announced that the first transition point for families to switch their children from virtual learning to face to face learning (or vice versa), would be the Thanksgiving weekend.

In Elementary Schools: families/students may transition after the Thanksgiving weekend -- but after that it will be only at Progress Reports in November and the first Report Card in January.

In Secondary Schools: families/students may only transfer between learning modalities at the end of the term (November and, thereafter, end of January).

To assist in planning to accommodate the needs of families, interested families with students in elementary schools will find the transition form on our main webpage from September 24 at 9 a.m. to September 28 at 6 p.m. Requests must be made within this window of time.

For our secondary parents that window will occur from Monday, October 19 at 9:00 a.m. and will close at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, October 21.

You should not access the Transition Form at this time.

The form will be available on our main webpage in the spotlight section –

Chaplain's Chat

We have begun the school year. The start is not like it once was. These are unusual times. These are uncertain times.

As a St Benedict community, we are moving through each day together. We are making meaning. We are being kind to each other. We are finding joy and are even having a chuckle now and then.

We have confidence and hope that the God of the universe is with us during every step of our journey.

Frequently Asked Question

Is there a cohort-specific schedule?


Cohort A Cohort B

COVID Test/Screening and Outbreak Protocol

All students (or guardians on their behalf) will be asked to engage in a daily self-assessment before reporting to school and anyone feeling unwell or identifying a concern based on their self-assessment should not report to school. COVID-19 self-assessment (

Once at the school, all students will be required to wear mask at all times. Students are to sanitize their hands upon entering and leaving the classroom.

Operational guidance: COVID-19 management in schools (

What to do when my child isn't feeling well?

Click here to view the memo for Parent/Guardians from the Region of Waterloo Public Health Unit. The document provides direction for parents and caregivers regarding the role of families, Public Health and schools.

Message from Guidance

Your Guidance Team

Mrs. L. O’Toole - A to Di
Mrs. K. Arkell - Dj to Ki
Mr. N. Betik - Kl to Pl
Mrs. L. O’Neill - Po to Z

Welcome Back from Bennies IEP/SST Team!

Our St. Benedict IEP/SST team is looking forward to providing support for students with in-school and virtual learning.
If your son or daughter has an IEP, this week you will receive a parent consultation from their IEP monitor that includes a parent survey. We also welcome your input and questions from all parents at any time.
spirit wear store fall 2020

Hey Saints!

Order your spirit wear for Spirit Wear Wednesdays!

The online store is open until Friday

Moving around the building

Upon entering the school students are required to wear a mask and sanitize their hands, while maintaining a social distance.

Students are not to congregate in groups and are asked to promptly move to their morning class upon arrival. Go directly to zone/hallway/class. Each day will begin with Prayers and announcements while in Face to Face classes.

Should a student need to use the washroom, they are to use the facility within their assigned zone.

When traveling within the school, all signage and directions must be observed and followed.

At the end of the day please leave immediately using the closest exit (then doors will be locked).

~ Wear a mask ~

~ Sanitize ~

~ Social distance ~

CSAC October meeting
CSAC poster

Frequently Asked Question

What if I forgot my password for the school network or GAFE account?

Go to and click on the change password link. Keep in mind that once you change it you may have to login to all your WCDSB-related accounts again on all your devices.

PPE Expectations

All students will be required to wear a mask at all times.

Students are to sanitize their hands upon entering and leaving the classroom.

No Lockers

Lockers will not be available for students. The expectation is that students will take everything they need for their one face to face class to that room and then take it all with them when they leave.

No Cafeteria

To avoid people (cohorts) meeting up and for minimizing potential cross contamination, the cafeteria is not to be used as a meeting place or a location to eat/gather. It will be off limits for the general student body.

Water Bottles

The school drinking fountains will not be in operation.

Water bottle filling stations will be operational and students can refill personal water bottles.

Parent/Visitor Access

Parents are valued members of school communities but given the many increased steps that are being taken to minimize contacts in our school buildings, parents should refrain from entering the school unless they have prior approval to do so. All parents/visitors must have approval from the Administrator prior to entering the site.

Visitors granted access are required to wear a face covering to enter the school and sanitize hands upon entry. If a visitor does not have access to a face covering, one will be provided by the Administrator/Office staff. Where possible visitors are asked to call the main office to notify them of their arrival and wait outside away from the entrance, or in their vehicle until the office is ready to receive them.

All visitors must sign in. Please ensure appropriate entry and exit protocols are followed. All visitors who enter a school building must have completed the self-assessment checklist before entering the school building.

Parents and guardians are asked to ensure that any child in their care completes the Coronavirus (COVID-19) self-assessment checklist before sending them to school.

CSAC, CPIC and SEAC meetings will continue to occur but in many cases those meetings will be virtual for the time being, unless otherwise stated. Details can be found at Parent Council Information.

Significant days and dates

Christmas Break - December 21 (last day is December 18) to January 1 (classes resume January 4)

March Break - March 15 to 19

Based on the current Covid situation, the following dates may change or be adjusted:

Friday, October 9
Monday, November 23
Wednesday, February 23
Friday, June 4


Quad 1 - September 8 to November 12

Quad 2 - November 13 to February 2


Quad 3 - February 4 to April 20

Quad 4 - April 21 to June 29


Students can access their GAFE (Google Account for Education) email by going to and logging in with their school login ID (ie. and their network password.

Please check your WCDSB student email account for schedule as that is where your key information will be sent. When classes begin teachers will email students to that email account.

Checking Google and D2L

Students are expected to engage and participate in instruction and learning every day. In doing so, students will need to login daily into their Google Class or D2L accounts to participate in and complete a variety of learning tasks (synchronous and asynchronous) assigned by the classroom teacher.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program

Students are encouraged to bring their own personal technology (Chromebook, Laptop, Tablet) to support their virtual and distance learning. Please visit the WCDSB website to learn more about the BYOD Program.

Guardians who have indicated a need for a device in the WCDSB Return to Learning Survey will be contacted to pick up the device at the school as devices are ready for deployment.

Hey Saints! Make this a DECAdent year!

DECA logo
DECA is back and ready for another year of networking, making new friends, and putting our business savvy to the test.

DECA is a business club that allows students to learn a little more about business, meet students with similar interests, and connect with potential employers. DECA students are given the opportunity to solve problems they might experience in their part time jobs, create business plans, play the stock market, and develop skills in finance, marketing, hospitality, and entrepreneurship.

But that's not all! DECA members meet students from across Ontario and connect with local employers. Through DECA students develop their problem-solving, networking, and presenting skills.

Local employers are involved in DECA. Many colleges and universities in Ontario also have DECA programs. Past students have told us that adding DECA to their resume helped them land a job.

So why should you join?

  • Connect with great people in your school and in your province
  • Develop your business knowledge and employability skills
  • Add DECA to your resume
  • Add DECA to your additional information form for college and university applications
  • Because we have heard from many students, "DECA was the best thing I did in high school"
DECA is for everyone. No previous knowledge is required. Everyone from grades 9 - 12 can join DECA. In fact, the earlier you join in high school, the better.

Why settle for one year of the best high school experience when you could have four? Make this year one of the best!

To learn more, come to our virtual information meeting for new and returning students early next week. More details about the meeting will be posted on the school website.

Join DECA today:

For more information, visit or email one of the St. Benedict DECA advisors:

Calendar of Events

Thursday, September 24
8:00am: Period 2 Cohort B Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 1 All students Distance learning

Friday, September 25
8:00am: Period 2 Cohort B Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 1 All students Distance learning

Monday, September 28
8:00am: Period 2 Cohort B Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 1 All students Distance learning

Tuesday, September 29
8:00am: Period 2 Cohort B Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 1 All students Distance learning

Wednesday, September 30
8:00am: Period 2 Cohort B Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 1 All students Distance learning

Thursday, October 1
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort A Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning

Friday, October 2
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort A Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning

Monday, October 5
World Teachers' Day
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort A Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning
Tuesday, October 6
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort A Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning
6:30pm: Catholic School Advisory Council meeting

Wednesday, October 7
BENN Newsletter release
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort A Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning

Thursday, October 8
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort B Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning

Friday, October 9
Professional Activity Day

Monday, October 12
Thanksgiving Day

Be sure to check out the school website calendar for updates and changes!

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