Wednesday, November 3, 2021 - Volume 14, Issue 6
Message from Administration
On Thursday, we will celebrate and acknowledge the academic achievement of our students from the 2020-2021 school year. Although we are unable to celebrate with our traditional Academic Awards Night celebration, we will recognize these students through certificates delivered in classes and a video presentation. Congratulations to all our Academic Award winners. We are proud of your achievements and your commitment to academic excellence.
End of Quad 1: Important Information
As Quad 1 comes to an end, the administration wanted to make you aware of some important information:
- Students need to look on their quad 1 LMS to see when the final date to submit term work is. On November 10th and 11th, we will be operating on a special timetable, please see below.
- During each of those classes, teachers will be conducting end of quad activities.
- There will be no final exams this year, but we will have Final Course Evaluations. Possible activities could include: culminating activities, portfolios, exit interviews, credit rescue, unit tests, essays, reflections, etc.
- All Hybrid students will follow the same schedule outlined below.
- November 10th and 11th are regular instructional days, with an altered timetable. All students are expected to be at school on these days. Attendance will be taken.
- If your child is a member of the Active Living or Community Living program, they will be at school during regular hours on both the 10th and 11th, but they will not be attending school on Nov. 12th.
November 10: Period 1 Final Evaluation 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
November 11: Period 2 Final Evaluation 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
November 10 and 11: Buses Depart – First Wave at 10:20 AM / Second Wave at 10:25 AM
November 12: Turn Around Day. There are NO classes for students on this day.
November 15: Quad 2 Starts
If you have any questions, please call the Main Office 519-621-4050.
Important Update from the Director of Education
We hope that you continue to be well and that you are enjoying some of the beauty that the fall season affords us. We are pleased that, for the moment, cases seem to be slowing provincially and in the region, and in general, currently we are seeing fewer cases in our schools.
This letter brings a few important updates of which we would like you to be aware as they are important to your understanding as to how things are unfolding and precautions we wish to continue to enforce, so that we may continue on a safe, healthy and positive path as a community.
As we have shared before, please know that one of the most important things you do each and every day is to complete the screening tool before you as a staff member or student (or parent of a student) arrive at school. Any individual who fails the screener or who is symptomatic in any way should not be reporting to school. That is part of our collective responsibility to one another.
We have started our conversations with Region of Waterloo Public Health about vaccination for our 5-11 year olds but at this point, things are still in the planning and approval stage. As updates become available and we have specifics to share, we will be in touch as promptly as possible.
On October 28th, the government did share additional updates in relation to program with PCR testing and rapid antigen testing (“Test to Stay”). In both cases these programs feed from pilot programs in the province, and will be utilized when deemed necessary. Both are in relation to when there are positive cases being experienced in a given school community. There are specific criteria tied to their use and are not general surveillance/screening tools.
Sports / Athletics
As reported in my last letter, we have been pleased to see the return of athletics and sport to our schools and for inter-scholastic play to have returned for those age 12 and older. The criteria to play is full vaccination and/or proof of a negative test. This strategy is being used in a very targeted way for students who are not able to use our other usual strategies to ensure their safety – that is – they are unable to ensure masking and social distancing. We have been heartened by how well received the return to athletics has gone, and remain enormously grateful to our (coaching) staff for supporting this “return to play/competition”. The tests we were able to provide, through the support of a local partner, are no longer available to us. At a provincial level, informed by the Chief Medical Officer of Health, they have indicated we are no longer able to access or provide the tests. We are disappointed by this decision as we did feel it was a safe and equitable way to deliver sports. Our policy that a player /athlete must be fully vaccinated or provide evidence of a negative test has not changed. Families will now have to source the tests. Below we provide some links where those purchases may be made. Of course, vaccination remains an option.
Inclement Weather Protocol
Every year at this time we like to share some reminders about protocols for snow days. As you know – there are sometimes days in the winter when we have to cancel bussing due to the weather and unsafe driving conditions for our buses. In the past, if roads were still passable, we would leave schools open. On those days however, we often pooled classes based on the number of staff who fully attended and the number of students. This year, as was the case last year, that is not possible due to our COVID-19 cohort - related restrictions. In consultation with the public board, with whom we share bussing, when we cancel buses, we will close schools and have a remote learning day. Your teacher will communicate with you in advance so you know where to look for school work for the day and protocols on such days, but in broad terms, the teachers will post work in the morning, no later than 9:30 a.m. and students will work on their own timing in their home. It will allow all students to access some learning and we will be continuing to keep one and all safe. We realize it may not be a perfect solution and learning day, but bus snow days rarely were. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience and hope that we are not in this situation too often.
Potential Travel
A reminder that students under 12, travelling with vaccinated parents do not have to quarantine per se, but they are not allowed to return to school until 14 days from return have passed. This guidance is found on our webpage. This is federal policy we are sharing.
Please review our full Operational Guidelines to ensure you understand how we are continuing to ensure a safe and happy school experience for all.
We are grateful for your support and partnership as we navigate this unique year.
Student pick-up and drop-off
We have now had the new Pick up and Drop off procedure in place for about a week and a half. After a very rough start (Day 1 was a rainy day so everyone was driven in apparently), the process has been a big success in a few key ways. Many parents have been using the drop off area and that has taken a lot of safety concerns away from "the circle". The fire route has been cleared out for the most part and buses have been leaving more efficiently. To everyone involved in this improvement - THANK YOU!!
We will continue to ask parents to come in off Green Vista into our back entrance, follow the signs in the parking lot and leave out the other exit back onto Green Vista. We would like to see all the cars drive right through to drop off however. If student get dropped off at the start of that parking lot, it just jams up the traffic as other cars try to pull in. Otherwise, traffic is much better at the school. On the Pick up, please feel free to pull into that lot also to take some traffic away from the actual street on Green Vista.
We would also like to thank those that are dropping off and picking up students in the "Drive to 5" locations. This is also taking strain away from our congested bus routes. All your effort makes a difference and it is very much appreciated!! Thank you again as we work towards safety for all our students!!!
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) - Fall 2021-2022
The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT), administered by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO), an independent agency of the Government of Ontario, measures whether students are meeting the minimum standard for literacy across all subjects up to the end of Grade 9. Successful completion of the literacy test is a requirement of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. All students across the province write this test. Results on the OSSLT help to understand strengths and areas for improvement, and to monitor and celebrate progress. The results support discussions with teachers and help to guide school improvement initiatives. This benefits all students in the school and results are used by the school board and the Ministry of Education to direct attention and resources where they are needed.
This year, the OSSLT will be written in November. The test format and the content has changed since the last writing and this note is to inform you of those changes and give you some key information.
OSSLT Test Dates
November 17th - 25th: Grade 10, 11 and non-graduating grade 12 students
*Students will be made aware of their specific dates in their homeroom classes.
**If needed, there will be another window for students who need another attempt in the spring.**
Test format
The OSSLT is an online format, split into two different sections (booklets) and consists of the following:
- 31 multiple choice questions to test reading and writing conventions
- 1 short answer question
- 1 essay response
Who’s writing the test?
- All students currently in grade 10 and grade 11 (including remote learners)
- Students in grade 12 who are not on track to graduate
*Students in grade 12 that are on track to graduate will have the literacy requirement waived this year. **REMOTE learners – further information will be sent following this communication
Students with an IEP: Available Accommodations
Several tools are built into the test and can be accessed by all students. If your child needs accommodations beyond these tools and these accommodations are noted on their IEP, they will have access to extra features.
What materials are needed for the test?
- The test will be completed on a school provided device
- Each student may bring water and a snack for their break between sections of the test
- Snacks and drinks will also be provided by the school
- The test features a notepad that students can use to plan and brainstorm
- Paper and pens will also be provided
Schedule for Students Writing the Test
Testing runs from November 17th - 25th
- Students will be writing the scheduled test over a two-day period in their PERIOD 1 Homeroom Classes in Quad 2.
- Following their testing students will head have lunch and attend their period 2 classes.
Test Preparation and Resources
All students can prepare for their test using the following resources:
- OSSLT Presentation - shared in classrooms: PRESENTATION
- Homework Club (every Monday and Wednesday 1:45pm - 3:00pm in Room 210)
- Join the OSSLT Google Classroom: OSSLT STUDY HUB - Classroom Code: wp66dzq
- School Website - Literacy Test Preparation
Homework Club Literacy Test prep
Hello Saints! As we approach the testing of OSSLT we would like to remind our Grade 10 & 11 students that homework club is running from 1:45 - 3:00 in room 210 every Monday and Wednesday with a LITERACY FOCUS!
We also have a Google classroom that is specific to OSSLT prep; please join using the code: wp66dzq.
Remember Saints - practice and reach out! You got this!
**Make sure to PRACTICE - read every day from multiple sources, review your writing tips for both paragraph and essay writing and always remember to reach out - WE ARE HERE to SUPPORT YOU! REMEMBER SAINTS - YOU GOT THIS!**
Student Census
The purpose of the WCDSB Student Census is to eliminate systemic racism and advance racial equity in the WCDSB as authorized by the Anti-Racism Act in s.7(2). The WCDSB Student Census is a confidential and voluntary survey for all students from Grades 4 to 12 that students will complete with their classroom teacher during class time. The results and analysis of the census will allow us to gain a deeper understanding of the diversity of students within the WCDSB and of the cultural, social and demographic makeup of our students.
The WCDSB Students Census is voluntary. Any student may choose not to participate, to stop participating, or to skip a question at any time. Additionally, parents/guardians of students under 18 years of age can ask that their child be exempt from participating in the census. As part of our communication campaign, information has been distributed electronically by school Newswire, on our website, and on social media. As you will read within the Student Census information, there is an OPT out opportunity, this process is explained within the link. The OPT out option is available until October 25th should parents choose this.
We look forward to sharing the results from the Student Census as it becomes available.
WCDSB COVID-19 Operational Guidelines & Updated Daily School & Child Care Screening
As we get ready to head back to school, we are truly looking forward to a year that allows us to embrace a renewed love of learning, within our faith-based communities.
We remain very grateful for your continued support as we navigate life in the COVID-19 era, and remain ready and willing to assist you as we transition back to what will undoubtedly be a #WCDSBAwesome year!
Please review our full Operational Guidelines to ensure you understand how we are ensuring a safe and happy return to school.
Working with Words
Do you enjoy writing? Do you like painting pictures with words? Being persuasive? Clearly sharing an idea? Describing something in detail, accurately? Do you like researching? Asking questions?
There are many jobs that require someone to work with words. Jobs such as those working in journalism, corporate or nonprofit communications, marketing, and more.
Our panel will include communications professionals Meghan Huras and Shawn Falcao, digital content manager Phil Froklage and reporter Anam Latif. Every day, they use words to achieve results at work. Learn more about exactly what they do now and how their career journey brought them to this point. You can expect great advice for future wordsmiths!
Significant Days & Dates
Click here to view the most up to date calendar information.
December 20 to 30, 2021 (Classes resume January 3)
March 14, 2022 to March 18, 2022
Professional Activity Days:
Friday, November 19, 2021
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!
News from Guidance
Academic Awards Celebration
We are so grateful to have returned to a much more typical school year. Despite not being able to gather as an entire community for traditional celebrations, we do want to continue to acknowledge the outstanding academic achievements of our students.
Therefore, in lieu of a community celebration in our gymnasium, this year we are going to honour our academic award winners through a school-wide Teams Meet at the beginning of period 1 on Thursday, November 4.
We will begin, as always, with anthem, land acknowledgment and prayer; and then our principal, Mrs. Ingoldsby, will lead us in recognizing students who have earned:
Subject Awards by achieving the top overall grade in each course offered at St. Benedict
University of Waterloo Canadian Computing Competition Certificates of Distinction
Honour Roll distinction by maintaining averages in the following categories: 80%+, 85%+, 90%+
At the end of the virtual meet, homeroom teachers will distribute academic award certificates to our deserving recipients. We are so proud of all of your academic achievements - way to go, Saints!
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Counsellor’s Name
Last names
International Students/ICP
Guidance Google Classrooms
Once again, the Guidance department will have google classrooms available to share information with our students. Please consider joining the classrooms:
Scan the code below to book an appointment with your Guidance Counsellor
Then click the plus sign beside your Guidance Counsellor to book an appointment.
Ontario College Virtual Fair
This year's information fair will be a virtual event. Attendees will be able to speak with faculty and staff from 24 of Ontario's colleges in a fully interactive virtual environment. Prospective students can participate in information sessions, learn more about available programs, and how to apply to college. Visit the OCVF website for registration information.
Need some EXTRA SUPPORT with your classes?
HOMEWORK CLUB has started in ROOM 210. This club will help you with your LITERACY and NUMERACY needs. This program will run every Monday and Wednesday after school until the end of the school year - that's right all the way until JUNE! Come out join us! We look forward to helping you in your learning journey!
Interested in learning more about the Specialist High Skills Major program?
Please go to highskills.ca or drop by the coop office on the second floor to speak with Mrs. Crowell
Need space for your snowblower?
Looking to clean out the garage?
The Transportation Department can help! We are looking for donations of used bikes/parts for an upcoming project. Any size/shape/condition. We will be exploring design principles and alternative energy to turn scrap bicycles into fully functional electric vehicles!
Donations of used bikes/parts can be dropped off at the auto shop gates between 8am and 2pm. Please email Mr. Anatol if pick-up is needed.
Winter Sports information meetings
Senior Boys Basketball
If you are interested in trying out for the Senior Boys Basketball Team, please come to room 306 at lunch on Thursday. If you have any questions or concerns, see Mr. Fratarcangeli for more details.
Junior Girls Volleyball
Any girls interested in trying out for the Junior Girls Volleyball team, please come to a mandatory meeting at the start of lunch on Thursday, November 4 in Room 322. If you cannot make the meeting, please see Mrs. Kirk-Elleker in Room 322 or the Science Office. Tryouts will be taking place starting Monday, November 15 after school.
Junior Boys Basketball
Boys interested in trying out for the Junior Boys basketball team: There will be an important meeting in room 312 on Thursday November 4 at lunch. You must attend this meeting to tryout. Tryouts will begin Monday November 15 after school. If you have any questions or can't attend, please find Mrs. Edwards.
Alpine Ski Team
There will be an information meeting for all students interested in joining the Alpine Ski Team on Friday, November 5 in room 206 at the beginning lunch. No race experience required but you will need your own equipment to participate. Please see Ms. Kreuger if you have any questions or cannot attend.
Swim Team
There will be a meeting for all students interested in joining the swim team in room 307 at lunch on Thursday November 4. Please see Mr. Lehan or Ms. Nagel for more information if you are unable to attend the meeting.
Sports Results
St. Benedict CSS 41, St. David CSS 21
St. Benedict CSS 60, St. Mary's HS 30
[SF] St. Benedict CSS 52, ES Pere-Rene 27
St. Benedict CSS 25, St. David CSS 17
[SF] St. Benedict CSS 30, ES Pere-Rene 28
[SF] St. Benedict CSS 28, St. Mary's HS 0
St. Benedict CSS 12, St. Mary's HS 8
[SF] St. Benedict CSS 13, St. David CSS 6
Msgr. Doyle CSS 3, St. Benedict CSS 2
Woodland Christian HS 0, St. Benedict CSS 3
St. Benedict CSS 3, Woodland Christian HS 1
Looking to see when and where the Saints play next?
See the calendar at the bottom of the newsletter
Senior Footballers head to D8 Finals Friday
Please congratulate the members of the senior boys football team for an impressive 28-0 semi-final win over St. Mary's High School. A strong all-around team effort contributed to the victory!
The team travels to Resurrection Secondary School on Friday afternoon for the District 8 Final. Wish them luck!
Girls Basketball Saints to play in D8 final Wednesday
The Senior Girls basketball advanced to the D8 championship game with a convincing 52-27 win over Pere Rene. High scorers for the Saints were Lily Vrugteman with 20 points and Ana Garcia with 10 points.
The girls will face a tough St Mary's team today. Wish them luck!
The Junior girls' basketball team won big semi-final game vs Pere Rene Monday night in our gym by a score of 30-28. 20 points from Stacey Tran, and the tremendous defensive efforts of Kaitlyn Elliot helped the girls to advance to the championship game verses Woodland Christian on Wednesday. GO Saints!
Junior Boys V-ball season ends
Although the Junior Boys Volleyball team swept their first play-off game against St. Mary's last Wednesday, they unfortunately they lost a hard-fought battle to Rockway in the Semi-finals yesterday. The boys had a phenomenal season, and were undefeated until yesterday loss. Congratulations, Saints, on a wildly successful season!
New Club! New Club! New Club! New Club!
Star Trek Club starts Friday!
Are you a fan of science fiction such as travelling through space in starships, time travel, worm hole events and wondering about how different species might get along... or not? Do you like to watch science fiction series and movies? If so, then join Mrs. Kot in room 123 for the Star Trek Club starting this Friday, Nov. 5th at lunch. Hope to see you there!
October in Review...
It has been so nice to finally be back at school and have some normalcy around school events and activities these past two months. October was a month full of sports games, arts events and various activities led by St. Benedict’s student council! The biggest event that the spirit sector held was our first ever movie night on the back soccer field this past Wednesday. The turnout was incredible and everyone enjoyed watching the classic movie, Coraline! The weather was in our favour as well, as it was not too cold or rainy! Students arrived at the school around 6:30pm with canned food items that were all donated to the Cambridge Self Help Food Bank. Alongside these canned items, our Saints community donated $1938 for our October Civvies day, which has been donated to the Food Bank too! Lastly, we are so appreciative of all the teachers who came out to supervise and support, since we couldn’t have done it without them.
A Message from the Mental Wellness Sector
Hey Saints! Our newest sector of SAC, Mental Wellness, has planned plenty of new initiatives to share with the school! We are hoping to feature a variety of mental health resources for anyone at St. Benedict’s seeking some extra help and support. Make sure to keep an eye out for our weekly Wellness posts every Wednesday on the SAC Instagram!
Hey Saints!
Have a great idea?
Want it to be run by SAC?
Fill out the suggestion QR forms posted around the school and
on the Bennies SAC instagram & maybe it will flourish into an event!
Courtyard Coffee House
Our first event of the school year was our Courtyard Coffee House! On October 13 we were able to see all the wonderful talent of our school community in person once again! It was a wonderful fall evening to be able to witness outstanding performances live, after so long. There were over 20 acts including a variety of; vocalists, instrumentalists, spoken word artists, bands and the music class who performed during the evening! We are so grateful for our audience who was able to attend the event while still abiding by the COVID guidelines. It means so much to all of us that we were able to host this event after so long, with the help from our teachers, administrators and custodial staff who made it possible for the show to go on!
Nothing new from the library in this issue! Stay tuned. :-)
Calendar of Events
Thursday, November 4 10:30am: Swim Team information meeting 10:30am: Junior Boys Basketball info meeting 10:30am: Junior Girls Volleyball team information meeting 10:30am: Senior Boys Basketball information meeting 10:30am: GSA Club 10:30am: Chess Club 1:40pm: Math Club 1:40pm: Games Club
Friday, November 5 10:30am: Alpine Ski team information meeting 10:30am: Star Trek Club 11:00am: [FINALS] Senior Boys Football @ Resurrection
Sunday, November 7 2:00am: Daylight Saving Time Ends
Monday, November 8 Quiet Days (Q1) 10:30am: Coding Club 1:45pm: Homework club
Tuesday, November 9 10:30am: Chess Club 10:30am: Finance Club
Wednesday, November 10 8:00am: Evaluation Day - Quad 1 Period 1 10:30am: Coding Club 1:45pm: Homework club
Thursday, November 11 Remembrance Day 8:00am: Evaluation Day - Quad 1 Period 2 10:30am: GSA Club 10:30am: Chess Club 1:40pm: Math Club 1:40pm: Games Club
Friday, November 12 Assessment and Evaluation Credit Recovery/Rescue (Q1)
Monday, November 15 Quadmester 2 begins Bullying Awareness Week 10:30am: Coding Club 1:45pm: Homework club
Tuesday, November 16 10:30am: Chess Club 10:30am: Finance Club 6:00pm: Build a Dream Event
Wednesday, November 17 BENN Newsletter release 10:30am: Coding Club 1:45pm: Homework club 3:30pm: Virtual Workshop: Behaviour Management
Thursday, November 18 10:30am: GSA Club 10:30am: Chess Club 1:40pm: Math Club 1:40pm: Games Club
Friday, November 19 PA Day
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!