Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - Volume 13, Issue 13
Volume 13, issue 13... are you triskaidekaphobic?

A Message from Administration

In our ever changing world, there continues to be new and updated information to our guidelines and practices. New this week, please read the most recent communication from our Director below for the latest updates on the enhanced Screening Guidance and Isolation Protocols.

As communicated, all secondary students are required to confirm that they have completed their daily COVID Self-Assessment each morning to their teacher during Face to Face instruction. If a student is experiencing symptoms and does not ‘pass’ the Self-Assessment they must stay home and follow the guidance of the screening tool before returning to school. Please continue to provide the attendance office with information regarding student absences.

Parents and students are encouraged to access the board and our school website for the most up to date and timely communication regarding our school schedule, course selection deadlines, COVID protocols and any changes that may occur to our school year calendar.

REMINDER: Course selections for 2021-2022 school year are due in my myBlueprint by this Friday

Letter from the Director of Education

February 22nd, 2021

Dear Waterloo Catholic Community –

As we approach the end of February, we sincerely hope that this letter finds you and your family well. Today’s letter brings a number of very important updates that are important to continuing to provide safe, welcoming learning environments for all our Waterloo Catholic staff and students. Please take the time to read each of these updates, and do not hesitate to reach out to your local school if there are items for which you require further information or clarification. On Wednesday, February 17th the Minister of Education, informed by the Chief Medical Officer of Health, informed all school boards that there was an enhancement that would be adopted in terms of both screening and isolation guidance, as well as testing opportunities. Please see below for these and other updates.

Screening: Staff and students continue to be required to Self Screen before arriving at school (or immediately upon arrival). Confirmation of screening continues to be required for all staff and our secondary students. The change is that the new provincial direction requires that staff, students and children with any new or worsening symptom of COVID-19, as indicated in the school and child care screening tool, even those with only one symptom, must stay home until:
  • They receive a negative COVID-19 test result.
  • They receive an alternative diagnosis by a health care professional, or
  • It has been 10 days since their symptom onset and they are feeling better.
The student self-screener is found here: COVID-19 school and child care screening

Isolation requirements:
Further – all asymptomatic household contacts (siblings, parents, grandparents) of symptomatic
individuals are required to quarantine until the symptomatic household member:
  • receives a negative COVID-19 test result, or
  • receives an alternative diagnosis by a health care professional
If the symptomatic individual tests positive, or is not tested and does not receive an alternative diagnosis from a health care professional, the symptomatic individual must isolate (including from household members) for 10 days from symptom onset, and all household contacts must isolate until 14 days from their last contact with the symptomatic individual.

We realize this is a significant change and requirement for a family. This is by provincial order and does not just apply to the education sector, but everyone in the province. We may have to close some schools if too many staff are affected by this new requirement. We will make every effort to avoid this reality.

Targeted Testing:
On February 16th, 2021 The Ministry informed us of some enhancements to Testing that will be implemented provincially. These include:
  • Community Testing in selected sites: These are additional centers for any community member who is trying to access testing due to symptoms or as a result of being a contact. You will receive a letter if your school community is being offered this service.
  • Increased Staff Testing: All asymptomatic staff have the ability to access selected community Pharmacies if they feel they want to access a test.
  • Targeted Testing for staff and students of selected schools: The Ministry has contracted companies to help in administering COVID tests to 5% of the schools within the Board (2-3 per week), representing 2% of our student population. This service is for asymptomatic staff and students. You will receive a letter if your community / school is being offered the opportunity. It is fully voluntary and free of cost. Clinics will run on weekends.
March Break:
On February 11th, The Minister also announced that March Break would be postponed. We realize this is a disappointing development for children and families, but the good news it has not been cancelled altogether. The Break will now occur after Easter, in the week of April 12th-16th. We look forward to the well-deserved rest all staff and students will have the opportunity to enjoy in April. Schools will communicate some changes that will occur in secondary as a result of this shift in dates.

Elementary Transition Survey:
We administered the elementary transition survey from February 16th – 18th, immediately after Family Day Weekend. The official transition date for any student who chose to change their learning method will be Monday March 8th, 2021.

The results saw almost equal movement both ways – with 262 students moving to virtual learning at St Isidore and 290 students making the move back to in person learning. This will necessitate some class re-organization but we are hoping that it will be minimized. As previously indicated, there will be no more movement from one mode to the other for the remainder of the year.

We have made a decision that all elementary and secondary graduations will be virtual /adapted once again this year. All indications would seem to suggest that while we hope to be in a much better place in terms of COVID transmission by the later spring and summer months, but planning starts much sooner than that. We do not have enough assurances that large gatherings will be possible by then, so we have made a proactive decision that we will not run a traditional graduation celebration. Your local school will be in touch about how this will be approached in your local site.

Once again, we encourage you to visit to learn what public health measures are in place in our community – but also please be aware that these could change depending on the most current public health advice. We also suggest checking out the WCDSB website and Region of Waterloo Public Health website as they contain helpful resources and supports. If you have any questions about what your particular school is doing, please reach out to your local school principal.

I will continue to remind all community members that mental health resources are available to students and families through Kids Help Phone, which offers 24/7 counselling and referral services across the province. To use this free resource, children can call 1-800-668-6868, or text CONNECT to 686868.

If there are any further updates we will certainly share them as soon as possible. Please know that we continue to be in this together and day by day we will make it through. Thank you for all that you have done to walk with us through this time. As we journey thought Lent toward our Easter Season, let’s continue to remain people of hope, informed by our Faith. Please reach out to us if you need help or guidance, and remain confident that we are here to support you, as we walk together as a hope-filled community. #InThisTogether


Loretta Notten
Director of Education

Spring Break & Quad 3 Final Assessments

As previously communicated March Break has been postponed to the week of April 12-16 for all Ontario schools. As a result of the March Break being moved to April 12-16, we have made some adjustments to the Quad 3 and 4 calendars to support overall student achievement and wellbeing.

Final Assessment days have been moved to April 8 (Period 1) & April 9 (Period 2). These two days will be fully remote, synchronous assessment days. Following the April break, April 19 and 20 will continue to be Assessment and Evaluation (A&E) days for the purpose of credit recovery, rescue, and reporting. Further information will be provided by classroom teachers.

Quad 4 will begin on April 21 as a fully remote, synchronous day. Teachers will have the opportunity to virtually meet all students in their course(s), and to share course overviews and expectations. We will follow a remote learning schedule, check the school calendar for specific times.

Inclement Weather

While every effort is made to get the word out on our school's social media and website in a timely manner, please check the website or to check if buses are running/schools are closed for the day.

Celebrate Black History Month

Every February, people in Canada are invited to participate in Black History Month festivities and events that honour the legacy of Black Canadians and their communities.

Black History Month -

Launch of Regional “In This Together” Campaign

Lawn Sign pic
Recognizing that nerves are fraying and frustrations growing in the face of having to live with COVID-19, the public sector institutions of the Region of Waterloo (Public Health / School Boards / Municipalities / Hospitals / Universities-Colleges, WRPS, etc.) have banded together in a special multi-lingual "In This Together" campaign to promote kindness, tolerance, understanding and -- most importantly – cooperation, as we continue to weather this storm.

Please see the attached InfoSheet for information on how you can participate.

School Schedule and Calendar

Quick Link to Our Calendar -

Our calendar (with Cohort info and key dates) can be accessed through our school website -

You can then access the calendar by going to ABOUT US > School Year Calendar

New Store Hours

Tuesday: 10am – 6pm
Thursday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 10am – 6pm

We would like your input for the 2021-2022 budget.

The purpose of this brief budget survey is to gain feedback from stakeholders with respect to Board priorities. While we cannot accommodate all requests, we do want to know what is important to stakeholders which will help guide our decisions. The ThoughtExchange will be open until March 26th.

Understanding that the Board priorities are intended to support Graduation rates, Well-Being and Faith Formation. Please identify what you feel is the MOST important area for investment within the budget in order to achieve our priorities?
Understanding that the Board priorities are intended to support Graduation rates, Well-Being and Faith Formation. Where do you think the Board could obtain savings or efficiencies?

Key Dates for Quad 3 & 4

Quad 3:

Feb 22 - Feb 26
Gathered to Become – Butterfly Week
Feb 24
BENN Newsletter Release
Mar 9
Turn Around Date for Careers/Civics
Mar 10
BENN Newsletter Release
Mar 11
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
Mar 14
Daylight Saving Time Begins
Mar 24
IEP Distribution & BENN Newsletter Release
Mar 28
Palm Sunday
Apr 1
Holy Thursday
Apr 2
Good Friday
Apr 3
Holy Saturday
Apr 4
Easter Sunday
Apr 5
Easter Monday
Apr 7
BENN Newsletter Release
Apr 8
Quad 3 Period 1 Evaluation Day
Apr 9
Quad 3 Period 2 Evaluation Day
Apr 12 - 16
Spring Break
Apr 21
BENN Newsletter Release
Quad 4: April 21 to June 25, 2021

Apr 21
Quad 4 begins virtually for all students
May 5
Quad 3 Report Card Distribution Date & BENN Newsletter Release
May 9
Mother’s Day
May 19
BENN Newsletter Release
May 20
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
May 21
Turn Around Date for Careers/Civics
May 24
Victoria Day
June 2
BENN Newsletter Release
June 4
PA Day
June 9
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
June 16
BENN Newsletter Release
June 20
Father’s Day
June 24
Period 3 Evaluations
June 25
Period 4 Evaluations
June 28
Assessment and Evaluation/Credit Recovery
June 30
BENN Newsletter Release
July 12
Quad 4 Report Card Distribution Date (Mailed)

Did you get your son's or daughter's Quadmester 2 Report Cards in the mail?

If not, please contact the school.


Mental Health & Wellness

WCDSB Mental Health and Well Being Webpage

This is a “one stop shop” where you can find links to targeted resources to promote wellbeing during COVID, examples of meditations/calming strategies to share with students, resources specific to various roles (i.e. leadership, educators, students, families), links to services in our community, and general mental health information. Please help raise awareness about this resource! A short intro video is here:

Please talk with Guidance, Vice Principals and/or our Principal if you feel you need School Social Work support.

Langs Youth Wellness Hub

The Langs Youth Wellness Hub (is a safe, welcoming, inclusive space for youth to access services and programming in Cambridge. The YWH is home to many partners including Carizon Family and Community Services, Cambridge Career Connections, Family and Children’s Services, Lutherwood and Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council. Youth have the opportunity to engage in STEAM and art programs to enhance life skills, technical abilities and self- expression. You can also use the computers for employment, homework, or gaming. Wi-Fi and tablets are also available. Play cards or games with friends in the lounge area or use the PlayStation4 with a friend. Counselling and mental health services are available. Due to COVID-19 protocols many of our programs and services are being provided virtually. For the most up to date information, contact Darcy Edwards, Youth Wellness Hub Coordinator 519-653-1470 x 357 IG: @langsyouth or text 519.807.1855.

The Business & Education Partnership of Waterloo Region is excited to present

Explore Your Future 2021 for grade 7-12 students and their parents/guardians in Waterloo Region!

Interactive sessions will run every other week from 6:30 - 7:30 PM.
Thanks to our sponsors and partners, this learning experience is FREE to attend.

February 24: Builders, Makers and Designers - Careers in Tech and Trades

Want to create? Learn how people like you use their head, hands and heart to create, fix and design the things we need and use everyday.Session Sponsor: Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
at the Waterloo Region and Waterloo Catholic District School Boards

March 10: Entrepreneurs - Careers Starting and Leading Companies

Want to lead? Learn how people like you use their talents to create, build and lead companies across a range of industries.

March 24: Helping Professionals - Careers Making a Difference for Others

Want to help others? Learn how people like you use their skills to support and heal people and communities.

1 ticket gets you access to all 4 sessions!

Click on the image above to register.

Frequently Asked Question

Is there a cohort-specific schedule?


Cohort A Cohort B

COVID Test/Screening and Outbreak Protocol

All students (or guardians on their behalf) will be asked to engage in a daily self-assessment before reporting to school and anyone feeling unwell or identifying a concern based on their self-assessment should not report to school. COVID-19 School Screening

Once at the school, all students will be required to wear mask at all times. Students are to sanitize their hands upon entering and leaving the classroom.

Operational guidance: COVID-19 management in schools (

What to do when my child isn't feeling well?

Read the memo for parents and guardians from the Region of Waterloo Public Health Unit. The document provides direction for parents and caregivers regarding the role of families, Public Health and schools.

Message from Guidance

Course Selection for 2021-2022

Course selection for next year has begun and as we move into Quad 3. Now is the time to begin, or continue to research your course choices for next year and beyond. Many students have started the process and we thank you for that.

The decisions that students make now regarding their choices for next year are what drive the scheduling decisions that are made with regard to both the courses and the numbers of sections of each course that we offer at the school next year. The importance of making the right choices should not be underestimated as inappropriate course selections are not always easily corrected once the school year is underway.

As has been the practice for the past number of years, students will be choosing their courses on-line.
The site can be accessed as follows:
  1. Go to
  2. Login using your school login or GAFE account login
New for this year is the online parent approval which must be indicated before course selection submission.

The following resources have been included in the links below to help support choosing courses for next year:

1- Course Calendar
of all the courses being offered at Bennie's
2- Course Selection slideshow - lots of important information here specifically catered to current grade 11 & 12 students. Please take time to review. This includes information about summer school and postsecondary planning.
3- Helpsheet to navigate getting parent approval electronically in myBlueprint - NEW this year!
*** Course selections must be approved online by a parent before submission – see the instruction guide within each grade link

Course Selection Parent Approval – video:
Course selection is due Friday, February 26th. If you have any questions, please reach out to your guidance counselor.

Grade 9 Course Selection

Grade 10 Course Selection

Grade 11 Course Selection

Grade 12’s Planning to Return for a 5th year
If you have applied to College and/or University you cannot choose courses at Bennie's for 2021/2022.
If you change your mind after applying to postsecondary and want to return to Bennie's in September instead, please contact your Guidance Counselor.

If you would like to return next year, please select courses in myBlueprint and submit by Friday, February 26th. Course selection must further your post-secondary pathway. The ability to return is dependent on your post-secondary plan and ultimately admin approval. Contact Guidance if you have questions.

For those Grade 12s that are not returning to St Benedict’s next year, please go into myBlueprint - high school plan- and click Not Returning Next Year? (top right-hand corner), please indicate your plans and submit them.

Reg Ad - Social

Online Pre-registration for Kindergarten is Open: It’s Time to Sign Up for School!!

It’s time to sign up for the 2021-22 school year – and registering to attend one of Waterloo Region’s 43 Catholic elementary schools has never been easier.
  • Children born in 2017 are eligible for Year 1 Kindergarten (JK).
  • Children born in 2016 are eligible for Year 2 Kindergarten (SK).
Parents can access the Online Pre-Registration form by clicking on the Register for School link on the WCDSB Homepage and then choosing Kindergarten Registration.

To finalize your child's registration, please contact your local Catholic school directly, for individual registration dates and times.

News from the Catholic School Advisory Council

St. Benedict's is pleased to present Charitable Gaming. Community Good. This new brand name and logo represents the good works, in part, that happen locally as a result of our participation in Charitable Gaming through the Cambridge Bingo and Gaming Centre.
Bingo Brand Logo

Winter ParticiPACTION & Lenten Lift-off

Based on feedback from the CSAC survey last fall in conjunction with Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (CPIC) collaboration, CPIC, is pleased to present Winter ParticiPACTION and Lenten Liftoff, a series of winter activities to support parental engagement funded by the Ministry of Ontario Pro Grants. The activities are broken down into four core themes identified as the most important in our school communities: Faith Formation, Mental Health, Health and Wellbeing and STEAM. More information on activities within each theme will be shared shortly and we are excited to offer rich content from a variety of community partners while tying the themes to our core focus this year, "Gathered to Become".

The first in our series of activities is specific to Faith formation for the start of Lent. We are excited to present the series Formed which will be the foundation of activities for this theme which will feature Friday night faith flicks along with resources to support family discussion. Lenten booklets will also be available shortly and more information will follow soon. Please join us in sharing the message of these free resources and content to support our families over the winter months. Parents can sign up here.



Are you considering Coop for next year?

Students who are choosing coop for next year are reminded to complete the Google Coop application found in myBlueprint.

Every Wednesday, join Mrs. Borba (Literacy) or Mr. Chaves (Numeracy) ONLINE from 1:45-3:00pm!

JOIN the Google Classroom
or simply CLICK on the Teams Links!!

Click here for: Borba Literacy Meet
Click here for: Chaves Numeracy Meet

Can't WAIT to see you SAINTS online!

News from the Library

Clemens Mill Library as well as all other Idea Exchange locations are now open for in-person library services! We are open Monday to Saturday, 10am to 6pm and are offering the following services:
  • in person browsing
  • limited public computer access
  • printing, scanning and faxing
  • limited study space
Please visit the Idea Exchange website for more information.

2021 is fine free meaning overdue fines will not be applied to print books, DVDs, magazines, video games or other materials for the remainder of the calendar year. But we do ask that you return library materials when due.

Have a look at all our newest materials, books, movies and music.

A reminder to St. Bennies students that you can access the school library website from the St. Bennies homepage menu.

Use the library catalogue to find books for your own reading or for school assignments. The Bennies Bookshelf page has booklists and other resources to use for literature assignments.
Find databases at the Online Resources page.

If you need help finding a good book or resources for assignments please contact your school library, Ms. Pilon at



Debate Club is back! No it's not.... Yes it is!

Come join the new Debate Club and learn how to objectively debate about some of the greatest issues of our time. Students will have the opportunity to debate an issue that they have a passion for, be a judge or moderator or simply an audience member to a riveting debate between their peers. No experience needed, just a passion for public speaking, world issues and speaking your mind.

Student Activities

Other News

YJCSummer 2021 Promo Poster
YouthForce February and March 2021 Workshops IG

Calendar of Events

Thursday, February 25
8:00am: Period 2 Cohort B Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 1 All students Distance learning

Friday, February 26
8:00am: Period 2 Cohort B Face to Face
11:15am: Social Justice Council meeting
12:25pm: Period 1 All students Distance learning

Monday, March 1
8:00am: Period 2 Cohort B Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 1 All students Distance learning

Tuesday, March 2
8:00am: Period 2 Cohort B Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 1 All students Distance learning

Wednesday, March 3
8:00am: Period 2 Cohort B Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 1 All students Distance learning

Thursday, March 4
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort A Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning

Friday, March 5
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort A Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning

Monday, March 8
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort A Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning

Tuesday, March 9
Turn Around Date for Careers/Civics
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort A Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning
6:00pm: Catholic Schools Advisory Council Meeting
Wednesday, March 10
Civvies Day - Cohort A
BENN Newsletter release
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort A Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning

Thursday, March 11
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort B Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning
2:00pm: Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences

Friday, March 12
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort B Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning

Sunday, March 14
Daylight Saving Time begins

Monday, March 15
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort B Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning

Tuesday, March 16
8:00am: Period 1 Cohort B Face to Face
12:25pm: Period 2 All students Distance learning

Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates and changes!

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