Wednesday, June 2, 2021 - Volume 13, Issue 20
Message from Administration
As you may already know, Premier Doug Ford announced today that students in Ontario would not be returning to school in June, 2021. We acknowledge that this news is disheartening for many, but the Ontario government has made this decision to protect the health and safety of all during the on-going COVID-19 outbreak.
Classroom teachers and school staff will continue in the remote learning schedule. Please reach out to teachers and other school supports to assist students during at home learning. All updates with respect to mental health resources, learning supports, transition to remote learning survey for the school year 2021-22 and other information can be found on the board website at https://wcdsblearnathome.wcdsb.ca/.
We will communicate additional information about picking up school photos and returning school item, continue to check the website for updated information. Grade 12 graduates, please see below for further information. We encourage you to continue to follow the direction of Public Health and stay safe during our time apart, as always please reach out to us if you need guidance or have any questions.
We miss you Saints! Be Kind to yourself and one another!
Convocation information for the Graduating Class of 2021
We have created a webpage that is dedicated to sharing updated information as we continue to plan to celebrate our graduates. The webpage may be accessed by going to our school website and adding “/grad2021” to the URL. The link is below as well.
The webpage will be updated with the most current information as it pertains to the celebrations, picking up of grad items, dropping off of school supplies and the Grad video. Please check the webpage whenever you are wondering about the process or the status of our planning. We are obviously deeply affected by the Covid reality and the resulting lockdowns. We will continue to plan around this and try to give our Graduating class the best possible experience.
Grad Pictures
Due to Public Health restrictions, Lifetouch (the company that takes and processes the grad photos) had to cancel previously booked appointments and is unable to take pictures on site or anywhere else at this time. It appears that formal photography will be allowed in the stage 2 category of reopening. At this time, Lifetouch is hoping to book grad photo appointments for the summer. We will communicate the process to you once it is in place. Again, this is dependent on the reopening allowances so please do not call Lifetouch until you are invited to do so!!!
Whatever the situation, we have a backup plan – Please see June Celebration on the webpage linked above. Additionally, please hold off on sending your earlier requested grad pictures to the school. The June 4th date will be extended and we are looking at making that option even better!
Get Vaccinated:
Priority Access for Youth Aged 12 to 17
The Waterloo Region Vaccine Task Force is working to make sure that our youth can be safe to learn for September 2021.
Key Dates for Quadmester 4
Period 3 Final Evaluation, 8:00 am
Period 4 Final Evaluation, 8:00 am
Assessment and Evaluation/
Quad 4 Report Card Distribution (Mailed)
Photo Pick Up
We are holding all photo distribution at this time, we will communicate a plan at a later date. Thank you for your patience.
School Schedule and Calendar
You can then access the calendar by going to ABOUT US > School Year Calendar
Transition to St. Isidore for 2021-2022 School Year
OPEN until June 3rd @ 4PM
A Message from the Director of Education
WCDSB Decision to fly the Rainbow Flag
We hope that you are well and finding reasons for hope as we journey into June. It has certainly been a most challenging school year. This letter brings an update on the WCDSB decision to fly the Rainbow flag at each of our schools and our Board buildings.
You may be aware of the controversy that unfolded last year when we planned to raise an alternative to the Rainbow Flag in June, which in Canada is known as “Pride Month”. Since then, we have carefully considered and prayed about what our next step should be to move forward. As indicated above, the decision has been made that we will fly the Rainbow Flag at our Waterloo Catholic schools for the month of June and we wanted you to be aware in advance. We recognize that while this decision will make some people happy, for others it may be a cause for concern or disappointment or even anger.
In its document Male and Female He Created Them, the Congregation for Catholic Education states: “It is important . . . to educate children and young people to respect every person in their particularity and difference, so that no one should suffer bullying, violence, insults or unjust discrimination based on their specific characteristics (such as special needs, race, religion, sexual tendencies, etc.” Our main reason for flying the Rainbow Flag is to say to all who come to our Catholic Schools that they are coming to a place where they are loved unconditionally by God and will be respected and valued as children of God. It communicates to all our children, youth, staff, and families that the school is a safe, welcoming place to learn and grow.
Bill 13 (the Accepting Schools Act) states: “All students should feel safe at school and deserve a positive school climate that is inclusive and accepting regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability.”
Our hope and our goal in flying the Rainbow Flag is to create this safe and positive school climate for all our students.
We are not making a statement about our divergence from the teaching of the Catholic Church with regards to sexual morality. Sexual morality is not the issue. What is at issue is that LGBTQ+ youth are much more likely to do self-harm or take their life than their heterosexual counterparts. Every instance of bullying and abuse towards a LGBTQ+ youth increases the likelihood for serious and/or tragic consequences that were certainly avoidable.
Harvey Milk (the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in the US) commissioned artist Gilbert Baker to design the Pride flag. Milk said this about the Rainbow Flag: “It’s not about personal gain; it’s not about ego; it’s not about power; it’s about giving those young people out there hope.” We are a people of hope and for this reason we will be flying the Rainbow Flag. Our students who identify as part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community desire and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect without fear of bullying, discrimination, and violence. It is that simple.
From the St. Benedict CSS social media:
As Catholics, we believe that we are wonderfully made in the image and likeness of a God who created us and loves us unconditionally – just as we are.
We are called to love and celebrate one another, just as God loves and celebrates each one of us. We honour the inherent dignity in each other by treating one another with care, compassion, and respect.
The month of June is designated as PRIDE month in the Waterloo region and in many communities across Ontario. This month, and each and every month, our Catholic schools are committed to nurturing safe and inclusive learning environments where every student and every member of the community is welcomed, valued, and respected.
On June 1 at the Waterloo Catholic District School Board, the rainbow flag was raised at each school and board building for the first time where it will remain for the month of June. This act of flying the Pride Flag in June affirms publicly our Catholic faith and gospel values of love, inclusion and a belief in the dignity of each person.
Brian Wenke, Executive Director of the “It Gets Better Project”, believes that the Rainbow Flag’s meaning rests not in its individual colours but in the symbolism of the entire spectrum. He describes the rainbow’s universal, all-embracing resonance best: “The rainbow came from earliest recorded history as a symbol of hope. In the Book of Genesis, it appeared as proof of a covenant between God and all living creatures.” It is in this spirit of God’s covenantal love for all creatures, that all creation is worthwhile and valuable, that we will fly the Rainbow Flag.
As important partners in Catholic Education, we want to assure you of our deep commitment to authentically living the Catholic faith — which calls us to create welcoming and inviting communities where, as our WCDSB pastoral plan reminds, all are “Called to Belong, Gathered to Become and Sent to Build”.
The flags on the school flag poles have been lowered to half-mast and will remain lowered for a total of 215 hours –they will be raised back to full height at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, June 9th.
This action is to signify that we do stand in solidarity with our Indigenous brothers and sisters. The Pride flag raising was about inclusion and engaging in a deliberate action intended to support some of the most vulnerable amongst us. Therefore the lowering the flags is very much in keeping with this theme. It is how we acknowledge and remember how 215 students did not have someone who stood up for them. It is about acknowledging that an injustice was allowed to unfold and how we must acknowledge that truth before we can move on to true reconciliation. Today – we stand with ALL in our community and we remember…and we commit to do better.
Did you know our school has a custom e-store with call-center and web chat support? Avoid long lines and take advantage of easy installment payment options by visiting mccarthyuniforms.ca to shop for your 2021 school uniform!
Updating Contact Information
Please find attached the instructions to verify your child's mailing address in the Aspen student portal.
If your address is incorrect, please email: benedict.attendance@wcdsb.ca with your child's name, proper mailing address along with the postal code. As well, please contact us if you do not have an email address on file or any additional information is incorrect in Aspen.
Thank you for your time, and attention to this matter as we prepare to mail Quad 3 report cards..
Mental Health Corner
June is PRIDE month
If you are interested in being part of the SAINTS GSA – a social club for LGTBQ+ students and allies, please email Mrs. Varriano Lane at laura.varrianolane@wcdsb.ca
Community Resources
Confidential, non-judgmental and informed LGBTTQQ2SI Peer Support
OK2BME is a set of free, supportive services for LGBTQ2+ identified children, teens and their families in Waterloo Region. The OK2BME program consists of three unique areas including confidential counselling services (in person, or online), OK2BME Youth Groups for individuals 12-18, as well as public education, consulting and training around LGBTQ2+ issues. https://ok2bme.ca/
Mental Health and Well Being
As we continue in remote learning it is important to keep tabs on how we are all coping. Take a look at the Board’s Mental Health and Wellbeing webpage. This is a “one stop shop” where you can find links to targeted resources to promote wellbeing during Covid, examples of meditations/calming strategies to share with students, resources specific to various roles (i.e. leadership, educators, students, families), links to services in our community, and general mental health information. Please help raise awareness about this resource! https://www.wcdsb.ca/programs-and-services/mental-health-and-well-being-at-wcdsb/ A short intro video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmJI_QXT8xk
HERE24/7 is a telephone crisis service that can assist students and adults in need: 1-844-437-3247 (Press the #1 option so that it can be answered by a live person).
Leadership Development
The Counselling Collaborative of Waterloo Region (https://counsellingwr.ca) is a partnership of 6 local counselling agencies working together to make counselling services more accessible to individuals with a limited income. Fees may be fully or partially subsidized depending on individual circumstances and the service requested. Visit their website or call (519) 804-1097 to book a phone/video appt.
Frequently Asked Question
Is there a cohort-specific schedule?
COVID Test/Screening and Outbreak Protocol
All students (or guardians on their behalf) will be asked to engage in a daily self-assessment before reporting to school and anyone feeling unwell or identifying a concern based on their self-assessment should not report to school. COVID-19 School Screening
Once at the school, all students will be required to wear mask at all times. Students are to sanitize their hands upon entering and leaving the classroom.
What to do when my child isn't feeling well?
Message from Guidance
Current grade 9 and 10 students may register for a 55 hour online UPGRADING course in JULY! If you would like to review and strengthen key learning in a course you PASSED during the 2020-21 school year, please see the options here: https://stlouis.wcdsb.ca/summer-programs/summer-credit/
The courses are offered in 2 Terms: July 5-16 and July 16-29
Summer Learning Registration
Registration is now OPEN!
Waterloo Catholic District School Board is committed to supporting your child’s continued learning. In July and August this year, there are a number of learning options available for elementary and secondary students that will ignite, support and challenge students toward success and preparation for the next grade.
Summer School
Is available this year as online learning courses through our board at St. Louis Adult Learning and Continuing Education. More information can be found on their website: https://stlouis.wcdsb.ca/summer-programs/summer-credit/ The deadline to register is June 18, 2021 at noon.
These courses will run from July 5 – July 29. (Half credit courses Careers and Civics Term 1 July 5-15. Term 2 July 16 – July 29).
What is Online Learning?
Online Learning means courses are specifically designed to be taught in a fully online format (formerly referred to as “e-learning”). Online learning relies on communication between pupils and teachers through the internet or any other digital platform and does not require pupils and teachers to be face to-face with each other or with their teacher. Students must be online and working on their course for a minimum of 6 hours a day.
Students may only take one online course or both Civics and Careers half courses.
If you choose to register for summer school, please inform your Guidance counsellor.
2021-2022 EQAO Student Engagement Committee - Call for Applicants
This committee continues to be one of the key sources of student voice for EQAO. It is also an opportunity for interested students to have a positive impact on the agency's activities and on Ontario's education system.
Students are the focus of EQAO's work, so student voices and experiences help EQAO to advance their goal of continuous improvement.
EQAO encourages applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit or Indigenous person. As an accessible agency, they offer accommodations as required, including during the recruitment process.
Who is eligible to apply?
- Applicants must be enrolled in an Ontario school in Grades 7–12.
- Applicants must have completed at least one EQAO assessment.
Application Form
To learn more about the committee's previous work, visit EQAO's website.
Submissions must be received by June 7, 2021, and selections will be announced by the end of June 2021.
Saints Shine at Virtual Skills Ontario
During the weeks of April 22- May 7, 2021, a total of 7 WCDSB high school students competed at the Virtual Skills Ontario Competition.
Due to the challenges we have all faced throughout the 2020-21 school year, this group of students faced adversity head on and competed in the first ever Virtual Skills Ontario Competition. Students practiced and competed from their homes, with emails of advice flooding their inboxes and video calls with their Mentors.
Tolu Akinyemi with Board Director Loretta Notten.
St. Benedict was well represented with two students receiving medals in their categories during the Virtual Closing Ceremonies on Thursday May 13. We take this opportunity to congratulate:
Tolu Akinyemi
Sabrina Bumbacco
All competitors put in their best efforts and made the WCDSB community proud! To see the full list of results visit the Skills Ontario website: www.skillsontario.com/competitions/secondary
On Wednesday May 26, Tolu Akinyemi represented not only the WCDSB, but Ontario, as she competed in the Skills Canada National Virtual Competition. Tolu was tasked with delivering both an impromptu speech, and a prepared speech throughout the competition day.
The 2021 Skills Canada Virtual Competition Showcase and closing ceremonies will take place on June 15, 2021. Registration is FREE and all are welcome to attend. Register here: https://scvnc.vfairs.ca/
Congratulations to all students who competed at the Skills Ontario Virtual Competition and thank you to all the teachers and mentors who supported them along the way!
Catholic Community Foundation helps us Grow….
Although Covid has dampened our ability to work together as we have in the past, it has not driven out the desire to keep the momentum going for when we return. The St. Benedict Food Garden has been a work in progress; each year being better and more sustainable.
Recently, the technology department has been working on a new plan that will make the garden boxes more accessible while increasing their potential for a diverse crop. The plan required more resources. More resources require more funds. So, we reached out to the Catholic Community Foundation of Waterloo Region. After completing the required application process and waiting for a response, we are happy to inform the community that we have been awarded a $5000.00 grant towards the refurbishing of our school food garden.
The refurbishing will include, modified garden boxes, fixing compost boxes, enhancing irrigation, and building a student work shelter. Each one of these modifications will make the gardening experience more accessible to positive student experiences and learning. The grant funds will also be used to purchase P.P.E., like garden gloves and protective eye wear.
The school food garden has become a center for hospitality and tourism classes. Students seed, sow and plant the vegetation in the spring and then harvest the yield in September. The vegetation is then used in our inhouse catering and lunch programs by students for students at “The Scratch Café” well into the beginning of winter.
The construction department has been an integral part of the planning and building process since day one. Both Mr. Hodgins (Chef – Hospitality Teacher) and Mr. Berger (Framer – Construction Teacher) have worked tirelessly to come up with a design to support student learning and garden efficiency.
In the future, we intend for the garden to be used in up-and-coming community programming and in other classes, like: Science, Math, Languages amongst others. Having live vegetation on site can help students realize curriculum in a more tactile manner which will add to the numerous ways that teachers engage students here at St. Benedict.
At present, our garden is still active with memories of our past successes as seen in our photos: Strawberry plants, Tarragon, and Milk Weed to support our Monarch population. There is work to be done, and we can’t wait to get at it!
Many thanks go to the Catholic Community Foundation of Waterloo Region for their support in this project.
Have you considered the International Certificate Program (ICP)?
"Through the International Certificate Program, high school students become informed, engaged and active global citizens, by putting into practice the Catholic social teaching including peace, justice and equity for all." (WCDSB)
Grade 10 and 11 SHSM students can complete certifications including in person standard first aid and CPR over the summer. Reach out to Mrs. Crowell if you would like more information: Michelle.Crowell@wcdsb.ca
Grade 12 SHSM students who have been messaged about outstanding certifications are reminded they must be completed by June 18 to allow time to process them.
Every Wednesday, join Mrs. Borba (Literacy) or Mr. Chaves (Numeracy) ONLINE from 1:45-3:00pm!
or simply CLICK on the Teams Links!!
Can't WAIT to see you SAINTS online!
As of Thursday, April 8, 2021 the Ontario Government has placed all of Ontario in a province wide shutdown. To keep our staff and members safe, Idea Exchange is closing our buildings and offering holds pick ups and online services only. Online resources remain available to teachers and students on the St. Bennies Library website.
Did you know….
Idea Exchange Accounts now require a PIN (Personal Identification Number)
As of Tuesday, May 4, 2021, all Idea Exchange memberships will require a PIN (Personal Identification Number) and card number to log into your Idea Exchange account. This change will increase the security and privacy of your personal library information. A temporary PIN will be created from the last four digits of the telephone number used for your account. We encourage you to reset your temporary PIN as soon as possible (on or after May 4).
Virtual Student Support:
Mon. Wed. Fri. 10am to 2pm
Pickup Service:
Monday to Saturday, 10am to 6pm for curbside pickup only.
To learn more about the library's current services, visit the Idea Exchange website.
Do you have word?
Hey Saints, did you know that we have started a Spoken Word Club at Bennies?
If you are interested in being a part of a club that inspires new ideas, penetrates the deepest human feelings, and brings out the profound meaning of Spoken Word, then come see us on Thursdays 1:15 - 2:00 pm!
Google Classroom code: ztl66sq
Are you a positive role model at St. Benedict? Are you going into grade 11 or 12? Do you want to help grade 9 students transition into high school and find a place within our school community?
If so, then Bennies Buddies (formerly Link Crew) is the group for you!
If you are interested, then please apply using this form.
Applications are due no later than Thursday, June 10 at 3:00pm. Come join this amazing group!
Bennies Buddies advisors: Mrs. Spitzig, Mr. Reitzel, Mr. Roque, and Mrs. Whalen-O’Connor
Thursday, June 3 8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous 9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous 11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous 1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous 1:15pm: Spoken Word Club
Friday, June 4 Professional Activity Day
Monday, June 7 2021-2022 EQAO Student Engagement Application Due 8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous 9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous 11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous 1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous
Tuesday, June 8 8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous 9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous 11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous 1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous
Wednesday, June 9 8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous 9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous 11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous 1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous 1:45pm: Homework Club 2:00pm: Debate Club
Thursday, June 10 8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous 9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous 11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous 1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous 1:15pm: Spoken Word Club
Friday, June 11 8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous 9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous 11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous 1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous
Monday, June 14 8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous 9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous 11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous 1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous
Tuesday, June 15 8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous 9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous 11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous 1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous
Wednesday, June 16 BENN Newsletter release 8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous 9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous 11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous 1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous 1:45pm: Homework Club 2:00pm: Debate Club
Thursday, June 17 8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous 9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous 11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous 1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous 1:15pm: Spoken Word Club
Friday, June 18 8:00am: Period 3 All students Synchronous 9:52am: Period 3 All students Asynchronous 11:10am: Period 4 All students Synchronous 1:02pm: Period 4 All students Asynchronous
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!