Wednesday, December 1, 2021 - Volume 14, Issue 8

Message from Administration

December has arrived, and we continue to appreciate the resilience of our staff and students as we observe the Operational Guidelines to keep our community safe.

We remain hopeful that we will return to a semester system in the new year. This decision will have to be supported by Public Health based on cases and other relevant data. Stay tuned for further information in the new year.

Welcome to Advent - the time to prepare for the birth of Jesus. At St. Benedict, we will celebrate the Advent season in many ways. As students enter the school, they will notice the wreath with the 4 Advent candles as an outward sign of our faith. This week, we began with a prayer service lighting the first advent candle, we will continue our preparation for the season with meaningful prayers for individual classrooms to reflect and share in the Advent Season.

In this time when we are preparing for, and awaiting the birth of Jesus, events around the world serve as reminders that we must continue to build God’s kingdom of Peace, Joy and Love for our neighbour. As people of faith, our acts of charity and caring for our neighbours, as well as our daily actions, are how we help each other see the Face of God and put our faith into action. In turn, we bring a message of Peace, Hope and Love to our community. Let us continue to pray for God’s grace and blessings on the St. Benedict community.

Thanks again for your on-going support. Please continue to stay safe and follow the guidance of public health, so that we all can make the most of the upcoming holiday season.

Admin Team

Mrs. M. Ingoldsby

Ms. E. Riley
Vice Principal
Bo-G & International

Mr. R. Stehlik
Vice Principal

Mr. R. Roque
Vice Principal
man w transparency

New Bell times

Effective Monday, November 29th, 2021

As you are aware from our last BENN, the lunch period has been extended by 5 minutes. As a result the school day has been extended until 1:45. Those that have transportation provided should have received messaging from STSWR with updated schedules.

Positive Parent-Teacher communication

As always parents/ guardians are valuable partners in their child’s education. We invite you to keep the lines of communication open as you can be an effective resource to support the learning your child. As per out WCDSB Administrative Procedures Memorandum #APC001, Communication Guidelines, we ask that all public and interpersonal communications must recognize the dignity of the individual and be conducted fairly, honestly, and with respect.
When a parent, guardian or other board stakeholder has a concern or suggestion, it is expected that the concern/suggestion will first be taken up with the staff member with whom the parent / guardian / stakeholder has the concern/suggestion. Therefore, the process outlined on the right will be followed.


Inclement weather reminder

Inclement Weather Protocol

As you know, there are sometimes days in the winter when we have to cancel bussing due to the weather and unsafe driving conditions for our buses. In consultation with the public board, with whom we share bussing, when we cancel buses, we will close schools and have a remote learning day. Your teacher will communicate with you in advance so you know where to look for school work for the day and protocols on such days, but in broad terms, the teachers will post work in the morning, no later than 9:30 a.m. and students will work on their own timing in their home. It will allow all students to access some learning and we will be continuing to keep one and all safe. We realize it may not be a perfect solution and learning day, but bus snow days rarely were. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience and hope that we are not in this situation too often.

Mr. Castela wins National award

On the evening of November, 25th our own Victor Castela, manufacturing teacher and E.C.P. Coordinator, was recognized by the C.T.M.A. as the Trades Ambassador of the Year.

Mr. Castela’s recognition took place at the C.T.M.A’s A.G.M., where several nationally recognized companies were in attendance. Also, recognized were both pre-apprentices and apprentices that demonstrated extraordinary potential in the manufacturing trades.

Since his start with W.C.D.S.B. Mr. Castela has demonstrated a relentless charge to support students in industry apprentice grade learning. His ability to connect with likeminded and influential people led him to Mr. Chris Hergott and Mr. Rob Cuttle of the C.T.M.A. along with other industry leaders, putting him in a unique position to affect the future of trade driven learning; showing trades to be a viable pathway and lucrative post-secondary option for many students.
As a teacher at St. Benedict, Mr. Castela has led the E-Car team with the help of Mr. Scott Granger, Mr. Anatol and recently, Mr. Dutto for over 10 years. What started as a small club has resulted in many eager students who passionately compete in multiple competition entries and that has further led to three student-built e-cars all of which are being updated regularly or rebuilt by the St. Benedict E-Car club.

The enthusiasm that Mr. Castela creates is infectious. His unending drive to support students and industry alike will create community dividend for years to come. Congratulations Vic, from your Technology Department/Team and the Staff and Students of St. Benedict C.S.S.


Get ready to SAY CHEESE!

Grad photo appointments are now available to book for December!

Click here to get started.

COVID-19 Screening

Just a reminder to complete the screening tool before you arrive at school. Any individual who fails the screener or who is symptomatic in any way should not be reporting to school. That is part of our collective responsibility to one another.

Student pick-up and drop-off

We continue to ask parents to enter off Green Vista into our back entrance, follow the signs in the parking lot and leave out the other exit back onto Green Vista. We would like to see all the cars drive right through to drop off however. If student get dropped off at the start of that parking lot, it just jams up the traffic as other cars try to pull in. Otherwise, traffic is much better at the school. On the Pick up, please feel free to pull into that lot also to take some traffic away from the actual street on Green Vista.

We would also like to thank those that are dropping off and picking up students in the "Drive to 5" locations. This is also taking strain away from our congested bus routes. All your effort makes a difference and it is very much appreciated!! Thank you again as we work towards safety for all our students!!!

Benny has been kidnapped!

Help us rescue Bennie!

Hey Saints and family members! Elves have stolen our mascot, Benny. They’ve let us know that he will be released… on one condition, SBCSS donates the most items in the School Board to The Bridges Shelter. Christmas cheer is a board-wide (yes, that means all the Catholic high schools) item drive competition!

We are looking for warm winter accessories, soaps, dental hygiene products, masks, menstrual hygiene products, and hair care items to be donated.

The item drive ends December 13 and winners will be announced on the 17th. Once they arrive at the school, donations may be placed in the wrapped boxes in front of the Christmas tree in the atrium.

Help us make someone in our communities Christmas a little more cheerful because every human deserves to feel normal on this very special holiday. Please check out the school website and SAC Instagram for more details.

Significant Days & Dates

Click here to view the most up to date calendar information.

Turn Around Date, Civics/Careers: T2 begins December 16
Parent /Student/ Teacher Interviews: Thursday December 16
Christmas Break:
December 20 to 30, 2021 (Classes resume January 3)
March Break:
March 14, 2022 to March 18, 2022
Professional Activity Days:
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Friday, April 8, 2022
Friday, June 3, 2022

Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!





Are you looking for some Spirit Wear for your Saint?

Our second round of spirit wear stores is open until December 13. Please note, orders will NOT be in before Christmas. They will be in by the end of January before the quad change.

There are two shops, one for regular St. Benedict spirit wear, and a second one with several options of spirit wear for the graduating class of 2022.

Pictured on the left are samples from each of the stores. Click on the links below to see other options and place your orders today!

The links to the e-stores:

SBCSS Spirit Wear

SBCSS Class of 2022 Spirit Wear

News from Guidance

Who is your Guidance Counsellor?

Counsellor’s Name


Last names

Mrs. O’Toole
A – Dl
Ms. Arkell
Do – Ki
Mr. Betik
Kl – Pl
Mrs. O’Neill
Po – Z
Ms. Varriano Lane
International Students/ICP

Guidance Google Classrooms

Once again, the Guidance department will have google classrooms available to share information with our students. Please consider joining the classrooms:

Grade 9 and 10

Grade 11 and 12

Scan the code below to book an appointment with your Guidance Counsellor

Then click the plus sign beside your Guidance Counsellor to book an appointment.

Need some EXTRA SUPPORT with your classes?

HOMEWORK CLUB has started in ROOM 210. This club will help you with your LITERACY and NUMERACY needs. This program will run every Monday and Wednesday after school until the end of the school year - that's right all the way until JUNE! Come out join us! We look forward to helping you in your learning journey!


Beaver Computer Contest results are in!

On November 8, students in Mrs. Brennan's grade 10 Academic Math class, students in Mr. Milardovic's grade 10 Introduction to Computer Studies class, and members of the Coders Club participated in the Beaver Computing Challenge. Run annually by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing at the University of Waterloo, the contest gives students in grade 9 and 10 an opportunity to compete against other students around the world to demonstrate an understanding of computer logic, sorting, and critical thinking. The fifteen multiple choice question contest focuses on solving puzzles which may not look like computer problems, but are an introduction to the computing process.
In total, fifty-four students wrote the contest. The top grade 10 student was Billy Hare, with a perfect score of 90. Congratulations Billy! Top grade 9 was Ivan Milardovic with a score of 82.

Students who scored 72/90 or higher have placed in the top 25% and will be receiving a Certificate of Distinction. Fourteen of our students will receive that recognition!

All students who wrote the contest should check their emails for their results, or see Mrs. Brennan in Math or Mr. Milardovic in the Business Workroom or room 216.

Interested in learning more about the Specialist High Skills Major program?

Please go to or drop by the coop office on the second floor to speak with Mrs. Crowell




Sports Results

St. Benedict CSS 3, Rockway MC 0

St. Mary's HS 0, St. Benedict CSS 5

St. Benedict CSS 77, Rockway MC 12


Doctor Who Club is back!

Return to adventuring through time & space with our favourite Time Lord, watching episodes from the world’s longest running SciFi/Fantasy series, now entering its 58th year.
We’re picking up where we left off, with many weeks of new episodes leading up to the conclusion of Jodie Whittaker’s run as the 13th Doctor…and the first woman to ever star in the role.

In celebration of our return, we’re holding weekly prize raffles until we break for Christmas.

Join us every Friday after school in Room 226 for travels into the past and the future. New members are always welcome! Come share in the company of your fellow Whovians.

Cheer Squad is back in action!

Give me a C... give me an H... give me an E... give me an E... give me an R... Gooooo CHEER!

Calling all Grade 12 students, the Co-Chairs of this years Cheer Squad would like to invite you to our first information meeting, this Friday during lunch in Room 124 (Cosmo Room!)
Bring your smiles and your Bennies positive energy!! Can't wait to see you there!!

Fiscal Fun in Finance Club


Stock Market Challenge

The Finance Club is in full swing and we have even started our stock market challenge back up again! Start with $100,000 and see how much you can make before the end of the quadmester. We are doing it a bit differently than in the past, but come see Mr. Milardovic to get your money and start trading!

The Wealthy Barber Returns

Not all members of the Finance Club are interested in trading, but are interested in talking about finances. Through a generous donation by a local organization, several years ago we got a class set of copies of the book by Dave Chilton. Come see Mr. Milardovic to borrow a copy, and be prepared to have some discussion about what you've read at next week's meeting.

Club information is posted regularly on the Finance Club webpage, please check frequently and speak to Mr. Milardovic if you have any questions.

Student Activities

We are getting into the Christmas season!

Here are some of the activities your SAC has planned for you as we prepare for Christmas.

Activities for the week of December 13

Santa Bennie photo booth by the tree.

Christmas Card Writing for Senior Citizens

Christmas Civvies day

Ugly Christmas sweater day
Candygram deliveries in the morning

Christmas decorations, candygrams, virtual assemblies and more! Follow us on Instagram for more information!

Hey Saints!

Have a great idea?

Want it to be run by SAC?

Fill out the suggestion QR forms posted around the school and
on the Bennies SAC instagram & maybe it will flourish into an event!

Other News

News from the Library

Nothing new from the library in this issue! Stay tuned. :-)

Calendar of Events

Thursday, December 2
8:00am: Wrestling Tournament #1
10:30am: GSA Club
10:30am: Chess Club
1:45pm: Robotics Team
1:45pm: Math Club
1:45pm: Games Club

Friday, December 3
10:30am: Cheer Squad info meeting
10:30am: Star Trek Club
1:45pm: Doctor Who Club

Sunday, December 5
Second Sunday of Advent

Monday, December 6
Grad Photos 1
10:30am: Literature Club
10:30am: Coding Club
1:45pm: Debate Club
1:45pm: Homework club
2:30pm: Sr. Girls Hockey vs Resurrection CSS
3:00pm: Jr. Boys Basketball @ Msgr Doyle CSS
3:00pm: Jr. Girls Volleyball vs Msgr Doyle CSS
3:00pm: Sr. Girls Volleyball vs Msgr Doyle CSS
4:30pm: Sr. Boys Basketball @ Msgr Doyle CSS

Tuesday, December 7
Skills Ontario Parent/Guardian Skilled Trade & Technology Information Series
10:30am: Chess Club
10:30am: Finance Club
2:30pm: Sr. Boys Hockey vs Resurrection CSS

Wednesday, December 8
10:30am: Literature Club
10:30am: Coding Club
1:00pm: Swimming Mini-Meet #2
1:45pm: Racing Saints E-car club
1:45pm: Homework club
2:00pm: Sr. Girls Hockey @ Msgr Doyle CSS
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Basketball @ Resurrection CSS
3:00pm: Sr. Girls Volleyball vs Resurrection CSS
3:00pm: Jr. Girls Volleyball vs Resurrection CSS
3:30pm: Virtual Workshop: Storytelling
4:30pm: Jr. Boys Basketball @ Resurrection CSS

Thursday, December 9
10:30am: GSA Club
10:30am: Chess Club
1:45pm: Robotics Team
1:45pm: Math Club
1:45pm: Games Club
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Hockey @ Msgr Doyle CSS

Friday, December 10
10:30am: Star Trek Club
1:45pm: Doctor Who Club

Sunday, December 12
Third Sunday of Advent
Monday, December 13
Christmas Week!
10:30am: Literature Club
10:30am: Coding Club
1:45pm: Debate Club
1:45pm: Homework club
2:30pm: Sr. Girls Hockey vs St. David CSS
3:00pm: Jr. Girls Volleyball vs St. Mary's HS
3:00pm: Sr. Girls Volleyball vs St. Mary's HS
3:30pm: Jr. Boys Basketball @ St. Mary's HS
5:00pm: Sr. Boys Basketball @ St. Mary's HS

Tuesday, December 14
10:30am: Chess Club
10:30am: Finance Club
2:30pm: Sr. Boys Ice Hockey vs St. David CSS

Wednesday, December 15
Civvies Day
BENN Newsletter release
10:30am: Literature Club
10:30am: Coding Club
11:15am: Swimming Mini-Meet #1
1:45pm: Racing Saints E-car club
1:45pm: Homework club
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Basketball vs St. David CSS
3:00pm: Sr. Girls Volleyball @ St. David CSS
3:00pm: Jr. Girls Volleyball @ St. David CSS
3:30pm: Virtual Workshop: Digital Art
4:30pm: Jr. Boys Basketball vs St. David CSS

Thursday, December 16
Turn Around Date for Careers/Civics
8:00am: Wrestling Tournament #1
10:30am: GSA Club
10:30am: Chess Club
1:45pm: Robotics Team
1:45pm: Math Club
1:45pm: Games Club
2:00pm: Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences

Friday, December 17
10:30am: Star Trek Club
1:45pm: Doctor Who Club

Sunday, December 19
Fourth Sunday of Advent

Monday, December 20
Christmas Break

Friday, December 24
Christmas Eve

Saturday, December 25
Christmas Day

Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!

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