Wednesday, January 27, 2021 - Volume 13, Issue 11

A Message from Administration

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of our second quadmester. We are grateful for our students and their resilience in pivoting to our remote learning school environment.
We are proud of our staff and their flexibility to remain fully committed to support students in their learning. We recognize that this isn’t easy for anyone, but we are committed to continue to provide rich learning environments that allow each child to thrive to their fullest God-given potential. Please know that we are here to support our community, and encourage you to continue to reach out to guidance and administration when we can be of assistance.
As we enter the final few days of the quadmester, we encourage students to finish strong, and give their best effort to achieve the best they can at this time. Reach out to your teacher if you require any clarification on final assessments.

Finally, after 25 years of teaching at SBCSS, Ms. Kump is retiring this week. Many students and staff have been impacted by her kindness, faithfulness and dedication to the teaching profession. On behalf of the SBCSS community, we wish Ms. Kump a wonderful and fulfilling retirement. Many thanks on behalf of all for all you have given to St Benedicts – you will always be a Saint!

Exams, PD Day, and Start of Quadmester 3

Under the direction of the Provincial Government and the Ministry of Education all schools in Waterloo Region will remain closed to face to face instruction until at least February 10th.
The tentative return date will be February 11th with confirmation from the Provincial Government prior to that date.
Final evaluations for quadmester 2 will be competed virtually on Monday, February 1st at 8:00am for Period 3 and Tuesday, February 2nd at 8:00 am for Period 4.

Wednesday February 3 is a professional development day.

Quadmester 3 will begin virtually on Thursday February 4th at 8:00 am for student’s new Period 1 course and at 11:10pm for student’s new Period 2 course.

... we encourage students to finish strong, and give their best effort ...

Schedule for next week


8:00 am: All students have their Period 3 final evaluation


8:00 am: All students have their Period 4 final evaluation


Professional Activity Day


Quadmester 3 begins
8:00 am: Period 1
11:10 am: Period 2

Timetable and Course Changes

Please be aware that several student timetables have been changed for Quadmester 3 & 4, necessitated by a variety of factors. Requests to switch back to the schedule that students had in September cannot be accommodated. Continue to monitor your WCDSB accounts for communications from your upcoming Quad 3 teachers. These emails should be sent to student accounts by the end of the day on Wednesday, February 3.

To view student Timetables, you will need to access the Aspen Student Portal Link

Guidance counsellors will be available for course changes up until Wednesday, February 10.

Please be aware that our priority for course changes are:
  • Students in grade 9, 10 or 11 who do not have 4 courses on their timetable
  • Students who do not have the prerequisite for a course on their timetable
  • Students in grade 12 or year 5 who do not have enough courses on their schedule to reach 30 credits by the end of this year
  • Level changes (example moving from academic to applied)
We cannot accommodate cohort changes, teacher requests or requests to be in classes with friends.

If needed, please use the Instructions to Access Student Email Link to find the instructions on how to access student emails.

Did you miss our

Virtual Grade 8 Night?

Click the image below to be taken to our Future Saints page

School Schedule and Calendar

Quick Link to Our Calendar -

Our calendar (with Cohort info and key dates) can be accessed through our school website -

You can then access the calendar by going to ABOUT US > School Year Calendar

New Store Hours

Tuesday: 10am – 6pm
Thursday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 10am – 6pm
WCDSB logo

Cyber Security Checkup Quiz

Do you know if you are safe and secure with your personal and WCDSB computers, mobile devices and accounts? Here is a quick quiz from the Government of Canada Cyber Security department that will help you find out:​ Cyber Security Checkup Quiz

Mental Health Awareness

Have you had a moment to check out the Board’s update Mental Health and Wellbeing webpage? This is a “one stop shop” where you can find links to targeted resources to promote wellbeing during COVID, examples of meditations/calming strategies to share with students, resources specific to various roles (i.e. leadership, educators, students, families), links to services in our community, and general mental health information. Please help raise awareness about this resource! A short intro video is here:

Please talk with Guidance, Vice Principals and/or our Principal if you feel you need School Social Work support.

Bell Let's Talk Day

Meanwhile, the students in the building will be kicking off their celebrations a day earlier. Staff and students are being encouraged to wear a blue shirt on Wednesday, January 27. Each class in the building is working on positive words that represent the year 2020. As well, staff and students are sharing the different ways that they promote self-care.

For those at home, we encourage students and parents to check out the SAC Instagram to participate in Bell Let’s Talk this year or share a success story with the hashtag #OurWCDSB2020Stories.

If you’re looking for some tips and tricks when it comes to caring for yourself, head over to the school board website here:

Graduation requirement changes for the 2020-2021 school year

By WCDSB Staff

There are two recent updates regarding graduation requirements for the 2020-2021 school year:

Community Service Hours: Graduates for 2020-2021 have a reduced requirement for 20 hours rather than the usual 40. This is in recognition that gathering CSH is a challenge for students during the ongoing pandemic. These hours can be generated in typical ways, also at the principal’s discretion students can use hours:
  1. earned during the school day
  2. earned by performing household or community-based tasks
    - no max hours for duties performed at home, but this is at the principal’s discretion
  3. 10 hours paid employment at principal’s discretion
  4. flexibility and principal’s discretion can be applied to international students
  5. co-op experience, either paid or unpaid, could also be considered at the principal’s discretion
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT): The requirement for the successful completion of the OSSLT has been removed for students graduating in 2020-2021. This mirrors what happened last year during the school closure period. Most of the current Gr. 12 cohort would have successfully written the OSSLT last time it was offered in Spring 2019; however, there are students who are currently registered in OSSLC this year that may no longer require it if they have their 4th English.

The Business & Education Partnership of Waterloo Region is excited to present

Explore Your Future 2021 for grade 7-12 students and their parents/guardians in Waterloo Region!

Interactive sessions will run every other week from 6:30 - 7:30 PM beginning February 10.
Thanks to our sponsors and partners, this learning experience is FREE to attend.

February 10: Post-secondary Pathways in a Pandemic

Wondering about your next steps? Learn how young people like you chose their direction after high school and how they've coped with this transition during the covid-19 pandemic. Q & A will be available with the students and post-secondary representatives from Conestoga College, Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Waterloo.

Confirmed Panelists:

  • Marvi Shaikh (WLU)
  • Nathania Chan (UW)

February 24: Builders, Makers and Designers - Careers in Tech and Trades

Want to create? Learn how people like you use their head, hands and heart to create, fix and design the things we need and use everyday.Session Sponsor: Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
at the Waterloo Region and Waterloo Catholic District School Boards

March 10: Entrepreneurs - Careers Starting and Leading Companies

Want to lead? Learn how people like you use their talents to create, build and lead companies across a range of industries.

March 24: Helping Professionals - Careers Making a Difference for Others

Want to help others? Learn how people like you use their skills to support and heal people and communities.

1 ticket gets you access to all 4 sessions!

Click on the image above to register.

Frequently Asked Question

Is there a cohort-specific schedule?


Cohort A Cohort B

COVID Test/Screening and Outbreak Protocol

All students (or guardians on their behalf) will be asked to engage in a daily self-assessment before reporting to school and anyone feeling unwell or identifying a concern based on their self-assessment should not report to school. COVID-19 self-assessment (

Once at the school, all students will be required to wear mask at all times. Students are to sanitize their hands upon entering and leaving the classroom.

Operational guidance: COVID-19 management in schools (

What to do when my child isn't feeling well?

Click here to view the memo for Parent/Guardians from the Region of Waterloo Public Health Unit. The document provides direction for parents and caregivers regarding the role of families, Public Health and schools.

Message from Guidance

Coming SOON !

Course selection Information for 2021- 2022 will be available in February on Guidance Google Classroom.

Grade 9 & 10 students - Class code: 6fkoqp3​

Grade 11 & 12 students - Class code: iftswz7

Post-secondary application reminders

Grade 12's applying to College
As a reminder, the deadline to apply is February 1st. We encourage you to get your applications in well before the deadline as well. Set up and complete your application at You will need your OEN and Student Number, both of these are located on your report cards.
Reg Ad - Social

Online Pre-registration for Kindergarten is Open: It’s Time to Sign Up for School!!

It’s time to sign up for the 2021-22 school year – and registering to attend one of Waterloo Region’s 43 Catholic elementary schools has never been easier.
  • Children born in 2017 are eligible for Year 1 Kindergarten (JK).
  • Children born in 2016 are eligible for Year 2 Kindergarten (SK).
Parents can access the Online Pre-Registration form by clicking on the Register for School link on the WCDSB Homepage and then choosing Kindergarten Registration.

To finalize your child's registration, please contact your local Catholic school directly, for individual registration dates and times.



Every Wednesday, join Mrs. Borba (Literacy) or Mr. Chaves (Numeracy) ONLINE from 1:45-3:00pm!

JOIN the Google Classroom
or simply CLICK on the Teams Links!!

Click here for: Borba Literacy Meet
Click here for: Chaves Numeracy Meet

Can't WAIT to see you SAINTS online!


Student Activities

Other News

YouthForce February and March 2021 Workshops IG

Family Literacy Week

January 24-30, 2021 #FamilyLiteracyKW

Family Literacy Week is going virtual this year!
Find this event on Facebook:
Check out the schedule:
Consider joining us for: The Joy of Reading at Home!
Please share this with your families!

The Joy of
Reading at Home!

Celebrate Literacy Day with Our Virtual Sessions
Click here to: Register

Join Our Place, Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB), Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB), and Early Literacy Alliance of the Waterloo Region (ELAWR) in celebrating the fun and love of literacy that develops when you read at home! In this live interactive session, we will look at the many ways to celebrate the joy of reading in any language with your child. This session is geared towards parents of children aged Birth-8 years.

Register for one of the three session dates and you will be contacted by email with the Zoom session link to participate.

The Cambridge Poppy Project is a community art project of Remembrance that will be created using hand-made poppies to honour our Veterans. In the fall of 2021, knitted and crocheted poppies will be displayed at our three Idea Exchanges: Hespeler, Preston and the Queen’s Square Branch in Galt.

If you and your family enjoy knitting or crocheting OR if you want to learn, please take a look at the website.

This is a great at-home learning opportunity and a chance to be part of something wonderful in our larger community.

Calendar of Events

Thursday, January 28
Bell Let's Talk Day
8:00am: Period 3 Cohorts A & B Synchronous
9:52am: Period 3 Cohorts A & B Asynchronous
11:10am: Period 4 Cohorts A & B Synchronous
1:02pm: Period 4 Cohorts A & B Asynchronous
2:00pm: DECA meeting

Friday, January 29
8:00am: Period 3 Cohorts A & B Synchronous
9:52am: Period 3 Cohorts A & B Asynchronous
11:10am: Period 4 Cohorts A & B Synchronous
1:02pm: Period 4 Cohorts A & B Asynchronous

Monday, February 1
8:00am: Period 3 All students Final Evaluation

Tuesday, February 2
8:00am: Period 4 All students Final Evaluation

Wednesday, February 3
Professional Activity Day

Thursday, February 4
Quad 3 Begins
8:00am: Period 1 Cohorts A & B Synchronous
9:52am: Period 1 Cohorts A & B Asynchronous
11:10am: Period 2 Cohorts A & B Synchronous
1:02pm: Period 2 Cohorts A & B Asynchronous
2:00pm: DECA meeting

Friday, February 5
8:00am: Period 1 Cohorts A & B Synchronous
9:52am: Period 1 Cohorts A & B Asynchronous
11:10am: Period 2 Cohorts A & B Synchronous
1:02pm: Period 2 Cohorts A & B Asynchronous
Monday, February 8
Period 1 Cohorts A & B Synchronous
Period 1 Cohorts A & B Asynchronous
Period 2 Cohorts A & B Synchronous
Period 2 Cohorts A & B Asynchronous

Tuesday, February 9
8:00am: Period 1 Cohorts A & B Synchronous
9:52am: Period 1 Cohorts A & B Asynchronous
11:10am: Period 2 Cohorts A & B Synchronous
1:02pm: Period 2 Cohorts A & B Asynchronous
6:00pm: Pathways Night
6:00pm: Catholic Schools Advisory Council Meeting

Wednesday, February 10
BENN Newsletter release
8:00am: Period 1 Cohorts A & B Synchronous
9:52am: Period 1 Cohorts A & B Asynchronous
11:10am: Period 2 Cohorts A & B Synchronous
1:02pm: Period 2 Cohorts A & B Asynchronous

Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates and changes!

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